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June 09, 1904 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1904-06-09

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G. H. W IA Comp /nTI se aed as secodclam stor totheIn
II LI d allAbo Post Hubs:',c
u. H. Wild "umpm
L d gM al Tir Published daily (Mondayexceptedduringthe
Lead ng A (!hant T 'ilor Q College year, at 117 E. Washingtou street,
Leadig MU u avv l basement fner, side etrance) Phone 84:-3r
For Suits, Top Coats and Aletic r. - - - ROBaKT K. 1 AtoS
Trousers. Full dress suits a 'e ASSOCIATES:
specialty Let us show you Clifford Stevenson, Roy Peebles,
A. X. Graver, Henry P. Erwin
our London Serges, London A. C. Pound. A. i. ortmeyer.
Cheviots, Scotch Mixtures, Joseph Y. Kerr, stoddard S. More.
Ida M. Browrigg. . .Waite Jayne.
Kilowens, Blarneys, High- Geo. A. Osorn. Harold C.Smith.
lands,Edinburghs,Dru- arr Adrews. Thos A. Sims.
lans, dihurhs Drm- Thou:as B.IRoets. Clyd L. Dew.
tochty's, McGugors, Lonldon BUSINESS STAFF:
C. A Thompson. wnm.t. Lloyd
and St. Andrew Flannels, l. s.-tiitz. H. X. uatourette.
London Cassimeres or Amer L . in el es
ican Serges. Please call and see Editor Today-J. Y. KERR.
SSubsoription-Two Dollars per year, payable i:n
advance. If deli nquent after Nov. 1, 1903, $2.50
6H. Wild Compnly Office Hours:130 t 30 and 6:30 to 7:30
Port-O. Diy.
* Address-ROSCOE B. HUSTON, Business Man-
108 E. WASHINGION STRIEET. ager, 331 Packard Street.
- Telephone, 461.
~***....@G >,.,e @eee 00 5.'
June 9--7:30 p. m. Lecture by Prof.
O6Wenley on "A Phase of ,the Phil-
Leave your orders now osophical Asect of Evolution,'
yor in Museum Lecture.
Y for June 11-8 t:. m. Singing meeting on
f ENGRAVED tie Cmpus.
V June 13-Monday-Lecture by Fr. T.
* VISITING CARDS J. Haggerty on "Why labor is or-
ganized, why it should organize
Styles: and what it is organized for."
Script, Roman, Old English a June 19-Sunday-Baccalaureate ad-
From $1.25 to $3.00 dress by Pres. Angell, University
for hal.
C orarsJune 22-Wednesday-Alumni day at
+ 100 Cards and Copper Plate the University, 2:30 p. m. ., Alum-
ni association's annual meeting
100 Cards from Plate, 75. and song recital, University hall.
S8 p. m. reception, Waterman gym-
New line Crane's 5nasium.
* June 23-Thursday-Sixtieth annual
Fine Stationery = commencement class oration by
Prof. Calvin Thomas of Columbia
* University.
SHEEHAN & CO, With this number the Daily issues
for the last time of one of the most
Unlversity Booksellers. Sta- remarkable and noteworthy years int
tioners and Engravers. the history of the University. In ath-
letics we l4ave added fresh laurels to
320 South State Street. those with which our athletes of the
"f f@fi 4sfN Afi A4l +i+ last five years have made illustrious
the name of Michigan. In football,
The An Arbor Savings Bank track, and tennis we were inapproach-
A able, at baseball we acquitted our-
UapitUdto, jes,eo0. suplus. $175,000, selves with credit. But it is not in the
Rlesoureces, $:0.e00o
:.A GENERAL BANKING BtSINESS field of athletics that we must look
TRANSACTEt. for the year's most signal achieve-
OFrtniEs 'arltes IE. tdI . Pts.: 0'. Inents. We must look tupon the evolu-
Harri nan, icePres. M1..I tritozushier. tion that has been going on hero in
theUniversity to discover our great-
w rsChoice Cut Flowers est success.
and Plants in season No one who has followed closely the
COUSINS & HALL developments of the year in the Uni-
versity can escape the fact that the
Cor. S. Univ. Ave. and t2th Street student body as-a whole has vaguely
Telephone 1 . begun to realize its self possibilities
n 51. of which it has here to fore bad no

conception. And this realization has DONA'ION TO CLUB HOUSEFUND.
expressed itself in many outward
forms, chief among which are the war Tb I ed
against graft, the nebulous idea of a Tefolloving letter sccompanied by
1 "Senior Council" and the more com- a check for $170.00 has been received
sletely developed moment for a Stu- by the treasurer of the Michigan club
dent's Union and a Michigan Club house ftnd.
House. That all these apparently un-
related movements are in reality only Ann Arbor, Mich., June7, '04
the venting of a newlyawakened senti- "The Junir Hop Committee of the
ment in the University, is partially, class of 1905 do hereby donate to the
proved by the fact that all University Treasurer of the University of Michi-
activities are working hand in hand gan, at trustee for the Ways and
toward the same end. As a re- Means committee of the Michigan
suilt of the efforts of the club house club house project of the University
committee, the Junior Hop Committee, of Michigan a sum of $170.00 to, be
the Comedy club and the Senior Re- used with discretion, for the purpose
ception committee agreed to turn over of furthering the initials interests of
their profits to its use. By this means this worthy project.
a precedent has been established Further provision is hereby made
which will reduce the so called graft' that this gift be recognized in some
ing five hundred per cent. We have no substantial form, in the building to
vicious spirit of graft here at be'known as the Michigan Club House
Michigan and now that the conscience which recognition shall fitly commem-
of the student body has been aroused orate the "J" Hop committee of the
sands which have previously gone to class of 1905, as the first donor to the
private pockets because giv.-a; them Milichigan Clutb House."
too public uses was unheard ,f, will J Hop Committee, Class of 1905.
be dedicated to better purps :.s. To Signed.

repeat then the student's su an and
senior council movements i 'arried
out successfully will sure bring
about a reduction of graftin nd by
doing so will give to them,,- ;es ad-
ditional force.
Here then in this development of a
new spirit as manifested bythlesegrat-
ifying results bas the real avnce of
the year been made. Let us express
the hope that the force which this
spirit has gained will carry it over the
summer, that next year will see a de-
velopment even more remarksabe than
that of this year, and that now that
we have "found ourself" the good
work will be completed duly by see-
ing Michigan firmly established as the
peer of American colleges in unified
college spirit.
As for the Daily this year, the first
uder the new regine and ownership,
has been one of the most successful
in the history of the paper, financial-
ly and alorg other lines asrw ell.t
has bieen the ctnstant efort f the
board of editors to establish the fact
in the minds of the students that the
Daily is absolutely and unqualifiedly a
student organ, whose uancial man
agement only is under the control of
a board on which the faculty is rep-
resented. It has furthermore be-n the
aim of the Daily to deal with impar-
tiality and fairness with all student
interests. If these efforts of the board
have met with some degree of suc-
cess its time will not have been wast-
ed and the Daily will have become
more nearly what it aims to be-the
common ground for the expression ofl
everything that is best in the Univer-
(Continued from page one.)
3:0-6:00 a m. informal Recep-
tion of Medical Seniors, Graduates and
friends of the department of iedi-I
cine and surgery by Dr. and Mrs.
Vaughan, at their residence, 2.1 South
State street.
3:00-5:00 :,. m. Informal Recep-
tion of Graduates, Seniors, and friends
of the school of pharmacy by Dr. and
Mrs. Prescott at their residence 734
South Ingalls street.
8:00 p. m. Senate Reception-In
Waterman Gymnasium. Recepuion by
the Presiuent of the University Sen-
ate to invited guests, graduates, form-
er students and friends of the Univer-
sity. Cars of admission can be otb-
tained at the Secretary's office, from
the Secretary of the Alumni Associa-
tion, and from the Deans of the Fac-
Thursday June 23.
9:00 a. m. The Sixtieth Annual
Commencement. The ..Graduating
classes will form at their respective
buildings, under the direction of the
class presdents. The procession to
University Ball will be under the di-
rection of -Barrison Soule, Chief Mar-
Position in the Commencement pro-
cession and seats in the hall will be
reserved for the Alumni, who should
meet in Room C.
10:00 a. m. Commencement Exer-
cises-In University Hall. Oration by
Professor Calvin Thomas of Columbia
University. Conferring of degrees.
1:15 p. m. Commencement Dinner
-In the Barbour Gymnasium. Dinner
tickets must be procured at the Sec-
retary's office, price 50 cents each.
Ticket holders will assemble at 1:00
p. m. under the Tappan Oak.

[or Second-

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In recent years there have appeared on the course
such men as

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"A stiff upper lip"
is softened and re-
freshed by Williams'
Shaving Stick.


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