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October 15, 1903 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1903-10-15

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Tho Tat gi .t, and Mont,
Compte L Iine of
at I fta . \ id &' Cii. 108~
tat eltimfafltititiris.(ta
t a ittlit (ii&,i o eif tiff - s a
fori etfii i i
G. .WL CO,
WID108 . Wash. St.
th ity-fortall
SUniversity '
SText- Books
Keuffel Ess.ers Drawing In-
0 straments
_Waterman's IDeal Fountain Pens®
ZTn I- nt'
? One Dollar Fountain Pens :
Students' Book Store.

THFEMICIGAN f1 DAILY a(CotitttrttFrotmtPage' (tte.- A AAA+ A +AA
tin rofte sor of nechtattirat t'tignl* Your Entire Needs in A
1ri)r1,"tOfie. i Aii t 'on fitto afo~it fitl tritfin' iir( 'tittly' *
flare, ty whomtiotfi s to fitpt i d tt. *
at ii~i*t'iaii it 5 ttft(t'fefelfer fltwita pOtoitt'parithology,~ w , iiw i
MANAGING EDItTO)R : W. C. Me Neaflie ftttrfeftfeiflo- *
. rI'I~olASO~r hip in tart 'riot gy, Mary tetoft'1. A
BtUSi tINEt tNOutEtR: 'ftioiftal Ulliversity
(etdichernistry, attitMay Wt tifer, Ift. V
EDIOR: D, he au~hr flloshp i h~i(ne Text-BoUoks
Allttt'li'' - it tuoR ft IC. A AUNo Allfthei'abovie mitin t Iheir i el *A
ni',I. s. tritE e aatt fof tituent firtin fcoraftt(,',yet'r * New ond Second-Hand.
ASSOCIATES:t (Ocafi r Wt. V\'ish a s, wo iti tifif
A. t1l ( ira ati~e , it'l atii Davs 9.3fit ' tDftriainft(titnfttgaitili
A.. ft. ii' . O lid. f a. 11u( yer * * D In~ fstru lellts alti
A J.fattt. A f. tt itt' tfittt Kiot s t tewat." ite '.0
ft r \', Itadlet . Setiarto'o_ ' slip "Su ples0
'fT' retigttittti ttf Ir. lit/ti tgwast
Editor IToday--GEORGE A. OSBORN. receftttive tdarrepit.od ffif
sascirlirt)Tw 1(llt) ~r)'t/'!1, )ct 1 t1 ilyertaset n tiifit.t it It i t i f iftctAalual
itftterr st f, tlO to tt i tO an ti ttO to 730 eftititiatri , he Right Prices Always.
p. mn Daily. itmploiy itoft' Y overntO ittit it ha i ; nih (
Adtdress ROSCOE B. HLUSTON, Rustness Man- tnation as aetei f ii A Second-Ilaud Books
tge, 3 ankard Street. Amng the apr ritos$5 wa e
prv ided utu for thf lt fi rtaii'll. t o itft'eBought 111aud Sold at
St lit' 't'i'ttt 'tin AasoiitIitt, w ii tiii
f.r~tt herdtt'Doi. :,)0 tiandf f. f*
ft im ii' '''iti o tineint' l onfit' iit i t fA
0'h . - , i llreep, ote 4fo l- hfit. itf ii iittt +ti
if li-hitaii's ut -atiti aftlititii i iii t ii tttf a iti iii.BOOK STORES,
It i tie Iott n ft ttitfit 'tty it ' lei it othti uacilt setf liitifiii
i (tI i titif it ittfit fttilt titfwt)e. t1, 9 3, Me o iltabttfo 'u aift f itt Ward. aAJ ..'uaaa
D~e,) Sirtnt-ottlcfityanii']t copotraffUy TOtiDOWNiTOWf
itt ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Il itetfl iifs leftii' illii it itthftihtandsW of ,ESr
the Mite ft'i'falltthaa theeflit' fat utu atti e AA ""FS T A.A . 0
s~ I t ifti iias itthe W ike e A . aittlail 1"o ster"1wasti 9
in, 1 hli sl ii it\e r. I ii t fi' tit'chased t ie co to .)te f>'Ii ' is fis f ulIat iia ltat a tI
itai stll o h co tinued. Ia t aftte of f i f * 'lll i t
P-,'ti litli liit ~l ofut pt isfe tpiIfhfi pottrittit lint. SECsSpur-
( 1,1;1, indtwolt ftiitill i4.;ttfttut fasefis ~ tioettailtr ~lsiit liiIa t tittt- ltif ii
t- w it tii(; s .tlft fvto co . i -f riityfoi hi ni v ietity oi tais9xiiiie , t1Ne es1ry1a d 0 iiLA D PT MEN~ia 'T
5Aliiappsttipriitatt aas maad-;for
tthat itritt-ti it ttu - tit alsoifitt e'tt i iitittetitoif er'fit t hn'tf iiiBarbo r it tin TFIRSTYEAR. 2
ha l11, e i mt auuuiu tiutt ~ ufiiit. 41(f1it\V.tf118t311 ari(t ) ta littai f . ' t
flit 3 l i"Iul t. & ttl l, C s s (i
in u some copyf fit ft' fit i all a (t c5(rn la .t .)
ft ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 iloit ft t'rdtieachttif3"ii t. tt a f'ii a iii. ilti
fli' fitffftia Itittt triiC axiti * t t in(at'(ti'al taitritafti 1t0lt
tht's-teft' ius tt ie iitt i 11()i iof t s Simtivttg iisa ud B. BAR5, ">n;;I7J-EL.... , 2
tuhin iiilt iion i the atfiof Iltt i le Sotfi. ntodeiru SEO D. YEAR.a -
alnlli o er tue eftreofufttforikett in esii n 5 320so Sll 11r1.1tsa t i:((1( anlndtnr1.00
entcy w i ith a ill' (t1fiat a titti I tut i nii' * Srvn;s o ht rlcla '(li~,nrsrd n(t
x) i as stoo by iu-t' a ll tti dSou*0*S*Sofits *Sili en dad *nd <I ilS*S*)1St(:It ()ery i 5l, (

I 'sattat DnS
James Whitcomb Riley, Oct. 102
MaidatutGC claw tyuman Abbott2
Prea. Nothrapt ttu otf Minntesota F. I opkfutsotsSmtith 3
WVatter XWellutauttHenury'Vantt Dyke '
3Oratorical Cotntest oIsabel Bleechter 3
Opent Numbter.3
Tickets Reserved at Gushing's Drug Store, 336 S. State Street,3
on Thursday, at 8 A. M.
R.Libieral commisionu for sales offeredl to ntudtetst. Apply to2
R.S. Davis, Cttshintg's, to-ut a. int.,and 4-5 p. to.
a il tl taYut f olo sw o n tto < leo 1oc
4. RAIN COihsas eii.s o toThe uci ot,jlthe, 4:o
Varit ,Justh kin i lil nte c at ,Mr

® I) -AN tM. AFAtIOLS 17, tuq~er
Z [ridaiy [veninq, ctober I1(f
® Sig Snerrnin P'nndnattn., in Plek y Form-nnof
.1'Thee BOt oVeW 6rrg/aeueI Story e,/er Writtn '
Masn'sCorner Sn nn,
3Large and Excellent Company. P s ts ZMsi, S mn.n. $
:Sdturday Elvening, October I17
Z ><n the Greentest Sceivic Prodiction of the Ag~e *
Francesca Da RInii1n21.
'IThe (iginuttt ,twswnu tu tu t it Pronutili.±
SPrices 25c, 50c, 75c, $1.. Seat Sale Thzrsday. s
New Sleeping Car Line Between:
XLeave Detroit to p. in., Michtigant Ceitural.,
Leave Toledo 12:3o Niglit, tHockinug Vale. 4
Arrive Columus, 6:5o a. ui., Hlocking \Vallen-. 4
Say "Hockitng Volley't to the ticket agent or write,
. L. W. Landiusan G. T. A., Detroit, Miech., ,


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