The Michigan Daily VOL. XIV. 1ST REGIME[NT TONIHT Fitzpatrick and Kellogg Think Meet Will be Close-Enthusiasm W il l Run High- List of Officials and Entries. ANN AR1BOR, MICH., SATURDAY. MARCH 12, 190)4 No. 115 "I think that the meet with the 1ot Regiment will he an exceedingly close contest," saidl Keene Fitzpatrick, last' night. "We are net at all confident of winning." His sentiments are shar- edl hy the men on the team. "I lookMf for a very close meet," Captain Ret- f. loge said, "hot think that we have a fair chance to win." The men did no work yesterday ex- cept to limber op a little and have .a"r ruh-down. They are all in fine condi-I Lion except Stewart, who was confined to his hed Thorsday. He will prob- ably he onahle to compete tonight i whc aeit is likely that his place w ill e taken hy Reeler. Ti oai totion, if made, will leave Schole to -..........-.f:..__,. rn the hurdlesaoead ilt some degree lessen Michigansca- es as Stewart had heen counted upon to win points in hoth the dash and hurdles and the ru on the relay steam. The First Regiment team will ar- rive some time this morning, part of>