'The Dal
AN N R)R - It. I '-L. ,)U l ~ N kt.'27 . 1904
No. 128
'Varsity Wins Meet' with Cornet !491"l.
to 23-Captain Kellogg, Betel
* in Mile Run-Rose in Exhi-
bition Shot Put does 48r
Feet 8& Inches.:
* Beore an audience of over 2000 pe-
pe, Mihigauf great track ear, min-' Z
us the services, of Rse last night
administered a decisive defeat to cbr
nell's team y a score of 49 to 23. Al-'
though it eroine evident after the
first low events had been finished that
Michigan was sureof victory yet there
was no lark of interest and the univer-
sal'verdict was "the best meet everd
held in the gymnasium.",est
The only thing that marred the glo-
*ry of Michigan's vectory was te'e
feat of Captain Kellogg in the mile"! }i a
hy Schut, the champion distance run- eit
nrof the east. This race was the w
banner event of the .eveing, the Onea
to which the spectators looked or-s
wor and when Sarter Ryan sht the
-pitol the excitement was intense. "-
Kellogg was paced by Hall and Prry
while Munson set 4he pace fr Schutt. MR Wn
At the end of the:sth'lap, Schutt
went up and et his own pace the rest - - -
of the distancq-while Hall quit at the i ftehlatrhvn ae
his' team-mates the distance in 214. -
Schuts at once toolk a curnim'ndisg Of Oatsrial AssciatinsN't.S tsr -
lead on the Michigan runners and held day-Micih. Otigat \ill Preui
it to the end. e had a terrific stride Over Nrther Ortocarl
and his strength and endurance were Lau.v
something remarkable as ho finished t
strong and wao apparently far from RoxtiSaturday t(tthe-locl Oat ti'.i 5
being."all in" The time, 4mn. .20 Assciatiois wilt tildtht t 550 i-rt
se., isa aworld's record for the ti- insto eectt (ittenstrotsr11 19 -tt'
door nmile run without pikud shoes. yar. the oltoirsito'itilit 'it 5'",
Befofe the contest was begun, Mich- -preidet, vi'i'trisietiit sw'i ttt i
igan's prospects lolked ruher dub- soil treasusrer snitoniiidetleateii
ous whin it was announced that Rose to te tentratlit'ta st' 'u eg ii'an
would nt compete. When the Cornell the Nrtlur oratotricalTeli-;'re.
team arrived here,'T'rainer Moakey. 'liie'low d i t iiittii'iiIt -l i
protested''Rose, claiming that he ui- tints ts 5t tola a, iktl iii
derstood the meet was to be conduct- etu. Tet'uioititcloss wttl ii e ne atr necleit lg o rsdntesrr n dluii
blity rules, which reqsuire that a man toi thei'Cent rlt)btisttg 1Ie,,m;'.thei
must have attended college the firs freshien clas fii i ot--r.iii n.i
semester in order to be eligible. tn- reary nitli d ielitheN t-i
der this rule, Rose coulit not crn- Orticaltea,,li'sii'
pete oapd the Michigan fBoardl ofSui- F"ituay afteroon the f t-st i l-zi
trol allowed theproritest. However, out asduiinaitiiitoilI i't t himgii can-
after the event hail been decited it.itiaten foir' si'-pridetut -ii i ni
Rose came out on the fltir asit gvi~tanic; Frni-r-tri. tRiidiliitt;i:fori
an exhibition in order not lto disap- I.deligati to lthlii-Niiithoun It-ttri-t
point the spectators. After getting I Lest i'. Sins. his;er-sniiltuii-', i
warmedsiup, the "California wonilr"eter wit tiii oi senliiy-iiiit ti-ii
pst the shot all the way from 4 feet ' ir cts, wiltli'SiipipirtiitbYte la u
6inches to 47 feet 3/ inches anilfi- itotti rtetiuiii .in-'ol(t mi iii
nally, by way of a climax. he hurlei ittday.
the missile 48 feet 9 inches. This is 'lhis yt'ar. by si r-itt ion r ii
htter than the world's recrd of 48 in liii-Nirhiirti.frstrialtea Ii
feet two inches ut, it will nt sandl the deitesi'frinto .1igt 'ii mlt 1)
as a world's rettroit.twing t the come tie r risiitw i'ni iii I ' at,.
fact that, it. was nost made in cumpe- 'The tff'i-urrtesmwi(1ihi tia tie'rip
itton. ii lEvanstittinitsti i ii- anditielii- Hiin't'
Dunlap wass a victim of hard ich f lresitisgeausthe Lt iamii'cns'iimt
in this event. He eat Porter by all which wilt to blt-lt iNntliiitea
least two inches ut owing to a mis- Iniversiy.
takse in measurement, his put was giv-
Wnout as 41 feet when it wao nerer STABAT MTER.
41. feet 3 inches. The mistake wa
not discovered until it was too late Tonight itenr trl'se'-ndiirtrii t -
to e rectified. arrels, who was fitsnsylt'e t. Ilorisim liut t i^ s
substituted at the lat moment for 5m5 i SlbtuMa1ter. Ai teli 1
Rose was not in his usual form and setltiio tivral ',cilo-i pg. tt'
was nable to secure a place. churtsciulitit byi. furr ii- i-iiit'i t '
The 3-yard dash developed into a the immesti' iiimbiir iof iii t'- is l
b urlesqne. Cairns of Cornell aali- wished lto hi-ar teii'tus ma is-s. 't'
bed for the final heat but withdrew choir, unier the diri'ctiiiiof 9ii tic.II"
and Hahn, Stewart, and eeler trot- wisk, gae a mst-mi ne-t r'-'iitiit i
ted down the track at a gait which f the mastrptit'c'theiiHostievet
would have een slow for a five mile cited their list-s it a, oi.,nneriitiict
run, crossing the tape abreast and car- 'early trtveithslit"rabiliiti.'dh
rying off nine points for Michigan. imenec nthttsoui 5tnciii iiist
The wearers of the yellow and blue with which thi' first -'i"' "ii t ii is-i,
made another slam in the quarter receivei intitemia-i tic'' -si ~t--it
mile where Rtehtock, Norross ants tonight's reridctciiin
Carl nteodrnaefnse s close as possible together, all three PETITION TO BE SUBMITTED.
defeating the Cornell runners. The petitin iy whit-i it is butt'
Mall and Harpham worked together the faculty will le tir-ctil tisupin ii
beautifully in the half mile, winning reconsier the retenssationis ir'
by a large margin, Mad ."Mother" gards those imliicateditni hair-tittg
Peen pushed at all, it is more thn has been sigendl by '24 siptt titrts
likely that he 'Varsity record would and 2111 frehmn'. T'list' tiIo-'limo
hove gone y the board. not yet tic' subtittied.it is the
Michigan's sprinting quartet, Hahn. unanimous wish of bitth clusss ti-i
Reeler, Stewat and Norross, ran gaged in the strife t cffct thi' ri-
Away with Cornell's relay team in the1 statement oftosie xpeleilad out i
'aP relay race winning by many gain leniency for sy whit may yetti,'
yards, The points did not count in( implicated.
the final score,
Only one thing marred the enioy- Madame Sch'imantn-lleznclmc will
ment of the evening's sport and that give a cocert at Lelatnd Statiftird I'sn
(Continued on Page Two.) iversity.
r. v 'hiams wit{ $sweak ,uon Its Di-
I s :,eiu rhae- 000 Ut5C4
" s tit 8ast iht-SPacil
F, 7 ~tletiug df r f'raternity hiss
This Morning." -
L ~E. itlf the Iat lhst th all -m;O r-
'ZIAsm' timeet 'matLi...owItiw uis
tie eiceim.g, -a r rg - - it.ee im
--eum tIx- -ir. VlLan natt e Y. +.mm
- -- -A. lst nght as e tni ut Isw-
- - - .- 1112 smulgraphical'y he .mm totsue
SI' leaiga Cri'ian lie thur ig le
iur y'ars itt the clleg cturse.- Dr.
iilhams' wide experience wth" cl-
A ,ge meti has gvenu hman oiLinto
~-,pi i _iwei:e o c if erprbleso, so tht
mu.1 caies a taiaig seakr or
k.: n5 college mat bhe Is sucli. oh .nA
'S^ttt ahy with him. Lof year wue't
a r .e tos's here, the metingow ca. mit
cry well attended. and -the india--
, t;tits at preent oin to a similar i-
erest this year.
ivr. Wil ama- will hold three ineet-.
tgs today, at the Y,.11. C. A. At 1t
'- trf clsckm ths morn ng he wlt spek ha
- r terity men. 'skis metng w 11
LLIAr4S e fheldl tnder he a ispie atf too 'a
,ruiaerity Uile Study Associatisa.,
_____ _________________ drc. -ams nexecs tfhae a I ulltu. -
i ,a uithe fraternity men of Mchigaii
+ IU:h. 41'XiF C IY mutotentdanuce. 'The subject wit be
'lhe Ieltitusoittricternity olIi
p ItCmi rn~i Giont- Presented orusty Lie" aitour and six-thirty 0n
i t, mlAl nt-_a I Snow heiafternoonuimmu.
liii Lunum It his seech last evening Mr. Wil-
uiss pole pariculary of the .in'.
orng cu-su'er- l umum s-i-thl~e Christian life incol.
atrcedt tm-ege. In answer ito the tiest ini, why
.illi opin.htti's shomuldnt uhthe Christimantlife be Cuts out.
li <ith wht iiihIhait tico't fronm the our yeais of onme s clleg'
i fr te iice oft s hit turse, he sal there were four gotd
ii t i bdo reasos usagainst it. Firstutcut outu
it iiit indutitraitet-,lthtle thistan life in ctlleg, .wsulsl'in
Ilselen Ibmof ittall rbabutiliy ment,15woultdt te cut
vi w.Ivesttttigat irvttls -cmt toer. Is the scndhplae, it
-i co ,i I ie I iit't ~ii lm- i til itns-ot pjiital del terir-utlin I
mi -ailir i ot -t uSnowm, inouitvlistjhin, a tne-sideudlie wuld te the
tIs-rl. .c tt'r, t ii t th hisea] b tiiuiess, rishl t sni llst his wiulu endlinim-
i ii t1'. ird of Rosetti's0diffiult y ini so- pimilc Iusefulness tlit hi'great human
mt i i t;.u I iig titititruon-Iwiorl.
n- h clIn ut-mitt-tii(ritg a l lt. Wllims is ai gradiuste' ittYale
r IIlii' lltsit c-ifuthe l i-as itt 'lt. le is itnmembr
o° h 'I- a-- heti c i tihe l'i I fraeriy, nd is alsom a
hi I i ii mliti nut nmem-ito ls' the unoury mIc senty,
vedlint.e,' it itt.tndit igutms Xi. At bthefitutitSientific
el,0tn t + cliii1Ihe ws uwardietd that hunor
m oi iii ml ./-tthtbed j ittotrginal ie'serhwrtlonuug but-
-' m i iii tt tit'iti. 'Fai t.' tuttuttii'uurautind mutloga huts. It crr;-
,1iiiii it i III. i ui ~ittheitwll Bons in the sc'entlc wrldl to lbs
:l'vl? -. fl e i t'iii.;'t hi -- it Ott 'ii LPs-h's Kappua, in lie lit-crry
a , Io Ir It, mu i t-iiifmcit- t','ih itinlu
i ;,; r["Nii ttd h.ith utu ild\lttl Ie is trveling secretary tr teY.
mi-it' f ""I' it-i i ntl- Mtt 1. C. A. andlsenmds alt ht's time
roiiauri-i ittlhtmomitig c)lege men. Lst fall he mde-
anr exh-'usive tril through Nvis Sc-
t__ isutnm Pritce lfdwtts-t's Isl And in
TO S 311DBATERS 'mpnus itueah Mr . Gilkey of Hrvarud.
o eionina lieithedIbtut',auAfter Itha e visitedt the ciuleges in
i'm mm-i i i I iii in ' 11 thou H ialt t Pensylanti, MiyautthantiVirginia,
Iihol f he !-tr. 'T'tgrs-mt- uuilthen rnusut wo tripsusftthe mii-
'it:ri i-i,.,donttltum ant thueile iwestlHe sent early aweek at
air:j!- i I fierecptin i o- Nis Arbor. Tfle oeetings tomrrow
"iii datei mt ohitrsc usn twill his'thefia tnes far this visit'
o -t l i -Si tnt iii tw tri'-
^ye. It upo tuthe QUADRANGLE CLUB.
ii iii his's'crc 'hi'(quadrangle Club at its Ish,
ridb-,- hi- ueetig. eleced lto memtbershipu Chas.
h ftewio-t'1. Dibtbhle., N. T. Viger, Hugi Soiten-
s, r: t'~ it t Cici ctesnundWili9N.Cllins.
d~ini -l t up-ity in 'The Qudrlangl is the intellectualy
tr- c iiut u immsusmurs usoIn"elite" clubuf the tUniversiy, ifs
Cor a,(h ate tohim members beig chosen solely upon a
this' doumble cusru- bsis tat schilarshila and general ail-
'i n ii I',ruslu n ightusthelit-rt'- Fifteen members are eetedl in
-ng <lulj' 'iiii'-. hutn t Mer- Novemer, February and une of each
riIf ". '.n-iflt-td utun, spoke year, frim the senisr and postt grad-
itte ui n- s ittm-r '-suitco- u'tubclsses No man being eigible
n ''ti i t'1t1tit im vry iphaseuomitlife.uti he has had twit aud ane-half
Tina limi. teo. T. Cll. yers of 'literary work here'or .in
hol hetilt'-'- cnimum'from fi- stme representative Institution,
r sgim - iou- exellen''tiiauice toItiicontains upn ifs cll fle muoi-
thmiui' cltge ientuutaittut muo('uter the ty of the so-called "sharks" in th'
,litsi., --woi trldt Atomit him jugs ex- abouve classes, as eletitn toi,meine'--
pri ea:Ilm' iIs ' r-iattbslug stle ship is considered a much coveted
t miiiintt him- ulnBatir A sintimest honor.
Ol f I .-t- i' e tsiutut'luutreat- -- -________- -
iii-itiim i hut-c inrmho m Tacstd WESTERN 'CHAUTAUQUA. -
hum' mtcitt 5 Sli''~i.<nsin men.
'I in 5 Ot t0 it ii' Y anmd'uutiIlue; he annual -teacher's convention
tt ''liiuontut'; il sullii-Locmuottrwill tccur this year at Winona Lake,
tacileedthileirienc -jiti. IIndiana; the opening date of the co-
- -_---_ vettan is April 7. Many leading ed-
l'r'u 5- uretotmfu t~i iosmmbers itt ucators will e present' at the s-
the-iur casit C'hicagni Sit the sions, which will make the convention
hutst chastsongs woritten. Tis has very ptrofitable to all who attend. The
luees hunt' itnidto helst make the! tarbers of the state will undoubtedly
comitug class "sings" a suiccest. he well represented.