'The Dal VOL XIV. AN N R)R - It. I '-L. ,)U l ~ N kt.'27 . 1904 No. 128 MICHIIGAN TRIUgiPHANT, 'Varsity Wins Meet' with Cornet !491"l. to 23-Captain Kellogg, Betel * in Mile Run-Rose in Exhi- bition Shot Put does 48r Feet 8& Inches.: * Beore an audience of over 2000 pe- pe, Mihigauf great track ear, min-' Z us the services, of Rse last night administered a decisive defeat to cbr nell's team y a score of 49 to 23. Al-' though it eroine evident after the first low events had been finished that Michigan was sureof victory yet there was no lark of interest and the univer- sal'verdict was "the best meet everd held in the gymnasium.",est The only thing that marred the glo- *ry of Michigan's vectory was te'e feat of Captain Kellogg in the mile"! }i a hy Schut, the champion distance run- eit nrof the east. This race was the w banner event of the .eveing, the Onea to which the spectators looked or-s wor and when Sarter Ryan sht the -pitol the excitement was intense. "- Kellogg was paced by Hall and Prry while Munson set 4he pace fr Schutt. MR Wn At the end of the:sth'lap, Schutt went up and et his own pace the rest - - - of the distancq-while Hall quit at the i ftehlatrhvn ae his' team-mates the distance in 214. - Schuts at once toolk a curnim'ndisg Of Oatsrial AssciatinsN't.S tsr - lead on the Michigan runners and held day-Micih. Otigat \ill Preui it to the end. e had a terrific stride Over Nrther Ortocarl and his strength and endurance were Lau.v something remarkable as ho finished t strong and wao apparently far from RoxtiSaturday t(tthe-locl Oat ti'.i 5 being."all in" The time, 4mn. .20 Assciatiois wilt tildtht t 550 i-rt se., isa aworld's record for the ti- insto eectt (ittenstrotsr11 19 -tt' door nmile run without pikud shoes. yar. the oltoirsito'itilit 'it 5'", Befofe the contest was begun, Mich- -preidet, vi'i'trisietiit sw'i ttt i igan's prospects lolked ruher dub- soil treasusrer snitoniiidetleateii ous whin it was announced that Rose to te tentratlit'ta st' 'u eg ii'an would nt compete. When the Cornell the Nrtlur oratotricalTeli-;'re. team arrived here,'T'rainer Moakey. 'liie'low d i t iiittii'iiIt -l i protested''Rose, claiming that he ui- tints ts 5t tola a, iktl iii derstood the meet was to be conduct- etu. Tet'uioititcloss wttl ii e ne atr necleit lg o rsdntesrr n dluii blity rules, which reqsuire that a man toi thei'Cent rlt)btisttg 1Ie,,m;'.thei must have attended college the firs freshien clas fii i ot--r.iii n.i semester in order to be eligible. tn- reary nitli d ielitheN t-i der this rule, Rose coulit not crn- Orticaltea,,li'sii' pete oapd the Michigan fBoardl ofSui- F"ituay afteroon the f t-st i l-zi trol allowed theproritest. However, out asduiinaitiiitoilI i't t himgii can- after the event hail been decited it.itiaten foir' si'-pridetut -ii i ni Rose came out on the fltir asit gvi~tanic; Frni-r-tri. tRiidiliitt;i:fori an exhibition in order not lto disap- I.deligati to lthlii-Niiithoun It-ttri-t point the spectators. After getting I Lest i'. Sins. his;er-sniiltuii-', i warmedsiup, the "California wonilr"eter wit tiii oi senliiy-iiiit ti-ii pst the shot all the way from 4 feet ' ir cts, wiltli'SiipipirtiitbYte la u 6inches to 47 feet 3/ inches anilfi- itotti rtetiuiii .in-'ol(t mi iii nally, by way of a climax. he hurlei ittday. the missile 48 feet 9 inches. This is 'lhis yt'ar. by si r-itt ion r ii htter than the world's recrd of 48 in liii-Nirhiirti.frstrialtea Ii feet two inches ut, it will nt sandl the deitesi'frinto .1igt 'ii mlt 1) as a world's rettroit.twing t the come tie r risiitw i'ni iii I ' at,. fact that, it. was nost made in cumpe- 'The tff'i-urrtesmwi(1ihi tia tie'rip itton. ii lEvanstittinitsti i ii- anditielii- Hiin't' Dunlap wass a victim of hard ich f lresitisgeausthe Lt iamii'cns'iimt in this event. He eat Porter by all which wilt to blt-lt iNntliiitea least two inches ut owing to a mis- Iniversiy. takse in measurement, his put was giv- Wnout as 41 feet when it wao nerer STABAT MTER. 41. feet 3 inches. The mistake wa not discovered until it was too late Tonight itenr trl'se'-ndiirtrii t - to e rectified. arrels, who was fitsnsylt'e t. Ilorisim liut t i^ s substituted at the lat moment for 5m5 i SlbtuMa1ter. Ai teli 1 Rose was not in his usual form and setltiio tivral ',cilo-i pg. tt' was nable to secure a place. churtsciulitit byi. furr ii- i-iiit'i t ' The 3-yard dash developed into a the immesti' iiimbiir iof iii t'- is l b urlesqne. Cairns of Cornell aali- wished lto hi-ar teii'tus ma is-s. 't' bed for the final heat but withdrew choir, unier the diri'ctiiiiof 9ii tic.II" and Hahn, Stewart, and eeler trot- wisk, gae a mst-mi ne-t r'-'iitiit i ted down the track at a gait which f the mastrptit'c'theiiHostievet would have een slow for a five mile cited their list-s it a, oi.,nneriitiict run, crossing the tape abreast and car- 'early trtveithslit"rabiliiti.'dh rying off nine points for Michigan. imenec nthttsoui 5tnciii iiist The wearers of the yellow and blue with which thi' first -'i"' "ii t ii is-i, made another slam in the quarter receivei intitemia-i tic'' -si ~t--it mile where Rtehtock, Norross ants tonight's reridctciiin Carl nteodrnaefnse s close as possible together, all three PETITION TO BE SUBMITTED. defeating the Cornell runners. The petitin iy whit-i it is butt' Mall and Harpham worked together the faculty will le tir-ctil tisupin ii beautifully in the half mile, winning reconsier the retenssationis ir' by a large margin, Mad ."Mother" gards those imliicateditni hair-tittg Peen pushed at all, it is more thn has been sigendl by '24 siptt titrts likely that he 'Varsity record would and 2111 frehmn'. T'list' tiIo-'limo hove gone y the board. not yet tic' subtittied.it is the Michigan's sprinting quartet, Hahn. unanimous wish of bitth clusss ti-i Reeler, Stewat and Norross, ran gaged in the strife t cffct thi' ri- Away with Cornell's relay team in the1 statement oftosie xpeleilad out i 'aP relay race winning by many gain leniency for sy whit may yetti,' yards, The points did not count in( implicated. the final score, Only one thing marred the enioy- Madame Sch'imantn-lleznclmc will ment of the evening's sport and that give a cocert at Lelatnd Statiftird I'sn (Continued on Page Two.) iversity. rI r. v 'hiams wit{ $sweak ,uon Its Di- I s :,eiu rhae- 000 Ut5C4 " s tit 8ast iht-SPacil F, 7 ~tletiug df r f'raternity hiss This Morning." - L ~E. itlf the Iat lhst th all -m;O r- 'ZIAsm' timeet 'matLi...owItiw uis tie eiceim.g, -a r rg - - it.ee im --eum tIx- -ir. VlLan natt e Y. +.mm - -- -A. lst nght as e tni ut Isw- - - - .- 1112 smulgraphical'y he .mm totsue SI' leaiga Cri'ian lie thur ig le iur y'ars itt the clleg cturse.- Dr. iilhams' wide experience wth" cl- A ,ge meti has gvenu hman oiLinto ~-,pi i _iwei:e o c if erprbleso, so tht mu.1 caies a taiaig seakr or k.: n5 college mat bhe Is sucli. oh .nA 'S^ttt ahy with him. Lof year wue't a r .e tos's here, the metingow ca. mit cry well attended. and -the india-- , t;tits at preent oin to a similar i- erest this year. ivr. Wil ama- will hold three ineet-. tgs today, at the Y,.11. C. A. At 1t '- trf clsckm ths morn ng he wlt spek ha - r terity men. 'skis metng w 11 LLIAr4S e fheldl tnder he a ispie atf too 'a ,ruiaerity Uile Study Associatisa., _____ _________________ drc. -ams nexecs tfhae a I ulltu. - i ,a uithe fraternity men of Mchigaii + IU:h. 41'XiF C IY mutotentdanuce. 'The subject wit be 'lhe Ieltitusoittricternity olIi p ItCmi rn~i Giont- Presented orusty Lie" aitour and six-thirty 0n i t, mlAl nt-_a I Snow heiafternoonuimmu. liii Lunum It his seech last evening Mr. Wil- uiss pole pariculary of the .in'. orng cu-su'er- l umum s-i-thl~e Christian life incol. atrcedt tm-ege. In answer ito the tiest ini, why .illi opin.htti's shomuldnt uhthe Christimantlife be Cuts out. li