The Michigan Dai-
Being Completed by Professor Dem-
mon-To be Published Prob-
ably this Summer.
Professor Isaac N. Demmon, head
of the English department of the Uni-
versity of Michigan, is at work com-
pleting a history of the University of
Michigan which will probably be pub-
lished this year.
About five years ago, the Herndon
Co., of Boston, employed Professors
B. A. Hinsdale and I. N. Demmon
to prepare a history of the University
with biographies of the regents, pro-
fessors and benefactors, as a part
of their series entitled "Universities
and their Sons." After Herndon's
death, something over a year ago, the
company was reorganized and the
history and mother materials which
Prof. Hinsdale had prepared were
transferred to the Board of Regents.
Prof. Hinsdale's work will now be
supplemented by Prof. Demmon and
published under the auspices of the
University some time during the com-
ing year. The work contains between
three and four hundred quarto pages
with illustrations of the buildings and
grounds and portraits of the regents,
professors and benefactors. It covers
the whole ground, from the beginning
to the present time. Prof. Hinsdale's
wA known qualifications as an his-
torian is a guarantee of the value of
the work. It was the last work of im-
portance which Prof. Hinsdale wrote
ant was completed just before his
Proessor Demmon has broaigat the
work up to the present tint', and pro-
vided iiogra;hies of the regents, pro-
fessors and benefactors of the Univer-
sity, m^king this feaiture of th3 book
more accurate ard cioplete th-- Tb-r
ably any other nian in Michigan could
have done. To him also belongs the
credit- for the revisata of prolcfa after
Mr. Hinsdale's death.
No. 171
Account of First University Buildings.
Developement of University Hall.
First Part of It Finished
1he University Glee Club in
IlTo students who now admire the
rows of elms and green lawns of the
rst.e l ri M 7s, the univetsiy tbutilings att
U i eriYH _,Frd y,1M y 2 . grounds as theyappeta-re-dlsixty years
seem quite crude and unrormantic.
"USICAL CLUB. PRESS CLUB EATS. >nuring the eli st four years ftlow-
ing the establishment of the Univer-
sity, from 187 to 1841, five buildings
Glee, Mandolin and Banjo Clubs To- A Unique Program-and List of Toasts were erected on the campus. Itour of
night-Expensive Program--Cli- New Member Voted in, these were dwelling hous(-s, two on
max of the Season- the north and two on the south side,
Solos by Parker. At the Oyster Bay last night the buit to acconaodatet le president
Varstiy Press club held its first "Gab- and memlers of the aculty. Tt-he
fest. At 8 o'clock the members sat fifth contained the class rooms where
Te 8983-04 Mttcalcnclubsr will ap- down to the following delicious repast, stets att Ittl sors, aaithar it
pear together in a concert for the last from which there was nothing want- which were tat-avery numerous, mot.
year have attained the greatet stic- ing but a stomach pump as the pro- - teaisrecitations, This buiting
cess in college music and the concert gramme announced proceeded. was w aty is now te nortt wing of
cessin clleg muic ad th conertUniversity I-all and was comnpleted in
tonight will be a treat to every one Cheese Pie 1841. The south wing which was
itterested in the University of Michi- Soup known as "South Colegt", was built
gan. The program will be of ten num- Strawberries Fruit eight years later. 'oth were of brick
ters including some specialities by and when corpletaw ere thought to
the club quartet and some solo work Hot Dog Sandwitch ho vety halsmt. iaud, tt-y aer-
by Mr. Parker. Breakfast food Malted Milk the superior of any collage buildings
All the contestants and visitors for Cubebs of that day.
the Interscholastic meet are specially After the enjoyment of which toast- At first, these builings ware used
invited to this concert which will be master Tomason happily introduced in part as dormitories for the aca-
followed by the Athletic dance. A the following speakers: demic students. Each se of apart.-
review of the season, shows a most "Tommy" Roberts, "19 Pounds Pres- ments donsisted of a study, two si(ep-
prosperous year for the clubs. Two sure or How We Came to Light." ing chambers alntil a room which was
trips have been taken and the mem- "Saint" Ortmeyer, "The Whistle of both a laboratory and a place as stor-
bers of the clubs have every where the Tube." age futugasaoat i. a
been royally entertained. Already J. G. Kerr on "Basket Ball Copy." four students ocupied a saui . Ulipper
plans are being made for a much more "Hank" Erwin on "Six Gallies To- classmen had the choice of rooms and
extensive trip next year, and the pros- night." generally took the highestf loor.
pects are most encouraging. "Bob" Walton, "To Clip or not to It.1856-7 theoitri-sueri-attl-
The admission to the concerttonight Clip." inieti, t e allay uvul aita-
is 50 cents and it is hoped a big audi- "Rocker" Huston "Where the nsted tar trty iaiaa yoara
ence will aid the clubs in closing the Money Came From." needed for oth rt i .; aal aya s
seasoan sttcessfu~ Do"Janl"tcldtriCoy'later wor, a_ b m ., n~t ar.of
seas uy.-"Do" Jayne, "StockEditorial Copy." University Hall which today sa ands
After the program a business meet- between the old north and soit uth col-
INTERSCHOLASTIC BALL. ing was held, a new member taken in leges, and the building of which has
and officers elected for the ensuing united the two wings in one large
In honor of the visiting athletes year. structure. For somi e time the wings
at the interscholastic, varios organ- A motion was carried to establish a retaitetht-ir arigiainamandtai-
izations have planned to give seve fresh air home for Ann Arbors in-ly th ctr rtio a s
functions that will make their visit degint children with the monthly ex- University hall. Later this was
in Ann Arbor one thoroughly enjoy- e of 16 cens wch was found to changed and the whole building was
able. Friday night the High School r' known by the latter name.
Comedy club will present "The Riv- The program consisted of aprccount The addition cost over $100,000 and
ala" at the Athens, starting at 7:30, read aley it a te coun 'te was also of brick. In the winter va-
sothat the guests may go from the of the affair as it was to come offwsaat a iit i u tu ret
written in the most approved yellow' cation of 1895 the ol wooden dome
theatre up to the gymnasium in time - was removed and was replaced by the
for the annual interscholastic ball. journalism style.
Commitees for he latter event have The club finds itself in a verysgoodsrprite s iatr a t i tutumy
been working for some time on ar- condition, financially and entlhusiati- Still wier ale sal withenassambly
rangements and expect to make this cathy and will undoubtedly he heard halt, whiere miri iy soodel-tes-
toe of the most successful in the his- from next year. ches resemblin-iii -lhrcha ws, were
ony ofIthersmostuccsAtliltsheas-taken out and th saaiat which are in
tory of nterscholastic AthletisThe use today were put i . Recently fire
feeling is that the high school boys be BASEBALL TEAM GOES TO OBER- -escapes have bten aided.
made heartily welcome, be made to
feel that they are a part of this larger LIN. Though ath' ittlding is tch im-
University life into which many of troved over t s former appalaaratnce
them are planning to enter. The baseball team leaves this after- years ago, i\chigan students hope
noon for Oberlin where they meet some day to see a magnifctient new
ELECTION SATURDAY the Congregationalists tomorrow. Ob- iilding, modernly planned andetuipp-
'_erlin has a strong team this year and ail stndin. whir- tirtsa-t itil-
The annual election of student mem- in the game they played here May ant'n toaiw stans. liot i sat-
bers of the Michigan Daily Board of 11, held the varsity down to thre tl a nt-e it lin, ttlitr buit an
Control will be held in University Hall runs, but the latter aggregation now ml ew*tr ili, betternbulan -
Room C from 11 to 12 o'clock, Satur- seems to have struck its gait. This nsorattya.ctie wiltsuonhe a nees-
day, May 28. Three student members was demonstrated in the beautiful sitay hath h isa dtiollant iditaw
will be elected from the following 9 uphill game played against Chicag t oi 'i .il ba weIl bititii with
mnen: Wednesday which was won largely
Cliffnrd d St(u1v..,,.. utthrough the efforts of Captain Reddet goodthalls.
'The work has the promise of inter-
est to every person who has ever been
interested in the University, for it
got sbact tothfoundatons asd the
beginning aind through the conusecu-
tive years, records the history of a
great institution. Different people will
be interested in different parts, de-
pendent upon the times and the men
they have known, but the work as a
whole will probably be of widest in-
terest of any publication ever gotten
out by the University.
Copies of the book will be for sale
at cost value, the price not yet de-
Presiden Angell and Others of Promi-
nence will be Present..
An imposing list of speakers has
been prepared for June 28, University
of Michigan day at St. Louis. Presi-
dent Angell will speak for the Uni-
versity, Senator Joseph V. Quarles of
Wisconsin for the alumni, ex-Senator
Thomas W. Palmer of Detroit for
Michigan, Judge John E. McKeighan
of St. Louis for the St. Louis alumni,
and Walter B. Stevens, secretary of
the Exposition, will extend the wel-
come. Rev. RichardCordley of Lew-
rence, Kansas, will give the invoca-
tion. All of these men except Presi-
dent Angell are University graduates.
The University has had 25,000 cir-
culars announcing this program print-
ed, which will be circulated among
alumni throughout the country. The
presence of Michigan students on that
day is heartily desired.
One of the reasons why Michigan
has been accorded the honor of a dis-
tinct University day is that it is re-
garded as having done more for the
intellectual development of the terri-
tories annexed by the Louisiana pur-
chase than any other institution of
The local committe which will co-
operate with the St. Louis alumni is
composed of Deans Hutchins and
Vaughan and Profesors Effinger and
1 iru ;ievenson, tHugo Sonnen- U1«1 itc1J svjtxi ~uc
schein, J. M. Holderman, Archie Chubb, and his mighty bat. With two men
Arthur Cook, Will Kern, I. W. Jayne, on bases and the score 3 to 1 in Chi-
John Stoner. cago's favor in the eighth inning, the
captain lined out a two-bagger, tying
DE PRIEST NOMINATED. the score and later crossing the
plate himself, making three runs for
Brodus A. DePriest, a sophomore the inning.
literary student has been nominated The team has played in wonderfully
in his district in North Carolina for improved form of late and they can be
the lower house in the state Legisla- depended to put up a game fight for
tion on the Republican ticket. tomorrow's game.
I t ~
9'19 04 9
On Sale at Coshing's, Suheede's, Sheehan's and Wahr's.
PRICE $1.50.
The annual interscholastic lance
will be given iis year in Waterman
Gymnasium at 9 o'clock Friday eve-
ning. The affair has always been an
enjoyable one an(tuu at is year's event
promises to be no exception. Every
year there are large crowds of look-
ers-<n in the gallery who seems ito
have as good a time watchiug as the
dancers on the loor. Tickets arc pro-
unra'ble at; War's, 25 eents in the gal-
lery soil 71 cents otinht-uantcinugflur.
Albert .Ienize, a junior engineer,
diedatt his home in Petoskey recently
of tuberculosis. The young uan was
taken ill someU time ago anti wastaken
to flue 1Univorsit- housptlt. Aftetr a
time he was pronounced weil enough
to go home. On the way to Petoskey
however, he developed a cold, which
resulted fatally.
7'11ltIt tgtlttlt- itI ~Pi*aai~ iatll * X