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October 17, 1903 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1903-10-17

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THE MICIIAN DAILY Through his college work, ,its ear- *,**,* "**00**0f******
Fallr1d0asis( adila -I.s ie a - ni poessiona ~~ llhfirs, te hadl uh Your Entire Needs in Z
to Ido wils avancig og itfesioal
Allnounceimnt shelyear 1875 he was invit e to o- Law, Medical aild
1jS C IIUMaASUN IUiversity vof lichiasand accepted It11 ~nrvt
BUSINESS MANAUEiB tie pofessolrshilt of Pricipes gilot all UI 1J
RO S( C PIIHt STUN Prac ice of Operative Denrt jr.4
IkI'oST e first OeOsiolt was Itld i I e' T x- oo s
The Largest. and1 lMost tecu.RDRTt~o iterof155 nd18- - asMa1110 o pi0Lie;ofJ.5I. cea5ofth partmietitwhich he es-f Te tB o s
ASSOCIATEtS:tlsthietd o00ite highest edicatstonal * - N wadScn-ad
Clifr t ( es oos, toy PeIi - ,e. bsis 1kno)wn1at lit ime, atit le has f1 11 ot
A 1lIe raver, Pili C.IIivis, ever stoe strives lteli its stadi( finIIstum and4ll
A<. lrnd A. I. otn e. aid as tuchIio aivane ofoth011(1i D atn-nsrlCU
to phY.I5 y. sOhoti l-r Stii t itilsot aso thle 1rofesioal tti t ot e
t org.ti tiin(, et wold alltw. Tlrotgli(ti; et- * Engneerng Suppies :
Edior Today-S. S.MORE. tirtote coiirse a ten extetded *ai.
in Anti Arhior witlte ttiuntil o01ic Hoursi 12:30 ts 130 snt 6301o730 o i *rlalt ~adalri (r~ ]+
it (I. I C -\i it .5Cos, 1085 P". tDaily. gflis opil ioifiii, i~toiv i
Ititot %Vashigts St. te it Address-ROICOR B. HUSTO, Business Mian-LhoIi ghIitlst d ittlltt ft rndai-l iiit eond-HlandlBok
Ill-i-e e~~nt oh n-itt altser, 331Paca rnd Stree. .iiiivii.* Books f
th clioneit ofitall ,nittlos Telepone 461. Aos a sietitc itorer le has tese tu h ndS lda
ti-iroser-iins ,r i ioier u (570tons- - - a i eisi s uch as olite r inen, f * 1
fot this sealson. svhoiihave ideoiei teit-eteri i-i enl
irey I(o tis Ibac, ut hIihas l t-q
W L f I l i( -r e a s o n l i l y th e - y n i l s t t i i i s i t i h i s c i e iti ic n a s e l i t h 0.i- O i t
H. pI14D C it)iti-i t nterc uliii.briinsoaitdll Ityhis suget iis Ihi his g liiio(*n BOOKSTORES *
th lv'to f th- I'iv e i) y 5 lath ispita 1 utio a d ectiiiitil t iti l 2i
Ii 117h.S. fw deely t oou iindihls. Inimanii men oies hiiiere ]]btiinit hei) ose UP'TOWN DOWN TOWN.
108 E. ashlinesweet' comp-aiilirativel-y ii directions. lie always st outdlforhigh Offfffffff~fff
delpendentillbut 101 ihive iily; iiie iide d ofesionual astinmiiients 1n rejicedi
lO~bO~f!O!A!O~fl000l~lO~f~toheIo11 loyadthelBo ,(ollif Rifice ir tecniciltknoiiweigi. Of®00Ef0Offf
f = s11ills iiave been Itiyig Iniie ie y this In his tieligiio ifi ho wsi ua t 4 l de--a4-,- I 1
SIIU 1' J1I N I il obut lpt ills ha Ieti s-ii-.ii vii-t iud-member if ('11c (onlii lulu I tIIt11 y O K
Un v r iy B o s + Y vng dnl.1 1so rainiillly in fact-ith1at1uhuch, atiiloccuptid prominti lactites
hes eiii 11)11e lly lost it riRo i.ttIhi cutnciOiof I(it o int ionLAW DEPARTMENT
CIi I 11 Iaei n h d p't i t. in1d1lth n l isee1m118oita naltinalus elat l ocal har-FIRST YAR
I'll eC'itefurall f to have ent iely glle-fr-in(ir l-laclr. I1e ass fo rlt-I easiArsnu ~r~ ,5
Th University aves~yo heVneSret onrgainl ier40
tilylt -nl-h-iSiotl oiii eihuetls W itil i i 011 Irii~l(a 16
ha no lu e cltli havien11 me i -ill u c v f ii natliie and11511f1o-iitiarly1. ± iz1el-' st e e ei e
a. se rvE3 I --1111 ilol ii litd Suffi ient lwte ohs p Iasi- o o i-igist a ifpe ite n i lofthliii 1BP nrIhs e Es Aon R
Pl isl procured,~ i sho ud iom a tij-tlit, si t iiiist un c l.ritie ar fe ris - tl h il0'i silieis, hi s) l ollil
U iv ersity i i i -* Iti) illliill"" II iii 51
(io s li- i lint t ih i-ie n l a iyo ac- coi mpli sh1111 geI tut-as tegty- i f th i iC n E O D Y A e t B o sa l ir u shisis a 151iiii5 on l on er nc or a rol lii 111111.(a
Keffl s ra in I ~f i (ih iidesti sciaiei t o be wuu i de-i ul siihiry e s.lt i e As a 11)1Iis ii Iial iii r- it * ,1ki - i it l l iiii lln i
n iknwniirii I I lii- atd eali. a l t Inall beneoeunt oa e( n et iili. 9 hul~u tt lii d 1a1111 uli
", l _________________if Ii r~ iis il li-i nt .. is I Euuh llv, ol.u
W A ,erm n ts elfor h ~o nnan Pn ii- lisiitIO byuI uuu1-ti riglfe hulh aveu a rgely , i. oi-islule s and ( ii ter : il~ue i'io 5tui ol .iii !l
* e lu oreu- hiu iuy hi i- bo u-fh iu-re u tnd uusuch ca -ls tAstale.I u h w sl d i feh niis0t~r ar-ti 6
D ufel & 1ssrst Drawingi-- In-I uj -lhil uiil I itfsili!ue 1111rteuhuoua iiiit,, so t erhis Ii 1
One lnl e n e f (hrty oii.1101the sigii-i tllyulS ll wIt rethu. i -Iu snsae sa w ith im. ! dt1ss l I)u snd ,sn
S 101 Fati Whli l-ilu uhuiu osliti 0u- ~ sil il stugniof ill geatt wi * Hitti use1nd) tSi. - to Ill
3owerhhts aswys lordua d le d}'9
lullmnb( w a l ip nted - i ltes lt-.oifoaerotsuch- cn ces siosaui Di Aiits ul *i10U111 iuy!i
VC 'hell uhf t'in tie uusli. tofiil 11111 liii ghht1
had r151arkable cooi.-glofnfiusoat-l,.slrliius-u-to:ehull i
hil y ll! b~ uuutin ise)111rprsrtiheeli- hi-lau iii '' u, hic suui ailwthus hts lithl suntii iiii
*On-euiteloiartiFinuantaiunhuheuit 01 qui t te t. Sne t
" i 57 u oiit i (iiiii'Sia i ea d sn l id d.l'rs omtr i yo. .,k
ii I utd l uili uv rssl o i i i Iu chian, iii-iuiiiItilt[:m
HT\\ TT A lileu onneh teAu WilkAuhuue OhWILL COLEeAToMARIETA.
Oni , ENRAL O or (at iill e sii -tie r hew 5 e tas fdasie ar iihsni-een K ,ct'fc
0. I1Mrii FlEA i In I Si e ,anedor ial itiul- and leat. TheyCinci nnat, a d oet anu'sl eI SC .lE.llg S HELf
7 DIRCTOR si-ug ii ifiurhs Is ul lur-.ii A uh ,Wo dwa rdsue of Ann Arbtutu or, are __________________________
tuden12 .titliooAltIoreil leu it hIst leiiiillhhy ut hu~ etucuo-Iirileisilaftt-ehu
Aftilne 1(11 iist co IIIii Iosiilo ehurldlilt! mll Iie colft ler sdoasuhui. ~i. \evan

Henry Van Dyke, Lyman Abbott, F. Hopkinson Smith,
IIsabel Beecher, Madam GJielaw, and Walter Wellman,
The Asociation returtns all te money t the students inf
Tcesmy he obtained froma Treasurer Aldridge at Cuos-
inc;'s 1)ron Stoie fronm 4 to 6i p. 11.

DrAE M.S T, M aTnager
Iue% the Greatest Scenic Produzctlozi of the Age :2
]Francesca Da Rilrin. _
j rcs The Original Lawrence Blarrett Prodiictito.
Coming---[UG[NI[ BLAIR, ino "ZAZA."j
ff~fN~f~ffNNNffffffff4foNN4 fN~f~ffff&


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