'*of P aiL * 'VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICH., TUESDAY, APRIL 10, 1900. No. 147. FORESTRY PROBLEM. at difference (f coditos io the two Resolutions oi1 Class ol 1901 for Sp ig- I states the writer has come to a set- Chas. C. Shoer. nn un er en Its elation to ihgnUiestyte ovcinthat essentially the The class of li0t met yeterdayan aViwdBitPof Spaulding. New York, with uch modifications as cdoenc o the dwneothonhs.C. folowig i anextactof n crromtancos may require, will, inShyr article tby Prof.V. M.SPaling o0 the the long run, produce greater and bet- Whereai a lasdorbev C ILTGILD O Rtitsso heUiestyt ihteiiresilts in Michigan than an other only Father in His infinite wisdom, to iganiiForeistry Problems" that aperi that has yet been proposed. The es- tk rmu o '14ed in the April Alumnsus: setia features of that policy as a-tak rmu u beloved classmate, Vs ehave juist receiveil our line "Thisi'statement of ani important ready indicated, reC"resC.olve,nwethcasof10 of spring woolens for mc's roblem is the first step tiiwiards its Fi'rtIle acquisitioin b the State "ofeta tet herebyf ex- wear. It includes everything in sostioi, and whlens as iii the prs eit oh coniierable tracts of lanil for poepesuoteat'torw-o h salsthat are suitable and de- cae. suck complicated relatiosoas poses ot forestry. p reatsoss ealtsustained;ane simable for the season. We are tosOpf state control and tprivate own SecindThe establishment of a re- frtheror'e he sse; n also showing full ranges in nov- ership, the growth of a tree anil vay posishicomumissiis charged with elties, in quality and styleti to ig soil coniitiois, the practice of an the duty of protection and control of "Resoled, ftht e exeiiiiiiir sin- suit the most exacting taste, exterinmental art aid the determiuna foiest poet-y en fans~nc'osuoathy toi fb'e iiter aid consistinog of 'lop Coats, Suit- ioiu ut the scientific priciples oizedci andtt Paid force. " asl i hi uayitito n tugs, Fancy Vests andI Golfi which it is fused ri all involved t Tid h close assocititoiiof thiteititi Trouserinpos. We invite you to feomesis dsublys.neessary tso iiora ii'lt' tti 'e t ocriiiit 'Resolv ec, that a ripy f these i'isc- cal aninspct our line at surte fsue's groiiid it aiy reailus7 i h e rileiisuosiiity o f ideveloiupsing l tes1siiheeinit. 5ursto this i i'ism intaiiapcimnentorstoy spy be fiscritieit ipoiiiiirsminuiites. ade h ttetot irs iit ot a'geattem. It s thislattirti tus ithils ,sget W IIL D S it eecirirnc1 pim iiii i w5ithiri11 (,Itoieiitc at piet 'tici I.t]ed _ 1Lii.'t'HO\hiiSON 108 E. Was bto to will)m Practia esmattelstCHAR LS VAN CRBN ms 'e , sri i its iiinder stst otr'0l5A ci su ni tee ofsfsb'uuissis oin mem ii r ire otosist5 'ri' s ter u 't i eri fi isi s ujter h tecii it otsirecsitvtecohntsri ut ,fo m i utrng wtsaarii iioi sits seteito f55 wi th a is i-ts1 i m nis - i t 'so e csrhii li esusii i.i uoupors eiA 5 Arit teskofartui';i's5''iitis'ira t iliireai tke.Asciscordngy h ut~it tltsictnV Artit M h .1Asci sisss i 5 i hi i 'ii 'isirsisis hr isas e oisi'ton that it resoiuitit ateri 'sa o1 t irely w itit'epincesi ofiirt i atei isu's'rii siisa'iiil t \5rIsietid ioforetrytheph vloheis anisusuu sssti-i-F Moris.e is no omlte isioiiilfor hi'te itoriuiistudiy iif su scoueee c-is iistrecent it-ist iu n us umls ans ifferigiThelo- 1issiis to have olP it-', hna a'5sbietshris Isisti f iiiuciih is it aothuer act lcl- e 55 of 'irssh tis hai t i ii t t i its t psi cisii iime ts i iso .tcigan, fiuir ouidst e flu srthi b iung broken o s, D wng iaper~s ttes s uell a.s iiih od rlfe t'hsiuausisiast l e t i iimost total iguis iIn te topass iiwil la wor ei ot is-s. 'irofs''.iewsha fitfuly etabishdianist u iiheornnuroundis01.TstI'he kn istiiafnitisses.tei tha itis othtaerigt ad ts dus 0eth uwi lieoreeresd ii Ltaven 1ie 'sPharmacy iie-,sĀ°tihic tt" t usesutiu utdogs-ti' rl"1osettg. it solits firest 0. stuh, ile Y' .o s sito hiairsot edta Wisll Address the Lqneerinq So erinrstn ienlatven-uigc i ii' i: is i irsistck xi isb isoi in in t te e lr t o tiiutise lsisteit i>tIi C1 uisMr.s ivie ite .S o , bt efSurte RELIABLE au1 C nolt i TU 0 ii s iiuscsi ssiis staehssi fsii'iii s inii iiit tii' 5iY asntrs-CmssanyI e wii. illC. y u eoureusing i'l-'f1 . t~-i ssi'tiis' ei e it'r-?B A h i thstiir5 I i'sii'iiii" te deti mossietit iiyia '- . J 0 j,1,,. "v>'Y" ( Q t --smg l imb is trei , a ree5 ite5 00t i s ili fit scit i isApirth 5 ih u i l sie ,sto 'loctsiu-n- t e si calnss si-sut suiires'~t ~ iuis usl iss i slishe iies se ttia ePrdcilets of thet ie ii iii EmussY& - I tt I a o u ,e o w a t a d h s s y ti rs s-dt - sub eitsan wi h th 5 sls ir h usv eas is hu e i etiriiso relative el agrretrn hn ast-is in r In theiiiii tu ce hsssit echshst ad ra] so l iouia- illetiniguii byativ 5'n a'ore, 'Th saYw ya suiig t-huve i'scletts'idea-is -itsire-isiic'oih is rc l t uliou 'suit ue uouati onUu lc v lue o r i timbule Irlut sii ofits-isi--i to ai n-hst- -ii he tusuus-us fsier i 1t ishtopicihe il-s ics1isn eie t ii an l~ei c, asin r sn i sto hssusst!]iiiIin st rir onsfau t i s t of .1'het ' tiatiut i eiltieo Strawb rriesiev it imes hat5i of5 thesiron iepiult ue - ivtu siie a hir~jt Iv 'tit'e-sciencv ofsbfrnb--itchlu-sventiaionc TodCay o tesut cm itfdsteahr btsr e 5 l opie r-bic- fece err. As ho hmase iterestd in saTd ro lm it s hihthesistateiii fssioririt isususs is t e his thi s'tso thur sujet sre- cords-lly invtes to at is so o lo fdit) all elute s'ii to' 'ii iitoiisiis1Sninny h e' beiiudsrit he inuti 5 t 'usind ii)'itea eri pi i b s on this AT TIHE SODA FOUNTAI N los uusut-si .- -s it o orm-a-unt for uoiu its-i wai s nsut nliests-Lis'to fist ue i~usdyater Vacation. 'Ito pokeyrS' u-rus notsQtly the icuuuuuu imu hbu h istiry to fte urisit - -- F pq Ienitse atcumisuioiuhoisf aI isis. fcis eth ird lae1 a tachersthube Sact elut isot-ltCosmpa un 6or.s- of sousut lad.stowill' tandsie tueto u tii551henus'I.iliiithur huc t-i e f tur 'le Satshi oprt-c efestiuval cou- A /L I N SlP HARit CY 5r truu hge. el rviinlirti ususs'o seet 's frohisphuoiuntuurof p555555" or -.5 sio1 51of sasrs. CAKN'AMC Y isiso sxistet c-stun iii'nt-l st5I5d1555 utus ailiy ii(i0Itisusslsushi Si-'D. If - 'i inarist of pueat !H itthsur'hu e isot e sit of S Ii a iii r s it a1large sns is-cius ucctess busity i opest croes b in'gs"'t oue 6sssssi tor isis'sst- hiss-' this' uiset 'fill usil a s htesrussins- fle houiesof anusthfle ameoi tu'i s n cor andstsin- I -- -allitsb utts. r5eadung-tusthe sssedr oufith ba cuutiu sieettrssr vilce, B A LjI nybe askohedisheher theur Iiou-rsstislur su ponltit, .Isuv hich heuueu with spenduid effect; he ca a hesablityv ssedIi ilulinso rut his-u tie-s srus suouldsl as as isis osuslesising ersoalit. to uns sols-u