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March 11, 1904 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1904-03-11

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Entere:d a ecend elasmatter tthe An e
Reuction Abr otOfie
As we have too large a Rso .HSO
of fancy EDTR:
ytockAtlhietbce. - OserT K. WALTrON
News, - - -- - J. S. BALEY
SUITNOSANS Clifford Stevenson, Roy Pceebles,
A. M.tGraeer, Henry P. Erwin
T RO1JSIRIN GS A. 0. Pound. A. H. Ortmeyer.
Joseph Y. Kerr, Stoddardi S. Mere.
Ida M. Brownrigg. I. Waite .Jayne.
on hand we will jsell Glee. A. Osborn. Harold C. Smith.
Harry H. Andrewe. Alfred B. Kocht
them at rednced prices Thomas B. Roberts Clyde L Dew.
to make room for onr BUSINESS STAFF:
C. A. Thompson. Wme.It. 'Lloyd
Spring and Snumm er M .K ltThos. L. hekete.Luete.
Woolens. Be snre and Editor today-THOS. B. ROBERTS.)
call in before yon place ,Subripton-Two Dollars per yar, payaohint
yonr order,..$ , advance. If delinqeta fter Nov. 1, 1003, $2.50
Office Hours:-12:30 to 1:30 and 6:30 tn 7:30
G, H.WILD & M yp. in. Daily.
Address-HOlSCOE S. HUSTON, Businreessian-
G. I. WID & O., ager, 331 Packard Street.
106 f. WASnINOTON STRUET. Telephnne, 461.
-- - - -- -

But when it doeo orise, tradition
shou:ld lbe fostered and encoturaged,
It, is a well konownt principle cif boy.
chology that the easiest way to cut.
tivate a denired mental state is to en-
courage the physical etate which ia
its accompanyceent. This theory may
well be applied 1o college tradition.
By fostering and giving encourage-
ment to new traditions which grow
up naturally, we are indirectly deepen-
ing and thengthening a true college

Sweaters and
Sweater VestsI
25r/ OFF
For a Short Time Only

Ihe f6redt f6me
Efxciting Fun -or Everyonej
4,5c. I
Pocket War flajeif or the
far :East, 1USc.j
University Booksellers, Sta"
tioners and Engravers.
320 South State Street.
C. n. "tAJOR £l COMrPANY
Specialtyj of lfine
Interior Decorating
tCiuplete new tine of Wall Papers.
Paints.,lOils and Varnisheo.
233E. Washington. Fhone 237
U. of M. Antiseptic Barber Shop'
A" DBATM ltOOJ015.
J. R, TROJAI&-WI, Proprietor.
Pace Xaskfe a Specialty.

arch 11-Southern Clutb smoker at
Nichols Hall, 324 S. State street.
March 11-4 p. m.-Address on "The
Rural School of the Future," by
Mon. Delos Fall, at Tappan Hall.
March 11-Choral Union concert by
Adele Aun dot Ohe.
March 11-'05 Medic party at Har-
hour gymnasium.
March 11-7 p. in-Lecture by Pro-
fessor Shailer Mathews on "Pur-
pose and Character of the' (los-
March 11-7 p. m.-Hird Club mceting
in the Museunm.
March 12-Adress by Mon. Win. J.
Bryan, in University Hall.
March 12-First Regiment Meet.
March 12-4 p. m.-Addreso by Wme.
J. lBryan, in Unversity Hall.
March 1:-7:70-Hobart Gu:ildl Lec-
ture by Rev. Frankc DuMoulin.
M, rch I S-Friday-SI7 Lit tdance in
Biarbtour gymnasiumn.
'there has been motch said o:f late
in regardl to college tradition, as
thouigh. traditionv ere valuable in and
for itself. This, htovever, is far front
tru:e. It is valucitle only because it
is lhe oultward p1:- steal expression of
somttething far me deep seated and
fundamenttal, nanmely, what has been
called true college spirit. Tree col-
lege spirit. sc-called in contradistinc-
tion to the 'hurrah, boys!" solrt, is a
constant, unfailing love and devotion:
to the tUniveroity which goes back of
campus, heildings, and athletic teams
and which future tine and distance
can never efface.
It is this. spiritual fadcttat real
college tradition manifests, and from
which it is a natural coutgrowth.
Being such, tradition cannot he
made. The fu~rnished-while-yotu-wait
tradition of some of ourt sister colleges
of the West is hollow and meaningless.

The student body joins with the a I -aaa
President and the Regents of the Un-'
iversity, in expressing its gratitude
and appreciation to Mr. Hamilton Car- $5.50 Ones for - $4.12
hartt, for his generosity it establish-
ing the new debating testimonial.
Such a hantdsome encoluragemeot to $5.00 Ones for - $ J
plublic sp~eaking cannot. fail to bear
rich fruits, swhich will redound to the ____
credit of the donor. With the Hamil-,
ton tarhartt Testimonial to provide
for the debaters whocl ompte in the Colors White, Gray, Ma-
Central Debating League contests.
Michigan debaters are well taken care roon and Navy.
of. -Members of t he team that repine-
sents the Univor-sity e'gainst Wiscon-
sin receive the It. M0. 1erry Testimon-
ial and Senator Alger prolvitdes a gold
medal yearly fottet--tttch f the honor # P0K SALK Al'
The Daily fe,-Is that it is e-xpressing B o h etmn fteetr nvri i hr trs
17t~ ill thanlcie-u llr. C'orhartl for hisjBo
Why? asks the hitherto ulnkniownl
andi secluded stuldent am I become soct
popultlar? WVhy am I recognized from I U eu a o k
so great diatanres anid so: cofdential -______________
ly approachetd at such close range?
Why is the right hooch lapel of my fis tr.
Ketee's ttusieat.rih-s. 4 tol,.. 5 ....
coal taking on stuch a sworn anti thread Wil liatss on te:al Pcoperty, lotchict edl31210
hart' appearance? Whly have so many lllicke-s,tectec's Blackstonie'sFlementls
msen discarded the mulch abtused ,1crsilc-S5tiotliocs 'of 11c-at Property.. 11)
sweater for a latindried collar and Sprague's Ab~ridgem~ent of lllachstttnr.
Crimlinal l'rocedur or ms ..........c
pair of striped cuffs? Why does the Tffany's Crimlinal Law...30 0
barber wear a smile that won't come tOwec'sLhwsQuotzer, *25 soect~s.... s :o
off? Why asks the coeducational con- Seoned Year
tingent am I mseeted and Grangered? S3teehess Itiget itf Eidec hi ....." t
MarshaltIIoCrtoratios .........60
Why does my long loot friend call Mlarkton co'rpolratos.............3:
with such bonbons and regularity? NtilglsI -. Sl eelt' i~cr:ation-I:: ..2 )
OT'ligu5 taseoxnIEidente........ 5
Wily askts the Ypsi maid and the 'tellmns "ssAelt of (ross Kxami~n-io~n"2 '15
blule labeled condluctor have the I-letcher EquoityyPteading..'... hso
sales in suburban car tickets 5to ma-ICouts .Lao and...........e.t..re ..of C .
terially decreased.? Why, askcs the Siedgil,. IElemients of Damacges.. . e.25
staid old cop, do I see such quiet late ,4idgwict on D~amagies, 2voe.......40
street;-walkers :'Why, asks the inter- turtistUC.8-(tOur's .......... .)
esled professor, does my class record MtsoanlHandlBook sf5Federal 1Practice a2t0t
Third Year.
show sot many bolts? Wvhy, asks the Lonf oe Irrigation..........-.. : 1
telephisne girl, am I kcept so beusy of lM-rrison mtning La.i-...............o
late? Hut verily now may we solve 1 Whlite oIties astt ;dieteg Injtories . 0 i
M~ed Irrigations Instituons..
the mystery, saty they. For it, a the Otrilsers bbsit's hFormis of I invey-
ueason of politics and many are they aerii;... ..-- - - - -'5.. ..s0
JoessFo-rms id toseeya i- g...' .... 51
that have votes. I Cowdery F0onis and h'reciib-nts... so. 60
_______Abbott's____Ill- Pracestice.. :'isis.........to0
What a change, when the future 001'Coltar in Il-si liptey tl.........60
bryonic engineer may conmfortably Elliott On111 -ieeCe.............40
toast his shins at the freplace in the i-Ruse si a i-.Olilardece Fl, . . 0
dean's office and feast his eyes on thr a teo:ii~.QizrEc

engraved mantle, while waitinig fur
The financial statement of the tni-
versity if Winconsin Athletic Associa-
tion for the psst year has just been
given cout. 'The receipts for the year
are as follows: Football, $19820.12;
baseball, $693.74; track, $623.24; ten-
nis, $14.15; crew, $1,201.??; training
table, $1.299.09; general, $2,806.40.
Total receipts plus $8,.06l~tl balance,
Expenditures, foothall, $15,263,20t;
baseball, $2,109.18; crew, $1,184.29;
track, $1,136.09; tennis, $12.41; train-
tog table, $2,701.75; general, $7,884.39.j
Total. $34,331.33. Balance. $927.67.

No. 326 South Slate Sireet

Ii yolt value yor
face, don't experiment
witlit Shaving Soap.
tUse Williamis' Shaving

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -OOOOO


The Next Number Will
6e -Announced Later.

DEN . SABOLT, Malnager
Hunt Stock Co. and Miss Kate Fitzgibbon.
C'hange if play and vauodiltle nightly. Prices -l10--.0c--80(-. No higchir
" THE GREAT Special Engagemuent!!!
and his own big company M VAR.,1
"1THE BRIDE OF THIBET," rdLo Introducing the Forrest-
i'llCK.S--:5c-Wo-se-ol.il. Seats reaidy Satiir-day.
TUESDAY, MAR. 15-Inezt Forman in " EAST LYNNE.)

Season'Tickets, $i .00 . tSingle Admission, 50c

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