SUITSDwgtEW tisi
Mde to your measure and Dosand ard sto323YOS.'soint.
A FIT GUlARANTEED I- -- - -- - ,
Piiltinr 9 fl 7 Under New franaeemet./
~1f~ 1.0 New Billiard Outfit.
U 1II,, dUI l(. Chis given good for an were
Ithe house. Qe { diteA
1A. [[frlBL[, COLLARS
Hatters and Furnishers. Forest Avenue Meat Maket Linen and CUFFS
109 and 111 E. Washington Street, Poultry, Game and isih in Season A E T E S ST.
ANN ARBOR I So Forest Ave. Phone 47 A E TH B S .
__________________________________Barker's Collars are stamped "Linen'
A-OakOter brands adverisd and Sold an Linen are
I ~ lll ALBERT [UtZll NOT saped "Linen' Why?
GE ROXtfV~ FEIRhI OF Reliable Shoe Dealer i Sold by Waner & C. 2 for 25 ca
. . U W124. Pait Street I - - ---
a H _ z RE N T S C H L E R For anything its the line of +;i We are' aaoosoa tohoo"t as-Is-eiose
" + Maker of Photographs Framisng, Call on Retsller, 41 ot-seX sslns~tfersin
0Phone 38i9-r. Corner Main and Huron Stret. 0 55445-- sooe d-saeet
*GOSSIP OF THE COLLEGES. THE HARMONIC ORCHESTRA. 11,ill cnes.. ii elase -e-al otie
b sis healel aqsesnto at Madi- . tsls stelartrt tell ssIdess i ta 4
PsunE booEN i k+:ertina> Saturday iaFrniahea muic Cr al1 ocasions. 2*bt ttlse rtssro. v:r as-- tiesma
nt h to rous entusiam fo theDance msui a specialty. Address L. inn es: a see ti ar alsi
Su p nd r cma uile rsdetVa is .Bates, manages, 808 S. Fourth ae- 30 e5Issr Kan lsas- s.el 0 seti-
us en ere stie st ~arlinsg annoneenthals29tfeflrhet titsat oO, "
work in perfect harmony with lbs. facuslty lad lesen intructed to
tie wearer's every movement. aseseli all lsows ansi failuesrcup~ to Ticket for for shampoos-$1.00. 4.35
Comfort, Style and Servce da set later son admitted ht he Soft water. Miss Vaughan, near uar- 4 WAGNER & Co. F
ABSOUTEY es. sesl iskesg. . a Haberdashers a.9 ezlHatters 5
GUARANTEED The Daily Cardinal of Wisconsin Fren LonyAlgetl2pr '
Trinmifs cannot rust. says: "The next best thisng to win- rowo and Hylero Chocolates aCush-
prloososnd$.as~nnystoeoormast, prepaid. ning the' big r~loay race in t'hiladel- lgs Pharmacy.4':
25stt0ms. phiaeourselves,s hearing of':Michi-__
gan's victory."-
Fresh ~owneys, Allegretti's, Spar-
-- - ...... The freshmen at the liniversity of rows, Hylers, chocolates at Cush-
A. J. WATSON Nebrasa have adoplted freshmen caps ingMs Pharmacy. f.
NE ~~ Paints ~and the rest of the classes are disput- Apitrpit ihclr u
~4' uu r per engileer rchi n war tem. sician paints with sound; bet Alex-
poshwnenaner paints with sunlight. Ct a sue-
an isOn acecount of theirporswign light portrait of yourself. Studio in
and~Fi~ the tackames at Philadelpia, Hr- Athens Theatre Building. 147-152.
216 East Huron Street. sos 1is considering the advisability _________KODA4K
off stavng net of them hereafter. They
claenm they do not have sfficient time ~ Yor eyes examined by an
Special Prices on isa traen and make a creditable show- expert optician. All the lat-
ing ~est approved appliances and methods
M1ade UO Pillows, pillow en known to the profession areemployed. Cal IO S
TopsandBaners CHISTAN NDEVORSOCETY New eye glanse fitted, lenses dupli-
CHITA NEVRSCEYcated, frames repaired. HaIler's Jew
THIS W EEK, AT There will be a scial for members elry Store. tf. A
At Darling & MalleaUX'S of te Christian Endeavor Society andAr
......... __-riendss,.sef the Presyierian chrch, athn suppie of ass kids at all
FINE- next Friday evenineg, April 29, at 7:2. prices at Cushings Drug store tf
- FINE- All comsse for peeanuts will be an im-
Pictllres aild Fraumes sorrat feature of the entertainment. Chafing dishes at Hler's Jewelry !n
21 5 oat Aeue Mr. W. . Elsem, sperintendent Chafing dishes at Halers Jewelry
27SForhAeu. of sehooels at Grand Rapids. will le- Store. tf a k n
sure tomorrow at 4:0i o'clock in Tap-
+sr~~oiz:+. 3 :c " - pan Hall Lecture Room, on "Some Mandolin strings, 20 cents per fol 324 S. Sate S.
~ e~ o r~ u ,o *.Vital ~actrs so Education"34o r set-Ann Arbor Music Co.
Ataywtstecuarnewse Chaffing dishes at HaIler's Jewelry -.«-«-.<a.._
7E Z Wt~tffr. o oitonfo ex yara mtrn rhsesekeeper n fraternity or soror- Soe f
seoes8. Oty. Thoroughly competent with best Arass exas, Mxc
4-48. Main St. S. Phone 21. + and Caliornia..
- Are et reached via
A Word O UR1 POLIO Y St. Louis, World's air city,
to Students h uligu faTlpoeSytmwt vr osbemd
iisoter erns improveenct; the giving of better service than was ever thought Iran frountdin
£ sOs Ihresetucstessi, possible before. To be honorable, corteous and just iss every detail.}
1Y A " r s ,l2,pritay emedis'tPuoanticipate requiremnts. To overcosne impediallests. To be sais R ut
rinougtss r easeiteate fl fed with nothinsg short of the confidencee asd ood will of every citizen
ox p _ casee tisaee.1sv- 1 hecuty
swh se ste cunTeas daily trais to California.
4 htwr.Coixl' ver ell's etek EMOlari A yRARY " Lib erty 0ner o. Chee daly taios to Texs.
--- ~ tE gtsi 11tor FoouFurhrexdailt ains to exasEt. f
many l-t'ttsselknwlEMOaAYaFFCE Lberytretner otth Fur steely traiseto fHet Springs,.{
-- eyaCe13tCoawell.reoat - - - - ------- - -
isr and spresidlent ofAp
thse.Jaceksos Causer
PtharmaceutiealSocietey. ast ee d os.'dtsthesi-
tate to reeacoed tee ouetradehisi el asa ( '"H..ArsonTP.yi
superioremsedy in all eases of spris rusesemscslensadfoger lss£;YA
plication after gyseesssium osselrko'tolett - C -T£ 1 3W stca v.
erctse. It is ahigh gre ps-oparations or alco- 1AnAbrNih
hol ased essential oil send sootitgtianed heai- Qrok'n to Turkey. AnAbr rih
log medicinal ingeedents test pene-trate-- Trete nLyf
quichly'and allay all soresness asdsinfltasna s-PefcdinEyt
iles. leaving the skisntend clothingfree feem
stain. There is so ieease of tesy Clad used its Enjoyed in America. M
Br Colwell's BMalc Egyptia nOi. M L GIL EP ece
We have such confidenceein Dr. Colwell'sa -"MOGUL SM-OKe. MAKSrenvernAN SMnsOS OL
Ma is Egyptian Oil that ae sell every battle_______________ IL SI ece
wtthe positive gasan tee that it will give anoiBnjadGutr
satisfaction. If it does sot you ca return /eOV.n to.rns ceots. 'lnoln Ban oadGutr
the hottle and we ails refund your woney CrkTiir lan207 5E.V4alssolese Os. Phonte 723
,Sarrvs CthesDruuStornaHlssagencey for
Quary's amus ru StreBradtMastollo, Farland Banoand Martin Gullar.
Aways Ahead MILWTARD THEj TAILOR, The Best
In Styles.f= of Everything tnolTato r i ng