U f + f Chicago Wins Mihwaukee Meet.
tL, f~t . ~ iiit1. (Continuedlfromo aeg1?i
-- -Y Chicago, third-time, 0:7? 4-5 Equals
?abiid Daily (Sundays exceptetd) dot-a the worlds indoor record.
College yer, t Seventy-five yards high husrdle-Fi.
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. Maloney, University oc Chicago, first;
1riss: The Island Press, sennicgSBack. Boie. Milwaukee Athletic Club, sec-
Loth Phoasts 1. and; Manning, University of Chicago,
-- third--time, 0:11) 2-5. Equals world's
MANAGING EDITOR. indoor cccord.
F. EasELsAss, 'ii L. Mile runa-Uffentdell, First Retiment,
BiUSINESS MANAGER. Chicagofist; Mulbert, University of
v.t1it a S.00L.Chic-agoseconid-,Sell-ic Wet-SiltYI
ATHxi-D111.5 - cc it iiit.cC, a .A thtird-timte,141331
T wasaa s I.A i Meisesia 1) E Onie ttundred andi lilty yaid itill
A, a, B owE, '02.14 . W i toiiol) 0, Seymoutr. MilwsastkeeAtSletic Citult
L. J. aONssOs s tic, Wll. IiiKaYv '00aM, i11 ot~~,Central Y. M.CA.I
Sec-ittis C. D. I imthls. 1ist Regimesntt
litio--thteshot-Eggetmen, Notirej
-_-__--_-- - - iame, irtt-t i ddsle.i rtcct imtt
ahssc rtiptiton ipric o at IY itsi.'.5lot I ,huea- .sscond;totI I chtcas, Itohii
he ollg yst r, wtiothiiartool -it ticlit-sty betoe
aso saeasthday. Neticscomi unt i ciot anitd si iNit ttio' 4 l iS 1ilt hird--list I ,
other- mai tter ittnded toieubicatin listie iet 11it ches
haded inatithe DILYitsoffic beore sp.li isr
mauiled tthe edlit isetsre am. lf hie dsy ilitnitill ith 'i--.F, lapipet,
preavtos-ust it witt-theyi-ar-sexpeteto C-t-it c 1ifi
a r.liprosYt-1t C et--eih
a-stct eionstt iay bisli-tiattheIcYta ll t eelt II IIS. Is 1. it tile, Sotht
Essati ote-upti th i ~ sce fiio le itIf itittt ii, iti-'cit
. l> tit,~ I y - ili i ti:> flist citen teoitit.. Ut- lct
SU ti tSpi t tl i-ietI it lie rOf i y ft-it iti, hid-
Al cnge lstit-s leis Si, lice tics- belic
on hic thn ae tlat .=.s c ti c 01 cfi cityar,-totwt i fitc I - o
Iresident JordanIToniqiht. tlt.r, It-i tititslitttof (tic-ittsecotnil;
PreidntJoranofLetlstntlStani- Bli, cl ttit-cit.C.,tid ~n
ftrd, IiJr., 1 busiy w1ill sbitt t So- 6:06 4-5
Dt-v i.Sta-ircJorda ,IIt ). L.D, sthools- 1cit its id . ft
wtas boirtn i tiusvil ci S to1 ., cc, is; I~lel, V s. lr , ,I
iii11 1 tIc attendeCi oittell Ctivterdity, ccl) -it ti-iti:- i Sit-li el et wcicttSile
iot, Ispieetitxi baiseblal platyei- Iiult situdrect tittieights-yard itn
Hsspcatws botatny tintSturng .Mlny .o .frt od
his -i-ctwoli aers in college Ste cc-ic, ICinIti-l Y M.Ci cc c~n:Wigt
lnsasntcfliiiin tha t sttbject.iHe gttadti-II.iof IM.,tr-t ime :)
alcdin to872 )ant immnoedliately becm iet ub - 1- Itci-isttt I_--oifcci..I
litofessori of it-I loiigcy in Laitltutl~r ni- liifirst; Ic its, .cfitticco ;y utg,
veriy tc lit 187.5 sh -eactell tesam 7 tonir- i :f;35
citsiairi Butler Uiversity intl fist- I Ptlte 5 tilt- Ii rltii i rsl~t Ieitt-nt
yerseliter wst.lto IndiansahUsi-iIti iive-'tcgfrt:P l)-" ittit m-t11
sity. liInt1885 lie it\V-as ainl-itedprs- ii if, t'cad letrckestol CT. iof
dent iof that instituttin i ciitpotsitiotin W.cliii- igh. oteei4i-lies.
he heltd unitil his uappointment to the I 11ti hs0,110. ela lit ie, iii-
presitdt-itt ofiii I iitti St-t or nt t i-i witliec, irti - lciiletcictti second;t
versity its I891.iDirin0 his tditiiis- lit cYorkPithtliiim te, I:11
ftpeiii ei-I-i c eiii -Notric I-tate lirt.
loatisitofine11111 rsbth t in istittionttUivers IsiliIllt--Ci cagose-totitt C-i
Sas tgisrowntlpheiomeaily. 1ilttDi. iraliYcc\ti C.A.,Itirdtilne, 3:3t8.
Jordtiltnihas noiitillsly peen a stoteftil In the hllemiie1run1 aoiSshoput:sit
college- -resi{'t.inht huts iproveetihim llt- iithee terdte iecords made at the
Vatrsilty uttdoor cisc-cf itt Silt 24, -bltin t
self l ilitble tpctict stil ict anii or flstth olevastllant ighiljulmithteyictft-l
seo a c-- cit-i-it ss teciitttltngut ibeid
N ttututit tt it'ty ic-iiiti-sons.ii
A Gentleman's Fee...
ot toteais tibeetrowdeditll
ucomforitlabcle soests insre ocml
swith tSle lates of fastion.t
Fashisit has biecttte dscidedly lenient.
let-lips it plermuanently sot- battee wao't
teorcy about thisfturie. At ',;.98a pole
s-cgutarantee is furtishoasntultra-fashioale
tutu mate omfortabtle shee itatocatibe put-
chased elsewhtere at sin equatlprcee, And
outguartatee mieans:-.youtrtmone y tact if
you atsit.
Ope sEaenings 109 S.M ain
Uptil 8pst
PROSrne ' +++++++++++++ nJap_ Tissue of the
i f' 'f//,f i
iii - i-i
ni-n) thes. il
N s-cinei oferi n htg isiein sak itg
calli is a liox of l ttcstei er5 -mostcc
cettccolates. I evIre i tthet:
madice and pie tcs ira{nlt l tha
yott ccii fodt i < ci'l otn
()(Ji E' I-. i o.. j ( S <t
,,Ot-ginal. For Soeto
Stabkers Art Store 217 Sooth
(i tgent fort
s TrieihSte IarnssitndBOat-s-Bicy.
tcs. BRentncadt-ep-iritgaofall y
kints. LEON SHAW, 7
117 E. Atn It.
Typewriter O in
-s ~ ~ ORAL stti-t~t.scittl~iboi~b LAMPS, ETC.,
A.ILT.,AINt'M[I~aSTEM N UV[A Y' llAT ...
For Parties, Receptions Etc.
Goad and Prompt Servce Guarasteed
Otto-t ilts taintonNutti u huteti-
detnt leordaticwill ttetil-egiltst oithei
Soa-ti hiterttifcci ltit- Uptsilonti
wictifriterntit it - ,is -a nit-ititc
Dr. Weitieuti cTIrinity.
gadtuaIN catte. ic hilsophy (lt'itrit-e
St-itis, nctooicl, t ioi'tilitsopi ci
gradtet 'sinlary, givin' ane.cepii,
sitiott of SKatt's lDialcctic. ciebruary
t tu-so ciillitetttioillthueUiveiti1by
mutsieuiti l-ic'iieon used ini tecoratinlg
l"ontso of te t.I tic ciittuit I 'itin th
ti-illi- iaittltledutud mounted soas to
-titvitheiigenitontuts mth dsuictisoc-il s,
its 011, ut Chnseitt We-u-vig f'igues
Theiii thut -i ton ireheairs-ti till he-
ititti I)itthe tt-it- t Iiim i liat ii: (
Students' Lecture Rssociation Course
SSa turday Eveninig, Marech 3. '-oobject: "Tire Reign $
of the IDemafgogue."-t
tratt'luc - to titi;tu'111 11 Y fL t,
cot auecuent e thact cevei asembled EUT!HY M"0L
there. cieilt rnt ecpid
ro siaoe ll l10 "(oj ' org eni:'riutusic o in c4li ti Nol
osphucIthymol 'DAVID STARR JOz--RDON
Institute Lxtetucsh n 111' ot at President of Leland Stanford University
ri~h ti N ushelu ct ts u it- -t lulsiluttee
Sth-cattc-insi ii- ac i l i, i iciitiiu,c i MondciY _velliIS ,Mirchc5. Suobject: 'Ihe Bhtod
oiet ec7 vtns toheIortofhgns f h ]aca:.Ui itt Mcili- au-. forit1 eir(Situ ultI TOOTH BRUSHES TO MATCH o t oin
inviht uuhtion t hlIthi t' il stultic ,JI .O h ct~i
theutis sty nit liiici iitess idV
prici- hsextitendetota us while bere,
which addedia i ttelto htI 5u11 uesuut I tiT c.
profit ocutbliii csion .
To the DBusitness G1; sca~i
of Anit Arboti forteinc tereast iii anld JSP ~ lf1J g~Pt~I ~i i To twaituintil y-uuuu cie a'uuuuieileuito
aid rendered in tosliing the instilttoaJ0 UP ILLUUIQ IE)! IUIoor IIh Ibuy rubbers.
scs.To the Universuity News-Lctter and P N ._ _TEWS A
the U. of M.Doily that has sided so GOLD MEDAL, PARtS EXPOSITION1 18589 ay ubrsadha hmred!a
matersally in advertising the State Sn- AND THE CHICAO EXPOSITION AWARD. { usrbesadhsteIed o
stitute, also to She state and coouty TrMlTnnrTn ES wear alien occasion requires-and
press. TilHE MST PEFECTUOF PENS. APRILL'S SHOE STORE baleos to pay the doctor.