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March 12, 1904 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1904-03-12

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The Michigan Daily

Fitzpatrick and Kellogg Think Meet
Will be Close-Enthusiasm W il l
Run High- List of Officials
and Entries.


No. 115

"I think that the meet with the 1ot
Regiment will he an exceedingly close
contest," saidl Keene Fitzpatrick, last'
night. "We are net at all confident
of winning." His sentiments are shar-
edl hy the men on the team. "I lookMf
for a very close meet," Captain Ret- f.
loge said, "hot think that we have a
fair chance to win."
The men did no work yesterday ex-
cept to limber op a little and have .a"r
ruh-down. They are all in fine condi-I
Lion except Stewart, who was confined
to his hed Thorsday. He will prob-
ably he onahle to compete tonight i
whc aeit is likely that his place
w ill e taken hy Reeler. Ti oai
totion, if made, will leave Schole to -..........-.f:..__,.
rn the hurdlesaoead ilt
some degree lessen Michigansca-
es as Stewart had heen counted upon
to win points in hoth the dash and
hurdles and the ru on the relay
The First Regiment team will ar-
rive some time this morning, part of><r
the team coming from New York and
the, rest from Chicago. As a matter
of precaution, Captain Raecke has en-
tered thirteen men hut only twelve '
wilt compete.
Director Baird gave out the list (if
officers yesterday afternoon. Some ot
the most prominent Detroit Athletic
Club members have been secured. V
L. Ducharme, who will act as judge
of the finish, formerly held the world's
record for the high hurdles and JohnWILA
Owen, who will act in the same ca-
pacity was the first amateur who ever
ran a hundred yards is 9% seconds.
The list of officials and the official BRYAN BANQUE[T.
list of entries is as follows: ___
Referee-I. N. Swift, Tale. DeortcCuwilAtPtofHs
Starter-Edward Ryan, D. A. C. DeortcCuwilAtPtofHs
Announcer-Thomas Bird. this Evening-Professor Bogle on
Clerk of the Course-Sid. W. Hit- Program.
Assistant Clerks-Vernon C. David, It is evident thsat Mr. Bryan is to
C. H. Hayes, H. lMt. Uhl, H. W. Holmes. he a very Posy mau today. Thinking
Finish Judges-F. L. Ducharme, D.
A. C.; John Owen, D. A. C.; Dr. W. that Mr. tBryan might po~ssib~ly feel
C. Johnson, D. A. C. at Peing the guest of only three or-
Field Judges-Theodore Luce, D. A. ganizations in one afternoon sod ev-
C.; Dr. S. C. Gurney, D. A. C.; John cuing, the University Demochatic
C. Lodge, D. A. C. CluP with its accustomsedtentwvrprise,
Timers-Max Beutner, First Hegi- has rouse to his rescue andt will sri. as
ment Athletic CluP; Dr. S. C. Mac- the fourth host of the (lay. After Mr.
Comher, Detroit University School; Bryan has Peen extended the cotirte-
Reene Fitzpatrick. sies of the Good Government CluP,
The Entries, the Delta Chi fraternity, and the AlP-
40 Yard Dash. le Association, he is to b)0eulner-
First Regiment-G. Smith, W. Steff- valued with old-fashsioued hsospimality
ens, E. Bill, H. Neill. at an inforumal tbanquet at Oyster tiny.
Michigan-A. Hahn, F. W. Schule, Attosrney Martin J. Cavanaugh wilt
H. 0. Stewart. act as toast master and Prief sp~eeces~-
40 Yad Hurles, will he made Py Professor Dogle, May.
First Regment-W. Steffin, H. Rir- or Arthur Brown, President McClure,
hy. and Frank S. Senn. Then Mr. Btryan
b.Michigan-F. W. Schule, H. C. Stew- wiltkeug. una teseekmk

Noted Public Man will Reach Ann Ar-
bor at 3:30 p. m. Today-A Busy
Day Planned for Him,
' -'-t'h'.I is afternoomnmmat four uo i-oHom.
"f f Wlmimn Jennings Dryan will speak in
unvriyHaltl)'n)"11hm'Vat)))' of An
1)1)eatl. t)' elece) )e'was migimaly
,- siml(,immor tiim, (5(5)5)5, tinl) owimmg 1o
J~- s1-- at.-mmmmme tmm(iglm) mb'twe-M tichi-
f:1mm'ndth irist lfcgimmm'm mlf'Chic-m
mmo,1mhe tmmmmgme in 11he 1((()(yoflM-r. iny-
.mss.. ..,mm, cry'm)smamimress wa',s elmmte Ithmrmmmgh 1tmm
v cou ((m)rys mlof the Gmmmmm tmvenmenut mmltm
y linr.tByanms rmptinmaionm as a immilic
simmat)) anmm as a pubmlic- Amercan Cit.
.1) (( m mcel nomm)emcormmmmmnted mmtmpn.
iei nversmally rmgarmdmemtas moemo
.. theim (m most:mommm'mmet mofAmeica's immi-
ti'His mmcue Phim afimrnmmmnm milmm'
mm mmmmammmiomc-m-mmi)thmimm(1mm-lais) fmmmmm
ea mmo-im Sellis t1mm-lem-Iu((mos ])1pi-
1 mm mm) ammmleomgnizedmammlity .s hmml m
fourth lmaime-at-mmmamm-mis mssmmemm-mi
ilie. tiymmm's las). visitmm) Ammo Arbmmm
wis nostmmhe1-omccasiommnI 11mm-e\Washming-
tmmmmirthdmay m'semrcise-s in1mm0i2l, wvhm-m
Pm' melie-edmtim.-mamdremsso t(m da
sembiledmin1mm iv-msi y hai.
Mie. iBryamn is ex-peed mtmm)arrmmmv1mem'
atI3::30 thiis aftmmmmmmmmmammml mitormu-
mmmm-1menehsamdmress 1mm 1Umive-rsitytall
at. 4. Wmletmin AmmmmAmrmmm hem-wiltl1mm
entertmaimnomdby tiehemetmmhflintternmi-
J. BRYAN., ly, wlmmm hame crservemd a sectimo(ml
se-altsmm)limt-emmeet;mmnm lliihIave iMr.
Brcyammanmd the officers of time Gommd
Gomvernmemmt ClmmP as their guests. At
AD[EU AUlS DEtR OiU. GIp-i'nmm. th' ememnity mviii give a tin-
________ mccne mmin mmmmmoreof Mr. cyamm at thmeir
hmmmmse mmn State strem-t.
The Famous Pianists Received Entho- Alte-c lie mm-mt the distingmmished
siastically--A Classic Program- gmmmst iliiiPm-takoen 1mm hammmlby the
Last Concert Until the May Umiversity DemmocaltimmCmub ewichPmas
Festival Series, arrangemi.aPammqmet 1mm his Phoorat
O~ysterc iBay, a mmmlice- of whmichm appmears
-T1mm ammmmtmhm-rmmlmmmmmmmofmtomdays issue.
Thie opmemmingmnmbemmof mhe1mmiamnmo Itrmcmn mnot mmow bPmdteromimmmmdlhmmm
m-mcital (estmmblishmomi0)t((mm-)-tim, stolt-logNrBya wilemnintc
diommce. '11mm-immte('(r1mm-inmmmmf tlim rningit. is quimm-apmsmblem thmmat a
limo gcmmtaimmlmmms. smm i metim infor~;mal mmmmtionm willimo arramgmem
te-gc-etapasewt hihi as formsme tiummemmmuling 1tmm-clmay, mwhmem
TIho' Etummdo,an mmmigimmal crmmmmm ishn mm smrhesmtocllmiupanmi rla-mmmmyhaean
was execumtmmld viim(-co-mm)fervmmr andm
bimllimancy.'Time hmmmlmm .m prmmtommmp.im f olin th'imsi l limmpmear m temlimti'mm
Betm-homvmmm Vmamimmionmms, ammmiSchm ann(m)))
Famntasymp-mo-s mmnamnife-stod-limo'act is).'
varimemiabmilities. Theo'imnoerpretatimmmm PROFESSOR D'OOGE HONORED.
min lime thirdmovmme('m))mlmlmmen- -teMrcheoI-__
laemme-ofminhe Cmm inSmm tamgmam- Amnmg timemgmmeatimmeaiom'mon mmal cmmm-
edm gm-eat favmmr mmit~ he1m'ammmienmmcm. A gresses lmat wiltlPm- imelmiatlime Lommis-
Itmechmmiqmm-emmimer mitmtat mofm mmmmm'ommI iaamaP'rchaPmsme ixposiionmm mil1bme lhe
limo mammy (-(mmsmmmmmmmmmao mclrIis mvimhot'mmmgm-cm-s mf Am-taanmd Scienmeo. 'T'Pm
hame aimimoaredmIcon Iis omemie-s wmm s11 1mmm- gammm mlthis cremgmss mastmbee n r'-
playedm 1m ime ILiszt'I'amemilmu; time main-m, mammmla piminmary list mintthe
masitely oxm''mltismm mf wiimhm im'mmic- I 10mmmmmo'ammm whmmmwilt ldelivm-mamdmdmessoes
Liomn aremmdsmthlim-andminememo-mmtine' highm-imas boem emOe mmmmiut.Amommg lime smmhmi-
-ml pmich mlommmintmmsiasnm. Ademlem-Amms visionms mlf1thm-cmmngress will lie ono- de-
dtor 01mm- wilmalwvmys bemwemvm e -mm)-al;mmml i-mItomt1Pm-GImomkolangmmg'. Of this
AmmmmAmrbmmm. sect-iomn,liar)timm U. ll'Domgme, pimessamor
- - 10(1 11mthe mm-mk lammgmmmgme ammmliterature
REGENTS MEET, at lime Unmivercsity of Michmigam, has
Pommm immviteo-(msmeve as cmiarman; he
Al. themm Omgm~' m et m). ing i-mii-my mmmr- imas acc'pln)min.

440 Yard Hun,
First Regiment-C. Smith, H. Hill,
W. Comstock.
Michigan-F. W. Schule, A. M. ReP-
stock, F. S. Norcross, I. D. Goodwin.
880 Yard Run.
First Regiment-W. Uffendell, T.
Webster, F. Holton.
Michigan-H. A. Hall, I. D. Good-
Mile Run.
First Regiment-H. Anderson, F.
Michigan-N. A. Kellogg, M. A.
Ball, W. B. Perry.
Pole Vault.
First Regiment-H. Albertson.
Michigan-H. F. Withey.
High Jump.
First RegimentO. Raecke.
Michigan-F. W. Schule, C. L. Rol-
Shot Put
First Regiment-H. Kirby.
Michigan-H. W. Hose.
Relay Race.
First Regiment-G.,- Smith, W. Slt-
fin, W. Comstock, E. Hilt, H. Kirhy,
W. Uffendell.
Michigan-A. Hahn, R. G. Stewanft,
A, M. Rebsock, F. S. Norcross, L. D.
Goodwin, F. W. Schule.

Lost -eve'ning 1Pm' Smmmthermm tCmmb
held a smoker in Nichmols' i-all on
Slate sireet, at which a goodtymum-
bier ofnIthe Southern m-en turnmedomt "

to have a goodttime, Soime refresh-ing Hmmm. Dlomis Vmli-11m-rinnmimnmi nt
ments were servemdammd there were ainmblnic iusincimtm. mmiimssm-mitim--imboardi HONORABLE DELOS FALL,
few speeches.'T'he clmubmhts been othesumbjctofm "l'e'nmmiaizaiom (f __
tmmdfrtepurptoseof obrninginmg (eIima mimnism 1m li 1eAt fmmure m'm-clokFminlay aftemmnoommni-Hmn-
the men from the Smmmthmermmstalins, addmmrmss was fmmll of e'xmcellmmmntmmmn inplomImisFiltlas.mtn'mtm-
who are attenmding the tmivermity, m- ''mi mm)imnsinemm- e mmo iy c0mmn o'mmulic-Imstrummmlionnof ;Michigan,
to closer reltimmns ith mine anmithoer. mmmstns mmmmmmg 1m'msm d nie livredinmialetm-iurm- omm '"1mm'Prmmlem
Stafistics show that there arcenm'mrly minI lie aftenoonmmmms mmeemt ing e(Oin t mfthe Rurnmal Schoolminm 1mMichigan."
a humndred of them in 1Pm' vaimots ine- discumss 1Pm-exhibmit;miIofmmtheiivmciiy M.Fl odtel- uine
partments of theGUiversity. iat imse t,mmmisi fnniana 'inerhase- Expommsitionmeredt1mm hearIis spin-ich, that he was
__________________ in ts lnaulat nham-.to talkastin a bmomly of stumdnents with
'The bumiiling rcnimumitteemwas tmhthmme-1 neet nte dctoa r
EXPLOSION IN LABORATORY,. idto expendml$11111mnintwo irentioes- rematlu-ls m P 'lma islp-mn
ratnes finmthe sunmrmosm onhmIns m P' mlems fI te day. The- Pasis minIhis talk
Yesterday morning junst after eight versity hospital. 'Thm-ecommrctIfomr Itm- was the Stale repnort mof Pumblic Schoolnms
o'clock a fierce explosion occurred in nitmmec in the new enginemeriing buiiilding Faimr otm the ea e192. apeinatemndeof
the chemical laboratmory as a resunlt: was lt- to the Whitnmiy HMfg. to., De-
ot an accident to the hydroigen genee- lenil, form $7,500, anmd $568t.501was allomw-scolasarmdfrthevsex
ator. Pieces of glass were sent with cml fom fitting upth ie enginememinmg shomps ;sting 1mmthe present schomol system.
great force abouit the room and a stmm- foe the enlarged classes,
dent named Wiilcox received a Pad 'The Pill of Ch'ls's tmineformm $2,-'PTe Amdelpi anti Webster smmcieties
cut in the arm. Me was taken to the 026.41 foe extras onm the new engineer- helmd a joint meeting last evening. An
hospital and his wotuds were dressed. ln umiling was allmwed,. interesting program ont which .a debate
Fortunately. few peoinle were in the The thankms of the boardi were given uponmn the qutesion, "Resolved, Thmat
room and the explomsionn did no great to Hamiltonn Carharti, of Detrnoit, for labmor unions shonuld incorporate" was
harm. (Continued on Page Two.) presented,

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