The ]Vichigan Daily
No. 17
Game With Indiana Today to be Onei
of Special interest-Must Beat
Chicago's Score of 34-Other
Games Today.
C'hicago-Northwtten t Marshall
Mititesota-osea Sae toivrsiy
at linltl(aoisis
('lcosil--Beoit at Madison
Ilinoiis -..-Prdute at lataYelt I.
Nebraska-Haskel t itt lnt.
Amen-C('e at Ames.
llfarv at-West Point at West Pointt.
Yale--Pennlsyt ltvaia Sitillat Nell
Prnctetot-(arise LittPrtietton.
('iiitits--Amtitest tt Nest Yort.
West Point--IHtrvtatt'tat West inti.
TIhis attenoontal2:21 irttFerry
Fielit 21ithigatiwiltfprteedtto ro slt
lufta s ste iiof stiltitieittttdimtnsis
34-t goito theyi tttt'gritttii. At leat
thtiis Owi.'Ihltte or every etitsastir
againtst Itlh Htiosiis, ati ith tw o Itl
stely Ihope's t 1x1'edtilhit sre
WI'ithftChfitagt's 'cttimitforithI lit ti -
piilslipwil th fa titha .1t teyttti lit
otlyttrolt'ttllen tn 111n111onInda- a
fhitssatssttitit game tis Selt tots
fit' good iss ThestItndist. men'rei.
unoutel tiloItt11 er11 thawle ttylinttat
M icin, atlind t isstthgisaewl
fitul goa i et i ou In otettattti c\heottil
v ft' ttt II y 1 n t ll dtth ltst itttitt i
atd illsttwotrk shold Igio tto'n. I
cAtheisgame ofi tres(IIodtltSt'tttwil
Not'at SO ttit'Beoit anttire slt
s it'] 'hi'so'ldti'easa'line otni
lht er or,1t t heyils aiii t t lii' a
alc's i I ttt's s iore ts'tta lite'kiagi'
mict-ritigito t',yIto tltd igo1
ttayfitnditiththefItaNsfits tI
gaattysottft ng'tptwit etoday,5 1it iIts
banthisatiltheiseriousptti'oga he isetgi
fantgilr midtwtltattIItam.tha.stifntt
wit'th (CcisIlitt iorIng iapidt
Ttis s eio i-ekgps lite
one hat ivslthtmens smero t
har regr' gesad epthfenainfif
gotlaim. Theerwas o I crtititfi
tenio ngforI. lite e
First Meetipag Held Last Night-Prof. Ann Arbor's Scant Water Supply Ex Veteran Prof esor of the Dental De-
Davis Addresoes the Meeting, plains Situation-Regents Seth. aten idErl etra
tog a Solution.patetDeErlYsedy
"tePrst loften n t''Itttof t ht'Nnte Morning-Skaetchof fHis Life.
ginte' n b ti 't s sewas hlItei atsi nightt front timti'to Itie te questiio ttf
Jo isepthIB.ftDavss.of t' entgineing metntttt tyttttsittr has bettn tistsse'tlfesso otS tif'I I lldtettist'y'itheIt
The majr artofPr fessor IDttsis' hle etr ae 1t ttto thel'regens. At ight T'f.ittsttty ight at te httcttt tt
l tigiteeritg Stcie'ty 'flie suciety sas t I themti ltth sutchtis not thett'cast' I"i' ttlit'caus illo ' the 'dttis' w is co"
Itt I Sb a 1 t sas uitgatiedfriStrFew' sI tlt ltue s kn wt ht.i at ftt'selttt .tial themoitirrhatg. l'tt' sitouttsttss ttf
ing departmetitti r hit firostteritig of tehitchi las nvit' bee'ttuset. eteriay tt'e t't'aintts tof lDr. 'fat
oiinl 'i's.'tt iti al ng'ngnee - tiw c' n tts tt ''t'ut ttcotisoffoverslayi li staIteSfromtg Inii' 'c loeick, oh
Iitanit sieii cit sti and'lttihtsrear-sti ats' tit' tsttitt' b ft'e andn s sftwottiy the 11m111oras ttdii stfonftrebu st towf
i g o pa est hbti'y titt it hit'em'tUppvt't'intulagft'leiti ove tilto Ii'll rv it -y.t I'le u a e 1tts ' t t'VteofCS
tarstit h etsoirgnii zaitionIli's Ifirsitttst it ye hars tio, tntu tsas n vrh d i rp hr ill t aktett place t h'i it lori g tt'te
Iain n alid St lt ed Pap tutilers,'" i of sa w bti tt~ tiittgtatithitit: u ' cloctIt ev.y f Eylation fii i i
i ts second ..tegc' nic."utst i' is Iaper h tugsi tiutwh le i i c uul ht i stutli tAnnhut-Iing.huts ho cr i s wfilth ensi best kn i
isappitrId' i'mat liii' '1.1 tel' 15 liii'to5 ' stil ani' tititterlistupplth, 11111 a hit soon t C icin ia t 111 ltstit t il libeItlai'd
U0 huesnt dayii'Itiii' ii'it as151 11h ths reut nts cnaiit' re dtisan ai rs'5 rs'iprn ro eCe eero
ifItor 'the eti it.t g t he soityc'ihti s ill grobab iiy tip'ogr ss'atil.'T ei h tpaeolS n ay atr o
Io t il o i n i treti a hnduleIstals co -ae n w ( s' t hit' the 1ath is ilitl r atw s o e ft eb s n w
iiiI'l tin Wi t t he alun i .'i In i't thi it tcfh hug yi' thei' iers iy fromailti' irs oi e tity Il h w rd
ifs beenu emitung nitly s11111111 tui.i ti1 For lii p irg li i lae snr e tp e t h t' heili wa t'' a ti.w s d e mu h t i a a ii
m any yeas Hi moat lite r it ti l~disil allt. '. hitsitu oI lie ii u ty atg rt tio an ef rs th t he .of M d -
p i 1 b1th relt ion's thav tibeeni Iaint, expense. t at hut' uii u nfita1rthe at e t o'd nity h s atan
li 1 i hh t511 i ii d e gi e rie-il(i tir . Ti helit dea ttihat Iesen ti tt cl ecut al i on l a 11il e t e r o
hi t s o Davti s'i spoke I as'fhll' ows: ti h e iirain htr ru t heIts'buidintsug th Dnivri JONacuT an dTAfouth i
t-7it it lii iti tt 1 5 titule e s a toi "i eceli out"u hw nitiith i hu t i c up years t ot'lslltit ug at'siliatt ntitu11111'.
matteriS oil l ouset' ecauttiI IIsei tsctoll Ay.T o5th Ii 'nd o e largi reervi r,11h bo S ome ii i nhur t ai. I aut onigia th ea
come n' xt Tti hitre utiis t 's 5ey ittol l ding s i barhut' s h asii aleatdfst' tilsn l Smbesi' fitltiia ttuhty e n th
hoge hiet itsitty hthe ii iiuis e t h r st iIibull( ah te t he'tuif cithome inal 5'it tbu uid tutu ta i t tntfD . ITaft. ltJuttne
boy i co lut geti he5 itlit. he' it' s I ii'ilttt ing s nd tttfamu't stutu' shrinst' uth l est, 111111o SS hurt isi t s literygumsich
o isIl tatl e i _' trtyi ig to ht if eh lticiu i 'ditofto n u g 's. i c'Other 'tureser ivo ir s ' t huen ht Ia t it' eliktrtconidef ratin ii
wht ho' i s good ot t heif ehi s cutheiiboyI' willu'eu'u'i' ex'(h' year,'iutiiitud tthe re- loon adusutu t ml t t' ,iin d't(s i e phu' fti-
tin'c'lu'u e orShil aIltitho---ort'Some.hi0'10igets areftuwit ofit' f orttaioshut r i out- 1h I-ht' li ti, t- u fu'tui'u
l ii's, c e nnl' s''ii e tit iintIll si de s1 u pply itttut helpt souti, theititspr'intg.
te o it' io ' uh'5or h i rs Itie 151' 'hsuflnts ah huextraisi' nary, b sill, ll 1q uitt'i ruit's It''itii5Iitt
titit l heIsuttisttu stib y ne01c e w o 400 _l tinlI hu'elmaif u ilytuucon-u, tt ul t ut uu ttiti t. tf
i(t ts isbe h re ni th ere 'it t hull I l ii' tit by ' t het' n's'titi il Silihtout sluay n ft il u''u e ht is lt
So co'ilite u t ue elu s e -if 'u t lho ugr i''hse iti ssofII thtet' ilu r s teiuniitu dIitts i.' Ii' hl I tt ts'it , i
has of lii t tto t t i alt's, bitus tooliithei'i________________ liivii 'u'sutuuut ttuthei' uuuuc'tus ta
the Suh' 15ti etus l t'i ti he it iipa. i lastiuareiytee C m lee
)It 1i loom i Nohut maji' tyusi shyifor eW pli C. A.t o RCil heStrA.e t t iiIit i hthltit i ii hte
'I'lltllStb theyu'e he .,'per aps, n1 of the.Ass'mnt iot'St'raitt i5 ii S ututu s u uul. lutust
j il.hrtegut. htiltheya . ' Ibis fa ttct s 15111.5 thur Autuoolits'arly hFtftota
the'mi 'in h t sma I Ilist of'mu'many 'lo i t isan hidg r 'tuu'llyg l p i ngt
tus~esaogtth aymlmsfotu'' li Nuts e ilii' fit til ne .5ein't'ifidS it±tt h ht1th i
)rngtou ''t's is l u' Teyutut piuh thuthink.Ito sn 111th uu'uoth'u'uSicfuititan
cuy no longer. They e iisiuon theiit uts illin tte ts'c o 'atu'tr . 'soitt' g I he R.JON TH N T FT
dtutie tuu i l'p esit th tii n ts oit pit n a t tuihya uth id this a olegs'lt s t i y i- -fl'thi''---- ii' lii- fit- --t~ . -
nrn 1I y ac Wiln o eitth o lculdu'hesilyouib e ims il u' funtuistu'0uf ''~~el'u int t h e t eu art menuiitit.
tutu's if Itliir luutitv s hAits efli e g ki n it n m na1th g o 7h 01o ig t~ ui II l'tefijttitn
I elpe lit tlnag f t hut collaete it's'se. uiissu1i hiIp'tssed:hu ttu
tiy w1il be h u g il i's flt'iew, ili' AttufYl tie, uh nhuytitud hyron lhitias unce1as tutapleastdhat,
tu eistutu 1t5 i ii' thirss iily h e a titisso (lsih hut' t tu 'fiive csif I AlWshut'ene ufl a dp r
t hit'sdestity,(if0I lt' iutt' ib essuteit tk tsoe rrdst he tyr ~l m dnitADr.u'o'at'a
si~rel:0e tesiouti'laIyeri'orutglarm1r,'oilynailimytif titu
siuii' uiti' utta artitutrIl tuciay eftoie' I Nuss ud'yIe itn stuts lIitsh r ha e l ad i f 0ytuuiau luft, 11t itt tet' gi s
airengner. hro ghallhislie wllsho ir t illngnssto ontib t nd I'rvis'to s , t dtenu'h tal hirs it bof
titi'11r th Imartl.;, t'fhis'h'ol hig stea- receive ht'hit tutunt tut o N usbacktut' ily f lu' t c thru t 'n riitt Ifc sttittiu
peiricnsft S halli tt'M ''rr' tiyhen ese oftut' 11h iiwheniuu ll(,h hi ht' al biiuiga'i'u'st tut 'tutu io ths'irdvi
l1 tu i hutter' l se c 'filb ttor ofth'uau ltlohfc51'uaitllucm'tuse thn"rs(i ofi t t he s'futde n Sdpatnt
poor or he ooret? T at rirpse T e fcts f th caAssh wtic'll tutoe u' hur e sees itethu rest;iitand
retg ii hin t . iutitupirit o'ithe lartto allssot'etgi' uti'uttti'ist5 noutu le S haualerwas otya
sue t u te assiutiys fiist n n-us ana'uf as' soonutasuthinur i at ter ide lti anii thu'ishu sittisu p wil
gietcot eis o Gt uu'rs." an th thsupp tyaberemediedliohi l tn- litr IllmIfil' tncgutivehu' Ith s ifoir
r t wayttnybeitoIthit' tutitir' ohuthetinic. 'tCgE'TRA
Nouncross I, II. ('c'u'u'tags'n(ath.1
Gnaveur I . ('ovul
Janmes (If Johnisont,
Hamointd I.' K iigh it. 1
The 'weatluer yestenday a' s ratlu.rn,., ,<..t.. + +.<++44.+ . + s << a +4+++++++4 *.' 'l'i'stuue in ilelty,.()it),utanttl begani
discouraging for the golfersn ft.hthir prfitctiltittg fornhitmself itt 184. itt Rip-
players were otu anud the11tollowingbm The flichigan Daily sent ~ + Ile fit11184 he loituteud ittXeia,
male onli olsse e: hTIrite- D aUEP iIy to leyour address for the IFU I E Oio enoilrfti cet'hltunteilhf18581.
lthoiti. 121 S'hec'Ie, 118; ihotitnhuc hI alanceof 1Isi semester{li t.Iitufnttht'luut(ul'g
89; Merry, 92. 'Te remaiuningtritntls Flail in your address to The Michigan Daily, or phone 461 4 tf Dtlttu rgebunry ini S'-,SI it 1814
will coame off today. *,«+'t«+ «< + + * < « i 4 + +s k « '4#t f Conttnued on Page Two.)