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March 06, 1900 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-03-06

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c'~a 9 ,..k.. Univ ersity. Self-Cultivtation in Eng- ls.P r e 'sC m w
1895, June 27. Jamtes Hulme Can-
Pubiishad Daily (Sunidayseeted)l dat .gthe hfeld. LL.D. chaitcellor of the Ijiiver- FrenlheCokyinaCharg
city of Nebraska andttlpreslient-elect C f .+++ rnhCo nCag
o,"ies: ThetIlanad Press, Heaninf Blotk. tUnit of Power REGULAR BOARD $Z.75. hEAL. TICKETS $3.0. Sort
BloitPhoates 1at.7530.
___1898. June 25 hre {entdall ortlers promptly filed. Fresh Hotrne Made Cantdy now on handl
MANAGING EDIT055. Adamsc, LLtD.)prsetrloth le Cni- cwithc the faitouts Sponsge Caramel a specialty. Pop corn Italic
F. Ex v~b s,'O L. versity of Wistosstin.Te Ctntversity anti saltet lpeanuts01now readly. Come in and try thtem.
BUSIESSMANAER. of Michigait-The Sotircesof ts 1 Power
0. 11. HANS,. '05L. a189s uccsss. Sloanttapt W S. PARKER
1Ta IS 1897t July 1. AntrwMonDtpr
ATHLTICS,. .. Q1. HileaTac, '01 . CIpresident of te ntivtotsity of _709 N. University Avenue
T. R. WOOD ta, 511 L A. 1. McDoesoai, 'os Ea Illintois. Cut i-ist e c -ic- 1oftlteLawt
A. 0, Batse'w 0 5 2.. ss, '00, Ihs Itt8,Jtne20.lBenjaintttIde Wheel +++++++++++++++p ROOFS printed
L. J. Mat OO tilt I IC. ).ICKEatato'O M, r L. i posleor tottiell tUi'on Japan Tissue of the
--- v ers~I ol ittlf l d o,. nteN w 89 u e 22 Nicholtas -turray Btt
ttrI I it ttptofecsot in tolumiia GUnio
-i tot- tt tltcfittticet
aas orl'tite totoco.cctttttttiatiotc, it lii tiit o ,,uti t in,5Pui c i n
Thaaed 15 rzti t t tnoce c tfthe-IYiso$2.0 10) oifor y oio terTolilerl-c
hea cld gto year, witl ith e ua r I de.liver t otrd e I U lt i til oilD a § o e rots l
nonpatl dato t Noti cestt cot mtnicea110 tttins an th a dresgfrto)syeaCotune21,l_"\ot Y
otherp a tr iItendedtforttubttcatililtust0t
handed itooatttheIDl ILIt offtt e 01 fore 8 O p.to .lii r'ttt0)twiillblibi3drmliirtitoctheoeditor before s1 p, m. of tAhe day Taken 217rSatht

4[ yez'z, or 4tofllet't nc.wstaiid, or with Basinesb
A iZagEr. Subscribers will confer a favor by
"portim, promptly at this office any failure of
ettrrters to deliver paper.
All changes in advertisin+ir maticr must be in
the office by 4 p. ill. on the day previous to that
on which t;lev are to avnear.

of to the loorcity 111011 1teir'com11100
.151110. es i , rc b t sic 4

'rFI ''{

.LaL)eRsi i frL Store ~4th AVre.
{5 Igent for
Tribatna, Stearnis aitd Barnes Bicy.
t ce-. Renting oandrpaiinlg ofall

Commencement Addresses. A t ocoffering tvhtentmakiog a -kinds. tEON SHAW,
Iii oIth bet he lt ito t itthe lii Detroit igh SectolSchtolaishlip calis 15 oxosof II togstortct s "totic x- 1e t17 >E.AnI t,01.
vs yoAly iticigan-ince1 1 1 to hise In189,'1 ' t oo t o l 11-1 'tttttl ,cellettt choocolats. Ptre are lthefitnost Fs I 2' '2 2' 2Y2:'" 2t V2
Junce ilc-t-t 001 e li yaa rt intrit-ti e 01pse f asisin; 11 ii eo you cntottitot to coo-e o t clre t oe. Vale. ite Con ino
dress iii iplaceof' il xercises hy tlic ltil t-IrtTit lhight ochootic to scco n.oo a~hIloooooo 31ilt0 State. )
graditt-itg-citttses. lie lates 01 the itO tIc inltoot he l ltnit rit ot Sintce-jGO aly I;,,(.per I ) W unit-d .
tielt Oc ois iol emtitt siceo1878tir toat clotnCurnitecercsiy u ' it ave .e ScHO L O' SHOtTHANI)
oil Iato tesbjects0ofbs h arett then ver itytoolntro ot tlt' 1 ,110001 t' ° " '° "" ""° '', sy' O F drssaea olw :hv engautdfonti )l~ o, N. Viti si Nsets. a:.
ti7tun 7. G ortgo-V. N. I otli- ostit tin tiltn art' atlilc-l't'ttt ttltoslllti
rottttlltttof tuloitty le orLt tuiitn101'he1'ilt-itott o t 81-11111 AND ELECTRIC [I8HIING SUPPLIES, SHADES,
157'),,title 296.5Jamcc 1. Angel LC.Stc11holshpoFIndAsoiaio-tvsiciiu-PORTABLE LAM PS, ETC.,
D. prti t o f t thelive r si ty of M'h - ct-iott-tool It eie tic-octio- A-'PECIAL.11.4 0.1lrtlt ll l T EAM AND HOT 101111111 111111110
ign-hihe L tetioit A. pleaI tio 191111m tr1(' sotittotst 00 follow :t o0 l)
makig i Acessbleto ll. subcritios o eah, _,)endw, . F. SCHUH, 207 E. WASHINGTON STS,
18 0 uy 1 heRIt. i-Ic-S ainuet Il ilt 11 ts or itt t t 111 01 ari i 10. 121-_-_---_ __-- _-
gan. tC itomplete l-lCetlitoi i0execises.
1.81 Jne"f. h .ev .oh P TeasisaneULMndrd roiSho'"rLIVERY...
Nessmaniii 111 1 111 o11 Nt 11Yok ci Ic 00 t ndi 01 1 sF idered-111a15iia
'1e li ine tc ub o ftiO i i sc-c ittan.1 Iii 1no taste tites it torc-ti $250
1882,rne ) Tea.Jlnt-M. 'li- 1tyeart.t t c t, 1 oiis tttaidtotoe holdingte Ito NE4[ COACHEt S
Gire-goc-, iII .,oftt.t ii--c lii 1 01o liheSi s tolrito i tttiipsi motlit allmen111151ts. For Parties, R cpto sEtc.
ence -t d -tooIhoc-.Sctsoftt to Nintee-t-cnth Schola11s1i1110c-ittlc secc- ott n ily Dy AND R cpin
(Cntooto.0stdent110intlendingy to gr-aduatetr onicIt
19' 1853 0' - Ih e. azlsto helc-litecrsy Itepitmti of tt ci 1 n10101 CO UPES.GbatedaaidPrompt SeaniceGtaranteed
tittisloto titorray, D. 1)., ttpr ofesstotorl rfrnis 1 810011 to
1 881 i toi tto Lli ititur . iftstulitleadinottoItheott o~l 1o (
thec Solcar ltilomerican Lilt. taps and Gaowns Sic-tog-out Students' Lecture 6lssocication Course
Car ll c-te1111 d1 t ofbl asar011111 e. 1c011s till hed April" 5,(110t, 1 c Itg
LI 90 to ioAc lounlitato sic- 1 0101 pri 0105110tion.0l t II (11110 iist lON. JOH1 N T[NMIPLIEI GRAVJS
'it lil- I c-tli 1l I, ti ttls1110 perItent1101of1toeyg lot 0 ieshve Satureday Evening-,i March 3. Subject: -The Deign
hlistoric Pr101c-tic-its.ar y g iven t'ero rd(IerIlcs ftor bothlo flb>>c og e
NSlcoliian. Ctotno at-ire tOrattoi on rI ' cfte " c-is
oil theoo' 9--ei t emt iia1 llbratin oI
19811 iall ;0 , lot Cotcc~HOLI) 1-iNGIJS1I DAVID SA RJORDON
1888, II c 1oo 1 h itt c-Ill' his'c - t-
of lacIoslol 111'Co 01 0 1 '011o ullttit( H lrWJ d , I (President of Lelarnd Stanford University
C8) Jn . .I.I. Curry, 1.., ,Mna nn, Marchi5. Sb'ect'The Blood
f110r105 011 >ot to' heiro olc-- -.acand-ci I'ofth N tin.
- OSPeTlecpe, rssSutuae
lot Evolutio andl olucotio nls. nSTAEBLER & CO., ,. ii , /' t' ~v ,r ,4
1891,Jn, 3t0o- I9oetolCtS.iioa MAIN :t'F,
LL.D.,1111 sidetlofj11o 0am 1101 lins Uni - L", SS ? H
versity.'IThe grotaoof Ideas. ii ODQU8'IHT .5 WiFOR
1892, June 3. Justin Winsi LL.dl£IIfT O
librarian ofl-.atrd eniessiyEIHe UILLUII'S !TrunksVlssTecosDssSiCas
~Uiest.TePageant of SaoinLs 'on, 1671. S E Vlss
1893, June 29. Charles Dudley Was- s E L IPELNS, !
nr .I..H artttford, Con. Ihe GOLD MEDAL, PARIS EXPOSITION, 1889, ClelI 10 bito lRc7t.111K AND VALI~fSEIEPAIRLN~xat i Llwest Pric-s
1894,June 28. Geoige HerbertruMOT nrn PES
Palmer, CL.D.,professor in 'Harvard TIlMSL PEFECTFOF ENSUS 307 SonuthsMaisn Struet. ANT ON TEUIJEL.

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