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October 02, 1899 - Image 3

Resource type:
U. of M. Daily, 1899-10-02

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M1IHIGAN QENTRALSt..... I........i...
The Niagara Fals Route. B U R O -H F I L J Pianos to FRent
I7NTA STANAI D TIld. '... Shaere uicStr
Takling LE etnt e;o ,1899. S~ael UI tr
11e1NGEASTThe Fine Tailoin -
DetritPigt hExpes.l........ b 5i . t._________________
Atantiec ~ ExpesI....... .7 .48
Glrnd all.S F re... 1110."."it.1014 W. Liberty St. Bel Phone 254
Mfail and rpre t.o........... 31471' m81 Ta of theVCity._________
Ny. Boston SpeIcial.......... . 45.4 II«....U.
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maiad',n 49....'101 UC FED.16EATHUO TRE, OUR PHOTOS
Tarack. ST Pract08ice. ____ ____________ARE..
10.8nd". 08 l. ' HcoFllPoc Prcic, PERFECT IN STYLE AN) FINISH
(tcieuonN k L epr I . ' .. 04.. . 1 1110..1 00.
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T. .A g', Gibicaeno. A t A1111Arbor . 10o '.10 019110001
1110o11 oftSplltl evoerl yearshniill- di 1111111011111011011110f1Berryman Studio
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PoPUL aPRICE . , AnArsoCE. W sig eiin otFoourct, uni c. .I th A3 eS. Stha he S.t

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