_J' I' to _Ir allvf>
No. 92.
1... 11)NumecrousCniaefrBsbl
E Suitings, Golf Suits, E
Fancy Vestings.
A We Carry he Largest A
I StockI
L In the Cityq
teb ritesa Vepa ca lh
Wilder's Pharmacy
THE OLD Fitsvrlwek ehv
1 pta Data
...GOING AT.. .
Team Turn out to Mass Meet-
As hlas been the customc in :etet re at
antmass tmeeting was bcdls vni
at cwhicha the candidates to'- thI-years
icocebati team were present to Ihad in
their namtns ancd listen toaf V'shtot
siceechtes frotmothe cap icco c1tachie anto
tismn cilt be sno-wn, httche pltce'ril
ielongt'-o Ice Octter imtatnsteoctast
hel iit'cticctoil tonters lte s' 'on
throcight Leteveceryote cotye and
ccotrk. IcclcctIshYualsr n i
shcowipatiaility-totcnc one
At te (los oftemeetinttohie fl-t
iby to tmcens ttcluesalto bie ii
toletn tt ite Uivrtttt ad yon
"Ous iaesosnt T trn h
Sonme Facts of Fartet nitsl Histortj.
lice toillicing hand ttiillcwticiths
tbeenc dispiay-edtits thecsiicetceot Mof:acti
& I iC.'cione is aitractingtmutech atien-
adc to foliows:
on!tnt I tiioc
ofinn AicArbcc
Th l~
di to
T81de rt
l LV Y
'lllz ,ns
5g at -
itt t]
at the couerthoousoetis
-coclck, lto tke itnto rotn-
te conduct ot the F-AC-
Citivet-tity ocit cihigaitnit
IF-seesA list 01 otertf0'tattM', o m50 tccatctavoticyitucrcnittg in his natoe epllin all the stenetsileonitgtoo
catty n the seasot spr. s10 l '1 te etwe en ittottnt te citmmncetnc-t i te secet sciies
success ot Mitiancs tnmthecoti o atc wcit fon nets~t Os--"MANY CITZFNS.'
lag seasot. urdy Decetner 2, t5d9.
Stndent Mtatager Lctt:eare mcost' CatittraC.F- Canbers Des r- Digging downtentto the hstict- 01 the
fete tntrodsctoty tenmaks n wich he ttcaLotrse Witne, Mee, Moht" affai it is leaned that thee eree
said that besides the see-}tt co-nlte Ptclers-DonglasshtllCatt, Caty, sotme very trbulent ttnmes itrounl lie
schedule paublishsed anys o cc ay Datty YounagiMillitDttttnaet, Cuttng H. date of that hatdbll od that te prs-
a, series of five ganmesswth Ilitnots and G F-tch howtt. C. Ftch W.W. entotmnonth is aeally the seni-centen-
sac of four with Chcao Itete practi ChIanbets, aLsDueFance tley, ial of the ibetaton of sectet societies
catty assured facts. This gases a sea- Stweeley, M~argie, an te university froam the ban which
[son f hard trthsith the three games Infieder-Killian, Blecoe, Cap- the old faculty placed upon them.
[swith Cornell and one with Pennayl- bel, Wilson, MMahsn, McCormick, So intense sas the feeling 5 years
vaia, eas-iag aloae the others which Flesher, Pelton, Coburtn, Vogel, ago that the very existence of the Uan-
Manager Doled is negotiating for. Mboore, S. Turner, ibtDiarmi, Rogers, versity tas threatened and at that
He introduced Capt. M~inis, uhot Crumapackrtt, Jamoes, C'ondon, Matte- meeting, Dec. 20 549d, there tas a coa-
annouaced that the rage aill be put ac son_,.nttilee atpoined to memcorialie the
foe" use the Deaft titme an Saturday, Outielders-L. D. Turner, Weeks, legislature to change the admtnitistra-
Feb. 1, and aftet that sill be done HelfmnasKeeeDvesleaSnowsWl- i tion of the Uivalertsits.
froam 1 to 3 esvetc day.It iettred tatasoa tIWelchcBrilOtt,5 ddd Cll Ott i5471iccwathe trute that tno t-
that each matn put inat least ,Aa hotr Meidiss dent could belog- to uch a society
r day tn boting atnd batte ci pratice -uls t oi~tto a ensb
There s a spletndd oppottunic0 for Crosbyj Will Speak uls aitsttutncdbe ac
matittssine tondapiosed bthe factlt.
gocd titcehers ltocmkete Iseteatm, at it litotniSt Crostbt ciiiilecur,' otICti c iii ts to Ihis te thi PsiBeta
is an opentcfeld to evet-sone nd nocnc-sitg.etxttuide te aspices of teIto a cisPtittId5A1pheBDets Pitsocie-
othe l~c td mntca p1a.U t h oldito ittient Ctub itsUa Ltiit
tis had beet sectetlt aaintotoisalat% l al e ._sa aielgca esabished.
trtg-actiThtei etos tlstt Ifli attltys ttie ne cstidetts stoua
hi-ketoincts-and n ot u~ii the d- adim otor, tOttCristbythlssan s itL oi nysc cet o
Ito beclled 'tV c:sttcbe- ickeil CAnd OMariti it AMilerituecitii sestoit-IIcti i-tiobe
<acit gatuta itos ci
lit - ccm gin wllbe nuiittif putpocsi-,Ott.ICosby is tea i hihdbeniliedt xs
toicu~t sith -c' tt t citt ci' F- ittiyl I il 'tite'-Tecmmeni~tcoil to tle
f -emnt. it hi fwrfect ndifcile iplat tdiets.a this cetc
ttietesstuiilc u nittci tlititsttilc tir u ial rte eeajs
'o tetsitc-itl icttti tcbtyssitt hi%'s tcisotode cstwth ang
cca ttit ratmactito pla netcil-seniityof is iceicsotalityliehc-es h cs ttcol iilsl ct'
- toticsI-I-'talii I Vto u~igi - cc thett~s doe sThey toffettred to stbtmit ti onstitus
versity tem. Ile sad inciarsaiduith stad tsiconiotheobtsitte sincllioniau
liiiliciI oto- it ts Iareeta tbcet it st thisiit tit e suic tte ftcltyttiot Iphonitstetasri
titctrttSiigles etxs isitietaot cioseswhoitt"elandIlaittitadoinotathori t [ o gaizae
gor teat lnu ve'-it atd arteialtn tor t o- i ttttt lc scheanoi Tsttu tett lon e frternoitytt
intersattotve'ystudteitloseirt--actor tobe iea.iitiStti citiipita05 rea
toe e-tailreco ttha I Ithee s anc
eon hissin telt't ti''of 11c'd1sittuandly etraltliii11cc arottdli iin 01 iicu
ideascluser, specallythos Itelin itru n tna t d tpio Itotfoyrbild
toeatchoumbacd o itomnialldc oer taa hosetenc.caiti at 5 1 itt iittghtigoleatthngcutaa
to phod ad t docreit o yill ofthe namecs ot thaemblets of Ct
slveos antd yotr clge ou ut.payeal centresof tou etuntrtiand to
puriy thrm nd etablsh ustie, pt 1 si nd Apa Dltac F-ittanotts are
good basoball, stragttand i ci,. isutlaltethentstaidnessabiahdreswiaodsit-
basoeball.F-ep intaioingtocatyourasaes the cattimaitoptifaiteiottti taasonadatteat c etas- aal t-
honranod if situ ant do thats, utloat llishmnt 01 justiciItaoughout the ts tt xotdIctailooTt
considetation tot yourselftasdotherlhet oexlsio ao uedtectieso
mon, yoiu outght nevr to tic orthe Ico Theo able John S0 Crtsb has bocn st'- c xclta 1 uo h ztso
toanc"urtd to speakt on this iteretisng sub te 1tcwn ccwIo deaoncd the actiota
F-il Snowetli of toot suces'tul lst et Ttasrsday vonig, F-b SNo ad ataiattas accotatg, It tis held ol
soason sswasad atitoaed 1thatsue's-acisioatseill be otagdHe s aie oDe. 011,ad acommtateeo icas =a-
t ltrhe iaatIcaateatlc t the fDeal orator. oittIcs countrtasandpinted toiaamemaotattoo tho legslur,
u-ereccut. t~his yaoherr. rtpoitsamies o sto dc scricigo ooatIt itsked thtoata akora to hanc thc
desrve afoo harig.anitriation of IthoeC tiesil5 .The
sose stil otretmcoacthanc os-r tryingfra-ulyasopesntdissie e h
the teanm and toe just that looson heInstructor ood Writes Text Booklitlsas oootdaasd-itIa
belioces Mic higanawi ll h aeoascitnatng .Tratise by IOulaineuCacesia a cd An- iiustcaingataatetionuto teo at-
team. He tatgede05eiry tmancto stat-tit naotatonts-tatthe omotaacitRemtedalI togodcelofsuhosac'rttoetiesc'stabd-
otatuntil tiho end sayitag thatntaonteeI-r osss by John R.I Lootisructo
has a cncta aand atmna betoers hs ic the lac e dpartmentat is being paned ercaldiesoibexuivan
chances uth eeryday that ho says by the Ihaod Frsas. he soaka ssi~hciogr-aiIhysdIloccooto-
cith tho leant it all acccilsi' aThoyunaedofhabouteaie pages
i mkavoueoabu37paelsexestosuetiihcantIn concluso Coach SOatkins out- iiill be a case tratiso on attachmnt, tak of toithem-andeceltindtho
linod the sason'sswork A ceek taon garnishmenat, excutuion-s, rtploin and wr ftelieayscete-n h
Saturday the cage' uill ho placod ili- judgenats. Itt wil be usd a-a a text- cellge. he rgoants susainedithetic a-
sition in the gyman, and from then on biook by tho sonior class in the ltc d- ut nispsto.Tectzn'cm
until tho outdoor u-ittk can bo bgun partnent tho second 'ometer of the miteoeItcn appeared and atarmt-naIin.
batting and battery practico se'll be prsnt colege year. esud, bit the legislature took no o-
had every atternioon fromo 1 to 3 in
o'clock. Anyone weho so desites noy Delta Chi Burned out at Cornell. In Ocobr, 150, the eta Theta Fi
stay after this hour and reeive per- ight Corelt students, members atf faternity sa legalized by the facuty
sonal instruction and pinters froma the the Deta Chi fraternity, were hurt cndiltionay ,and the Alpha Delta
coaches, esides this cage practice it yesterday amorning at Ithaca, N. Y., as Phi, Chi Psi and othtrs folowed. That
is desirable that the men shoual get the result of the burning at their fra- ended the uar.
into good general physical condition by ternity house. Several members stre
running on the track. . Me urguud the seriously injured.. Fifteen jumped Miss Eva Land, '9, of Detroit, gave
men to stick through the season, and thirty feet to the gounad. The house a luncheon tor IS members of Collegi-
said: 'It a nest man shows up better was completely destroyed and but little ate Sorosias who sent dawna to see Irv-.
than one of the old players so favor- of the college property was saved. ing last Saturday.