THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUITSDwgtEW tisi TYPEWRITING0 Mde to your measure and Dosand ard sto323YOS.'soint. A FIT GUlARANTEED I- -- - -- - , ATI COOK HOUSE BILLIARD HALL Piiltinr 9 fl 7 Under New franaeemet./ ~1f~ 1.0 New Billiard Outfit. U 1II,, dUI l(. Chis given good for an were Ithe house. Qe { diteA CLOTHJERS~ [ree Lnh 1A. [[frlBL[, COLLARS Hatters and Furnishers. Forest Avenue Meat Maket Linen and CUFFS 109 and 111 E. Washington Street, Poultry, Game and isih in Season A E T E S ST. ANN ARBOR I So Forest Ave. Phone 47 A E TH B S . __________________________________Barker's Collars are stamped "Linen' A-OakOter brands adverisd and Sold an Linen are I ~ lll ALBERT [UtZll NOT saped "Linen' Why? GE ROXtfV~ FEIRhI OF Reliable Shoe Dealer i Sold by Waner & C. 2 for 25 ca . . U W124. Pait Street I - - --- a H _ z RE N T S C H L E R For anything its the line of +;i We are' aaoosoa tohoo"t as-Is-eiose " + Maker of Photographs Framisng, Call on Retsller, 41 ot-seX sslns~tfersin 0Phone 38i9-r. Corner Main and Huron Stret. 0 55445-- sooe d-saeet SPRING EGlBLGEE StIRTS .5 *GOSSIP OF THE COLLEGES. THE HARMONIC ORCHESTRA. 11,ill cnes.. ii elase -e-al otie b sis healel aqsesnto at Madi- . tsls stelartrt tell ssIdess i ta 4 PsunE booEN i k+:ertina> Saturday iaFrniahea muic Cr al1 ocasions. 2*bt ttlse rtssro. v:r as-- tiesma nt h to rous entusiam fo theDance msui a specialty. Address L. inn es: a see ti ar alsi Su p nd r cma uile rsdetVa is .Bates, manages, 808 S. Fourth ae- 30 e5Issr Kan lsas- s.el 0 seti- us en ere stie st ~arlinsg annoneenthals29tfeflrhet titsat oO, " work in perfect harmony with lbs. facuslty lad lesen intructed to tie wearer's every movement. aseseli all lsows ansi failuesrcup~ to Ticket for for shampoos-$1.00. 4.35 Comfort, Style and Servce da set later son admitted ht he Soft water. Miss Vaughan, near uar- 4 WAGNER & Co. F ABSOUTEY es. sesl iskesg. . a Haberdashers a.9 ezlHatters 5 GUARANTEED The Daily Cardinal of Wisconsin Fren LonyAlgetl2pr ' Trinmifs cannot rust. says: "The next best thisng to win- rowo and Hylero Chocolates aCush- prloososnd$.as~nnystoeoormast, prepaid. ning the' big r~loay race in t'hiladel- lgs Pharmacy.4': 25stt0ms. phiaeourselves,s hearing of':Michi-__ gan's victory."- Fresh ~owneys, Allegretti's, Spar- -- - ...... The freshmen at the liniversity of rows, Hylers, chocolates at Cush- A. J. WATSON Nebrasa have adoplted freshmen caps ingMs Pharmacy. f. NE ~~ Paints ~and the rest of the classes are disput- Apitrpit ihclr u ~4' uu r per engileer rchi n war tem. sician paints with sound; bet Alex- poshwnenaner paints with sunlight. Ct a sue- an isOn acecount of theirporswign light portrait of yourself. Studio in and~Fi~ the tackames at Philadelpia, Hr- Athens Theatre Building. 147-152. 216 East Huron Street. sos 1is considering the advisability _________KODA4K off stavng net of them hereafter. They claenm they do not have sfficient time ~ Yor eyes examined by an Special Prices on isa traen and make a creditable show- expert optician. All the lat- ing ~est approved appliances and methods M1ade UO Pillows, pillow en known to the profession areemployed. Cal IO S TopsandBaners CHISTAN NDEVORSOCETY New eye glanse fitted, lenses dupli- CHITA NEVRSCEYcated, frames repaired. HaIler's Jew THIS W EEK, AT There will be a scial for members elry Store. tf. A At Darling & MalleaUX'S of te Christian Endeavor Society andAr ......... __-riendss,.sef the Presyierian chrch, athn suppie of ass kids at all FINE- next Friday evenineg, April 29, at 7:2. prices at Cushings Drug store tf - FINE- All comsse for peeanuts will be an im- Pictllres aild Fraumes sorrat feature of the entertainment. Chafing dishes at Hler's Jewelry !n DrIESkf5 AR~T .5TOkt, LECTURE. 21 5 oat Aeue Mr. W. . Elsem, sperintendent Chafing dishes at Halers Jewelry 27SForhAeu. of sehooels at Grand Rapids. will le- Store. tf a k n sure tomorrow at 4:0i o'clock in Tap- +sr~~oiz:+. 3 :c " - pan Hall Lecture Room, on "Some Mandolin strings, 20 cents per fol 324 S. Sate S. ~ e~ o r~ u ,o *.Vital ~actrs so Education"34o r set-Ann Arbor Music Co. Ataywtstecuarnewse Chaffing dishes at HaIler's Jewelry -.«-«-.