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March 08, 1904 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1904-03-08

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The Michigan Diy


ANN\ .0<101, 0111211, 'J81)AY,. MARCh 8H,1()ll

No. Ill

Exciting Dual Meet Promised for Sat Plans Beiog Mne. for Trip to Sainaw Baseball Coaches Begin Weeding Ot
rday-Team of Twelve Moo to and Other Ciie,-Concert in Ann Process-From now on Cts Will
be Piched Today - Board of Arbor Befoin Close of College. be Mde Every Week Until
Control Meets. Team is Picked.
Itniditi (otote lans1)110whichi re
Keen tiiirivl is geiieralllO exiiluieii eiiiii 00(1d Iih t'(Chorl t'ttottfor The baeall rilt'ch v toad) (te irvi'
Ibut hr ra inpiso ve 0rrtie dil nicetrn iiaSA, Loos in, and' cite Mn's ttereilifn le sieofe squad 'olililSiiLoi
wit li thei io t F iiiI ii et tfC ilcg , liil tiia itr a ii 0 lii) (li t)ip. mtli 1.0Seventyi -lreoin idates(were( ie ikel
I loll iittnei 01 aiii i')) 5ln iit. of t11 (ill (,l111)1 (uiii a iie lplu ii ing li c'viii vii' oils is 1 h. hel
he ii enciouragng's ul'evof he'ii rst1,\ O tathiO a .1 :art(. litrip o Sisiiiwiianiii et s ep ii ti'ii'l out0 iie) meniiTor
meet as gi e 'i'hg' tract prss omi) 111 e ithei'p01a1es(' i i i ganenii til' he' Vasity wl e tkn Stra
1)1)')noter) oos1 an) iapoii) ' l'l"intla1 fromt AnnI' rbr.tile)'ng(((il l 0whenSi)11 I' th .eIume.rih i l i 'i0010 111
of ( rI( v in ontest)1 i 'I' ll) o l 1)1)hi lomt e ilt ed lan a shili' Thel e t 1 ) ii'1.e i'e ail 1ows:
oi'v) o o mchigan. i (lei ch' al ke'0 of' and,0illlti'(')iie; Redeni1De reei i rtdilCaroi (toO
"su nl P a e li 10011)ill0e 1 ()kI ..11)(i..Oili iis)on1deiedi1tenerfuue. W ',ei Hoister),1 SBohn~, ted, il ls,)) oi) Soc
0 1)))')' in is forecast. "ll) l IV 1) theI) irls Gli l ub giv)es0) any 11)1' n(('110 rtis HM'aikey,. Xick ((1)) O\\ison ek
chances are1 god,," h) said)111))' e ((0)' li ll of Ann' Arll' r( or' noti 11)11 iii 0)111) (1)11)' .11 (1100(1 Lu Ii ((Ward,
lot: i for ai111)elos oi ((li e)5Fiik t hs .beensettledat a concertdill: )1 WO'hRK OT H ll elYeW.ffCd, A.
Regiment is alw5) s represenlbt'I'e) by. Mssai l gvnb iemr1trinOtvAn 'n' rL (ito otl ot a m n
a inb f I ) (menl 10I i1101 '10'11 I lb e (year . Mc(isvel,'Miie,)Harten (lbs
1) yearvI look for a')', hard1 ((('11 llii T he(liace ('lobis to hl~e oiolv. Otion (cmall, gOiDo inell ie liltlii))I 'GI) i -
arci\i')' 1 Yo(vrk1 where alley (illycoa l. ivihis l. "uby' 'tlTh.ect i ll,'rth A n ot et,'U''llrki lv 01)L'1)1) l. llii
Br~e' onghtin hebigNa ion lk) ii 10o liooncehrtlv e eiip0 t ll.d t'i'nd i'pro'"rven,i I Is. (ohis. i'liii'ii'i
[Winlin .e1e1)1) timei toll oin the0 restiiermk det about1 the1 trip ton ANTv paii s "ideallu3illi'v .11)11on01 Iv. liii)
o I)l hetiii . vuilSattertlay The tii) iof irhiro. rrovkI oilyt Mai(.ode. i M ortison, 'iiii'ct'i'Barn.ti'.
Keen 1ihl it liii vii)) 1)1)10 ecii ed1 t1(1 \]i1(t1 \') (01 n'rh idb' 'iiluii' ily.i viehdS Slittilt plaigiue.i,)')W io . tta .li t
Ibandon l okoan oue l an o1)1 f trin(iit (ii' iar 1(1Mis olait,'secrtaryl o , olity adIaes
th iti cn otldoi't' eirhestot.il le 11( ,HMci'. Heiad w .i ss Edwarlds, .'m iii 1)'0vi 1()11l iii)
so t (ilii a l'%Ctoi')'1 ltlI ime 01) iiiv 0 o cdlio a ii c 1)'p1' 1.1 I' 1.1)1 v~o 10
Dh IrsL IE TO yCERT aId tn WOR So Bol( l iiti r.ii . .0\tMssSaa iss Con-11 sho'io cs itwok(ho ft iitilif 'di Wde al10
ira t re t \w ril rae ni 1)11 aI ter'll o hns (1 iorlevsmv n i iivii. tu iht. i'l(i-ii i'
0111)0a l'ly ' ii il) ilverl lihi seli ndto Aii' 1110' n(liii)n)h(",i'or'I'o11.'M. IC.1A.'.nd1wY.iii.Oi
Thei con't'es.11 tuiwillsvrtelisitors i ciai'ls I BRYA LE TUR.FRE . Ail than luli' Soinf lue ce these orga is
The .'0'5)(i(lan oi l o bl e ii I I iareiinotI issil)IlI il'''F 'Hilny i sal iioy ' 1,1' (I j shifl .Moitiuvo pii e iknow'0(t1)l)' iint
asye d tu sy h1ed T e)0. 0grmp 1l'ie l man's 01 1 "o' I1'') i i l'AehesArbor u'aiY.SV.loC' tA- tian lla1 I.(Mu
(art 11) usdtb'low a xie11d o alea iyarptuut intui e 'la1)1)1) rii gym-iiiC, A.s 01uli ,to worlie ufthan lthatis
(((is Ih Be (idh elut' fulontolito])11t h)' 111 lii (ri ' ''aileven ing. and (hI'0' u'h a oeto o( r t Y.iW. C'l Alt)
5 p, 1()1)I inlh op y o o yiave- e. ("Ill.)1)11 s5) o(5 theahgr'o'ht uups i'nd ir'otti ',tIiu AIi.''hlo a t l 1('iild o li i
iii lgbliy d tr ied h it ir utisotwere, prelus'nt liii(hi' 111a11th.:)' hug lut'iii'y. an1)1advi lily Illardii cin-'i
TOf N o R Hch tvev i St Be pced is 1 I ithity v uplevsial.atP(ofesso'r, triv . o i' ous Hluilit by .110 h.n
hsft ns ondM s.tiD'obu chap'eroned)0 i ( li liii)'' 01)11 Jordan,'t L o u s. ' u'(1))0 s(iiGehlsIt
(1 '' hli'u' fitni cautil'hb un itehahtran~is.or 'ation h d ben1sot',IiMrs.ai Berigat Mrs. ll i'' lleni Mrs.[l'o
Sltew litar ih t itl 1 e )' Wtlh is Keit Itarge br InaIuiS11\1asvuiedias(tie' aiesit' ad's'.ilir (is.tr'Ilui iasihlii
Or.il luit andfKolluldr'sing room, 0 tbs.li l' 1)1 dt anc'ing asr nein t ' 1 'Ill(li' Y a. W i lC. A, vh bousw ih ui
itt'l( 010our 'i'am atil c'o'i'iin helass in ticihlO is(t 'iui t 5Cl1o iii lci' (I'l Cls 'iitil.ated u Noti h ifIhurnsi'liA"%'o Iv
rlay champ (iionth b c(ip f us1901 L 11 s lly cuii' )00le Iyn li ttl iiparg iieih'l llorho ' ie liii lmnituliii'Itll
tohu e~eAii i urm-i cwilernitrtuu owd wiih te colors'f t'e'01'.; ultye holu is . av 'e liti oa'i if 1)1
lives. iht it coutofteta tk 'et it'h e' s ituy elii'0)1)1 eate('es nnue .uaoitis 01ori tiioy iing,(Is s ivyhut ea
tiu lhatbs 'etall e Ilslunmesau hil ullmIIt I<SSAt)Apiewihplloscan- W<se hf(li't'lurisioiahunw, oldo's
libe1 o b ri xi ausltedC byo t hieIi~lirlll t ',ee. 511at l itheadeigtfuicl.t-, toy S a ueda vxig lou i y
t'n eic'deOo b ldes tis psibeCallaeihe Isteforne o light' P'M1<0. 1'h:1o) worti' of(Iluiesti ati o ' pl dn
swill y r tW tNacomevigiaht ur)1ini S'meia. 'llure' tihead iilil'e v II i' 0'. 00'. 1". A, ''les

Rfiiecsays'vthat lie is generallo -- (unit ant invitation toIiiall illtsilil's to
iuligl'uto carry htubed wimtutuhim if NEW GAM ES SCH EDOULED. uattendt ihesc'meeltigs. 'ThaI 1t(ese
lht muakcesasn etited tnay away (elm 'T'eiflloiwinlgfoiothatt gamtes have' imissionhaly:)classi's trail iovery herac'
homiiti. He had isbsedicioCn~strurted bli deu' diltoIllthe schedluleftill' tt ichalreusulltsv isvproedl by tyheui'fact Ithal
Inosoithr' yearsv 0011afte Iehaila fall: ('asl'. Oct. 0: Aida NormalfOcI. hmlly of (the'.girlsvexpcl:n.tlyear,
Massevd (lie orientary hinghut. 5);0a111 Drtte, Nole, 5. (Co1111101(5on0page' bhres'.)

jUerman Scholars Guests of University
-President Harper Rec oring-
Chiags Whs Illinois Meet-
Cttint Will Not Play.
liull lltit ) he 1C 1 liii scholars to will1)1
at that . t iim b ll'ei0 I' Ithet l'tn t i l)si
loit(0111) liiiG rm n I!c l wl~l
I I I ta th ea l illI'' to come i p)1
Chica o 'dirct 'frm iEurpeanI' lbit -i
I o s o e rinll . II 'I i0 ( ilin
thes nrn th t'ilesityis dheingi
tois]o io} f w lco ingforign ll
are: All Wiliam Bon il Pr lossorl
he(1 kes11 cri' .11' ('II) li
vulluli .0) is wil =i to I oi or
%,il h l I go tills .meeing.iniil)
!, h1e ( va ius oran I 0io s .th 1
,w ll I1'<Id:) ,5,5 b.Ic 1tu en s
one ;n iraoter n k1r an
(lullc I ii li II ilil lhe ))rt
iiiir ill e lie .,ii n or iey i
linihi :i I 11 oila'ch 9, i d
(1111)1.mbasaor uay.-ad tellee
( 111 1)1) ((I'l s' vi
1 c.=iitill) atill 1 r1 has he b n (1101 s
(t-ill' (ic lse on I '(1 iu for ii ys tu -
(-iuiis v hauorl. ion(hi'tgitsu'. 'lc ago
uH a) ii~ar )Iir. lccIhyhhl'Ill ' fail
Olso ; n ill ( est (li' orkili lull. lesiw
tuuion, illhowe Ive.r xit,,, ue s lieu steaily11
(2 fuel rng, acctis (Ii's O ticIl r

( butuIi t uhuold:ot l(iouuu Ii's) Osse-
lhlilhi, tuho Wa''sitr'lied'up ion tohold
(C'ontimied on page 2.)

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