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June 09, 1904 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1904-06-09

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This isi to he !he list issie
of the Daily or this echtool
year. We wanlt ihor O-oe, to
take this oppori itcity ito i
Our mnaIyIi for th' pir
they have 1pl1tIdiii -n',1
our first y earinstAuna A rb r
a success. I We hope next
year to have suchl a p1itc as
Anm Arbor has loeg needed.
~'As heretofore, cleatnlittess,
quality anid fair treatment w ill
be oor aim. 9 Daritng the
balance of the school year wee
will use otur windows for sit-

(Continued from page one.)
have votunteerett to tthe committee
every scrap of informattion I have had
retitng to the illtclganenstan. Wtton
thi.'cotmnicotatton stged ibty thsese
genttemen. was handted to the tDaity,
tliea' wero aware that I itaitboe work-
ing estee a repnet and that it would
he i-iblished otdiiay. I tetephoned to
Nto. 0Sweet as tate no 9 o'ctock Toes-
'to vntgttttinformtntg him tio that effect.
Kanowing. ttien, Iis, tact, it is tifficilt
seernie tit~fathoim the motive which
,puompted these genttemen tow puhtish
such a comnmunication. As t consideritt
my ditty I wiit say, frantkly. that t can
extitain it onty nupon tic fottowitng
First; Tthe committee has met with
mse only oince tor investigatio. Secc-
ond; It has madte no sttggestiostn or
offer of assistance. Third; Reatizing
those facto and knowing the stitdent
tbody woittl expect some hint of the
existatice itf the citmmittee antitsame
litooif of its work, it chose as a meano,
a conmntnication, which stateid hatf
facts sot elusively as to titace the huis-
tiess manager in a fatse tight, anid
which gavc the effect iii acwhoesin-
1 have bieen disaptiointeit wits the
comnmiittee this year. It htas offereid
no help soil its asituhde has iteeti 000
of distrut, istactivity and criticism.
ISuch sn attitude if which yestertday's

-- - Correct Clothes -for Men
The tind enthusiasm off Saturdtayt
nigoht niart hIle beginnings ettits
hopite, iiof Ittller expire5stiof .ict- NY man can be
igan spirit Ifor which wto e sbch'e, ..pod owa
wishinig so tong. Nit one here coutldi
clothes made by
force the spirit uon its. It has hen --
necessary lt let it grow sod to wait the house of
until it hid strength ettitught to assert 0 ALFRED BENJAMIN
itsotf. At.late it has citme, slitet-
ecrsty, attitevory mntwhliisang &co.in NewYork.
arudthe e last Sataritay night s For 30 years
est eltht. he has a new tie to Copyrigt190, A.eD.&Cu, they have been
his Alma Mater.th wol'stnadrdyor
Thai, wort of enthuisiasm, that whole- hewol'sstndr- rad- fr
liie congrgatiin sif mnof5 the ti- service apparel This label
0.5 itlo is svhat wiltgioe its strensgths

i gi 'cte thiings. itomeithing osithIt
sorit gave Oxforsd her Union. Sotme-
thing of the scnot led Harvard to fol-
low Oxford's load and have a onion of
her own. It meat he something of
that sort, sismethinig thattbritngs its.
lt'e uiestity, tosgether in an irresist-
isle mass that wilt give lt s our
aniion. Let cie, lot our alumni, since
see that se are going to uitle ansi
stand together anyhotw, nstwesoil
not resmain boggisnaisdesd.l'very slt.p
that is in-de towarids the instrovemet
sit any inistituionsi is onsly maide when
the miosmbers woitmake'sitsthat its-
stitiusion densandt it. T'hoassthosrities
its powser waitisussos issr' tleasuire. Wei
art' theuier-sity, sw's fielowswot

F fe jan&
guarantees correct style, perfect
fit, faultless fabric, careful work-
manship, and reasonable price.
Equal to fine eustom-made in all but
price. The makers' guarantee, and
ours, with every garment. We aree
Exclusive Distributors' in this city.
log9i i i East Washington St.

* cointiunitcat Ion was ass extirossion, sisng, whos stay tootl, wt o n wreite
knoiwing as sthey dills that a repoirt theses. Wse musst recognize that fatr
wouilit tic tputlished todtay, isn't fair Wies cannsst assure ourselves it is so ____________________
xT l' to ' in"n cosnceorneit. toso often. And since it is ni the
OHO ETR L Iilb It is not ts be cosntrsiverteid tat a unit-ossity siltli sohat iso makeo I'.
OHIO CENTRALcloe conitiion of affairs at Mtichigan Itut we musisst got together anti stayt
DIRECT LINE eltiedsy allandism statemnts gohor if w0e acotntsish thins. We
TO ED(}0 ( U anti iiiiisct'i sinte critteissa whtcha save sline lis its athetics antiw si-
nay isiire a tolisow studtenst whoise alt can see hitis groally- sistcessfsil
P.O.,, C.- o su .tt j , Un.ivens-i-i o y isalty suit sBrs may ha 'o we save beots. If toe wvatnt a cisb
beyondti repoti chts sli tnt teil tos this isre w' e mst t tfo'i igethtir fir it We'~i Origittal Mvilk;
tm ds~ CAt p otendt I btlieve thi- cotemitions itnder must. nut wait ftor us finie tisitusit ti
6 raned IIU,.,il~ i chich lt'e Iihtigaitensin has bieen sart it tiff. Sire ittiss stol ii t ittr-rn Choc late
itctan ho iipttov.-i utttn antiuhlat solves in our suit romomss whkretver weO O
Offisun Hsus' ii' botitt will tiltiaity Ito tat-tt itp- meet1. antI tespeeialy we cims shotw
Mhe. Gteauter tit i it ,ii .tiiy .,tti.ie It, itt a htotuet bsasis. In e ' uttr teoott or- oiutr entlisot-iset tie' ttieg tgethot' -
+a tit a I n i'totiso mi s on ie .. t-'erf ra0 tgist-sis thue o u fIiancial ro- fur a groat ritund-ist sit Saturdtay Is( the fittest estitug Chocolate 1
rea itiii spIiblt and ai gal pi i. ofi th n ig t tto it urs-onugs a muissayb ito ii
- - - t i is iun ts-i omr throem n- anso Itbl one anomthier what gret'ii tprospts to be haul. It contiss
teso ar it-sit-toits instances ini tie thereo musit be-tuu io .teihigani I'uiten
1tt whion lt'e iuuuugeemoem tuas ho-u-u if we inoist - ~the Swsiss Milk vsichsdl
u-nia~ o s ets te exll-ithuuitus o treie otu I )e vr Iir.tn; anou i gun ae t ist's it a riclusseos pos- 1
r - al~t1 ors, eventhougbut- exedtrsouittpa l o audy ngh tIl e es-e halt what they areo tw. I nineho'eclmok. s Lot 1em ry iist i Io tre-i
- . ;sooth huy iso otlier.
b it m isteity ofum the iast: o- nio-"iattly' i ust-o i 1W tin su i soum n us
-J S (h' ' iin ug a schototl year is haotd tt co- wruito a 'ihi ttigass sttn=. uThie tall is
tt atrgo mbi-tiiy iivotvedt tic, goets nurm- tilt we gut, what a.- waist.
bii o5 ittimos it ettall withi the small- C A-t N
ti-ssi iof iettinitidual amotutt the INLANDER PLACES. t2 C L IS
t~eigo it-s sooth' up~s" saiotil tsat tef so
ciatonof deotisceens, seres igis, The 'liauuuloo wishsom auuumuuno-" 324 STATE ST.
lard itreeu't anti stiltlit' tlso -i attiso tho 1-i-at-u-ar tur posmiiinis tul hhe
Trim Above give Some dea, editola sta lt tie fill fori sum-t w " . +. .-
TrmA o el asiit nn t-e iact thlau thee l yin-si'. (IeItts are- mitnt-i ct up- sm its- -- _
and X7 _ the I-11: a i s, m c - o inlI -. i u st' ul 'to i suit -'y ile o-us ith lni , 1 iu it owill a
F ORt l eE N -' l t o sm t t ' i - it I l . a l l o e I gu i v e aiu i c a n ceui e to t y i l tot I~- l -
T.r I a 3 ' , a ,. ,r - d t s s o ld h n h i a e t r es itmhe les thiat noa t i to- uu us o Oe m m u - e sf so ltau - ttn y' i , u o h a ts m t s i l t ~
utmeusmss ismouio~ itutotmp+
O s ietot sn itit'en."tI Itiiiv s arinea s o ,n at is it . P/S ~ I "'.'i - d n wil b ma e. Lr I"
cuniurs imgaii suiutu tuai'rei tm+I de ill oiiii plie ita Fo- umnt m- - I '_S
Ar byI 10DM Get the °ntno n lsut aresmutm om- m, 1221 Wishi lugth o- uscsutsu yNmisoi ~ Tt t
AINER SSEDEa o. 1tut Shoiigasss-siand .olctos ig ttutte it Nm-s ICEhalte..ssi uks igrte ie
sef , ognztiAns fretnitieN ball theiron iet.-s a te foue' n os - isdmie'uce n~nelo
grdaesaobheradansmauhy CiaAS. Samite) ofrmu Junei smu whle-un.
_____________ ROOMusli Ihiutme 305 SwSrni Sole Rn Eulsn theOLLY
WDA, McGUGINl hu NIui,'1ihowitnof Nhewr Yticket, wit hoer ato s stin, Frie LucenCnetable.
,1VIftuo olkekenstgd nunpsaihg ,soun-knrcoutas CIIAS. g textD Fvring ;rears ad Tean.e
Graduate Dietr 30. 303 Stat Sttl R,,t mus JeoLLYrtiim rmh
7ngis deatmn ofVRST theE unvesiy Cas foeRI lawTE anCmdiaLLooE.GOFE
PL Y HI D AN itBL usw inns i evrTeseatubclee Te.l.elS.Stt t
YO CA E lyat enhstesgust(f hs _______ 4C A ANJ iA .
Wm H hOh~e*l ErT~ L'~ et eutad it, as arien aiti ok wl e toutreFi
t } e'sme d A i nho ui n c ommencemled n t turn hiy and Satud oy tunieO a veue 11 4 Malt si. DE N ( o
33n.Stt oekthe fouthad fift actlshd arecodhn scholanclgetet__ieigrsa__Tbaco
Zta (3a f fitr boppkse. toEEA tao plac inS New TurbPo.o1taeStS
Me Norris hasa uneverees toreteiTOASRWedpro
I ~~iI667.[ 03SI : DAN- lt ha ty otinn fal frthcimenfrtof Ike SnsItivitsn vl eu
--it tos Eclsh hupte n g fteuivenrsioy 1adthe hail fr la tondI m dalybo. WES LAJI
t15 onie in everyo ifete uay wruclleg gus 3ATEL M CA AN
plynt d thetng fhughnut ion this long Cha1in dishe at . HalrSJwelr 326 N.S ve Bl Pon
desnAro urn un h ired seod anhouse act Sr adet cms Fne tles re lasI el> 8 ona
12w-e2. Toue fouat Saree fAftR act are
WE ~ R NEVE UN E S LD G O YE R' DRU STOREpsdt tk laei ewYr

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