Rs W ld C mpany "1 Entered as secondclass matter at the Ann The members of the "Deutcher
-alIIfhVArbor Post Offic. Ak
~. I. ildVerin" hte dcided that the admi- W13
: Published daily (Monday ecepted darncethe ion to the play to be presented by
LeagMrcatTilorsn college year, at t17 E. Washington street, them on Saturday ight will be free.
f (b~tasemet flor, side entrance Phone 882-3r I C
_____________ MANAGING EDITOR: alarge attendance of thooe interestedw
S. EMlORY THOMASON in the study of German. No tickets f
SPRINGi WOOL[NS ROSOE B. RUSTON of admission will e required. __
EDIORS Memebers of the Verein and their
Fo utTpCasad AeIc:, DITO-ReneK to invited friends, and the members of
For uit, Tp Catsand thltic, -Ronnm . s. ALEYN the German Faculty will afterwards
Trousers. Full dress suits a ASSOIATES: repair to the parlors of thegymnasium
±specialty. Let us show you Clifford Stevenson, Roy Peebles, where there will be held an informal e nd
Chvos .M rvr er .Ewn rcpinaddne h ebr f rour London Srges, Loudon A. C. Pound. A. H. Ormeer. the Verein will be given tickets for
CeitScotch Mixtures, Joseph Y. Kerr, Stoddard S. Mre. the reception upoi calling at the box
' Ida Mi. Brwnrigg. I. Waite .Layne. office in University Hall between 8
Kiloweus, Blarneys, High- Ge. A. Osbrn. Harold C. Smith and 12:30 on Friday.Ha d T x
lands, Edinhughs, Drum- Harry H. Andrews. Tis. A. Sims.________Ba d T x
land, }dinurgh, Dum- Thomas . lRoberts. Clyde L. Dew.
tochty's, McGngors, London BUSfIESS STAFF: LEAP YEAR AT GRANGER'S-
C.0.TKobmpto. Wm. K. Llotdeurette.a
and St. Andrew Flannels, . .Tompsn. Wn. . Loyd ooktofal
± Casimere or Aer- Beej. E. lDey. The. L. eete. The Academy GOrcllrstra, composed
London Csiee r mr a idankeelten of seven excellent musicians11a0 been
luau Serges. Please call and see Edto odythol engaged to furnish a proram of the
Editor Smith, very latest music, for tWe last Leap De a t n s
Year dacing paty before the close of
S _ Subrripfioe:-Tio Dollars per ear, ppable in school The party will take place at
fZ adance. If delinquet afte No. 1, 103, $2.00CrncrsAdey etMna
G. . W ld ompny Offie Hors:-12:30 to 1:30 and 6:30 to 7:30 rang 8:30 to 12 o'clock. Mrs frang- At
tP.H.W l olial mdrs~OCE. Daily. or OI will anage the affair and cards of
10 .WASHINGTON SREET. ±drs-OCEB UTN uiesMn diso a be procured at the sa-
agr 3 acadSr. decy at any time before or on date WADR'S BOOKSORS
*61001*HN l NOTelephone, 41 of party. The balcony will not be
- pen to visitors, it being reserved fo
* cc Ne/ve ieWe those taking art in program 0111 in- --
0 ~ v a vited guests. 72
-EI R S U E T C L N A .S N O EC P IN2 S P M ay 27 and 28- Iter cholastic M eet This after noon at 3:4, the seco ndl
yuoreomw at Ferry Field. section of the girls of tht senio class2
Leave yor odesnt ay 27-Friday evening-The Ri- will give a recetiol to the metmbt:rs T
Z*fras," by the High School Comedy of the class in arbour Gymnasu~m. IJDon o van' s
club Atbeno Theatre. The girls of the graduatig clas are t
ENGRAVED ! May 27-Friday, 4 p. m-Supt. W. J. divided in to three sections for pur- ]loden.
VISITING CARDS 2 MeKone, Albion, lecture at Tap- poses of entertainment; the firt se- 4, 2 ury
* pan Hall. tion etertained the members of theZ
Stls ea 7D.D .Phm pasa lass on the afternoon of swng-ot e ral
Stle: ay27Dr . . hos peksa day, the reception of the secoid see-
IScript, Roman, Old English t iest Y .C .at 6:20. tonwlbegvn odyadsle
Fo $.2to$.0 May 27-Glee lb concert in Univer- tiebfr xmntostetid ' Cnaiig condensed
* sity Mall. section will entertain. ~, Css vtl cc~sal
fo May 27-Interscholastic Dance, Wat- The senior girls hve never ad .' seeces of Amricnu
f100 Cards and Copper Plate a erman Gym., 9 o'clock. Admission their pitures taken in their caps adt0:4 atvocates. The art of
"75 cents, gallery 21 cents. gowns. Every girl who attends the re- winiing cases ad man-
10 Crs lle 5. * play "Die Hoclleitsreie" in Sarah gown in order that the pictre may nlotes andI :ls of practice .
NwlnCrne 4 C awell Angell Hall. be taken today, and all the girls of j
he class are asked to come ousin BI.tdr f~ .Dooti, -
Fine Stationery I ~~~~order that the picture may rereset cam~iai~ perdinys l.(f](f~f
*ttmnt htthr sno prohibition Ole llt.o119r. 1oo1 1111(/
stteen tatthreis"THE RIVALS." , err1( I .0"L) S l1C~lt
f SHEEHAN & C. paper in Ann Arbor. The Daily con- price, to1C11s, ___
UiestBokelrSta- character. nine at the Ahens theatreCUnder 3~
tioners and Engravers, the supervision of Mr. Dikey pr.si- i L ,ii. a th l
320 Souh StateStreet. The annual recurrence of the inter- dent of the University Comedy clut, ltj tilthts (
320 Souh StateStreet. scholastic track meet brings tl mind the high schol actors 1hacc practietdlS: Liarar 11(jol.o
*M 00e*e~eN O*eee**e~* the nmutual advntage the event is to until today te play is tn off to 1pr- S 1
fetion. It is a comedy in Ccce short ee.01.111.1.,.It
U. of , Antsetie1 Barber Sho both the University and thcompeting acts, and is given in honor of the ses-
nispicOPselloul. Tenmeet serveto give the high eral hundred athletes who come here
AND BATH k001515. school boys a little insight into the at- for the meet Friday and Saturday.
tracivesid ofcolegelif an stmu-The curtain wilt ris at 7:311 sarp,.
J. R. TROJAI4OWSI, Proprietor. rciesd fcleelf n tno so that the play will e over in time -
Face Masgf peily ates teir determination to some day for the dance to be iven at the gym- Msaeapcat.-" tf pe it
322 SOUTH STATE STREET come to Michigan and e a part of nasium. Fischer's orchestra, which A siftpe i'
C. ". MrAJOR &. CO"'PANV that life whihl seems so care free and has been secured for the dance will i~sSoftened and re-
o[nc enjoyable. Ge the other hand the pa- also play at the theatre. eltdb Wiia '
Specialty ffn Costumes for all the actors have feie by Wilms
Interior eoai tronage of the University makes pos- been secured at a greal expenae, from Shaving Stick.
Complete new lieor alinape s ible a gathering together of schools Chicago. Miss Cady, the eloctine
Paints, Oils and Varnishes. which no other arrangemet would per- teacher, picked out this play on te
123 E. Washngton. Phone 237 mi. advie of Miss Julia Mtarlow.
DEAN M1.. 5IABOLT, Manager
-Wediesda y, June 1
2 Return engagement of
THE S. L. A. Y
" s
In Ibsen's Modern Drama
_ PRICES: 50c, $1.00, $1.50.
KIPANY. FIJRNISIEIRS and HATTERS. 334',5. STATE ST., Phone 342-2r.0