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October 10, 1903 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1903-10-10

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The Michigan Daily



No. 11

Plucky Wisconsin College Will Try to
Withstand Yost's Beginners To-
day-All-Fresh goes to Albion
-Other Games West and
I ichigan-Bleloit at Ann Arbor.
Chiicago-Puriduie it. Chicago.
M\innesota-lowa A. C. at Minneap-
r laloiardl-Iowa \Wesleyan at (galtes-
W'isconisin-Lawrrence altfMadison.
NebraskaDenvercunirersity at lDen-
I larvriIAmheiirsiat.(Camibiridge.
Yale-Slringfelil T. S. iai Nets Ia-
lrinceton-Blrowrnat. 1'roviden
Pecnn l'eon State at .Phliladlelphia.
Co'iibilis- Williaiiis at Next York.
t'ornell-l'ol glili' ati Now York.
WVestiPoint-Dickinsoni atiWest ointo.
Carlisle-ll"anliii an dMarshall it.
Lancaster, Pa.

sooososoooo000000000 000000000000000000o [AMIUJS POET IGNI6MU.
® ATHILE~TIC EILEICTION TODAY Jamcs Whitcomb Riley, of Indiana,
AT Will OpeniS.L. Ar LtureCourse
ON[ O'C[OCK, P. k1. UNIV[RSITY HALOpn UieriyHall.
today by m.ore than ire touchdown'. CANE RUSH AT OHIO. Janmes Whiitcomib Miley, the famous
Mtininesota has again licked ot a In the annual cane rash at Ohio Iltitsier ploet, oiins tio 19I )0-04 S. I..
wearand nknwn atagnistandState collee the sophomores won by A. coutrse tonight ini UniversityI hail.
weak ililonknxriiantaonis aniNo better cnt en ~aiitiieit will be girv-i
trill probably run op a large score. ! substituting a tini telescopic cane fordaigtenir ioofltAes
Macaester colliege, whooe defiat over the real cane. According to the tilts andl io sitdenti ('1111 aford to 11110
100i polintts so cheered 11he Gophers, of the rush the class geiting the cant lheariing this great literary light. o(Is-
is a little theological school wthl less libehinil their goal within twrenty mnn tiaiia.
11100 iwo hundllredi s1udents, and it ntes wore. The cane was sii cleverely Mrc Itiley wrill girv' a sparkliiig pro
twas ralther a hlotw vicltry after all contructed that ii passeid examiinationigu i itpiitarr-lig 111wl
for ~r.Vitlians Slil*at the hanids if the judges withotlec It inlixmbrs espiecilIly Ipleasing to
ouldseaiisiihlltmsd awcisive ami dficulty. As siiiiiias thesignal fur sltude'iit f iii ihilig1it. I'Iis failct1,10
the ait trll rcei e elegamsan-usling was givenl onieof flu- sillolilitl wtioutlidoubli Jill li 11111 coilhalt
n(ll<il Ier~lto ii'lei'gameis ill mores cillallseilIlieet'all(,, and1qily n i iiIola
Il' ihe'otiilry anldItheiy will lie nmsidihis stayt'oiihis goal. whiil'lie Ib inigh' ili hl' Al in. filet iii
postediill.Ri'is billiard hall on Stasie1' rest 5scroppi'lor oer a1pihce if 111 usropeai'ii rl'hi ls liii
ittefasit.is re1teied.ill -i lp111i-tdt ersi-ill i ialit' His i-it ier waiid im'ltioiiibeli'a latsyer,
[fR[SMSOPU1. RUJSH. THE MINNEfSOTA GAMEl. rat nlwy fi'ioii iiiiie. Whe'iielix -
turned he tookiii sighpitin1g. Ti
N led ito his fii't; lilorl1tt iktt. coin-
Annual Straggle on the Campus Last Director Baird Makes Arrangements polsiionl illaipoemifor a cigar atdtir-
Night-Thousands of Students for Michigan's Contest With Goph- 11'ii'ii'on~ l' Te lt'I iiiiiiiiis lini's, whic'h

itrl i iiliiugasiVilit Join in the Fun-No One crs-Great Struggle Promised. followr:
sinl 11 Iu-ry "ieldl liday, biiiiheliis
ilsors txill be theii'rl'lreei'iitiir iof Seriously Hurt. Roters Hopeful. 'le111 lg
Bleliti ollig insteailo iflinig from Tepet__ing
thlii'lg still'unive rsilty-t MaldisIll 5Ofitly Itlallsprigs
teasiis ha ri'e iaixlt1li 1i d lastt, theI 111111 gil i'cter ilid'iiiiiisti'll'iweekso from today iromise's toi le m Ione hr-au gSa
class is tilisi- roCiiii sieSi-oltaiiiltios f ilass spiriaiiiethutltsiasmii olthe greatestfitl ills'West this sea- fur liii-st, l tiiai-
liii' gailli-toda txill lii'Ii S easliii thanhate esir btiforie aecomntlied soil. laxliligor aairdlre tlileil froiintitits fali ul ur
Yuio's fire--iate-rsloin''iTiiurilay's pan- (ilk'lco ilrn tti it iiofhiisti lilies hi' ililinealloius last week anid lepolrts cx-Whcii'sey iii
Aisriii wlluh ~~as i i'l-l. bt luriutly-teuruels' sile lpr'epairationls.;I I ocalrsi'iiiisignied
'haes Ahuhigas bi miit-l 011 'iilstv li.ac illi'i-iiti c Nut, nly havusre iiGtopher'is aitll -' antu'lt -t -Iilat
situhmutilcI-ifltt- ii i itat' {iiitti lg. iliioiin2g the fi''sl-il-Illeptinalily sit'ong teanihut itheir li 'lioi i'iilnot Sigh
by hie'wily, ar' rallidl~y otlogixstg
whlichisi-i-I'l slitcthis haditoiie ii- iP-in srveidl txillIt fre-shminisiiappea'rinig iin 011s comple1eidtihis suiiiiiei at.it colst.
;te i tihli Alltltiii gailit'. still liu'i') liii 11'11lilt'fot'iti irtt' heitr ini i-sery article oitt 5iiuhiiig itsel- $fdiliiitsti, is st-- Aliltligl3iu I~r I i hut idtino( wit l ill
ita i iiett ii aitt.I ltitint'l ii usii li'l'frt'shmen se'i'idi'ii sottiiieil iy a b iicitwall tell fsit high. lxto l t helt l iii tll i of tt 1ii abovell t ill
ihiiiiikli it- is alle-t got aroundilithli ii11 h-al Ifltirowi, andi by 1111111auilole ;grlifilriiiiareteu'laigest standus iii tu'liguu tii111hieAii''sii
itlol tisiiiliii a il srti ustill ''1111 ii,'' Ittaing Irace's iff1b-lng hitist-\s.Thelii'stling capiacilty is over Ont-utf Mri. Illy's Iii tar laiier-wortisx
lie iiught.i ts-egiv'e'niaiirist. "Thet i ti 119 it tiai i iiti- 'i'gritdiron itself,'' lManage-r BalidOH.PLIIS
By'lu i ellil-l iuhgll es-try tunderclassmniu haulOH.PLIIS
h'piluI ldnis execed 1a11prvied1imelfwiholdIcothesa oilsys, "is in ixc'ellentil condition. Al--
roimiuSlurigieuhIlx 11111'etfor thu gaum', Il uuulcutlt hoiughithue gillun1111hits 1 e n rettly Another ' Itilk{t has lo}) a~iit'tI llnlilt'
bill tuiay fidit.impoiuissile to iigit hut-.t'sxpre'p'ared'lto hudoihis litsit o ust'v plitic ual artuni. 'hut slils lau'''sut,
'Ihis us-hug thuca cssi'anti uithIi Maddock: hi' tuusittilly uofhis class,.uusel uhtus'uuc1iyisI'uhu 511fuliz uulit uluuf- luilx I'1111
AltIhall-pais s-s's-u thi- c'ampus was ;conisidetrabliy ibroken ustill thustusiedis
shill otuof this'gametu', Gregoury wudrndadafw miituluterthe- inindshfe.iuaed1 1'1ull likt:i.-1hrt-adts'as Itut-
up'la-ses lilti in theut'ru nggle fur thu 1the iteopile there' plaice greaut con- Pre'sliet, Vernel'lu'C.--Aiutbersuon:tti'
Afl'r his shosui li heIttut urt-iainutt. ''liu' fightuwsbfirceeforsew- iuleuce ini their team. Theuy bleievteueii-i ,05Ait ~l-rt:s-'
s'yuuolu',luiraurtii ui-cicl fu'umiutesib'tltuIt-e advxantage was lucy hase a bc-tt-c teamltban lash ye'ar r'lrtl'uuui1.Siut hi utc
mi uuauuy freishmnl in te' \acsityis ultuulu-ialY uiil-lle e-tIeanti ar-elhpefuil ittchamonuushiphollutuul- W. WV. I ilw'ktu'fooitl 1ha1ltihulli-e.I'.
hothici ilull Iy hiusiutl iis tuluy Icot1111nd 't-iui-yuar mn-. Shortlyliirs. Strenuouus tr'aininug is thue pri-
slooi aupoun bys th tusconcuern tythat Iathu-cthis ruishuiguteasetd anducrutwdui grani fiurthue'next three weks. Lec'toy 1 iltuucliti-au-k miana.e,-- l,lfuy
50 111'snuuui ar' utli'v'uIlil~llhl iuau-ueinuto uuusmloxlt bandts of htrenty ,h4oc filoegamie with Michigan n--over unusuuuuiuutrtci ul-llIu-ci
uhurhug ue ra steLtufcutiee -''i)rinthirly andil sanudeureduarotuindtfle t ),0()oseal'n have beeul reservedu. lralu I ~-ruo uus 11. uc
inps re-eing srymm'r fteTbese will sell at two dollars each.,al1.Iile;oaoEiaC
crluits all thetractice' posstile.i uuitiu there will also be preplaredl 2500boxes, ls''iy cuse,''uuewuuwuudnt VitI-ltlsAishuuu ~'u hll
ucay lii-iiwashpuu-u-uli-il thehpuip hi' lu"hotling six seats -each, which will gut ' - -sMssMadM.Drln hs
gaue iewt, iena dlukinig in thuc botuanical lily itoriuiian, ItSSh uily Stuicix; bausktball111
hheilt-uisilh'atti hls tlT'hoiuughiiratluer streunuus at a fnu w Itre huuerersatm-u'ucisst Itta1111,I uuuuiii'ligt
Thelin-u wil b aout.asfolow: istshe hiustilities were always goiaccorudinug to location, No painosoill manger
MXichiiganu Pousitiouu Beto iut - The elc-Ituionu sill hut' huteildin uroom
hteululeuu, Niuncriussnatuureduathnut n tuox' was seriously ;hue sparedl ton accomodating the um- tun 1t1Iul,''ushuy h- 0
Reten lcrsss ense crowd which owill flnock to see IUivriy-al uedy-Ot 3
Itcuy I 0 lownarIhur.at 4:1.1.5. m
oritr . .'liedolly uutortuinate iciudent of the flus game. The Minnestat manager
SCutie L.1. (tr. 0 uffe oter ening wnas thue arrest of several statedl that he believed there would be AFTLACIE .
islunu, xwho were among thouse at- a larger crnwd there than ever before RClrd
It. 0. Bturkce elptiun toInslant the usual bonfire Maf atenuded a fontbtall game in the West. Springs, 5a9membert'of tthut- ulass if '0f1i,
Goionig t'eirueroftufhue campusi. It is to be Mr. IBaird says an exctursion is bteung' wa-u ac'cideta-ully Billedut.itPnueblot, C'it.,
Mnaihi R.orNyE . ' trotKiuss i uultulIetnu tn igtydatconfemplated but that the parties in- on Septembert-c291. tuitil abuttwout
hith.gWhen noP.ore menuwereeleft
James 0. Viugc-sluurg or Dudliey t tr.\leu111ntrmseehe tiecenteuhare waiting to tdicover senl-rttk', liiehurt- his udteut huhut huad huteen
uo"te" eli'two classes marchedI
hi. Weekus or Wendlall R. H. Crause utw onat ir hisle timent in favnr of it betiure defhnite engagedulini festinug stel tu theitahut-
hhnmmnuut 0., Shaft-cwlkn adyelngrrangemnts will be maite. No tdoubf tutYsith Cuututt1011ahl'
The All-Freshman teas in charge of takntaulylig thu desired sentiment will soon to- orkstubutontul hue uaugitht
their coach, fGly M. Jobnsoun, will go orously manifest itself among the e-habouraoryuu lieu'seccu-tidu'emplouymnt as
ho Albion this morning to pulay the HYMENAL, iesuetbd.I shndta oiler uin the Mineiuu StetIl1woirkus. 1te
same team tbat went down hieftre the In the suimmer vacation at the lhnme large crowud of rooters will -attenud hs adu-be et-huponthe ,luufogrm of lt'nut
'Varsity ion Thursday. Coach John- of the bride's mnother', occuirretd the this is undoubtedly a critical game. uareuly elus uuratithuInt- u i'uri
son was the athletic director and swedduing of Miss Jousephiune Hduston l)oeceauttetuloo h ci
coach at Kalamazoou college last year and Mr. tharles Blandin, a yun bus- mruldoenta woiriesspitn theito suuuughtu thaut het- t-xsicauughut
and is a valuatle and experienced ness mnale of itlsfiun, Thex. sewn for one of the Chicago paper's. an ,ruou'Ihy'l 'xuu I
mai. Ie is wiudely knotwn as a hbase- Ilu ui a ti toni nni omnugo h inst tn- Young.lat'luuugtr-auatedhuuhfrotmlthu
ballbrdeiwatweeu'nownsd cnnuaccommntangln stillnneutavfo t ColoradouSpuriulgs high schluu fnuuneiu
bal payr ndcoch ad il hveArbuor, being a muembier of the 1tt1 hall team, says: "I am told tuat eacl of lash ye'ar, aun(] comuuing to Anun Ar-
charge ot Michigans basebuall team Lilterary class and ft'eAlpuha fbi Son-m-r e fIu sualhsap-cnlltu l h almiuruhxsi ucuui
next spinlg.mebroth clahaaplcrbrintefl~,ttrrasa een-
The freshmen under his direction uity, Miss hLouisa Crloier, '0I, Miss at the fuoot nf his hed on whichu is in- cal e-ngiuneer. I1his-as jul51 uiusninee
have bueenu rapidly inprouvinug in team Grace Rfeynouhls, 'fi3, andi Mliss tHelen scrihued "We muts beat Michigon." Iyears if age -uuon thus'day itt his dethi.
play during the past, week anud oughut Maxwell, 'lii, assisteud. xever ltefuore saw nucb a desire to win
Ilion teamdCver in. The younug cotuplie will malts their n fuootbi-ll game on that wthihhist maul- TENNIS TOURNAMENT,
to male a gooid shoiwig against Al- home at.liHoustoun, 'hex. Coot inuied on pagie three. Thhu'lafest restultsofitthflu'tennis
bilon. Coach Nufer of the Albison luam _.f__ _....tuurnamenut are11s fulluiws: Clhaytiou
after witnessing thin All-Frueshs prac *# ## # N# dfae ores eal;Lcu
lice statedl that he rather expecteud~htaul\uire-,uf lI u-n
ment with his team today. eangi Al IF F rN b iwufuiulltnu, -,0-;L'h-
Chicago's compiaratively poeor show- AT ToniayueiheAeod ofuindmi-illwho
ing last Wednesday against ('ornell, fnse.Afwo h e e h
the little Iowa college, would indicate ONE 09C[9 CK, P, 1. IJNIVIR&ITY HiALL have just conue in are showinguglp
that she ought not to defeat Purdue###- ,4 remarkably well.,-

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