THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 SIMMONSPRICES-to close out remainder of stock-on the best line of strictly F ) and exclusive, aud they also have a feature loug sought and that you F' ~~a R I DC Itowmaesre eshownttherciTe- ate rns-n ech i e cnappd u igtnohree. A h rc-n ot iete ilb No mistakeelin/stylesehere __________ MICHIGAN CENTR~AL 1The Niagara Falls Rail." CENTRAL STANDARD lIME. Tain ffrct'SNvember 19, 1899. oetrit Night :Exprss....... ....5 55 A. .a. Atlsntic Exprrs ........... .... 7 45 Orann Rapids Expreso ...... ....1110 " Mailsand Ex.pre ......... .... 3 47 . N. Y. Broston pecil........... 45 Fast Ea tr l .............. 943 " Nail andExpres.. ...... ....9 40A.a. BostrnNY.and Chicago ......... 8ib Fast I sern Er es ....... .... 1 3S iP.. O.R. ad Ita.E prs ...... .... 545 " Chicno Night xrs.... ....09430 PacificExprs........... ...i2 30A. M. Steamship Tickets, all Classes, to and fromi Europearnpoints atlowestrs. Ful infor- mai~tiiio onlapilicatin 0. W.IRUGGLES. ii.W. HAYES, O.P. Ag 'ttChicago. Ag'tAnn Arbiir. lVentscbler, the libotographer. Alarm Clocks IU o$1Pis5cto$00 . n 039 iiist Clord Shrts~ii Watch Repairing a Specialty. See Uur Window- Iplls ooe hrsi Iiipor ted Madiras and Clieviots, J1, L CHAPMAN, JEWELER, PIegua~r $1,50) aniii .0, Shirts to Close Out at $1.15. '206 Main south. SWEEITERS to CLOSE Men's Dept. J 4.50 Rrdiuced &3.65 4.00 3 .00 ' 3.705 ' 2.90 3.50 2.75 Ihirerceiaie Swtriso (Sioaker Stiiiei) $4.9i edtcd S350 4.50 t075 MfXOK & GO.J Washington Alumni Banquet. that hod been given the naiver- '0' Wasbiington last Oigr ioosue 'Mich slt~y by the Staite of M iigan sz S =P z. 011 I1 0 i13n0association of the District ot Co-,rind withimuchlidoe subtirfted TIME TABLE lumiia celebrated t130 sixty-third an- iat the piesotle toadfountoi the Taking Effect n aiy, May 21, assmney so ivell expenoded that iii the Trains leavr Ann Arboir by Cenrral Stard- ivelroiry of floe admriasion of fhelaso eiltreteapoerai a Lr~d Time. state. introfloe Uniorr by a banqiuet, s lroton r h pl iitoiii SOCTH1 NOEII 00wichi oar attendedtoy nerol y a tooun- oeesu o 0 tiU h oiu -__ dyoedotMichriganr 00010of noore 07 tessoeyOhaof haidibeinippropriteud 'ince *No. 6.- 7:26 A. M_ No. 1.- 856 bA.01.13aleoioiitinooolfloheuivritoyiof the to- Nr. 2.-11:3) A. oi. 'No.6-2:0Pa . p oioence, iocudiog Mi. Justice o.4-I:0 .Nclii3-4:6P.r a i rtatmounat toi so mruch as hoe Na. .- or i i. N. 3- 4lb i Bir0wnirof floe soitrone our(031t;Ciesi cst iii oniemuroulcbiittleshrip. detcifAngelt, of AAirAbor; Senars It wosispiringro nd evden th triltling' stuan betwern Ann Arbuor and ToledrooniycTl aanBurw adnelyr1 b All t raisdoaily excrptSunday. oo M o j lotDorwo ad1101 lttl ooreprtrt0 h Dt i IV ~ ~ ~ E S1 IN~T .. OiLIJitlHi' Agent. thec members of the s1.atorelgti sayousiaitcorresoetltoftheiieib t ote ln he ous.ii bhe-at ofthoisog"oat u~niveirsity , 10 Detroit, Ypsilnnti nud Aunr Ar -uirnator Mcillatn respondetd to the. rmil and.isimple word-, telling 01 rts bor Railwny. toast, "The Presidenot oftht~e Unoitedt'greatneoss ad worlol-0wide usefulniess. Cars leave for Detroit and Ypsilanti Staites"; Justico Brownvfrlowoedoth011With fatherly andt aieofioinatoe1p1idelie every half boor, beginoning it 7:1Ia. . alii netribute fo floe judic~iary o1 Michim ooted 10003s-aroundllthe banuquet boarrd until 7:45 p. mn After that to Detroif at 8:45 p. ni,1:45 p. mn. and 11:15o p.m. 'an, paisfanrd lresenrt, and Se'oa'or whlimchosere Iamniir to him iSs1pupil1. 'Witing room, corner Ann and Ma in Burrlows spoke facetiously fori I ho But there wa-s the vihiant note olf tme sto.; Detroit, lit Griowold of. Michoigair Dolegation in Congies. heaider ino his voice -is he eloquetly told ITrc hit of thoo evenliog vsamnade lyosf01tte 0001k1that wa11 being done by thte thiousandis of liishoy's in all harts of the I-resident Angellswho told seveirol world. BREAFAST- AN AROR imuotng otorieo of lois expeences iii BREKFAT AN AROR tho fai East, including a lasicrotir in- Howard hats at Wadhiams, Ryan & UPPE - T. cden of ~o uceing lon theRist fcile. Boot hat on floe market at SUPR -$,LOUIS, MO. ilen o hotmnatidnkeyalo th'oRivec 3.30. 200-202 S. Main rt. WABASH FAST TRAINS waO "Krlamazoo." Othriformal Thoere will tie ahbaseball m0ass meet- toats o oe rspodedto r fltoco Roomoo9. All intererted in floe game FREE - CHAIR CARS "The Americato Soldier, by Gen. ) soruld come otit, even if not intending O. , ..cox;,"aloe Kidr," by Michigan'r to try for the term. ableot congressmans, Menry C.Snmith. EDWIN McGINNIS, Capt. It.S. Grenwoorad, M. P. A., Chicago - WhaOve room for 12 or 15 more President AngellI, in refeoeooce to hits boarders at 82.75 a week, or at1noeal u niveisity, raid thtat it aoivItad he- tickets of $3.00 at Parker's Cafe. t'aeen 3,300 anod 3,300 tuoths. tHe Grod board guaranteed. Stewcard 'anted. 709 N. Univeroity av. 9a HOCKING VALLEY KY. thought itt nighit be a little ___________- ins to the legal fraternity to tnow tha t Invention of a New Hammer. the lawv departmenst noio hitd some 800 Xfr. Flannragano,woas boosenoo coach- 4 TRAIN'S DAILY 4 students. Of floe preseootropresenitto lois the uciglhf coodidateos 10forche Yal Bcm ii'slis iil io Oii 001 i5 sr0'iintion in congress the MSi chig"an Utniver- tack ooeao, boos just inventeo.d a ball- depot is bothm citiec. ' situ' 1ud fiirnoisheodIS ahighuoHe wooulil tccpos toad ihto IslCfe o 10hisprsn Througho Sleeper to 0Washin-aton andoBaltimoore. soao id e had o adenoioleiOCmpariisontthois rec-ord.ol hI haleo dcis plaoceodinithe baoll GREAT RAILROAD 9-eat', but in othoer9'earr, ho id look~ed up bill o 10 a ohe lter rovolvoosn a0 flote ir0100esentationt ofviouois oollegessetof atbernswhile goinog thougih THEI EH-OCK IG VtILLEY ito cotocross and liadofouno ttone oltheair.Ioo claobdrta iote ooodlo- is 'd'iteo thieiohbootso many ois 38"gradua1tes 7010- ts o t vrellnot05becom0 I.. W. LANIAAN, resented. tHe referreod to the suplport erl 11 W.Fort t, Detroit. f1 1jave You seen oic PORCEuLAINS? Pioor. Ohs"g ortsolyplacceor the001' weeysouocin fet themr SPIECIIL ROtT[S 10 S[NIORS Ihr) IBrunlStudio 112 W. Huroi St. N. S. Phone 119 Athens Theatre MONDAY, JANUARY 29. T'he ilig Buorlsqueoocandol'audevileC cs. Miss New York Jr. Nexot Atosctioin-FA'NY RICE iii oA WONDERFUL WOMAN NEW TERMV DANCI2TG GRANGER'S ACADEMY. HEAD THE DAILY. hlum ~ll1ocks //4bh Warranted for 1 Year $1.00 Win. Arnold, The Most GorI)plete lini c of Loswney Chocolates in th city can be found ott Tuttle's 338 SOUTH STATE ST, 0. M. MARTIN~. FUNERAL_ S DIRECTOR Embalbong a spec-alty. No. 20. S. 4th Ave. Ambulance night and day. Res- idence 302 Pifth Ace. Puritan BxClfSosfoIoe Take and retain a polish like Patent Leathers and are Waterproof. Light different Styles 1 10E.HUIRON $1. O. vr in NC I TERE FnrrIn ad 54"3 Eart Rhliam 5treat F.~jfjIii~~~f Iu I ITRE uneral Director niversity jutoealbocwstFn .0 .R~~MMrs. Enoh DitereLady Asistant. oflhr huildingm. Allttinds KM T15BZ R of resoirlg rt neatly doine Bth PhonsNo 85 lh5X awigifNi u116SE.Libety Struet.Residenc b3B5S ho h p E.R nl Poo WE PATRONIZE GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE