She NOf 0 _J' I' to _Ir allvf> VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, HtCB., TUESDAY, JANUARY 30, 1900. No. 92. WI 1... 11)NumecrousCniaefrBsbl T T Fine H WINTER and SPRING H E Suitings, Golf Suits, E Fancy Vestings. T DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY T A We Carry he Largest A I StockI L In the Cityq 0 108 EAST WASHINGTON ST. 0 R R WILD WILDER'S SPECIAL teb ritesa Vepa ca lh Wilder's Pharmacy THE OLD Fitsvrlwek ehv RELIABLE utatotaan TOLIACIO °I- F-tHrs A S'EGIALVPY. R. E. JOLLY & CO. A Medical Dictionary 75c Vey,oltbanated 1 pta Data CALKIN'S PHARMACY SWEATERS ...GOING AT.. . 1-4Off WAHR'S r i Team Turn out to Mass Meet- ing. As hlas been the customc in :etet re at antmass tmeeting was bcdls vni at cwhicha the candidates to'- thI-years icocebati team were present to Ihad in their namtns ancd listen toaf V'shtot siceechtes frotmothe cap icco c1tachie anto tismn cilt be sno-wn, httche pltce'ril ielongt'-o Ice Octter imtatnsteoctast hel iit'cticctoil tonters lte s' 'on throcight Leteveceryote cotye and ccotrk. IcclcctIshYualsr n i shcowipatiaility-totcnc one At te (los oftemeetinttohie fl-t iby to tmcens ttcluesalto bie ii toletn tt ite Uivrtttt ad yon "Ous iaesosnt T trn h Sonme Facts of Fartet nitsl Histortj. lice toillicing hand ttiillcwticiths tbeenc dispiay-edtits thecsiicetceot Mof:acti & I iC.'cione is aitractingtmutech atien- adc to foliows: on!tnt I tiioc ofinn AicArbcc eieti- Th l~ di to evenin T81de rt l LV Y 'lllz ,ns 5g at - itt t] at the couerthoousoetis -coclck, lto tke itnto rotn- te conduct ot the F-AC- Citivet-tity ocit cihigaitnit IF-seesA list 01 otertf0'tattM', o m50 tccatctavoticyitucrcnittg in his natoe epllin all the stenetsileonitgtoo catty n the seasot spr. s10 l '1 te etwe en ittottnt te citmmncetnc-t i te secet sciies success ot Mitiancs tnmthecoti o atc wcit fon nets~t Os--"MANY CITZFNS.' lag seasot. urdy Decetner 2, t5d9. Stndent Mtatager Lctt:eare mcost' CatittraC.F- Canbers Des r- Digging downtentto the hstict- 01 the fete tntrodsctoty tenmaks n wich he ttcaLotrse Witne, Mee, Moht" affai it is leaned that thee eree said that besides the see-}tt co-nlte Ptclers-DonglasshtllCatt, Caty, sotme very trbulent ttnmes itrounl lie schedule paublishsed anys o cc ay Datty YounagiMillitDttttnaet, Cuttng H. date of that hatdbll od that te prs- a, series of five ganmesswth Ilitnots and G F-tch howtt. C. Ftch W.W. entotmnonth is aeally the seni-centen- sac of four with Chcao Itete practi ChIanbets, aLsDueFance tley, ial of the ibetaton of sectet societies catty assured facts. This gases a sea- Stweeley, M~argie, an te university froam the ban which [son f hard trthsith the three games Infieder-Killian, Blecoe, Cap- the old faculty placed upon them. [swith Cornell and one with Pennayl- bel, Wilson, MMahsn, McCormick, So intense sas the feeling 5 years vaia, eas-iag aloae the others which Flesher, Pelton, Coburtn, Vogel, ago that the very existence of the Uan- Manager Doled is negotiating for. Mboore, S. Turner, ibtDiarmi, Rogers, versity tas threatened and at that He introduced Capt. M~inis, uhot Crumapackrtt, Jamoes, C'ondon, Matte- meeting, Dec. 20 549d, there tas a coa- annouaced that the rage aill be put ac son_,.nttilee atpoined to memcorialie the foe" use the Deaft titme an Saturday, Outielders-L. D. Turner, Weeks, legislature to change the admtnitistra- Feb. 1, and aftet that sill be done HelfmnasKeeeDvesleaSnowsWl- i tion of the Uivalertsits. froam 1 to 3 esvetc day.It iettred tatasoa tIWelchcBrilOtt,5 ddd Cll Ott i5471iccwathe trute that tno t- that each matn put inat least ,Aa hotr Meidiss dent could belog- to uch a society r day tn boting atnd batte ci pratice -uls t oi~tto a ensb There s a spletndd oppottunic0 for Crosbyj Will Speak uls aitsttutncdbe ac matittssine tondapiosed bthe factlt. gocd titcehers ltocmkete Iseteatm, at it litotniSt Crostbt ciiiilecur,' otICti c iii ts to Ihis te thi PsiBeta is an opentcfeld to evet-sone nd nocnc-sitg.etxttuide te aspices of teIto a cisPtittId5A1pheBDets Pitsocie- othe l~c td mntca p1a.U t h oldito ittient Ctub itsUa Ltiit tis had beet sectetlt aaintotoisalat% l al e ._sa aielgca esabished. trtg-actiThtei etos tlstt Ifli attltys ttie ne cstidetts stoua hi-ketoincts-and n ot u~ii the d- adim otor, tOttCristbythlssan s itL oi nysc cet o Ito beclled 'tV c:sttcbe- ickeil CAnd OMariti it AMilerituecitii sestoit-IIcti i-tiobe