P aiL *
No. 147.
FORESTRY PROBLEM. at difference (f coditos io the two Resolutions oi1 Class ol 1901 for
Sp ig- I states the writer has come to a set- Chas. C. Shoer.
nn un er en Its elation to ihgnUiestyte ovcinthat essentially the The class of li0t met yeterdayan
aViwdBitPof Spaulding. New York, with uch modifications as cdoenc o the dwneothonhs.C.
folowig i anextactof n crromtancos may require, will, inShyr
article tby Prof.V. M.SPaling o0 the the long run, produce greater and bet- Whereai a lasdorbev
C ILTGILD O Rtitsso heUiestyt ihteiiresilts in Michigan than an other only Father in His infinite wisdom, to
iganiiForeistry Problems" that aperi that has yet been proposed. The es- tk rmu o
'14ed in the April Alumnsus: setia features of that policy as a-tak rmu u beloved classmate,
Vs ehave juist receiveil our line "Thisi'statement of ani important ready indicated, reC"resC.olve,nwethcasof10
of spring woolens for mc's roblem is the first step tiiwiards its Fi'rtIle acquisitioin b the State "ofeta tet herebyf ex-
wear. It includes everything in sostioi, and whlens as iii the prs eit oh coniierable tracts of lanil for poepesuoteat'torw-o h
salsthat are suitable and de- cae. suck complicated relatiosoas poses ot forestry. p reatsoss ealtsustained;ane
simable for the season. We are tosOpf state control and tprivate own SecindThe establishment of a re- frtheror'e he sse; n
also showing full ranges in nov- ership, the growth of a tree anil vay posishicomumissiis charged with
elties, in quality and styleti to ig soil coniitiois, the practice of an the duty of protection and control of "Resoled, ftht e exeiiiiiiir sin-
suit the most exacting taste, exterinmental art aid the determiuna foiest poet-y en fans~nc'osuoathy toi fb'e iiter aid
consistinog of 'lop Coats, Suit- ioiu ut the scientific priciples oizedci andtt Paid force. " asl i hi uayitito n
tugs, Fancy Vests andI Golfi which it is fused ri all involved t Tid h close assocititoiiof thiteititi
Trouserinpos. We invite you to feomesis dsublys.neessary tso iiora ii'lt' tti 'e t ocriiiit 'Resolv ec, that a ripy f these i'isc-
cal aninspct our line at surte fsue's groiiid it aiy reailus7 i h e rileiisuosiiity o f ideveloiupsing l
tes1siiheeinit. 5ursto this i i'ism intaiiapcimnentorstoy spy be fiscritieit ipoiiiiirsminuiites.
ade h ttetot irs iit ot a'geattem. It s thislattirti tus ithils ,sget
W IIL D S it eecirirnc1 pim iiii i w5ithiri11 (,Itoieiitc at piet 'tici I.t]ed _ 1Lii.'t'HO\hiiSON
108 E. Was bto to will)m Practia esmattelstCHAR LS VAN CRBN
ms 'e , sri i its iiinder stst otr'0l5A ci su ni tee ofsfsb'uuissis oin mem
ii r ire otosist5 'ri' s ter u 't i eri fi isi s ujter h tecii it otsirecsitvtecohntsri ut ,fo m i utrng
wtsaarii iioi sits seteito f55 wi th a is i-ts1 i m nis - i t 'so e csrhii li esusii i.i uoupors eiA 5
Arit teskofartui';i's5''iitis'ira t iliireai tke.Asciscordngy h ut~it tltsictnV
Artit M h .1Asci sisss i 5 i hi i 'ii 'isirsisis hr isas e oisi'ton that it resoiuitit
ateri 'sa o1 t irely w itit'epincesi ofiirt i atei
isu's'rii siisa'iiil t \5rIsietid ioforetrytheph vloheis anisusuu sssti-i-F Moris.e
is no omlte isioiiilfor hi'te itoriuiistudiy iif su
scoueee c-is iistrecent it-ist iu n us umls ans ifferigiThelo- 1issiis to have
olP it-', hna a'5sbietshris Isisti f iiiuciih is it
aothuer act lcl- e 55 of 'irssh tis hai t i ii t t i its t psi cisii iime ts i iso .tcigan, fiuir ouidst e flu srthi b iung broken
o s, D wng iaper~s ttes s uell a.s iiih od rlfe t'hsiuausisiast l e t i iimost total iguis iIn te topass iiwil la wor ei ot
is-s. 'irofs''.iewsha fitfuly etabishdianist u iiheornnuroundis01.TstI'he
kn istiiafnitisses.tei
tha itis othtaerigt ad ts dus 0eth uwi lieoreeresd ii Ltaven
1ie 'sPharmacy iie-,sĀ°tihic tt" t usesutiu utdogs-ti' rl"1osettg.
it solits firest 0. stuh, ile Y' .o s sito hiairsot edta Wisll Address the Lqneerinq So
erinrstn ienlatven-uigc i
ii' i: is i irsistck xi isb isoi in in t te e lr t o tiiutise lsisteit i>tIi C1 uisMr.s ivie ite .S o , bt efSurte
RELIABLE au1 C nolt i TU 0 ii s iiuscsi ssiis staehssi fsii'iii s inii iiit tii' 5iY asntrs-CmssanyI e wii. illC. y u eoureusing
i'l-'f1 . t~-i ssi'tiis' ei e it'r-?B A h i thstiir5 I i'sii'iiii" te deti mossietit iiyia
'- . J 0 j,1,,. "v>'Y" ( Q t --smg l imb is trei , a ree5 ite5 00t i s ili fit scit i isApirth 5 ih u i l sie ,sto 'loctsiu-n- t e si calnss
si-sut suiires'~t ~ iuis usl iss i slishe iies se ttia ePrdcilets of thet ie ii iii
EmussY& - I tt I a o u ,e o w a t a d h s s y ti rs s-dt - sub eitsan wi h th 5 sls ir h usv eas is hu e i etiriiso relative
el agrretrn hn ast-is in r In theiiiii tu ce hsssit echshst ad ra] so l iouia- illetiniguii byativ
5'n a'ore, 'Th saYw ya suiig t-huve i'scletts'idea-is -itsire-isiic'oih is rc l t uliou 'suit ue uouati onUu
lc v lue o r i timbule Irlut sii ofits-isi--i to ai n-hst- -ii he tusuus-us fsier i 1t ishtopicihe il-s ics1isn eie
t ii an l~ei c, asin r sn i sto hssusst!]iiiIin st rir onsfau t i s t of .1'het ' tiatiut i eiltieo
Strawb rriesiev it imes hat5i of5 thesiron iepiult ue - ivtu siie a hir~jt Iv 'tit'e-sciencv ofsbfrnb--itchlu-sventiaionc
TodCay o tesut cm itfdsteahr btsr e 5 l opie r-bic- fece err. As ho hmase iterestd in
saTd ro lm it s hihthesistateiii fssioririt isususs is t e his thi s'tso thur sujet sre- cords-lly invtes to at
is so o lo fdit) all elute s'ii to' 'ii iitoiisiis1Sninny h e' beiiudsrit he inuti 5 t 'usind ii)'itea eri pi i b s on this
AT TIHE SODA FOUNTAI N los uusut-si .- -s it o orm-a-unt for uoiu its-i wai s nsut nliests-Lis'to fist ue i~usdyater Vacation.
'Ito pokeyrS' u-rus notsQtly the icuuuuuu imu hbu h istiry to fte urisit - --
F pq Ienitse atcumisuioiuhoisf aI isis. fcis eth ird lae1 a tachersthube Sact elut isot-ltCosmpa un
6or.s- of sousut lad.stowill' tandsie tueto u tii551henus'I.iliiithur huc t-i e f tur 'le Satshi oprt-c efestiuval cou-
A /L I N SlP HARit CY 5r truu hge. el rviinlirti ususs'o seet 's frohisphuoiuntuurof p555555" or -.5 sio1 51of sasrs.
CAKN'AMC Y isiso sxistet c-stun iii'nt-l st5I5d1555 utus ailiy ii(i0Itisusslsushi Si-'D. If - 'i inarist of pueat
!H itthsur'hu e isot e sit of S Ii a iii r s it a1large sns is-cius ucctess busity i opest croes b in'gs"'t oue
6sssssi tor isis'sst- hiss-' this' uiset 'fill usil a s htesrussins- fle houiesof anusthfle ameoi tu'i s n cor andstsin-
I -- -allitsb utts. r5eadung-tusthe sssedr oufith ba cuutiu sieettrssr vilce,
B A LjI nybe askohedisheher theur Iiou-rsstislur su ponltit, .Isuv hich heuueu with spenduid effect; he
ca a hesablityv ssedIi ilulinso rut his-u tie-s srus suouldsl as as isis osuslesising ersoalit.
to uns sols-u<I Iee lnobes ss-uu Ieto el uwth Amerc is mstl worthily repesent-
A NI trot tuu usss ii hoits-susih I -sis ins mtisuuhue i ssus b usssius lct us ih-'sirnd uorgnztion by'Mine.
iuusucisits if osce,-tt-aiedto515ver5soutsinhs an'sd thersuch aids Pasqua lisho cn Jusl ty csim th
the question.thehur hitpts' iuoffirstiV js -u-hdstnctionunofibei-n-' uneiof Ameria's
i t ConclUiversity sod us te isuti'e NewKud oil Degree -retest riuima dnna sornos. Aside
ALSO A LARGE STOCK OF of Newv Yorte is especiuiayheliul in A ness'dereneer hbefoe conl-from hvig a nmsrvelously beutiful
this connection. (ered by to collegesvao given by the voce ull of smpathy, of vlvty
Sys !y Tht College of Forestry hias been University of Chicago at the ping, quality, well ochooled and even
yp y V orgaized with well-known seialists asoiaion exercises lat ueek. The tougtout, with a rare flexibility and
MS j in chaige and is already offering a degree is called associate in sts, in range, she is endowed with the divine
foist s-ros course 'withs excellent op literature, or in science, acording to pa-histronic fire and a most
In New Styles snot Patterns prtunities nt only for practical sortk done. Ifws granted to fifteen charming face and fgure. Madame is
training but for the invesfigatison of students who had completed the work a great artist and ranks with the fewv
just such far-reaching questions as we of the freshman and sophomore years. really great sopranos In the wold.
are now considering. Preident Harper thinks that this in- The proeeda of this concert are t
IA A . D Q "After holding for some time a novation will radically change the go to the fund of the Horn patie
V V IH I I'"S different view, and while recognizin-g award of degree at Chicago. Hospital Guild.