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March 03, 1904 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1904-03-03

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THE MICHIGAN 'DAILY A omticaton from the Bord of
-~C ontrol ot NonAthletic Organizations,
Red uction Iee A rreeetsl t e t p Iirintetd in the news colnmns o1 this
Pubised aiy (Modayxcpteldrin te ise st the Daily, states that 'the
Ish~l~dd yt~adyr.cepedturg e mese of the committee arc in en-
t ± (sement foo, sd enrace) o'I :::edtt3i eral of the opinion that the proper{
ffMANAGING EITOR: rewardt for oth etitor anti htsiness
Z .EMO~RY' TIOIASON manaer ot a sttent ptttlicatitn is
2 BUSINESS MANAGER: the honor which attaches to tte of-
Asw aetoo large IOCEII IlT~ ie. If there is any remttneratito it
~ss .wehave aI shottdt te small."
stock of fancy Atltc - EIMoRERi. WLTO It is the opinion tit the Daily thatI
* News, - - J - ,. . IALY' the memers of the ctmmittee tn
non ASSOCIATES: athletic trganiations, which isue
A. M.ITNiSAN GlravSeress. lost '%Erwesn the sbove statement, take a rather pe-
TROIJS[RENGS A. C. Psund. A. . Orrneyea. rtliar ttd extraortinary sttnd regar-
Joseph Y. Kerr. Stddard S. Moe.- itg the proper rewardt tot stttdetsl
Idas M.lBrswnrigg. I. ttaie Iyne. wtringt ton the varios college tpubli-
onl hand we will :sell OGe. A. Osorn. IHarld C. Sith. cationts. Their view oight betuplelt
[harry H1. Andres. Alfred Shcket.
them at reduced price ZTthoms. Iterto. Cyde L. Detw. were presett conditions moe iealist.
to make room for our BUSINESS STAFF: C. Were the millenittrn here, dotbt-
C. A. 'rtteseot. Wino. I. Lloyd les every sort of artuoustslattr wolt
Spring anM tt~ ~~ 5. s. Itetlite. It1. . Istesrette. he cheerfutlly done for the mere sae
*- of htnr. Nothing else in te nattre
± Woolens. Be sre atn Editor Today-HENRY P. ERWIN., of pay wold then e desired.
Call it before yott place Bti he tmSuscription. Teme Ilkwtter ea or, pyablttin~ltti hs~tmssttet tv
yourorde..4.4 . 4 edeasee. If -titt te eIr 11e it,2.i i S~ not tained the far-off standard of so-1
~0ll ordr... .4 4 .4.4 .cial life wherey the drtdgery, the
Office Hours:--12:30 to 130 and 630 to 1:3 thankless tasks, nd the moths ofI
ryFH ID ( . . m aily, wearisomae oil of compiling a fgo:r-
I; Address-OSCOE B. HUSS, uessMan- h:ndred paebook like the Michgn
: G H.WID & 01aer, 331 Packard Street.
Tlpoe461. ensin will e undertaken for the lit-
I OH . WAMUNOTO - - tle hontr that comes frto ass:ming
+"********** I such a heavy responsiility. tItdeed,
N N M~i NN1N Nthe honor side of the qestion is hard-
6 ___________________________ly worth considering, for stdents whtt
work dlay after dlay oncitllege pelica-
Th G eat ame ALENAR.ios dtt nor and can not find the same1
exatedt place in the eyes of the st-
March 3-Thuireday evening-The iet totty as it hldt by 'Varsity at-
Evidence from Paleontology." Dr. letes antI orators. Its the atter fielde
N I T j SDuerden, Mseu~m lettre rtom of otfttnivirsity life, the htntrs are we-
Marc 3-hurday venng-Fa tlttluliturethat the remttteattnt4
concet, Frieze Memorial tial. is tit itottbt satisatory atd sfficiett1
P IT ~~~~March 4-Fridaey, 4 It..'The Teach-Olteohrhnhwaot h
r as a menmber tf the Csmmn:ni- etela1/,Itwato: u
Exciting run for Everyone mazon. Tappeas Hll. Milihignetsian?. Inteit, httw mn
15c.March 5-t8 p.to.-'Varsity i1oorwho te resent :ffiers it this years
meet. pulitcationt are? It is almtst certaits1
O~~~~~~~~~ March 4- antI l-tt-sFerry series oftatenme i eiel ial
hwlectures hy p.ProfessorShielta-tathn:meistitedy ml.
tes7p.in,,Tappan Hll; Mt- n- -et, notwithtanting Ise little re-
day at University Hall. cogitio that thest' stttent pttblis-
*Pocket Wrfll o h ac -Ip m niern ti- - tiynitwithstanding the fat
ty netting in Physics lectre leat they pttt in may tays of te,
Fat Eat, 5c.roo scoolttt year in hartd, t ireetme tii, theI
_____March 4-Wttnan's Lage'tarty, lo tttio 5 etadvaced taS.ediitors sd'
2 ~Marcht 5-9 t Ita. t.-Juttoitr Law omangers tof University puttlictiotse
* (' fPTI . Mihigaensiao eltctittt is Room shutl work:for htonoralone, Twith epe-
Sf~f&N 13, Law Blditin. tels a snal remntnertittn. Te ie
a March t0-'T'htursday eveing-"Thees sdl oitt ottjoittwith: existing,
Untiversity Botksellers, Sta- Evidence frolDistrihutittn." Mr. ciotitittts.l
tiur n nrvr. University. oittee's tdecision is the inctsgreity of
320 South State Street. March 11- 4 . ior-Address ott"The payitg this year's Michignensian e-
ItiralScotItttheFttt~t ky.tr $200tndsoil temaaesr$t00land
O ua colo h uue"b ato h detsn eeps hl
Hon. Dleos Fetl. at Tapalttn Hil.tatttletveisnrcits-ie
MiNON tis (t,)rlpts'd 1 ctto e- itt tiext yrar'sI'
- Mttle I -t'loret tUtittttctncirtt ty ofefires only emplty htnor- itta try
Th n roSvnsBn. Atdele Ats er Ohe. sal erittet'titn. tat it epostsi-I
The nn rbo Sain Bak. atrih I-tt Metic patytl a ~t r-be that tthe -tmitteeixe(ts to a-
i t tik. Aeie.0 s rpiteuts ii."o . ctmitish soitgeat a thiIIicl refot-m
Iltseirces ,1t1ol bootstr gytmtasiutmt.it:the slorthsare ttf telvi' month?
A GENERAL BANKING BSINESS Macch 12-Adress by lHo. Wi.J. 'Th ite nay be etirely praise-
TRANSACTED Brya, it Iniversity Hall. wrttiy, iutt it is dttttftl it it ceo he
OC)ee~ C haroIs:letE. stokeSI:s;W D'Slret 12--First Rgimettt(Iie. reahietinittsit trie eatteeritttas oni-
tlrlmaice Pre s. Mt.. ritl., shlier.year.
I The Statement in ttttts'DIaily ise
M ri, FUNERAL IMPORTANT scarcely adeqt: for te soltitntf
114.' ltis qutestion itt rewrts, ad the tprrt
DIRECTOR posed system of mere 'hotor" coo:
til~ce209S.4thAre t'on 1(, RP- Correspondents ftr this paper are pensatio ot stttett worters ton cl-
Offce 09S. thAve Pone98 Rei-reqested to write otaper not lrg- lge ttthlications is tbiutsy oit of
dance 302 S. 5th Ave. Phone 314. r than 5/x inches and then the hartony will: presentiday circtm-
Atmhulance on call, long way of the paper. stances,

Sweater Vests
25 % OFF
For a Short Time Only
$5.50 Ones for - $4.12I
$5.00 Ones for - $3.75
Colors White, Gray, Ma-
roon and Navy.
Walr's Book Stores.
tots Pp 1. te,tlis nt h
la oftet s . ItI let s an drf
cit ar a h dIiafe rp naa
tond e tlt e o rl 1st Siitttlt
2 t tt t ts od)xeslttter ith Iti
ia n ts of t es t Te tttkttste
ia ied to sets.
326 S. S at t. ISecond1 Floor
fIseC.ii,1the WollPaof '
Sifits ap. erbn
1tt iti agese ttt.'Isdttt

N NN N N N +f N Ob N


The Next Number Will
Be Announced Later.



kir. John Sturgeon


In Alexander Dumas'
The Count o Monte Cristo
In Five Acts.
Rleseved seat sale at Stofllef's News Stand., Prices, 25c-15c30c-7 sc
Coming--The COredt [afoyette

DEAN( M. 5ISAIO LT, Mahnager

Season Tickets, $1.00 - .4Single Admission, 0~c


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