94 Paii~4
Spring j
0. H. WILD & CO.
We have just received 00r line
of spring woolens for men'
wear. It includes everything in
staples that are suilabic and de-
sirahle for the season. Wec 're
also shiowinig foil ranges in nov-
elties, in doality antI style to
sitit the most exactingtastle,
consisting of lop Croa ts, Suit-
iogs, Fancy Vests and Golf'
Trouiserinios. We invite you to
call andl inspect our linie .at
108 E. Wasbig tot) St.
Artist ok f rts
Materialsadeil rmwt
ad ha vadedti
Wilers Phrmacy
No. 124.
LIQUID AIR. palet mass unoder the econtrol of a few Senior Class Iniestiatio n.
jdireeting minds has somehow ond in For statistical purposes, the iistor-
E~erients q Prf. Fr r ~ soewsay hees of audvantage to vom-inlans of the senior etass has requested,
P meretat Amerteca. Again, they had to from the various members, answers to
Night-Entertaining t are the esorel eonsvictioin that while th otwo ustos n ts
perisents great evils result teem tie trusts 00 wethintsorloingetintoegrdoth
Aniaudiienofta'shet h600seas enter have thena today, neverttheless these elass hitotry witltie cheerfully re,
lamned tiv Pest.Freer isitha his lec ture5or ganizatiosiarse toil implerfectly 11 rivel
05n Liqid Aur. The first past of this derstasli-the case thatlproduce and
1. What to your course in eotiege?
tectuire econsistedl ot shiortistory susstaini thenm--thirtrusiceconioici oe-2. What to your sweighit?
ofthle varises steps hy swhielh the niicancrs-ass toe ohscue as yet to3 What is year date ot birth?
meithod o1 prodiuction has biemenhirought ivarrialit ivcn raicialsregsilationa, let Wa syu eiin
up to its paresenit perteetion. It was alonie a swee1ping piohihition. And it
t. What is your future iieelliitioii?
show n that liquid air is no newe thing mualst liiitlahe eice iat there 10 a 6 Whalet is year nicik iaiie?
hilt isssbeeiikneowo to scientists for 'reat inherent weakiiess in a reso- 7. What is your favoirite stasng phrase?
am selsne lirsher I flil lsci wilieolvisisl leiiigltS. Wh'lat is the favoreite amauisemnt of
centedl in almiioit every i'oiuntry to lee forwcard to remedylt til'uest probtlema, the class?'
storetthe liqid.u Hosesvsc it wsas nsot 1111ccs its adsvocats atoadiiiit that it 9. Whata the ms nea iededim lprove-
until eeenlyu'thatltheyie r'eiiiiughit 1111111nottmi5cli itrlsts 01115in exist-
is the' lresleit sliii'of1pesletciin. ence.'Ihe techiiiniiicswer that tihe ei fi ~ ilalls
10). SWhos inyourieooiioiiiis,
Som11e ofi these iol ainelles is'erci'veiry resolutioni 111rrosesd lie issiui'tisoppos-
S lirae an1111 oe licliatedii-shiciili sis n--'lie' "formation" of trulsts 1was lest ia et liilli lilea h
lierhp thilsde 1rcasonlwhy lithey'use'e otsighi t ii till :s'nse(' ot theutiite iiiie-
mel'sii'i'is~iii sai (iiI Iciii it is iici i auldeal )Ibest iooksing girl .
Duiriig the lieture'' iarbonsiidue iiiilvyiwithi ihe lfuturie. (dcF)1B0est oi'n'iliaut
NV lichlhad toi be s oilili ii~i' ld diyi i 1 K e i in ieniii tillse ificltill'
!.o e ii liidis'ai' apsi Ilsetd aIoelllivi' ahgato(ir)nleet theeiai'irm1t11111011
a is iiiiiiiud1111 ience. ssiA1isuiielisistoeI''ithat theygsalecutedtile' s aeiei muu
ivile i' I ii' el iiioii h s; i Iu isl f sse l iite saiiii1111ritIi (tl g } lass iCrsaink? t~i' of gr'
iiirtiln1d111oiiieiwhich ometi hell/il i (h) T-l st conce11i"t e iiioman
asfewCrumb 'from triovss1111011ch clweith 'resksiiiian''jii'"ent. Tesi ho1notliestiusmefa-
coi'i s t liii'esl l ii p1s. 1By m iinisii()lltost'i'lo11ce1'tediliesanc
position hat befor5thi'iirmtio11o0"
ofi lane rn il l ie g iiiiii i e wsii om I monopoi iiles thii C 1,1nj ye tie11, Whoi ass hu fe shi' est ehmanO
111111 lraiii usedii iitie g lixper i s l hiii iti' til' '111 u 'iz cl i'ss ral 1 . 190 'si e va 'iliitl f an.
itIt Whoi i moslike150l'yat' slcoe's'? u
huh ,oil a h b cc f h lt'i.mi w y b te 11th 1e iiiic ttrsw' e oii 1 i Imls from Is11119h0i0? useaia o
111111 ule the11expeii efnisais eifi rme fi e i ls i 11e11 i omt e itil nliistil pel . tiiim ui's ld ui
li'th km~IIull ili lilii ii 111 iiii i 5 aest uimium e:U y~ scaateies u
wore I uud am i'i~ i c illiui itain1111 t us e ' 1111' iticis tolliteclassuse)oma re ih f r e
e ailylad coh"lse by l il iimminin llIiie es pisliiuwtucm"eluiuiul hutatupsgil telt
flcii .d lieuir. lse i sitla g)iane iton" sie tiii si i l iaIi ilii tli stuui~eii iitli r
11111ei_111 ;ilis steckalt da ' eIswn u ssi i' utlii111' lul' 'iii.IIlle til
° i e-i l is osser. 'thbis is the cohy use eussis tactis.tiiiheliScheo'lioftile atie'uitiis
ell- -is-lu has syet ues ensundm tou l akmuue it ue'.ahe's uarg'umuent hthhle pra5 1 :l 1 i ''usu iI'I'u - - ilhu
111111 11e olmcr ills idiffshlese and 11jecti s t iiiui.oit- l'lorie-uc H. 5t liii eu
LONG' _______________ u iii lu11sts usru-eu' siuuisus, if aliau1tI'liesAurt'Mine All - - - hiraseuuihy
Peliisti lltCr itic huoaps Ielse mhad Hisvesemu sill toipiout wumith eat Chalote i.iiesf-
tieFe tii ' l" mi s 111suieiui l-f15 u ~ssilters noisle 'homas
FOCUS , ' -llr i s -u -illsitiisimiofthe lii uch thatuulthe- 11-lialiidilhi licu iii lu e e d0'iihit 'iuc'sulil.
u'a ~bt -s ri1en-mm em' i't'culls-aeofi ucarryinut, the egiu"llati uons Befor e ......hadwick
all. iiO11h usr i u'uuuhuns iii Iudebhenili i i nc r oa tus n l awlutsi usust imile Sum Hm'rs'Woo i u ...u . ...''y e
e' issIisins later:ii'ii liito iilobttain-tuoi i-:l hsaves:slshonlhat ausesDINunsve Lied ......... tstsi
li te ls sidealts cu'tues'mr i ch9uigan"- se of'sriypitatstem ii iuss Mldiu galVietor Harris
zld 1,rts~ashtwt: R sl ed.d ilsi mmi flth usdnec es r cImdsinu s Annss fm ettai M. ,aIg--"ue.
Iii 1tliiIourmmaionssi01firuissshumldh eIi i' l ile,' wo udhalyill hi oIss iitedi v Mai .l.... ....~i
C LII S'PHRM CY ppoluseudlbyle gislation." Nowss fle I' re uulec Ii-tohiaveishownemmthaubAush ay Sleg.... .... rmicheiael
buisiniess iofs i ie e usi s emis-w liii'eaim- I icitIs iio fsr st 111111ir sswouldsbh ii stI Loe S ong ....... raims
"Aar- u'e le oii ls sidei'ofithss' 1shil h Itsi itp'su s bless to ' l obuitinibliu"slaiveen Eisabeti hiI.tCampbelssl.
.ilat'crs mmli is'tiu' lie flu isal suerdict'us tiu sit iandil full vI iii fasuiedit A Iue Seinng. .. Carniaeal
isu--lesuh smuimceseiug s-sslts- -s s'lns-s ieeilus-fom-' i ive1. Perini.
~~ rists mwithiss l e ud i ne 1 r wisit;ii ou'ld' carcelyus preventii tin el's m nai onu"hOI) oIansd lJoy ....
thre I ie me smuefms es'artiuf i it.ii1115"of a- i-ntferulsfspric-slmighet hiseIhemisosfhernieiDayhosee .elahsi
fullest ssese, shingethe a'slme spreju, t is'ssitionmmand mmiistreg n's ime our 1.Alic eReynols.
dicessiamslg suit conclusions hum the - . n thierIpoIsiunt, shnliithis'neg hMss'Ireeie,-------------Liszt
5<~ ay ovncdb tesm haiaivespeerninamcigued ts uchlength, humusB. Wnielm.
sumaus ay.esiisiice hythesane t'atifwe were directly induebtedhto ___________
emiaimestsanmomvedlby the same hind trusts foeriihihssagees wichiwosuldi Ae
* .GONG T .. e eiuumeme, im ermideth g eateis Iowssmmunmdr this'stress soul i es IWhist Scores.
..m suhy ofAT isiso elo uec.'1'oeersuadmetistie gretIfisclie ot liee compeltiinhue minehe le Ihefolowsiig were time high seores
boy f isherestht s hedipiadhmiumsesinthaut trusts stifliaeumpesuti- it lastnight's w'isut pluay:
cult task a dehater must perform i l ion, of wsch a dmisio ihe shuouil NOie'H AND SOU'hH.
erder to sin, save bsen resmindsed every othser mmn- stsstgiauumeey amid Fishere...3
1/ U 1 Judiged isrom this stansdpoint it mustmte during thus remainduer of time even-, 'f- 26
hu neddta h eoaunil'us e.Oversmithm andu Beisel- .2-339 1
becocee tatte es*ain isu-tng haw and Trible'.......214 average.
seTatFla ae h oiino hhis eourse toues ons phase of aIg
4 edlstFrdy ad hepoiio o.very interesting debate. Dust after EAST AND WE1ST.
those advocating it dangerous and dif'-econsidering thia ansI the other aspeetasItaver an0( Kelsey .......... 192 +- 10
fiecult. The affirmative had to facee a si the disecusion, I think m'enosylvania Marshall ............-....182 average,
general eonvietion that whatever he nien will he able-thum agree entirely with The clash will hold a elush tournament
the ights or wrongs of time trust quses- flue judges' vediet withoust abating at its meeting nsext Tuesdlay evening.
an fteramrtonfroron-SAI A .J ' tison, nevertheless the combination of speakers, wlo upheld. a weake case All members of the club are urgently
V V W 1~ large amounts of capital hnosa- eorns-uia such skill and pluck, requested to be present,