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April 07, 1904 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1904-04-07

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T~fr~Nfffffffff THE MICHIGAN DAILY This is enooragig. The;ong o
f* __- men who are yearly leaving college0 '
ff UH WldFlvrnnnnu I sntred a s asd tos mtr 0atctheAnn enter the great stroggle shold briost A
U.fS Past Po Ollc new vitality, new swoirog deas,,1a(1
Pulhd ly (otead eptedldnr lot iiteligentpiprecitionOof 0ou1 10)1)0)1-0 IN IED[R'S
SLeading Merchant Tailors *(hreuma) lo rsrn osiue) Phase 891 rmattheirtrtcollg n ne silyi1s
S MOR~Y1IJOMASON that the naion reeiro is utrr-
- - BUSINESS MANAGER: ward for itslproteriiosiand foteiing
RO118001 It HUSsTON care of the great edcational loll ;i-
SPIGWO[SEDITORS: os._________ Made of selected, velvet
Alhei. - - - RtOBER K. WALTN
Newr uis, To-otsai - - - - .. BALes GOSSIP OF COLLEGES. tnnedc~ huckskii, built 01n
Fo utTpCasadASOCIATES: Tet bhouscmay be reted gyflit liii e s that will appeal
±Trousers. Full dress suits a Cltiford Seenso, Roiy Peeles, stdens a the U nierity of ChicagoI
spcat.Ltu lov~ A. Mi. Gaver, eny P. Erwin friimithe Aliimni LossLirary atla stroigly to fle players of
A.0 aa. A .Ooer. coasit25 ceits fr mch term. I expeience is oro No. 2x.
our London Seges, London lJseph Y. 1ear, Stddad S. Stre. Tewmn5rnssa h i r
ouT odnSrgs odn Ida Mt ioncnig. I. Waie jayne. Tewoa;gonai a heIiso- It hos im beel ai
Cheviots, Scotch Mixtures ; sos laad0 mt.sily osIllioisiavegateseres of a~.pa1i
Kioes lrcs i Hlar-y1.Adewas. Aftred II. Kch. Dmion entertainmrenfts ihe bgrmina iiide extra long in the
* Tfiaiias 13. liabents. C:lyde L. Dsiw. slum to give an acciaf idea of Nllvt wist, is liiicttaid slightly
lauds, Edinburghs, Drum- BSINES STAFF: gymnasium work trwen 1iitiiwra.,
Loiilou ('A I~05i..5 Ov. I. Lsyd waa ) te Ufivrsiy. he -of -0111 padded aid strogly and
roby's M gors, ;i - Ife 1. I aosetie. menlu were oten ol o Ii aeullty ol m- dillotbly mde hroghout.
aud St. Andrew Flannels, lobuf e~y hs . itt. hrs and the women stutilrt i lls.
London Cassimneres or Aiier- ITe Woian'ts ll."icaf Cltre e I el
irnSre.Pes ot511se Editor t-day, J Y. Kenr. prtetotltfMinneota wiftlgirsa. [or $2.50.
i~anSeres. leae cll ad Se --- - - eal) year party LiiiMSay. Itoh e -fa t
Sub isritioniiTwo Dollars pliar , pyable i of ill(sa rbaty ill e a fer-ian e f ;l
air art. ff0 rlibqract after tNu. 1. 190.$2.') ive ntimbers.
011cr Housrn1230 to 1:30 and 6:30 to 7:30 Au ilfteai lgtln ex iit ililfitO 111
G.H.WidCopayp. m. Daily. aity stideit a1t'aliforittfil be11 fFOR SI I Al
1( * Address ROSCOE B. SIISTO, Business SMan-stllto tewtLusepsfinbgr 3 acadSre. lf ize st t. 1,r1 ir (Sf 110- te1 1 A
'C .W S IGT NSRE.Trlrphone, d61. ifes of Caifornfia ill h 0 I a oo 61 -7
lO-.WA-NTN T [T.___friimibuttr iIwsill betiaedfit ani
-- D* As~4 lcan Aril fooll for ethef ~ti-_______________
S ~ ___________~. ..O.-O_________ Juniir Law class at lws oted10110 1
slassos Ari Ist.
The 6reat a incPROF. HEMPL'S LECTURE.
Api I p Il. IR-ninscalic tCli Ltnight CProfesorllt Ifil fde f1-
I al 1 )11 l'iif0'if 1):1 ii t's ciia lecure lbeforethe i- f1 Il io1 o
* sf111-Iais Sia-lsClb idance. 1and1 In-Eu rpoionf Nnm11)crit 1ff 01
Apilt 8-8 1.p . Y.1d. C. A. anquet ent-.''
Iprill8--8 p. mTi ,ecture by Professor A 1bre u mmaryiil of PH ie l i-ris i *
Va01n19Tiyne iA Cause Trip Iown as follows: teDnue"itSrh awl
fi I)lfia; s aa s el simre tooyears agi in 111or-lur ii 51
& Angll oIl Sa1. oinu f i eui) l oti ite11 r OhIi - s
Apil9 Woma'saLeague Leap Year ltters usedf by te tl ulilic rtilt,
Exciting [ull [or IEveryone paty rofessor Heamp i If 55'))) th111 i m-1111
®_________________ ii iso-G(rmanuicaui mri caf notation1.)ll
Stis'pa)011iculaly19frlfuae' ihat the Tiis'ihrew5 neiwsslight Iuhf li(he .1)10( w
4 5 c . conidera1tol i of ubatioal ilii e Oso-rts ue rni'ia syte , If el
no11t1bttienIf i thfianiyting moe inr, iiuii-s y l i. )1 !lflli11,I l
- 11111 15)11 thliotis l e o rtsuf. Ther finiiiti of tif hi lulls 111111 111 1a1d
i5 hatrdly any une mre. favoralelllt he freekfnumi alfl ot 11ion f
Pocket iWar fr'Iats for the * iTuillhetstO flt1)1i pris~o fl'liimfi ieInluii e ,tlil 11111111
Uar [a~t, I ththh presei t o ll-if) i scussii on1]lfl- iib sd ti e~u'iiii. 11 iI NltItfo iili ls
o10110e we1t 11)1 role mu hatfirs t ea -b ~ lrg e in.rfieas i-as 111-ture ofI flIr1100 tolerut
I tfi ff1i- t ty billl' li gIor inbl- tus 3 [1 is il snf i- llsi fata- 11111hiat,.1
Fa asIs. ali ch r'uignlemrtl'~isfiiyr-to tisasti i ilI 1) 11 h d 71~ R Jf\
SH EEH A Nca& suppor 1)11 l t-I as tho nelif5 it fl'Iitte o reat eftn umber' was1 hesi ooi I ' i'. 71 11 No
University Bookseller, nata- l e ire arty1banner5t' uoiasfo sf sill an" The nt'lartgeilf it 11) ~ttil uri nc
Ri-0t iiotflAti any itl I t me f115l am.he trubeond, fOu"ttwaerrl(Iii lit is Y 1 jj1 1111Y~t
up in the51 t rs l oefooliee1 wo11 rstill u ers lhike 1-b o ur hfo, i 110 be 1 "a
* H iv, fi
uhf001 st 1)1)19 l~ns srios nd1121"oThe i-intuta i onr' fill p
Ifvr oo sles Sa h itud'r n l e caii qen s tioe s oftlr'lo lt goliiff 'l i Iii dff1ece
y111-ntsusumbefrslititt sfifa r0 gaond 120i
rlesaseprc-wolnpessiupo ehm.o
boEnesLBanKIngrUSIerSS I-irsat.this 11i)1e flotbl~l andofthra- Ytof .heWntodctA.noT ICES. ia
athSI5El.fletis areasitIl'- rba h ei r mrsolhi ndf orss undieii, 0 tha s .ill tif11fs r
3 nnse. liaSout.h St.at. eil.Str ee". ito-isarenty n auie by ciirs n dciti S inuroa ich the:otd-tiff l1) n111- . BO far to you
*r O 4C S au luosi esu bi graie s ee parytiifsteiu egs T Cbto L0)wscaltheurlsiteiiiiiilhif i' Suv4 tp
fsffwAf~~fIf~f~f~~rironic io affsirs rulif2uS. s a health
COUSINS & HALL, feistatthseswsla esi fte smenfto-rd rth GetCLuEnOTe.d,11"l Sls whls 'alts t
The nn A borSavigs nk, boy.At ue isfc anl; ptha nteymare no tilMuedtign t I bel'n .adStsll fliis a
Co. . niv. Ae. andublticStee 1) llli in seituitouu'lc t th he ofi isneo , suheretay 011)11. c
Te]~as Caleph.foum c5. r titb.D.Mosy Toveulaycoe hd emcic o rol .W.C hl pailk lat. te
Flow ers and Plnts in eason ut thisactiveThet, m taendllegey MioutrolleieGirsf theioneassLi,
d ae ratialtht he ae otMetheofCeelbtdnCesct ityurtte
WebyhLeFrie andOmpayMinstraoftrSavstyo

L, [ A. The Brothers Faron, Acrobatic Comedian,Z
I Welby and Pearl, "-Three Ages in Black" ?
Jere Sanford, the Wonderful Impersonator."
The Celebrated Mardo Brothers, inteWrd
The Most Expensive Acrobatic FeaturesinteWrd
- Watch for-the Big Parade. Prices, 25, 35, 50 and 75c
Seso Tcet, 1.0.2 .~tSnqe dmsio, 5 Friday, April Sth---"A RUN ON THEL BAN." g
seasn Tcket, $.11 Sinle dmision 25 fzAND A HOST OE MERRY MERRYS

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