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February 28, 1904 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1904-02-28

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10 l MI11H1-103N dDAILY.

IReduction ~
Sale I
* As we have too large a
stock of fancy
on hband we will sell
the ti at reiluce prices
S to miike room for or
* Spring and S u in in er
S Woolen. ie "re aii
* cll i efore yo lace
yoiii oder -A .4 4
G. 0HI. WILD & CO.,
! -4(OF"F
'sNo . 11. 'tUs,$4.13
B.3(), :1.003.75
it Fl0J)()3.75
O i11. ttf) 3.75
0 ( olor na v gray1andsite. li
" al ih foeF I i- rh - tII I. I
tniverst lB 1oksellei , Sa-j
t iones'Iid Ei gravers
3 320 South Sate Street.
SpIecily of ine
Interior Dcoratingj
-np~'or' Fleof i all I'per .
Pnsiits. iii "and F \rnii iot'.
203 E. Washingon. - Phone 237
The Professional Hair Dresser
322 S. State SreeI, up stairs), extends spec)1--
i~l 'i iion tthe il'diesdto0 cll a011 he11 paror
1111s 111ilspter I l'il o11011hirad o let 131
Do 1 ds.
Try my Scientific Face Massage and

THlE MJVICHIG(AN DAILY ol until their ticket were regitered
wouldl theurright of sulffrage" e
I nwd s s end lass l,l)batter at, he Ann complete. Of the three hundred 'ot-
lror 1Pshofic~fee ing tickets not morn than one hun Svzeatersan
115117' dal tiiflay enl eeriaing therlired and seventy-five registered yes-an
1151500 ye'r ti t K1 tt'oohngtonst iW.i( ertlay. This nieans theii that aboutI
(h'011111'flotori'. iiie l'11rai) Phoeit,) I e13:rlighieen per cent of those holding S' eae V st
MANAING ED]IlOR " 1the original ticets will elect the offi- S e tr f/e L
5 sloltUY 'l'lloMASt)N cer. Itniay hr that tic object of
BUSINESS MANAGER: his new neihuii is to insure a fair
itol ItB. EUSTON lection iby uting down the number 25';,;OFF
let voers. Itfthis be(' so it certainly
NctDli T ORS I ~arK 1es~N ianIbeen successful.Butitwhatever Fo aShrTieO y
Nell'. - - - -- ..j. tK nmene the aim ot the lne system may e Fo Shr TieO y
ASSOCIATES. there can e little doutboef the injun-___
171 111 Srd s eenso 1)11. R oy P eebe sea t ice o t its effect u p o n S . L . A . tick e t
A. 51 Orsne, lery P. Erwil) hoiiders. Voting toe itifiers in the as-
Jostepth Y. Kerr. Steiddard S. Molre. lttrsneusi isiness btrtenetias'tt i $5.50 Ones for - X4,12 i
1111 M. Bronrig I. Waite Jayne withItexchanges andttrigist ratitounst
.~. I -t or5 harold C. Smith. those who are moteratey inter- (
w~rr ItAnrewy AlredB K~r. ested in tie welfare iftthte or- .00 Ones for -
ganloatiten preer to iret it ___
BUSINESS STAFF: their voteo'adtrhust t he dhi'in
I.'Vt w. '13 oa.5)) in. 1.. ILlo0y1d lt li"thefw ratter Taitgo throughithg e b
M. S. Kolitt. H K. taalretlc:.
Io,. 'ekete' long Iproesof registratiton. \W'at
Edior oda-A R.PEELES' eer the advantage tf a1 contitin! Coos Wite, Gray, Ma-
Edato woesone0111in this wayt1e t t
Sulnhlrap oi-l) 'fOnlflulFl))s leear, ptyle in hat it t1011)-li ite telo i 'gytitt l: oon and Navy.
__-ties itF t oou1)0 tghlytu' jstl. l
Ofice Hors: 12:30 to 130 and 63010o 730 wtouldlt s'e'ml tat ittetorethe11'eltini
p. in. Daily, in hlt soiiicp11an shoutli itthit lupllo"n'S(li(5)
Address-ROSCOE . HUSTN, Business Man- Ittl1)m1k'et-tallotrepresti'ln lttt IOR-anl A
aer, 331 Packard Street hat of ))the1' ass1'oiatin.!
Telephne 46Walir's Book Stores.
Stuttiin t fNt-tas-at Is iiteni
______________________________________ a__ rs-cstill ini a furo-toer t-i'I pti oposentt
CALENDAR. iftege-n tae e trci Itt tul)Ftt 1)twIl1
-'u-F. 25 Sttttty Pressort nGr hamtt liic fie-ttltitnd softtar ti s atdFt1n1
lndF"lt ::t. Specialuit c bS ff--l- - oo oll
Unli i-tar S ia n h i. Prfesso. t -jt' nol i i st tttsoto Fae Fitnit- t'o t
le i ll planiut.'' t'ttttti tll'5'' i'5si't t' a u ateon t ctI iit e ismp 0s1
-- iiAcan sa,5 P- n. D .K~m I..B ll ul o e ite ao
H-amlt ono " o r al-n J u -I blit' it'sp rtisgt dtt sit' li e' ti t, t gau c _n
Mar c t - -ttusa vnn. Te fdnshp httenwdtt.: r,;l (..dlsie rttPaleontoiloy. 1D. i will nit ontill tIalog t-It ant
I n stty5 d ownitoI tirenson. F rl in ic u Ie an iisn
co ret -l"utc SMemortial Hal. 'it.' setolent utf t'nieFit I it v I Ot I
Marchl- 'F-'ritay 4 p. aTo.-"he 'feacht-a t a i tol'
wor'uldI in Ihi' Amerirset tlosial U'tO - -
on as a stembeir of t hi 'tnmltunt r-mt7a th-t eortt t i
oo~s. suipsi Osli. - i'tlltueutlof ix sunitts. i' r ttl
SloeI'll4-5 eiit t 117' etit . ae' ri'alt Ameueriansin aiged.F it
Marc 95and71 Firy eris oi'a'esi-l reste'ch vt ol.ttatdI eetst rw
tettren It'rofesstontr Shoaile'larSlenh-i tlettn ft'titttntit
thewxxs. 7 t. Iti.'fTppant Hall : Siteu
tay at Ueiverity 'lll.
Matrbh 7 Mondatty Mel Gillenspi' cun- GYM. TEAM ACK.
e'itaiuuoee lt Atloetn' Teatri.
Adtamis. Miusteu tIt'ur' itttit.lyestrito'after giinig11 tuccetssful et'
l'Jitteitt uos tn 'tttite.' 1. itn t t il ,,Etttiern tttItNIIt -ih)o ' --
Rtural Schololf Ilt t thetr."lt'.I Teents of te evening included-i GOODSPEFD & SON
ells alt. Atli. 'Tappiant Iall besuies tmblingtclib swinging andi T s )0Ewseoie
______________ hoeruzomal andelparali etr 'sork bylwies 11 ahntn
llewts' ttuttlit f inuringta airttrho' AnnitAibo en 00)fanc'tieills b
le'ttntf S. L. A.5. oice-nts o'.ttitres 'enaie ri o' st'u uu
bttoon a n tlet- tatdglotirucntie.sstst en lhighe nrltiols ndsiuhorizontal i
stttfews'rough'ttautisicits owill shoow.e bawok by membnlersnoftheI D'ettroit' -
Sometut'le'venthunte t cots eun 2oSocales Tun-Vrein. 1'itt pugesm I7; t -oIifvle yoti-
soldth 1is year anong tlet entteswas iwitissedl by a coIwhichl pack- L tot xprl 'i
tch- tipr iesaly'ivinto ltthe hletr ed the auditorium. ft,(otep'rnel
the right tiecast a titlefori'tthe fices Ater the exhibitioie memelr of the oxtli 7 ti t v iio S ap.
oftihe'asssioiationtitl. f thtisi'hum-111gymnastic team were atqtetedl by Ust' Williamis' Shtt igo
brsoe th lree hutdedrittxwere texchan the I~etroit Sociales Tton-Vereiie etlandk
getd a xeekt' ago for vouting tickeets were -entertained by sengs ifthe Sik
'Tt' hoiliters oitthoseltnIIing Itrckets F-atherland, sung1 iin it-tGermlan - -
weei-tirthter 1not1ifid tis wxe' I tat 15ho'


NONNNNN VNNNNN N ®® + ®4 .oos.e oe m


The Next Number Will
Be Announced Later.

DCfAN M. ffAiOL'r, t'aunqor
T 18th Semi-Annual Tour "
The Often Imitated but Never
LYVMAN 11. HlItnVE will lpreseioa
Americas Greatest Exhibitiou of Moving Pictures
Our Program will include Scenes in Natural Colors, o
Manientisiooric The Rise and Fall of Napoleon the Great ;
T~his~ character of history xwiii he reprodtiucedl as ini life, in
the notable scenles aih~d }attle that maltde hiiiu faitiotus.
Pries. 35C So. SE WSSTAND. OFLE'

SSeasson Tickets, $1.00 A A~ Single Admission, 50c


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