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March 05, 1900 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-03-05

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U~of 90
VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICH., MONDAY, MARCH:), 1900. No. 116.
( ELOQUENT ADDRESS vaneemet of citizeship anti stated FOOTBALL DATES
Sprin that a oo-patisan vote was always_
John Temple Graves Captivates and t h itoeetso h onr.In a tangle -AGaeWtIo-
Anoneret EtetisHiIuinc nn t closiog he paid a. glowig trihte
Ti'' 1 Hall. to thes leatiers of tie contry is tie None With Wiconsin.
Uniersit a ll.peas io sailot party tprinsiple A a reoult of his tt) to Chicago
iii et t tiit'Of foists Temple frvs 15 aids atd wokede~ for fts cotntry's last wek Director Baird has a. footall
G. H. WIL[D & CO. in Univercsity Hall Saturday eveotog goodThese aers the ome,Iso said,gaesiuteUvriyofIwa
as s sil atende. Te hrllitts htat the yoog msan of today siosld Novembler lo. t is not et deided
v soternsoritor heldt iis ssudiecseerto fow hv us eeie srln hre it asill e pisyed. this gains
Nv fspingee wootlensrti meOt s n. spell-hounsd throughouthissentire lsee__
offlooolos fo sinsditlat toses they serestci- Chicaqo Wins Milwaulee Meet oay practicallylie cnsnidered Ia sss-
wae ti f ncludtes everythios in re wayby hs flighits itt oatoiry. satsei e ti dsi ais stite for the Wioensn game. It ia
oiajlcsthatarcsuiableant Phtliiiis lc turie Ws apreciratediws t the te tic - ttltsnso t sit amittedc, btt say Itsconsid-
s'irable fot aynithe season.o We ac nitsiestit ythe swilu tta t a lus ih'itst, ashile SWisosini sndt NotesertIsit in factlbecutses it is now
alstlo sog fll ranges in nov_ vas evn'im. T nei fisubtljet tf iiss Dausctieltytilsoticr1uniltrci atis rep- hitrtlt ttssihle tiati Mielhigssn and
cities, its qiil ty situ stylt t ettes istsiifc ie rs'asts',etl dt wnit tioss t tt th an hd itiosit ailnctisitttiitst
stit the titost exc tig taste, Io utis' sass1titusa subet ot n sit itis satIi platce tsectis cii teisec I ic c oni ilm e nto~ lnx
consistings'of hop a tsSuit- tetsatvs anidtt'itert-iinig siteh. eset i jlris sitt eI c ivycu ee ts asete sosly tai.i I Ts fat isth toatwsill ssislssit'
inroseI is S ro t s o u(il ti t itisdtheidi a o is. aslit e ty siall i< s ii itac~ Ilt ist - es 5si iIsisaiita
evoen lt 'Scissc ot al'iitgie i s -s-its ases not iighI lit the u br e is fred fo Nvembiter 1,
allait iintspecco l ine at peicst-l ithsliticll o1 it iii t ei l i aIIiatls sii- 51tisst
i u la to , lw. utrn tal l iiid pol oth Pitts I i go l 5 is ithIa tlict ti y "tr r tl <iElWsc n i
sit sitiu 511 tacctissiti sus nt i t 'tti hihtoilii te tter ittle of
gsit' (isit i"asitits iii i0;r 1i )fii td lrlig u i u w li
is lh5d ua;01 ue W stIt g oMti r4 il ue st n
noetus . h 55,I, ess ue ife side'i itlistisi iii Sii1she ta
11081 t Sicat tistiliSi assi' sisissa isle lislsslasmiditht
108aEurals i g tar) S sl d iftitl itd h m a i ontdof
" . ~ocl - Wes Sde .t~ii 1y, \'So ns clai s atiliiit iiis rii-igan
PRESCRIPTIONS unVt tul sse( z uadite iie rIil5 iir toiiio s oino orIsegodo lit sns toscoest Iesle laui-Iist gae its
tit1,t1uitih i1st s« t s e n r fthe vas pla ed a itn io. But
FILLED t iwissii- tht-clisi\ill ot h'tibcas-ith
ATILalsesslutilytolt t i i tilt hu s h t il i t itvois itu i tion urd lii %c iiiia tlic
os NI 55 I I 'c, vAt lesti lbI lls ; ee i isT e ss g l it ii' isw ass
IA I LO Uas ii ,% Vcaii ii usios5 1udd rilh 1 ba k k i d in sE t ino r l i tuu e tl ti ' 111b, iDui lydsts fi 5o r tt h sle sisls ie
stoe lia< coe l[ 1 ilitlna1 Fist ""g- 51oin y r is ln su'- i c w sitans
Wtjid r's1h1ir iacy iii i'aii~ on de oeo s i flis(ao, 'Nttsird liiiii.0 Iitis j liifis 11tic' S iliu fn s h~ierhi
ore o rr tits id t ii o t i :tn toss t oillia liitat I lis tr isia srd u its trl io Ni ii us ath ,1 raul(me ht. this
people-io-r1th1 ittateibtit. hitill'it1fit1cost
r ld r's f ahiui0,saii' Its'is l lss" ' sof ithe ipeop l InO' h iut i lt ucs > t ieit i s u t s c- 1 ha i e N fc ia oi
oi ea a ec ,e e ' ssu i' is asisuuua s'i-lt hss tsri-,-e - ass' usia s a sti taliind isa si t t
- -liulb it s e isus eullgi-ess itt ths aIw rdu i eu A b r
ig tt sui ,i ori w ais is s s ansuit is' bosl t C i i riiea - S tO, u ie sisty'
S I e ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~sit issIs l i isthat euthab'1i1sitssue t I \1ca ls;(ut uvri> .og em t«t;ie i t i g
RELIAtsBsut shetlr fue rel eir1001h s sas4s it tiisgo thir t g.os-t lu hs o i slioas Dni h
( -1 ndMAoo Psllle. lg sal othn sto lssisl mn ~nl ra er-ocr or
quss-fitsa si fit sla' It- issels Suotirst; (It . Smit his iit sit y f' 1 itti 1ua in'Ann Ari or' ncste-f )iill 'i rs t oid
Eus's-Li C lr this-omit -sbisishsi sul th itsto ct co n it ttuCh ic a t ' its11t1 S u.its-i' ti-sit' " ilof u slt s ltatucw a tush t lustai-,o if tu
- - fnlt ts ly t s if)( ' inugr s os oiisaesil and sul i ls si ltssh sihi huh---tsissssmtei s0si:0I8si
D i t o---- -las its 1i' lt ti itstit ~in .russut I aas l uo andi onesut"tt'ariou
gsisl ii is i slssut Ush i ed a Fiats trs alshstus I -u-t ishoil S' i veI sitys on t e yesitx, W sc n i w l o
7 ~ ctis ail s i rislts atnsdilwt s~h i h ithe' f Niis' i n it ; '5 5I" hwUnsiverl t rl vto till as'sheesileii tie aisof
his' a'hu ohu sui and meseuisti s t ssit s- ifi\N I"iss''-" is sc ut W li g-1 n . t s hehufor uus ly sats ush ili at
- tussus thus ci ssuoetinhvus-ust-sts--is-'-gsitshird 110 urnse tou gouoe li its i aB-s t hi s art
a hi beng ble to yntol he, oliical ti e it05, u hnEu St i ug- su(! lavt -suit thius o fs
5 en ci letssti i suof the dIias.555e5 worksl toiiiilii l esxth sssht -ti Be t-st -ulet ' - t e 0dsoassussn x fi N ( xo l
p~rpetate I politcal p ll, 1,11d i or C irst:\furr11 Noteitamtnee.uhou s-ly til Si 'I a d hue iago us. Chi
I It or' d e r s t it usa itt h is h utai s t ts i s si I d hits oI t d5;5 i f s sit S hi I r l u s t Ii A . C lt h si -t s - t l u t a e
I i si la hsslsusit ass iiis usssesi - ii hsesuis asisusl f-s t %s alsoI h ifly it ded at ho
sh iN is 1' _.of C ( g , ec nd - i
i r (oiel r o ok oe rlssCrrpio f the 1' st-er 1 -fi luii i rst; heats tss- tief ht ictigna ndie lt u - wouldsssest
Be aucl sInthssistanusesi tt lthe-. l low ssuwoo is) sstt( if iire sssu stst;H C S it-- gst asuu enur ss ita ts I hil ie itted-
e suif sleas0 de fusethi s vert s agof te tiu s 0-1 i a o e o d ( u t: sIt . ' a e f t e e g m s b t
lAK i' H R A Y ,gist thci iifo n esandogu neis 1 s eas l ast s>ofWi cnsntir its_________ tus ts he rvr- iei).ivni
VT 1. 1 1 4 1 lussoli o i e nhadggoa tess oet ofesthe Sts itsemifinual heat-A. F. Snt. 7 C o vemni eris ists s e isstslausyet f
peli ol ivscus saeoins.lit iU ntiviesty of Ciciago Bst; M its te obgsse' s7uthes M kc i ty ot Nest't
Hsoasil wodumintaen d t tasetlshe alveusoss shu of' .C A seod-re te Otr1. I siiri'psiueta
soaw e sO f sh oe d m g geo l e e y fo r l e tsal g nw so f t se shuts sti le gifo t t N e . W lu l us uob e rpl y
tatothenpenlie nmeln to tnlf slts IsChard ts e gi-inal et-. hcaoSecod;uh solsuoi ah its ithsen ast, sted o
W E ~ ~ pastyp nThspls atualltouep es s ishopCversity CiaofiristonSlathirdag iteailNeOttorktity u on-k soe
zl u l lln s h endthew outnt' plfacee a fum Y.M C , eon im er0 IL.rt17higan w s rl pos ibe strong
mase aovEte oltialgrp fhe0'8'se le.gfrons Ioa-perhaps not atr
alywe h onr' efr n tme :8 ihgnwudme h togpeopleo good demanded their services Fifth seifinas heat-Corcoran teeven n-and tweveras ltate
t he people being educated up to a Notre Dame, firt; W E o, Notre hoee- a wle dy ae
hgh standard would appreciate their Dame second; A F, Smith, Itniver- meet Chiagot at Marshall Field Thi
seal duty to their homes and country sty of Chicago third-time, 0:08. fat makes the trip at that time a very

Education places the Lest weapons in Final heat-Corcoran, Notre Dame, dangerous one.
their hands for fighting and over- first; P. Fox, Milwaukee Athletic Club, The place for the Decoration Day
A H , throwing the rule of the demagogue, secondi; W. Morden, First Regiment, baseball game- with Illinois is still on-
v v i r ~ He pleaded very earneatly for the ad- Iotn u aea decided.

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