The Michigan Daily VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICHI., SATURDAY,, OCTOBER 10, 1903. No. 11 ivARSIT'Y TO "EET BEfLOIT. Plucky Wisconsin College Will Try to Withstand Yost's Beginners To- day-All-Fresh goes to Albion -Other Games West and East. I ichigan-Bleloit at Ann Arbor. Chiicago-Puriduie it. Chicago. M\innesota-lowa A. C. at Minneap- o1is. r laloiardl-Iowa \Wesleyan at (galtes- W'isconisin-Lawrrence altfMadison. NebraskaDenvercunirersity at lDen- I larvriIAmheiirsiat.(Camibiridge. Yale-Slringfelil T. S. iai Nets Ia- lrinceton-Blrowrnat. 1'roviden Pecnn l'eon State at .Phliladlelphia. Co'iibilis- Williaiiis at Next York. t'ornell-l'ol glili' ati Now York. WVestiPoint-Dickinsoni atiWest ointo. Carlisle-ll"anliii an dMarshall it. Lancaster, Pa. sooososoooo000000000 000000000000000000o [AMIUJS POET IGNI6MU. ® ATHILE~TIC EILEICTION TODAY Jamcs Whitcomb Riley, of Indiana, AT Will OpeniS.L. Ar LtureCourse ON[ O'C[OCK, P. k1. UNIV[RSITY HALOpn UieriyHall. today by m.ore than ire touchdown'. CANE RUSH AT OHIO. Janmes Whiitcomib Miley, the famous Mtininesota has again licked ot a In the annual cane rash at Ohio Iltitsier ploet, oiins tio 19I )0-04 S. I.. wearand nknwn atagnistandState collee the sophomores won by A. coutrse tonight ini UniversityI hail. weak ililonknxriiantaonis aniNo better cnt en ~aiitiieit will be girv-i trill probably run op a large score. ! substituting a tini telescopic cane fordaigtenir ioofltAes Macaester colliege, whooe defiat over the real cane. According to the tilts andl io sitdenti ('1111 aford to 11110 100i polintts so cheered 11he Gophers, of the rush the class geiting the cant lheariing this great literary light. o(Is- is a little theological school wthl less libehinil their goal within twrenty mnn tiaiia. 11100 iwo hundllredi s1udents, and it ntes wore. The cane was sii cleverely Mrc Itiley wrill girv' a sparkliiig pro twas ralther a hlotw vicltry after all contructed that ii passeid examiinationigu i itpiitarr-lig 111wl for ~r.Vitlians Slil*at the hanids if the judges withotlec It inlixmbrs espiecilIly Ipleasing to ouldseaiisiihlltmsd awcisive ami dficulty. As siiiiiias thesignal fur sltude'iit f iii ihilig1it. I'Iis failct1,10 the ait trll rcei e elegamsan-usling was givenl onieof flu- sillolilitl wtioutlidoubli Jill li 11111 coilhalt n(ll