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October 02, 1899 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1899-10-02

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r r




H Fine Fall and Winter H
E Suitings, Golf Suits, E
Fancy Vestings.
A We Carry the Largest A
1 Stock I
L In the City. L
R Rl
36Soutb State Street.
TEO LD Forsoeal wesw ~v
THE ana layagil nl a k nfr ha
oy .adlowareaaready with
RELIABLE aR'1"1d rai nI lUNC1,.2
P~itdA ldEEGIAia'PY.
S Copete sets, parts ot sets
or single int umaets. Wae
thnk we haave exactly wh-at*
you an vat anal we know that+
S the prices are right. Or
cases for five instrumnats
I are very neat ad coven-
ient ad were gotten p a-
cording to sggestions from
Dr. Yutzy.
For all Delartments, Lw
and Medical Books. Bring
in yor old books for ex-
.change. College Stationery
and Blank Books, all prices.
Writing by the pond at
15, 20 and 25c. Make our
stores your headquarters.
Two Stores,
?NIV HOOK STORE, Opp.( sort Haure
S. State St. Mai St.

Wretched Exhibition o Footbll b
the Varsityi and College
tasay tlattha e ola at the 'araay
and cllege elevens iwas isappoinaaaing
Satiurdlay would be yputtingt anmilly
It hiss beena somaetime sine tle at-
ball enhuasts aat Ann Arbor have ei
calledl upoin ta witnes satchiaSragged5(
gasmesaa thae psart fMacagaaa's'a-
sity. 'P he talt la oaseswisatathe ola
aaeni taa isth te new anesen I li lt
trtariyeasd to ditsiiellsoaaetin that
scn adly be saaalftheodrPaes
Theasvork of at atloain tack1et anal
0Seeley, at hlfItwan by tie the b--ha
at any iof the Msiebig anplitanersnblit
ibe,,satfthe astyesooaa aad the ahe
" ioal behsidlit.aHslnname is Mees
nlie ias talas e ho, niac
it. ~'as his al aroiundl iiii Iataat kepti
1the lsiaomeiate Iaarom scoaang ia he ;iee'
an Iaf. T ega e w s plitedi s iil alotil
Alyea-i %iin ili tsas tol abahse lie
luau[ g alai--iaastron windl all it-
yaidlie %-au i te alt wa fm able,
ttilsiiia lliag annit.i I eYmd,1
yarseand iithle remiainingiivle amae at-
bloe rte f ii iair seouchaoeeia lie
tatwmiuite rthe iaa tiliii i i
bta-iaatathteaballbaaka2eliyards lbetree
beingidiaaaSa eeley madeanoaataa
eaaafr 15 adillbatlillsdalse \\as giv
en the laall fIsahlilngai Ielsie. T-hiy
reeivaaedl to yads leause Scleas
ittfstale bailnyeresonforcied tolick
MicieanafIaumbledand ala HiSllsal'
raaaaftll aoaatalasball they naieedein '
aaaaiaagthaearfieardselnbt oncaes aid
thaensthae ball iwent ver aln aonns
Miehiagans payead a lie buckiang gane
ntala afew ircleees areouna the eds
Myers cased 11105 lnlg ins ltobe
asrtenaad by tacklilng well aadaoften
imes Ibehind IMicahliga'slna. Sweley
madae anathae lanagiunthan tmnas se
20 yads ad Ma Atemaade thaeght
reaningainda a tonichadiown just e
torees tla'liratfist aftwsanuii
Keeaakicaked the gisaliehladeailhe
soec11 toa0.
'rimasofathalt, 50minutia.
In tab eondiaalhaalt Hlldale kiked
off to Mihign's 25 yard line 'reaa woad
o1 the'astywscaractera ied by
baadlfumbling'Osaiae-ahebliall ness 'an
rued, eanae by Jttner and agan by
Dorant but the thid tamea'it iw as D-
tewso tdillsdle, wsho snuggled up to
the ball and Mihigan lost it ater uasig
lae taclels fr gaod gains. Myes
punted to MLean whoa misjudgd it
and aa nsfrtoiam Hillsdala piked iui
thas ball and ran unhindered oe an
toucbdoiwn, ut ha wan off side and
the bll was brought bck. Kena
11001e1 tr 40 yards. tHillsdlale svwaa
given Oiva yards tr holding in
the line, a011 thn Myrs start-
ed for a long run which Mc-
Lean shortened to 15 yards by a pretty
tackle. 'Myers punted for 20 yards and
Keena returned for 5. The ball ro-
led Is the goal lin where- Myers ell
on itiust before it went ovr. Myers
made a bad punt but got the ball him-
self and a ried it to iis 20 yard line.

A-sinhb-- puitedlialndolthe Varssly tfaum-
ledial vis' Si's -aiothaeyaauntbetore,
tie ~-nai-s cailnniitlatt halt nesa-the
midleaofiithe fieldl i Tlicaia~s pote,-.s
sicn. 1 ,nil s'o! ' 11 tao 0.
lnai 1f51:5mrts
Tlehue lilias is tfolows:

In Attendance---Medical SantI nqa-
seerinq ODepartments Leat.
The registration figu~tras given o~ut tby
-Saecretsry Waide ona aa'alviloy night;-sw
an increased attendance in ever dtepart-
a mneat over that at ant yeaar. Nct nl

H-IZILDALiI. tIlltHIG2AN. i ia h ae u -- --- j
is hatth cae, utthe niambas now en-
Ilaltet--......I e. While, ichardsoan rolled in every dlepartmenat exca Ils the
E. V. lDePeny -...1t,.- . ....-. 'a. ilsion total enrollmlent fur laot year,
Laosh--.. . ..1 g .... Kramaee, Kelley In the folloswing t-ala are gf\"i-s the
Garougi... ........DiceyesLarsenafigures, at the sinning oath(e S'eseys
Sheldon. .. ..rg .... .ig o i-I office,011 Satuiray, asiS of 1ecrl-
.11 DePeas - liab'.t..Secle, dull-wa sponing divlost sear:
tta l -.....Ie.:IleNeinee Bra - aS pt. 311.5111-1101.( -_ "IS. "li
My rclt... ....He-r, G rdne Literary..... 1610112
Alad......lhMe 'Asteest t LanaEganeering... 24 "0;i
La e rg . . Medical ...ha.4l5 ,5t
Laile....'.1...Lan .. 69
P -enels la.... ....II ental ...... 2 2I<;
'Sweeley, DiiiantV ae-hs Pharmaicy . hi..S6dOf
TaanaloonseeaaMce tia'let- Homeopatbie..ii'i7
'lee anal I usaia- Strietanal Tetzia
1iolatl... .....)237 'lot1
l i'e al e l 'la - i s it- t E t e c l
a~eI a ii es--~-~ aa, Xii Xi1 'rhois enroalliaent is thus at- piesatt
Si~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~0 Isa tli i aaaatI l i 1Iaove that at the nsaimetalasmt
SchoollteamInnya 2airineteiaalflriiaaia
inull espct. T e'lw sudiitlayre
laite.iniregistering aiyear aigo, 1o1w-a- to.-
onl i ,itouhdo na-ale allt ee nt t: he lbs inahlledstate of thlawii
ifter a seii51which prevenited ltse day artniet, :,o
so liii o'enis i theie n
by- allthtlaa baa Ian I a tasala'ldi set--iia i p ag on li a Ilet ir-
inere--seoft17in 10thinsadelaretmaen-i i aalt
tia-ali a aa-i- sit olege as dhi I aaakea o
liii si iiiin act id aoes enist.1-or than reIsois.1
liii ue ogiven the legi. ratioaiaslit yeari n the
Thelim uaseenig osOcIat.110,sites thle C-nyes
wvere acompa~raivelyi-alas lete, ss;~s
last year'a total excliusiveaofthe gu:-
maeirSchool. In thaeithird c11oilnsof"
l~a e s ......... . g.... ...... T v~tr has table xiii be foundaid Iar o n bnamo r,
Goodlig ....... c ........... risn laicha entered after tis lisle last yalar'-
-te~ ... -.... a'..... lde ainlaey lct. is, 'I'oi aaa
I tn in ....rt.Johto nsi Pailer'05. '98199. 0itsl'Ois"
Entt gineserinlg.236t 2-15 41)
ill-dial. 3911 418 6
Se b ld ...... ......... hant I aw . .. 0.6 2 738 5_ala
'tuce, pt ..r a......M Doald lDential.... 227 2' 4-1
alter the ame thesioaches put bath Pharmacy...71 801 3
Icaii iIlotnaop... 2 9 6th


pr actice anal finally suceedaed inin i-
stiltling- a litlif e 11110 the iplayeis.
Siaurdlay night, toil, the coaes giave
abseainna acuitaian lecture, wihl, i ae,
hoapesnill beart, ruitoslindaquickaly.
Ssturday's Games.
Thaeganies aaa thae iest Saturdaay usia
pieculisaran that thascoores u-here the
bag teams, excepting only Wiscoanin,
n-eraeaioncerned wieve small wshile the
teaams that aire generally ratad secoind-
cls asceded aiapiling 0upamueh high-
er n-a-ares against their opponents.
Thei'renalts are here givenia
Miehagan 11.tHllsdale 5.
Coillege a.aAnna Arbor lHighOSholl 0.
Wiscoansn45. Lake Forest 5.
Ill ioi a Illinois Wesleyan 0.
Northwvestea-na05,Alui 8l S.
Chicagai 12. Physiecians and Surge-
alls 0.
Purdute l10. Alumnii5,
Naotre Dame 40, H. A. C. 0.
Bit 59. Whitew-ater Normal 5.
Sit. Johns M. A. 34. Carroll 0.
Lsmbard 30, Moumouth 0.
Kansas 12, Haskell Indians 0.
Knox t1. Iswa Wesieyasa a.
Yales 23, Amherst 0.
Cornell 12. Hamilton 0.
Pennsylvania.'20. Lehigh 0.
Harvard 29. Williams 0.
Carlisle 3e. Susquebanna 5.

'Total-..2,885 3,0986 tha7
Thes present enrollmient ha only lb9
belonv last year's totail, wiles both the
engineering and medical departmsents,
already show an inarease of their lot'l
last Joune. If tesameii numaher enters
late this yeaar as lash, the gra nd tohal
for the year would amount up to 3,534,
But thtis is highly improhbable as the-e
certainly will not he i5 as any Ile a- ix
a's in the law department.
Supplies and Dissectisng
Instrumsensts. ,
We garanstee lbs goods.
We guar alnteea urine,
School of Dana ing
-MR AND MRS. R0SS GRANGGER Iiissa easct~e,,
o~fficead Academy 312 Maynarli street-one
biasck teal af Stale streetses..
Bell Phase Na.

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