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April 13, 1900 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-04-13

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be I



G. H. WILD & Co.'
wce have lst re eivedl 001 line
of spring woolens for men's
wear. It includes everything in
staples that are suitable anti de-
sirable for the season. We are
also showing fol ranges in nov-
elties, in quality anti style to
suit the most exacting taste,
consisting of Top Coats, Suit-
ings, Faury- Vests and Golf
Trouserings. We invite you to
casitanti insipet oirline t
108 E. Washir)gtor) St.
Artist thstcofAit
Maer als ilfrmWt
i to te smeutilpit
Oil Puits, Chia
orDawig Ppes
ad iBrushe f ali
Wilder's Pharmacy
THE OLD Fr-v~ woe f ne
RELIABLE hriad"waehawt
t11151S5I -I7'i~1'iY.
R.E. JOLLY & C.1
I New Styles ad Ptterss

ANN ARBORt ICI, FRIDPAY, APRIL 1 .1 900. No. 150.
MENTAL THERAPEUTICS. I01fte neros system also bringsoitl NOT DISTURB3ED.
anarmat and ooril appeenstons,
ouh as (yingburniigiitain e .In
Dr. Dewey Explains Their Importance user ro r-e-ta' "'hrmoy n Freshmen Give Annual Banquet Wil-i
to Medical Society. diseaseui bdytheishowed te inpet- out Interference of Soph.
ane at each organ working in ter- The social seasois of te schoot ye-r
Thereglarmonhl inetig o evty oar isony wits echotiler land O l-400t sas clooed last night by
niedical soiety sas heldl last evening lwtimte poser, the nervoo system the freshman banufet given at Gran-
in tile loiwer lcture ioom ot the mdi that direts i his is est (loe is some grs ity the class of 103. The evi-
at beiding. The sciety was clled i ases by eeping the patient occupied tecles of the banuet were nmerous
torder by President Kenn~edly wian~id it is ese ior p~ysitais to diretttdiiing the latter part at the after-
0allI idulgtecei.inon anst uring the evening. Here
fafete choice s-aids intiodutced Lit in loel to brngaoittit complete sui thee one would encounter a body
spteaker of the etc-iong, Drliciorticotti theemst ie ia ehabtatian at of sophomores oat in force ant i'th
Dewved. of ChicagoDi. Dewey is aI mental and moral fore that has been that peclarly- mysterious earing
grdat fth eical dparit ntlost A patient aton-sridtear and wihtithey assie sout li..rctting
cratlale 1 tieileaitient ofoten beneited by timeTheir class and tact tiissiiii
graduting~t with the class of 'i t gpeellng iitoempoy his tmiioin ie was tunmistakable. tBut thir efttorts
present lie is-i lecturer 10 the Past peoing smcthiig anti .ur. Deweye has Iwerie in vain. Fr the taiotintewvas
Graduate School foi Pitysicinsl tnd 101 nilta lacreed iwhich le says has n ot tdistiirbed or iterriiiti-ti. and11 0t-
Sureon, lcaril t tutag ani l-s tiugntt hiutbondeud success I s iie of harrssinge one oitwoe fresh-
isSrgotails-si aCicaoandhturen iconsideably st their say toe
lst recently- resibntdlhis thoairii Itc bhes e its thelelintg paw r ociianulet lll rhe sopihs. otompisot-i
theNorhweter Scoolof.bleicm naure nthiiingTie lathies tereescorted tii
tI itt ieweyspo ito sthe society-tponti"I be seir that Ia ktildtandcexeri h i o teio:tpt by t u iptr
th sbec,"etolT Iherapieutcs icetiphsciatn ciii eneasort01 cl-Imeandi-I thetli-tiys s-sntis ici
the-'I'riaiment of Nti-is Ois-its--cantitur-them. Posile in small partties oathre at
In al-ieisig lhestitedti"thai tie thin - etugldliccttec e a-- surancetttjith tirtderg'arotaar-tty-o01juniors
p siii s uil ilts ilt ie, s itiedintotu can rgintian-y hea lth aititiwill at i sill ie Ofall tese IIIer-tiiios ite o-
te lastsistrallitcit, f -us wih 111111tiat ssuirrt-siititt ta freshmenfoungretin-iiultty
relted ichieftyItoistieadinistiOton I iilttsrelimymindtfieeifrom it satigtetie iloks rout sohtttoore
of drugs internally for acute diseases;titotutt ntlfeIt;it-dititili titotigistctt issors.
atecititthtof ii-tnaictle-i ill-!Iwhoe ilsatl-Is-isib, lians bitsint T Ihiiba1q11e11itaclftwsi:itteat sill
itsrltiigispiliy toithe c-in-e 1 she ltl w-s-Siohahelp nite, lltHippoCcss idifferingidecideidly-alit hare-
at surgeri-; thirdnieetaitat-sit atom ate I ,othe fitheriiiofii ned done spect rout the spomtore 11o11guieen
tr-aeitirseichs ieal especially - Iie spe-aker closeiltiby saiyibthat (-acoupile of wekss ago. Irhe art-tnle-
iii liii ist ass iof ti-e mtaitindjtlhetil'fitlitof1mentalttitirautiia ts rets iweciecel-bort a-dawcit carried
hbsdy. tic attainmeni t tt se it a intutuomit inittihtt oris iig ol-ut. ThI le iweret tc-arctgeitheii
lessillt heti-treattiteni iof isseaes oflthe ri-cilldiotveritsita-eadi i ttoh-ntenhtonautl Isatte ite deca-
theim ittdluttditeriotssisetmtwasitilie' rt rtettstigag iod tistlts I tbe ttacs cosistditofle-s-s-sbatksaoat
wichwer eititmtctployedantd it a great One iitig tery notieaettwas tetiut flowese ii protftusinTit he tuvur
tmatiytsastre tutetitcs exactetdt Iy littgi tittlrt ofi -aciultiembes ies - as there itn nettgstybliestok
stmreto -r- iay -enlo tieii - it wichlishow thiiat i theliii ltyias'lbiithlltbssd oc tin the tp-
in thitemtioitt-t-s-sm-i t al ndl v tila-s ti-elttidetsa oprcciteI h thi itteiitiitdcinerittntd '1t9i23tIin this
moral ittherapeut1111 le iurgedl iuponitilft LI t ilt sh i 01or atiaon i - i islowerIrgttattilctltntetI I-oity- cupjt
studntsto akeint acorn th r<exitene ad Hlpsto ride oer les sweri-sered iitht.'lefollinitg
twit t it hstpaten111tn's tilt tit a-;xisted n- -11theit-laclt b-tistgdents.ci nient
esi s wIltithe atsiet'rsiwn 'I lt- aititttt -nl ltieti ut- lPointts ITosted Crscker
te~l~e~anen an corsttrtio muSt I<X~r1 f1eSin U{;l {rrei'CH ioat Squtabs S-ratogsiChips
ts-nspe-titett -tid oticititoi nso-s hxersnce tnSouh Aer a ~ ~ IRolls
mtuibe r tade at them Int -trir t ve eoutt11111tc titthis c- ia-hiitariilthest- tStsss tLettuteeSndwihets
t rs Ia -tiu i e a - i otilneatoth Socthel Armhita .o t ea r1 eeagiOive
tug o the structure oatoe brai andtt lngtLitpanofthtwod hihaitdllmns
of ,- ni ecc a - -ears thn ws I t h i ii ti oi 1-titt-tt lton s
tuu 5tti theyi I t iito SouthliAmttictio atit titticrlquitiIe restit
n-sda nate pssibe byt theisrthat tltsit'I litlthtud Sttr -gt 0 -ent AsorteiFantiysC-ks
itcu'a h i ltenpoeo trv i C t-fsiltis ctiuctingu a5survey luthu urs-ue OivCofete-tu-u-~
- structurt- ncr-s-c-fatigue-sias til e-t tiecoutrtuiy btwtteinrthetilt- tu utan t1o als of ist -utthet- rgnuu
sttlt ot orsetritai attil urtuou isand enrtlhut-tca1 tt landhi posil r a olw:Feioit-ut C.
ltiuwim closusyupitni ttsisa istr tIbtest rurte om a cauaifom the lstAt ic istsi a a ItIft. Vt lltu ; , tutu
tititlthanget'inithe ter-s-c-itsl. lnt h Pct ~ai lcecsH~tlyt co;pees
onetimpoitantit ~ itFaofe nd Nil-.tsu obeiuturtstutt-tt ithes is tlaPst r tor V t Lueti
a 1-ti-rable restlt Iinmental thitg ebl attic to the c-illcluisintat To I t eg n CaPi atat
; peuccs, i to h,(, yor t a~ent~ coni1[u:anl c-udhlietuecett-lhuuithishetutu-str
this he cited st-seral ass slovitti le cario-sustitds at trees thut ietO Srn titittishi t'UpLtsin
tutu- liit' iicoist aptiu tt deth-riv s in u titumusat iniitiltopc . e Iit111111 51;3lii-5 tLutui
a n o iic i_ ys i ad i n( aie niguttos IItt oz .Al h a thi "rosItilttog l it-
mrc t i a inl. he ef-uu ased i taltnoIi it- i ngs ii iii l t te i i 1 -t-utu - - - u It tttin s It teta
ies whichmit patiemnt hasre ittl-t grmthoseil itiit i I ttu inttero r ny L.iP utr-itutvts Vtu'atu V.
tmtuyicti-e-s not1puneyit maluginitry-knutsnitto eaits No1teittr see1due.5.1w itt- Ipha siont -hichir
al formerlytututt supposedt fot toi they rsciotli ru--uteteitutu-u ttti Freerichs C. CnumptchsriTheh-s
s totwmut t a gnu-at 111511 - stsIar11 e nittk b t l i at s o o 1_1a C i frtr iis . C
Irepi-nihemupotnimismte stucturam fom boh I us-rtoii bhibnd somesu hllertonI
I cutist ehan-i-u -f-i hertnl-uuiusmubyu dw itie I it,,as tutu - -r a Pu cmtttit stn uait ltge eie:
-Suiiu fill tuentstsita erandtotu s ut s tt he i shimrce Generitt u iutnuu it F. 1 1le, PllItttap-
vs td lip nand l tti iltorFer Ic h -vs uhoutfourtu-ade thetmutto ttuvu-peinu It h o hmausSigma
ttdtitststutittgemetiemsttot advhut t- it t hetc otr-ita titiutchairmtantI I. Shuphert.Sigmatu
thu-si I ueft li n y reau-u--it hummvucavutt e hitrea t i ldthlutitbtuu"ittitt,11n1th iu tltj C ii hu. ts Gr ito 1th,1Dlt1Ka1111
aucumeut 1I te tmobhit tusttte ht5tor ohi i ttttt it t amd otIaitay 01r 11twoIIt patt0n
ito-siitanihbe rebumilt b htie 11nti l" tutn gatututhe samoatdifficuty swoulst -Arrangmnts--Cuarnlt IN Aams Psi
auet('eItme11ti t muia th tiltesi.rke aythe wlhusouile lroces oitruhattypastin, hirattn1111S C, M-sotnJr,
sel u-i11Ithint two ibst .P rt a isi mu tsi uuuuti lnit-itet- ugoneIthutougThItettDeltaChui J.V.Nlsont, ("hit Ito,
-pr itt es n ,ititittu b hie li-rits o itt utuu'illh id d i nt alltyumuuhubue - I . tHa hums Itchta let Pi.
heoaing hypnotism magntute tic iiiimt-cadrshu'o hostilthatt it ithe parthis I' lnusittom-C it.iekeAhatiutDe-
-t. ILui ,its-s e t - useie i a---eat 11111111to d nnt iiu h i r work. tul Ihis It I humi t huai irm; K It irtt, h ih
-many instances being temnpor ay, thi ee i ut not hior hi-sitohishaire, Kppasi; It-s W i iS-stuter SigumasmChi;
ttiu55 i-s. eut tott UndertisII -beeu(toneshaduesitchthuttnitSttes gieti-sts-sPIthtitt IdHazern, Sursis.
tainsthrinteaching atfIpatint toi r - tis- t othttuthat they-nuur-u)ecaiutums rusm ti.DBro, Zetti
to controat thostupostw-ns wih a-ry ot av e he ba'tt isrttleuishi hc sIPi arir~ sP aso
to li btumi axtcomtptlstemarntoh ofthin suppotsedto tay ith ortm ioute d Alpa Dsitaitinm J.uE.it us P. Ritmatu
I mital(ucton ec.In llnevos e on frtuemsont t atimesr -cands 1 huMsshAgiInhs -Wel'ls(ain' a PiStll
nu-t'thutmccuotus5ittfut-sitaknesuoflao hut-gnio l eve-n-aYwt Bto
hullevos u-sm Dffrestrts -t on scuctuin auingtut leit vitngcrthI T11hu aye[abgia ~ lst.t11:45t atd
acty th mseles ',as i a geat any attywithutseudcesiny rittsdt iiosortwenty acswredlyd
aisa Irtestilt sitfthsrtchangesthi fie pleaing mann-rinrswict Mr Lait night the Atepisanud Jeffer-
unaor -rd sensory ditr h mmmy inrt dlierut husletemadinisesotan socetes mret in rotim 24Un-
reaut itsma auci s pain, ahor-e ivut athtsn tc stsuri ieeraity Ithl rtnd tdebated tie oer-
nal tuoughtsraldideassdrugs and hadtheselesrveltedtthroughmthur BrtsitwarIThe Adelpii won ot
drin.,oriusalieyte eullf omaie ungestof Central Ameriea. aonight the Webster and te Alpha
instabilty tf the btiia. And in a____________ N ocetes wivli meet in tdebte anti
great many ustaces over sense in- Dr Richard Detwey ws te gttt of the winning society wll meet te
piesions have trough about the mot Dr VC Vaughan dean of the medcal Adelphu society -tomorrow night hut th
-(earued pathologucal chages. Changes department whue in ttre cite fni of the intersooiety debates

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