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April 07, 1904 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1904-04-07

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_____ lach titoainess was arousedt in the STe canddaesiiftr le four mile ri-
Candidates for Various Positions on S. I~. A. ciclethis mrintitg on learn- ases in Present Series have all boos lay ear, seven in rnulber, last night
Basbal Tam-racic Gaes ig otheiii stes 'soce0o' le noch-1 Tied-No Forecast of Outcome etani proatly (he hlarestuile o le
Next \Aeek-Gossip of the heraled consituttin. But on a see- Possible-Consicderable Inter last ten ays. It tas cnsciieraly
iimnd ntl terusat itctititrtaidily te sentet is Aroused. lesitansliet'minuttteis antI:[ tsittr
Dimn.tti~t it hail rotchatnges fr tliisytar's ; .Alreadty atftthelint e-tissaseries Ilg tttttheor cotrdiitn oithelt'track
Next vweek a series itt practice elect ion or canitetis. Any titeusmiy, f hsti 1 hlt gaineics httstibien tptayetd nithelt' i ndirtywetertc teaa
gamnes wiltte playetd at Ferry Fieldt rtrtwho chiotossuindtheleciitin wilttoft, andtsit veni iy itatchieit actthe' twtrthypatntit'tiecouitrse' ofist ifIr' cin-
in lreparatitrn for the spring tripocutr at theusiutal uit' itMay. tittustieen ievteiy way that ary tg iatpedluti'iitby Keere 'l~ieicet..
which will lbegin a weekt froim Friday At iresentithel itititlsituatin to te atttiiaiti t itposittt'outcoetitR'otse itreatsedstis tisitancft t- thie'i
night. The coaches sill Ikeep the in a very catit rtttn iti. Nti cot- oithlii'seems is imtpotssitle. Iammtier trtiw tit152 fit. 'fTs'
squad at the Fair Groundsthe rest of iplete tickets have yet hitetiattit utu'- ' it cgmietewa stlaytit ty te' stirinters iit cnsiterahtl' vwirti. St
Ihe week to give Ferry Fielid a chance ell. Three candititatesa torctheticesi i'e stictiaititsiiphoiiimtre tittms. The :Iar atand Nictl wvere italinty hardles
to gt i prme ondtio. Aitrctie iency however, have apptearcit Hu- result itouf intev sa e ii the tst
gaewsaragdfryesterdlay hit nerm an, 'it5, Ketny.'05 titit ('ituty. tiiiwsieltayediotfitt aiii xtra five; The listitt meti 'utntitttdto ains
the colidweather catsed its txstpone- Law aredintrg cotnsidecratbli'camptaign it ritettis, leaving (iii'sphtomiorecs tet' sage at it'lartis oithetti''Varsity -
useni..tamwllnonege. vitties y it score itt 1 t. the' at tis as ht'i'iadtit t. tttant i iiIbei
The ta il o epicleetiiutil Atlhave bien vsaitint leacti vvhut ofteiirttefiat, eveni by sit narrowteatioteid at liie'Iraitirg qutateci'stdtay.
next week. epcsht changes the tes etntttttit ittitti d'nit ei iiasItis, iratically uts '1lie It wiltrtinclue nattyitynttsi'fotr
Coach Utley epcs htat least irstitite, hencete untutstat acktoitlfieseitict to f teruace, if liii' soes'sli l rsntt
foutreen players wilt e taken on the andidtates. tBut tiecmetieti 'qitita ottt'a.. close as they' actetbeit
Chicago tripi as te utrseasiined conc- wilt e otnoitw its a few iays. sit far.
lion tf theminrtwilt ritquire' freqirent I'Pi(, Secondi 'i game iibetvi'ni't( li' itti. UNIQUELELCUR.
srrstilttitins. The trainirtg tahte will FEiNCING CLUB R[PORT. fors aniil iitiiiituicis cstltid itt aPersonal Experiences in Canoe Trip
prohably le hegutn directly after va ___ .li- thfital sc'irecbIrni'ti 2 tot . 'Te dwn Danube - Professor Van
iio.toi (eittis icc' is5 uccnly nattteitas, Tyne will Lecture underAss'
cation. ~~~~Financial Reort of Fencing Tourna- stisiii.pcso lha
With a few possible exceptitns h otLito rtrnte cthehe t ilti ati. fit'~'ites___
'Varsity nine vill te pickten*rtim t ntedFud-FninTea het hitd iii't i otiitti ci' s tti t ttttfilmt 'Iyiic~tia c
sqird atwitic lst ightDThncaedi-Fudsthencear. a
iates still remaitirigin le squaratl5tlis, andiaginttiii the ial se it"'Ii i 'ihe s'iikttt ti1 igtt u
after the' weedtingiottprocessoes oiTt he cortmittlii'vv'hichldint ttstarge' ei iiThit5ti' etliii betpated itt' it i li'lt- tn'wi 'ltrnofseoticVaniT'ynec
the past six weekis, anti their' respec- the recentienintg Itour'nitami'tt ewhih ':iri'xtr iiii' asiiiioi it. tossili',vwil dei'iv'rtiutn'ri(heitsices f thei
ive positiosare givenlelsuw. Sev- was cinduct'edin iistu uch a u'essui11 itill it iltilly Iie tihe net 9if-mitt'AttutuNut it irun y soci'ty. It is nt
iral nit thus'ntiart' trying fr mtorenanner repiuto tttcrtty- ltt yic' .ii5'Sint 15 tutu AtuitI8. SaruhiCas-ellI
than sne huisiin."lit erany anitbolutit hie il aut- ra -h Fromtuu tiiimat.e-rip if(ittlie Ioitiitttlit -Angltlutail aolbeenitseiuredn''ibI thut
tatcher-Binud, Kilifer,Tunner, anud ties hackuedthe.lint' cti'iiT'ht-'lous-wilt-lettmare(Iiii Ithan t''tfr'om tt' "ac'dyufii cersito't' the'lubiorlrseatuend
tiner. wet-c on ths'lieu tuti nrs iii: tutuyedtcanits y''idedt.ttlt iiiiiTite 't'eisu'e chunsiltlttu-itis a i
Pitcher'-Nagle, EY1ut', Wendell l aBlis'iSgue uht-I amttoftthlis' yeatriiii.the lunt 5ot utsuTheiletuitiIruntwll e l-vs-s us-trtedt-s
Stac, Bean, -hIackay, Shitlts, IhCiu- Theta P, Cliis1stDl-ta apa.tu Ftulshi ic-it iip o te thasunitlatiyetaitt.'nd't.withterlit'ticonstinuhewsend'newsildel
loc, Ward. thn, Delta 'ant itItellaltaus I siton, theeoehv.l de oniec.1wt h esoa xeine fPo
First tase Ilree tGer-itss, Niessn. Kappha Signma. PitD ella IThit-a-i IP ity tiuuo t' thy ii. ltttt'tn la y itti5 i ifossotiviiin'Tnut'andui us wii' ot their
Secondh thse--Redenr. Iiniger, Huh-tGamniahDeltai, tKtpi i-u Sins m--a It tutu. mInt thetjlit-or us hatc'thit'ittst wittdig tu.The 'ii(rillwasitakIuten
islet', 'fhonosuuuut.Alpha tEptsiloin,.Signuiti Phi 'hetIa elt-i, lilt<1 n1 iItorukiof tmty oft t cians. itlsnce t hs I ntls t--u n itunuu
Shiortstop-C ampbll,.Ringr, But- thi, /eta Psi, lihi D1Sta111 thietaitsetyit h ynsu sfehtite el og hog ina
lister, Boulin. t'hi. Mlit he pt esnti-us phomi o rett ittluttt' hatoe Ii. - ItutitI ist iBl'grade udwn toli t'
''hir'dh ase-ylye, D~ekenr, Georg. She follouwing is tiihe finiiual tuport' I tittitatti antotittiu ii I tiitiohitilt-1 tii ' li-the tiptaltis oit- trouitght
Ficlens htc'uhuhnu. tarrthlens, 1Alt subhittedl by te uico titmm 't iittiet'iit an titsiusntortut'gy iuitiuiitt hut- us iitesttg parts ofittEturop-
uingr, Kaufnmantoad,. L thety hBe''kt hemoval of eats..I....t0.o( t. 'uittd 1s.1 tutt i tetiun it his ex A u-i-ry large'' i'mi witatIeunie-ut hut
-n, hiills, h'ttteiet. I .- of M.lR ndl .. .it.h . I i 'u-Itt15,0 ce li tlt thllet-itcswtlrtk. 'his Syear1 li-uturit-sthitni uPr to ts r Van 'u T 'e de
tRntal itt thtainrs .... ...-100 E'! It' iui' -'tpp tuI i ' 1hit'los iii luau it iht 51stt uumer ui it'e curist
DEAN HUTCHINS AT DES MOI NES. Printirng 1.2 tcai-tituu an lest ulay i s51Ioflcurs;it'll ty iii' nt tis ofthel
Beant It. tHtciints, ohut he w h r ayage ....'.....1.0 tuty entith.uswhoi tcallE 'it cete. 'lheifat-trle fiuntmt'Ciof thuaw biuiditg
partmuent respondto nna Itoast at a Insigniatint Juaiktt s .... 15 rsmn a((I( l nofalreIw rwe n aywr ue
hanqtuet mitthe Michigan Aumni asso- hFois- - - - - - - -mutt.00 itn t titsitait. liti-ltis. tt -y lhavce .tuway isapttuioiiutdonat-ututuof lttack
ciaion in nduray night- 'hei-theme Rtuoini- - - - - - - -t...... .2 vry guid ltatyei-s ontheti-c tt tIi t eemutiuof rtim.'thousiIni t tndancei fully
f his ospeech sas '''h'he positioint ttfte tt'iti htt u Ime ' lfl it f pitcnts ortill e enjii yed1te uiututnd umusulinurg i-x-
Slate t'niversity.'' A significant lana- suit.45 tuamireadtilttoI suutuiy aily' mumuncy tleittttishicthe eI t- i-' rertoll
graphimofthutis'scithlier' somiclealy Ir tear-nity osusrition1 ..111,43.00t Ot am tiltit-lul ei wttttirItteirtci'l hiotssoirilum hi I h t' l neied-sitno ito-ms
sets forchsthe hDtan's idea iotthus' lre- Expess........Itt.45 5 t snt, oda hto h t cint h'1iest tdns
eminetnrcs'iftIhu t-sat-.univrnsit y that e uttsls. I Ic' is a SMn-lgan Aumnus whittitsun-
il: setl ear ituotinirg: "hei'sat'uni-I tBalances................$255 The tilt-eifor ..(he -stn ttht.- g ime tof tthe la y veonmu onortu i nt' a i lstomtr'it u-i'-
virsity is and.ishuldbnhth i'Ihum' n'ensc'i-I 'ihe fi'rmming ILuoam form'(it-u-cst ofmit shsnt e-ee eie ro eac.Atr autdgfot;lc
taive sc'hoiolonuthlii-sas.-The' oter thitsyear with hi m'pouutusedulofit t i hi(crt-itill it'lobabtly Ibit' iiMoieigamt's il'0gall tt o h ue-t s tudietmHidelbeu-g. Hei
st'hools suchn as colulugs andI ari- I t-,s Nugumski uzedStumm'uu. iut It iititutlm thu'a ciig tm-t il. ltnhIntieul-ua-esutte-y- tWilinthIbe
cult ural anth norma schoolsiareisntisu- twit an'elimt hi aunmmoaindt miltmut luu Inihted tates tuu ht muu-Iet
A PHI LIIN'S TOAST. .tiui 'sum'r.has hlit-i-ut it' tnil
lly sciih-lmitfSpri-haruatioun. SClt schoomml inn colleugunetiutyeauru. Zumlnlobo A -therec tuuti e i o iitre i5 i isl iitlutu-h'tu-isttiIhe
mit ihiher'n edlucatitus is Ithum'uniersiy.'' ihe t ldnadh'thm uuscolit-i 1muI Ii 1tim l l; tsef.Ot ye r e.rosedtA
nerr:oiI iM.Satag igaAmricacit ittiiti-u eutt u'biycletol
In developoing hist1emec, ittan he gieen secotntilaceti'.nsmthehitrilium I setillirel~re 111Itititfrom t - tm'htuuuu'- ut ul uo'ltiuex',m
Hauibiutrs pint ed uttum mihe as-u laumart with e hueo'tusenuii n tlex su ltItillftall.1111f111es inoustltuumeu- te -.o1lluwinugu'ye'aIrccin
hem'st-Ih miils, agiclt'ur inat -sisgs,ethe~, 'huee sittl hut'aum fnull- of ttusnmehtthei' Pthiitipipi'n'. lsithaIds.
wer-n-cont tutu-finisting educatison, hlmt ens' clint11'If-i t he trohi roorn otiIIhime l tuu ts it1muttiiu i in tutopI itta1i yet. oe thmywtis~
muimanily forItrainingmen annulwsiment gymnusituminext Mondatuy ev'siung" at byitu e wli rmaeumpn yuuisuu '
ins somensp iecatris; lt-eagriculhtural 7.3t0tfun'the' purposeuofuelmit ii-I yndiates
schoolus, titagriculture situscienttific annual uofhficer. wnt 0o te muili tumu Ilamidttusaw__ANTI-HEARST_____CLUB._
depiarmn'ts ; the norm-na schoolus, li to C -i-t- ias itandi'ittitrttiT'I his, This-u- s-s a spieitited mutig ofthem
traininig teachesr-s. AN NUAL BANQUET i'ls nt he tiyiti hg i tof c-nullall11lu-nuu-eye,'tuu at v
But, ontinlie ohther handm, te heart tn sie auduitorniutuumitf hscMuit tll itt u .t Stts eemutta. wtomlt iuti,- mum Nihols hat. 'hitue ~mcsmtutu
cuoceived tie university hail te ad- int Friday cvenring, Aprl tSilt bnIi ii , ,111(1ta- gut-u tim mulc t helii's-i isiCowham canduidtitheI umi-uhshouldmh
ditiomuatasktmitmakhitng scholuars. Tou quet will his-given to hit le tutututuI I-it , tust a tit'lIrslt Ihit. ia suotuwIsus vgormouy-debtedtu. Pous
qutie him its thispoitl:''When a Universil ybythhU'iersits Yout iu it thu I tutu tuttut sttis usws muault it ive ateitws aaumgllm ttomt-u'rmto um-
chetisl , antenginee-r, ea scientific mas Men's thristian Associiation. '1Iis-u-i s amp( lionofite ite t tt ci miot 1the Iliuma.go meruican frompntiml
mit artyekil is tunrnedm out mit a nrier- eviry re'asounuutoeive(t(btIhus ilt I(o l cre t istuis'.nit'ithatilu ticanytite-tgaring teadine~ms tim thut
sit y be-shomum etulbe newhomhas stuiedl he mnus-omithI belst ba'nquets15of thutbylit it u timutmui ft heisandsmitts I' hcIis-it htmloit rantmm''s-o ireliiITivert-
a science nt a inails-, tnt'whimhas year. Mr. ames Sehuu'mmu-n-ium, oat hie I(nit t tilttaaelu-s -um Irumti-utespell (ty-oilyitMichigaunmthuclan-u-utforHr snt
hecmne ta schiolar, rather than nan ti-iDetroitTinies, whou is toi lii'tastmnas attuth l re:,.)ItII I shallttltl-tyou, Sim-htigantIatti-'s unameuswus fmeqently imen-
an.'' te, it a mart itttam-.' vii andtis ton- 1iug eit;., mututoIPhltippuie Isandsmohae 'it 1imutt1 ouluty appluaudeduh.aud it
siuheremi the hisst man iin liii'ssateitoii unittet source-us, itiutotuthut atcunit, wasdem edt lusthla tic', clishomudt workh
'07 BASEBALL TEAM., upreside at such atu-'an caion. 'h'massou 5 t ea-rumetl-i tinetutu' arluf''m'-u t tIhueas aunruhiteifor ugi iaereefonrthus'
'lhcre with he an impotant meetingvilhe respomndediut y sveral-routmuniunt itt tuu1'IaotitoI -'youttdutveu'biupleu'siential nomtninaio n at thus mck I
mit the candidsates for tie 'thy7basebllaiiinen tmer, among I them huttig liii. '1hti'iralti's. umicvent uitohSaturiuy iResoilutis-veins
team, this afternoomn at oceck tf'ssotr'F. I..Sage, omitheLdiii' t-i 'i 1 1wtll bI lotteinuuthe 1m'Phiip-idtepled tuugigliii'luhuhto sumempors
sharp. Mr. Johinson, the nanager, has ment;Rev. C. S. hushtt, \. t. Cte, imiIsu'ans ueor they lenit'oveu-cthur' I olo utuwng tict.fornouficetrs omithei
called the meieting mitaltte canuiuat- antI tuers. The Assume-ationmumQuatt Ithe ut-mll Mic htigan mentii. T'itt oittIDIh-itmc'a.uhii ilimi:
es with a view to tusceraining wht nas agreed mu adth plsureu to tlihet' ia('lst',till'ctunutya sil itlwauys hit'Otficesofsit Ihi- s-uh setru'elmutm-m.
the hprospects are for this year in casion and will givesesveranu umbes.u'nderut l-cg-mu obiation ttoilium iniumrssimunm- Prsn-motttt-.14i. .-hols, '05 law
baseball. Financial matters nelating 'fhere withle- at infomal nrecepu tuin e 'rlulcs( at ich1tmigtanumai, forn 1st VieiPrient~i~u -muo. I.Shimir,
to buying bats andi bals vwil asot he givenhefore tleb anqguemt, frmniset'e-s-lau hehutal-sitolimit- theIhutl tuttuuuu'0 Medsunitt-

consiudered. This is an imposrant thirty to eight o'clock. Comems uarty lstanutas. I mamm to timhut'!l'minu-n-oty ()It mnd wetu'rest'ident--Wrn. C, Stroh,
meeting anud Mr. Johnsons is anxius anti mcclthe inent. Root's orcesot rut Slur-higan-umiltuhuts advieiuu, lutewhim-Inf I6'tm. Lg.
that all candidates tInnsmmi. with furnish mtusic thrughomuutliii-ev-; oiumn imsy hi-iarthu--mugrtatitutu', andth Secitartuy-II. IHilt, 'illLit.
ening.,II asure u'yu 1. wviill shlmaysa hu' Iprouuud I ''m'm'uounu-DStnt.hFg-gi'rnan, 'l0t Law
WILL JOIN CONVENTION. There are stilt a fewv ticktctaltft' luat I caetu tt i us t'ttiueoily.
At 4 meeting usf the Hearst Chub antI any one desiring mini mauy gut it ; "I Toretu I tislt -enu 'lituoalithe FOOTBALL LAWYERS.
Tuesday night it was decided to take at the iofice in McMillan Hiall. I hopeu'tlau thut'msmbsit-ofmitheii-14 Innat-icecouth TSues'day "Dlan"
part .ini the Mock Democratic Natimonal 1 ct-moo mud lttlt M imhugau mutt-nommiaut-: S'M'tlugiru antI "Dadt"tGregory uric-ila
Convention to be hehl in Newberry PRACTICE GAME. Io.wethertm'nIty hut'in thu' y'nuure, ihamatgei-casme agatinst: an Iouwan rail-
Mull next Satturday. Thu 'If Lit ibasse hall 1eam withlhplay silt cumutinm umlo. beuhounduby thum'sasm',roadl. Alumst. thu sntre Lawudepart:-
Many enthusiastic speechesĀ° were a practice game mhits afternoomni vith tim-s omi ndmshuip, annulrtuuherl-y tim-h- menut turus-mimit hum hear the case.
made and definite plans were worked the high school at-,lbs Fair tGroundus. rugs lhau, have charatucerizedtmur Afieidelibet'ruing a* few miunues the
out for the management of the Hearst All '061 Lit men an' urgedi to get omut liniv'rsity can't-u. Asnd, abovme alt, lot juicy rdtured a ve'rdict faengMc
delegation at the Conventitun. and cr'tst.iuieftoavgeStringgi asIMrger-

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