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January 27, 1900 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-01-27

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SIMMONSPRICES-to close out remainder of stock-on the best line of strictly
F ) and exclusive, aud they also have a feature loug sought and that you
F' ~~a R I DC Itowmaesre eshownttherciTe- ate rns-n ech i e
cnappd u igtnohree. A h rc-n ot iete ilb
No mistakeelin/stylesehere __________

1The Niagara Falls Rail."
Tain ffrct'SNvember 19, 1899.
oetrit Night :Exprss....... ....5 55 A. .a.
Atlsntic Exprrs ........... .... 7 45
Orann Rapids Expreso ...... ....1110 "
Mailsand Ex.pre ......... .... 3 47 .
N. Y. Broston pecil........... 45
Fast Ea tr l .............. 943 "
Nail andExpres.. ...... ....9 40A.a.
BostrnNY.and Chicago ......... 8ib
Fast I sern Er es ....... .... 1 3S iP..
O.R. ad Ita.E prs ...... .... 545 "
Chicno Night xrs.... ....09430
PacificExprs........... ...i2 30A. M.
Steamship Tickets, all Classes, to and fromi
Europearnpoints atlowestrs. Ful infor-
mai~tiiio onlapilicatin
O.P. Ag 'ttChicago. Ag'tAnn Arbiir.

lVentscbler, the libotographer. Alarm Clocks IU o$1Pis5cto$00 . n
039 iiist Clord Shrts~ii Watch Repairing a Specialty.
See Uur Window- Iplls ooe hrsi
Iiipor ted Madiras and Clieviots, J1, L CHAPMAN, JEWELER,
PIegua~r $1,50) aniii .0,
Shirts to Close Out at $1.15. '206 Main south.

Men's Dept.

J 4.50 Rrdiuced &3.65
4.00 3 .00
' 3.705 ' 2.90
3.50 2.75
Ihirerceiaie Swtriso (Sioaker Stiiiei)
$4.9i edtcd S350
4.50 t075

Washington Alumni Banquet. that hod been given the naiver-
'0' Wasbiington last Oigr ioosue 'Mich slt~y by the Staite of M iigan
sz S =P z. 011 I1 0 i13n0association of the District ot Co-,rind withimuchlidoe subtirfted
TIME TABLE lumiia celebrated t130 sixty-third an- iat the piesotle toadfountoi the
Taking Effect n aiy, May 21, assmney so ivell expenoded that iii the
Trains leavr Ann Arboir by Cenrral Stard- ivelroiry of floe admriasion of fhelaso eiltreteapoerai a
Lr~d Time. state. introfloe Uniorr by a banqiuet, s lroton r h pl iitoiii
SOCTH1 NOEII 00wichi oar attendedtoy nerol y a tooun- oeesu o 0 tiU h oiu
-__ dyoedotMichriganr 00010of noore 07 tessoeyOhaof haidibeinippropriteud 'ince
*No. 6.- 7:26 A. M_ No. 1.- 856 bA.01.13aleoioiitinooolfloheuivritoyiof the to-
Nr. 2.-11:3) A. oi. 'No.6-2:0Pa . p oioence, iocudiog Mi. Justice o.4-I:0 .Nclii3-4:6P.r a i rtatmounat toi so mruch as hoe
Na. .- or i i. N. 3- 4lb i Bir0wnirof floe soitrone our(031t;Ciesi cst iii oniemuroulcbiittleshrip.
detcifAngelt, of AAirAbor; Senars It wosispiringro nd evden th triltling'
stuan betwern Ann Arbuor and ToledrooniycTl aanBurw adnelyr1 b
All t raisdoaily excrptSunday. oo M o j lotDorwo ad1101 lttl ooreprtrt0 h Dt i
IV ~ ~ ~ E S1 IN~T .. OiLIJitlHi' Agent. thec members of the s1.atorelgti sayousiaitcorresoetltoftheiieib t ote
ln he ous.ii bhe-at ofthoisog"oat u~niveirsity , 10
Detroit, Ypsilnnti nud Aunr Ar -uirnator Mcillatn respondetd to the. rmil and.isimple word-, telling 01 rts
bor Railwny. toast, "The Presidenot oftht~e Unoitedt'greatneoss ad worlol-0wide usefulniess.
Cars leave for Detroit and Ypsilanti Staites"; Justico Brownvfrlowoedoth011With fatherly andt aieofioinatoe1p1idelie
every half boor, beginoning it 7:1Ia. . alii netribute fo floe judic~iary o1 Michim ooted 10003s-aroundllthe banuquet boarrd
until 7:45 p. mn After that to Detroif
at 8:45 p. ni,1:45 p. mn. and 11:15o p.m. 'an, paisfanrd lresenrt, and Se'oa'or whlimchosere Iamniir to him iSs1pupil1.
'Witing room, corner Ann and Ma in Burrlows spoke facetiously fori I ho But there wa-s the vihiant note olf tme
sto.; Detroit, lit Griowold of. Michoigair Dolegation in Congies. heaider ino his voice -is he eloquetly told
ITrc hit of thoo evenliog vsamnade lyosf01tte 0001k1that wa11 being done by thte
thiousandis of liishoy's in all harts of the
I-resident Angellswho told seveirol world.
BREAFAST- AN AROR imuotng otorieo of lois expeences iii
BREKFAT AN AROR tho fai East, including a lasicrotir in- Howard hats at Wadhiams, Ryan &
UPPE - T. cden of ~o uceing lon theRist fcile. Boot hat on floe market at
SUPR -$,LOUIS, MO. ilen o hotmnatidnkeyalo th'oRivec 3.30. 200-202 S. Main rt.
WABASH FAST TRAINS waO "Krlamazoo." Othriformal Thoere will tie ahbaseball m0ass meet-
toats o oe rspodedto r fltoco Roomoo9. All intererted in floe game
FREE - CHAIR CARS "The Americato Soldier, by Gen. ) soruld come otit, even if not intending
O. , ..cox;,"aloe Kidr," by Michigan'r to try for the term.
ableot congressmans, Menry C.Snmith. EDWIN McGINNIS, Capt.
It.S. Grenwoorad, M. P. A., Chicago -
WhaOve room for 12 or 15 more
President AngellI, in refeoeooce to hits boarders at 82.75 a week, or at1noeal
u niveisity, raid thtat it aoivItad he- tickets of $3.00 at Parker's Cafe.
t'aeen 3,300 anod 3,300 tuoths. tHe Grod board guaranteed. Stewcard
'anted. 709 N. Univeroity av. 9a
HOCKING VALLEY KY. thought itt nighit be a little ___________-
ins to the legal fraternity to tnow tha t Invention of a New Hammer.
the lawv departmenst noio hitd some 800 Xfr. Flannragano,woas boosenoo coach-
4 TRAIN'S DAILY 4 students. Of floe preseootropresenitto lois the uciglhf coodidateos 10forche Yal
Bcm ii'slis iil io Oii 001 i5 sr0'iintion in congress the MSi chig"an Utniver- tack ooeao, boos just inventeo.d a ball-
depot is bothm citiec. ' situ' 1ud fiirnoisheodIS itoombers.to ahighuoHe wooulil tccpos
toad ihto IslCfe o 10hisprsn
Througho Sleeper to 0Washin-aton andoBaltimoore. soao id e had o adenoioleiOCmpariisontthois rec-ord.ol hI haleo dcis plaoceodinithe baoll
GREAT RAILROAD 9-eat', but in othoer9'earr, ho id look~ed up bill o 10 a ohe lter rovolvoosn a0
flote ir0100esentationt ofviouois oollegessetof atbernswhile goinog thougih
THEI EH-OCK IG VtILLEY ito cotocross and liadofouno ttone oltheair.Ioo claobdrta iote ooodlo- is
'd'iteo thieiohbootso many ois 38"gradua1tes 7010- ts o t vrellnot05becom0
I.. W. LANIAAN, resented. tHe referreod to the suplport erl
11 W.Fort t, Detroit. f1

1jave You
seen oic PORCEuLAINS? Pioor.
Ohs"g ortsolyplacceor the001'
weeysouocin fet themr
Ihr) IBrunlStudio
112 W. Huroi St. N. S. Phone 119
Athens Theatre
T'he ilig Buorlsqueoocandol'audevileC cs.
Miss New York Jr.
Nexot Atosctioin-FA'NY RICE iii
hlum ~ll1ocks
//4bh Warranted for 1 Year
Win. Arnold,
The Most GorI)plete
lini c of Loswney Chocolates in th
city can be found ott Tuttle's
0. M. MARTIN~.
Embalbong a spec-alty. No. 20. S. 4th
Ave. Ambulance night and day. Res-
idence 302 Pifth Ace.

Puritan BxClfSosfoIoe
Take and retain a polish like Patent Leathers and are Waterproof. Light different Styles 1 10E.HUIRON $1.
O. vr in NC I TERE FnrrIn ad 54"3 Eart Rhliam 5treat
F.~jfjIii~~~f Iu I ITRE uneral Director niversity jutoealbocwstFn
.0 .R~~MMrs. Enoh DitereLady Asistant. oflhr huildingm. Allttinds
KM T15BZ R of resoirlg rt neatly doine
Bth PhonsNo 85 lh5X awigifNi u116SE.Libety Struet.Residenc b3B5S ho h p E.R nl Poo

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