~.Reduction ~ t 1olt o.'t'1 lgh:
S Sale ,o>iIt; \a ir oeatei
f ks we have toolaf1gtp.a
f ASSOCIA 121Y ,0 '1'K. ,oN
3 SUITINGS AND f3l(lil-sd '.woiioi.oyPels
f f A, 11 :..e', n0 yiN..hro
j TIROUS[RIN IS :A C. Pound. A. i. omy.
Y* Ilob:Al. Ii: ooooso. . Wa (it Jayn .
onl han we swil sell *f 'io A. (lii ooo' Hariolid '. sit.
f*li n y . Andrew, Alfrted iB. w
f them at rednced prices * I1 5'. ms OW on . t yoh I 'Ir. o.
to oake room :for onr 1BSIESS STAFF:
f f .\. 'loot lopll, \tO . it. loyd
f Spring and S i::::n 3 0 o inln . ,I itt0'ix .ii.oois'i.
Woolens. BeI mrs and Editor Today-GEO. A. OSBORN
* call in blefore youi lace o oo;bb 'ol{t ' ~ ilnt
* f OfieiHours: 12:30 o i:3S and 6:30 to 7:30
Ir G.yH. YIL !LJ IU 3drss-ROSCOE B. RUST ,Busnss Man-
108 E. WASIINGION SRU1.*eephoe. 41,
jThe 6reat tiame "z it AENA. it i
itctoes:1yPr1fstr ShI:iler bat-
ti10c .0 1 01 >1)m ainll;S n
f*Aiitch -I ii s da Chora 1ne IttR
Al inch S .11 Qlitl1.- 1 c0 110 1111 les.
® 1 t01 r Irelr cn'ili nilan
ftExciting [un [or Everyone A Ia il :tlero
S tiliIt llil' Ill lriii I 1'''' 7 ii.ii
_________ * Pdms 11.1:1 m lctrroo .' t.
+Pocket War Maps for Ihe I lirSil.
Ear East, 15c. 3= 10:ral Shlool ot h Futur"," to
* _________ 9 H 1n. 1511110 Ftll, at. Tapan a ll1101.
3 i nAdele Ais fter OMe,
SHEHAN(x n o:'. 00 ac '117 Medic pary at lar.
! Miarchi10 doSit by i~tHootn. I::.J
* nsoesit U~osllos Sa 500n iesiyHl
3320 South Slate Street. P ROHIBITION LEAGUE.
WeOtt ioio i i, Naonl I tot ('iio.
The Ann Arbor Savings Bank. ghilihiate h rnintl n s11'iiiteai dd,0s
S GENERAL BANKING RI SINESS i Oltill' lo. Ike'ispoeoft heoh i ll ii' d1011
TRANSCED. vIi ht: vetoot' ito'oo o tiioo'iiIllfor lt
oii:::: ~: oI 0r.Hr1 Pe, ly'.0000 1. tolwion of1 tolo r 7'" o hle i ncud
a. M . M a ti 1 11tEiro ltt'e:1)1 r'liitioo::oand to'plainiof'
(lilies 2(09 S. (h Aole. Phone' 98. lh".f aulotunier'sitie's o:'lii'lolhas ootits oto
denoto,:302 S..ot11:Av. P11(e 100.11 Jr the io tool oo of ('th io'o':o.t i-
Amhu~~lanes(nIScall,. quoiltraff~i.
ThIt' eii:roolegioilo 0111rohiititooniAs-
teaini o :01second01111(111' too the
IChristita:: Associatons,11(be0.la orges o01(
itog1 orgaizaitiontill t o 01(111(. ThlI
league:s inthe1:different: (colleeso aos
1)0io0n 70 '011 :is tsse fInterollIeogiaOra' 7:-
tor'icallliCotess'iolilthe m l'ost:exten-
sive yste ofogeot'oraoalon'-
t etoo (i n (lb Iotb, o untrIl y'.i ibbhore:'oisl'ofis
lotcontestttin the 1: 0 ive : ' i:wihorliol-
i10111'::::tiol ooon oooisoft(, (~erlt ingo
111110ohibiton.blorlaoh aloe llbwinnrrpeet',to
toes oanI il'sito':o':and: :fiallytoo::
t1sts me01 in ai0grand I Naiol:Ct oo:-1
tes towhi:htwill thlis yea:' too'eiditoil
Indoianap~iolis, hint l'stil. Ovo':' tt .101
cdsi not- onllyI h sm111lsrt ollt'eo
lot'os tooth olagsoto:: o 'ottis
fIto' theiAtlantic too to' Pciic.\Itor.
tootin : wiill too'in: ted's Par'ol'ooors at
Nower Halol' from:1 (1111n111'too six p. 0in.
tlaoso'd too sne11', all sudeot:is wh ote:as1
liiir oene th 'lobo oo'bsootoois
troon'to' holy tliootooI
The Gs?
'I'w 11e1eks'ut ogo, o tase01hlor
I sitpptot 117 01arm11 1110:0111
I It'rtowalsoto ond todo iqueeze hert Io:
It slitcoldhiot'urnedoo'met dowooo.:
i Lst igt Isouhttooplese hetor,
Stool blot I Tha i'tosoturned diown.oo
ito:' (h iitoiialibgtoor to:tlii'oagoothisi'
o'rths boe o': rced:'oioto'leove too'
squadoltnlootounto oiof ilack otunehor o:
iou'ootoi' . T il eavesI o' i t big 0 ho letiouto
th nili o gh 1oo (iou'rtoo, li
die os' i. tio. ito toit oloI iou i
(fjonltc('lionlwhther'liu:'or o t(llltoo1a
polooioetomelochaocoe foooptacttict..It
is ntoo l 11oo: e'ihu tIto' ao n f~l or' 00
l auto. t'lt(tthe oot isv(ut.3 ootultao:!
Mi to hd. ay chancei~ lt' I oho's not'
sp in oitooistlo'agoinI orb t 'nioll y:
I othet onot.s ooered oo'oo ' t t o' .
1to' Reyoldo os Clubtoandol st fld
o o' oln(Itoe 'arsity' 0:'amo.htaot itto
t osive ooup 111to beom'oeoo'leot perloyoo'
of iuottliothe Club ('member Oil dh toheoig
toParryh ih edto i tso soh leoo. 'lTohe to:''
o<tiotoot li Ita h ....... - 1
lleC 1.22 11 illt
Ch1 st 1 .............. tf10-1.1
1P 111 I' ...o........:0 ....... 1J' 12 i ou1(0
D la ''LlotoDl tao......... I12' 151toi1
;Sweaters and
Sweater Vests
25 f OFF
For a Short Time Only
$5.50 Ones for
$5.00 Ones for.-
*Colors White, Gray, Ma-
roon and Navy.
Walir's Book Stores.
Clea sioplc ct o h o t" l. 0
ll 101( 100..is ohou tttert lel
j 1'. Slaw(lu: iI l'1(0 t . This
0 101 011aitslt)M soto
In~ts o S hebo ,i
* twin;:;3I~ 'Im-1 ;, (io u' .oilood
326arshalle ni va e Con lor.-
ti f lls( i) j to' ~t l e
Its ci1cS otf~i t 1 11101 ro- I
frestsille d b> -icll fI'rns'.
ltoil s' - t ik. 11e ttt
The Next Number Will
Be Announced Later.
Wednesday, March ndNigt,
Stetson 0 'Ii @ Sl*eetaculr oul
P~~~~~~~~~ RI' ftIO hI~,~e Alls~.Matinee33
Wensd3 NihsMame~o hrayMMrthn10
65rien1, W20eand C Ladieree Thusday
oNdayt, Cmarci14,ThEraTaFAYETTE *
Season Tickets, $1.09 AK 4 Single Admission, Soc
ii @ +0@soa@00@as0 ++@.*..,sSS@@0NN soIoe0.,.oo.0eN eeej
f eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee4a . eeee eee eeeeeeeNeNeeNeeee*e