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February 28, 1904 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1904-02-28

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The Mchign Daily
1Vo l. :IV . A N N A RBO R, M IC . SU N D A Y , FEBR U A RY 2S , 904 , N o. 104
Final Score 46 to 43 -. ose Breaks All Professor Taylor Lectures this After-; Committees Appointed to Make Ar- Class Oratorical Contests well Under
'Varsity Records for Shot Put- noon in University Hall-Scholar- rangements for the Meet-Numer- Way - J. G. Welch Wins Junior
The Summaries. ship in Sociology-Special Mu- os Eents-Fresh-Soph Pr- Law, J. F. Halliday Wins in
sic Prepared. liminary Meet Planned. the Senior Lit.
tn the rlosest andlmot llextil lg
"ies-ro bititmee1t'ver t'l'' iat - Under the ails- icstes ioi the1's. C. A. 11[0lat a gils alhle i etelwill be Ir-alineret ha bet 01h11w1
clatsgytontasiumthIle class iof 1906ltde-lrfe-'sor IlalanTaylcor-will let-Ise heldlhis yar,as lalt-has lberotme a Ithrtugiouti1he1week ion1the-clas ta-
fealeil tie clssof lll07lby atscor1e iol iSundtay atienoo in 'iiverst-iy I-all. selltled flit. he gynnasitiligi ltriatl c1)n1ess w hi were I emnilat-
(lito lt andtolthus tequialled theliea P r ofelssorTl or1 il slt seos "So'cuialat-s enhusisatic- aoul te plas andi et yeserday by the- try-attts o hr
ofthe l ass of 19012 whicrh is 11he1onlly Col 1isIs ini England," a sujecilomanyaiirteetreadly beginiing 1(o train ititiniorLawass thIls'seioritearay
las hal, stir leire' wo h eli teel vlwhic It' is ssel itualifiedl it o tpeak, ,for the evens. Ciomitees hareben Is asetst. Ths'jioitr Lao 111-1a11'wsO
t'llyears itt seessioni. lititlaroe;'as hehi- soojtsretiiried'lf11110a visit' appoite rthlii5 110eaehot ihit'colss to witn b11'.1 G(. We~lc-hiiwhilt:1. . 1a111
mieasure'' te v ity ittflte stitli t Eglandi.dbing sw'hich his alleto-spleritend111(he1'prlinary arragi-.Ii1. alia ty wtiltfirsitutund 1(11111
oit's soas d tthiIheir-fluie' talit orstil I uh Itas iireted ifl t o lt hi- scial il(ktis of thi' mttt. 'Test ittit-,ti iespetivlyt'X i it(,1seniortti Lite ttrt
ofi thei soptlihtoo 'es fithe runs. eonitlions ttee1tieeleisiconsisi t ftur' asnilers. a gtite-class, bMalolmot at th ity.The'i il- t
'he feattiteofth1le met wss eus's 'To 1[Hos1 tftheii'nIitisrily s tdets' at l tiamaer s-iho s lt'egenertl si- ts t ut Ihs yeair 11a01' beent te lit-s
gi so-t in1thi' shot t 1. Not111only tntoit-sor T'tylti'antl his wortk at 11the itutrisi til t hett mlit' i iiforthe' l-- siss. j ite iiis, mol itiiersi t tias lee'es s-
dil " rialstheiii' oori recorditttibut ('hieagot C'utonoisatie woil IkInwn. !antil t it- sttimntages, slwto ut'eto lly-ilantiI l'the ase liti-tia, ge-ti
if,1 t thou' re'ordt Ias stwill. ite'be-' He is tassciatedtlfn his isork at lii'e'lou til t tet r i'iilis .,'ll' m t ei r, 11 ' mibieuriof' Ii-it is Ii lot it(.it r1
gtn w tilt142 ftett6iinceis, swhilehi tirokte 'Cttotmtots tilil ii biss ant' .\uiltitits 'itss All sswhitareintertiestd i iin ' alily t eailtentt's.i\ 11111 Ilill
t - ittilt)Iii'record iib ititiotil111 1it'tthe 11al 1ot1lit-eytilt'ethe ' r c'tigiii-tl ltii'meet5 audhut I ril to e ntte soldtttre- eait-I'eihts bentit ('Ihi tg gradel t'of
fcllowtttIti iltit s of110 tt fet'et t o h- fori-imot siauht tt iIlelmitnt le11ditts of pot to s11 itthe l tt'is ort Ihei' itt itiit' Itora ttis sbitted th lis year th-
e 1; te; 41 fieti 2 mdis. and toi liii- ets -fatr tir- lss. 'li,' ontitlt 1' 'hos- I hougtti lanti tcoposton111btiing of a
ipthe lim inax, in his lastcaelt, le Pofi'ssori- a'lt-tt's annuttal isil is e asi' foltlios : disitity h ightei-;gaethaith eto
i t'l ithe- 'missile 42)tfeeI 1 int, 1nd11 AnnAt boruI t', rcis ils t' ittiitt- -i Sio- G enerii'al itaiagil'. biss t i.
Hie crioswdlWsoth ild sithli lii is5i15. os-iii helivi in ou1i Ilt'of he 'hi-'go Yt'ikts sut-niia geis. biss \\lti it te, Smei ritiiiisimiha n mat'l h11 of1
''he'reo sas a artogs'cowinttI iisenti- C iII i 110 Si oursilt in sciology.; i.s IDibles, biss biyatu. Ihi-sysiltem iof sorking iut stilort hIeit
ai tn k. 'Iall lthe Isea ts loorsi' nglii' itci u s plicants s foilr thei sciii s 1 Juntiour ' s- u-enr alm niageart'I 1iso IiPe s iry i[ini i'yariniti i wh- ich t lt
fesi lll tnd imany 'ersons-lit cuiie1sit ill) are exatil n ti siltema esillf itirtlit'l u- usfuu-i lii'dulils; tigI n 'hu gthis' tl t hes u ntts t j dg'ieY in
iea s n ilih '' tli if aro ld ye anuu i- n al ty as t'unouttiusiii tat imtlat Ittii ii-ol-'taiMis ivrh ssD tter. hi 'h ts' hi- N r --the flu-th a o moit i ltigint' ut
n in ts'ck.iT heI il btw en thel oi-frt-i-ischolarship is pr_______sopi-ils oure Iii aoutu-aslinaers uMliss! e. ivery ito theit It s lt-ie ttti lThe i i
ttofesi' 10 liiithillvens erei alledsh dtaSnOR lAW CLAShe S. D.A. EuLC h'-ilsl e >it-i itu-itors'ttoMius s itu thI ecliinit istt' le.iii'i'u. aiiist ahi'l.iigis
tiilasuas'ier ti-lilt(,1fi-w ui e t-l sdu rt's 15115ae lw ysp rtaly; iss B- ill's, I ' isg util 01 ii tartot' ' si' 'utti tutdecisiont-ecannoti ue ttu sldt
hay hli i ty pae ntilii ilt-l htt. raied ttu-i's lit'tleiiofSProfessor I til iass Frhugs eni- Genitu r1alilt'aniage11. luist',IIsto thetitigs' ittsyta-ndit'hiusii 11
tultsh ut' iii 2 uwerit. Ti 5 r st-i-. f r l-htst-Illig.lThe ittrtotb- soii iiuug t n "'hli uuu su biui. ta l itr ' is-. utuittiug liii- e 1lutuithe di livivyh also.11Williu
the'iit'bi l sm tes11as th 'stippeareduon htusttaddressu' int-l e l s t'int s slu(': tightMistorketutu illi Ott Carey . Iii i r imeIthasni-gha t lteenuptigh bynt
t i'floor 1116 tci- hisuiic g t ed .b thgh arouse inteuresthruug hu t t l ht lii- uAuifr sh-soph u preillsry iii- tiwillty- tutuivery affogdsilat h l is ulutut' orlti
yell1' f h ir opp'oentisu i th deiisi vei i ft-ii itt btrentd usoc i hl t l 'au-i us, be he l bef tight huialg h -tt uiu lis, ute c- titit'is ilta s iiund incihto-iii'l-
usiti iutirito'shi- utiellitinge~ ,ee ts for t'uh mei-u i ll beh t s Iollose ofito haolt auno'i hiassbet'nisdot inii
ttseigg sOhiO itiftu t artutin Itihi ' li 'i thttsithuui i- iSthitu'ohot; E I R A L StDY E E i(b uub'tween theu-lfreh meu-unilandi the!5' hei oni t esti to hereIti is' o Il l'
putat-l us D uu-ap t -ud ud utt ugt isnc i' hes' '101 uutuIluiutu- (sop' il h omoreulI s , ie hir'u tys-ysd. is ,an sceittu ia t hus'rehresett sivetuli i- h
limtCarels tahhi'lul39 tuttufee 'util ~.; ea etraaiveling andb sItomtm1 ii 10 suttt'so-yigT-sruelubeceli'.ualyt
tuonly utu tuhbeltisteenre 11third"lace. Tetoficest-IlfttI ih eiorits as i ng1110.ACiEiNTstiNeGYn ASIM.hose, thyIchut'geu'ofu'ss fo ,u- ei n guta that
(uiuuuu t ime 0-as i n.ui l sce.ubCtl'.% th 'uil toig istion si Cla bs y iuing theI roa jl ____pottorac,_ ing t thunud"a tt'n ta strenthbuu of u antiuhtu -
tho, ntin ustps un lsu estab~-ul iih s ctt' u-i we let-'dI uuhhri''high.11 ii- hutisi itubuswoitging. tu ~It outi intsI streng".tioftu g I ht ubb
abe ncdntocure i hi re.Itace oty otete am ain yir at uat bulay utoadtagyt u rduu 'luacI hayl itwildto t r Iit Srinth eis-aud-ti
-Cai'oubeearne, outu s it asito'mi1bt-he 'uui-f- i bT b'ii ueuoifuuVa ldiguri t 'htalr l a yt es, r n tgi bb'umpla vel hin tu-m acstthtmtu uh h-.t i.ess iuupo seivSi-n
utahofutaps lssh a ut' aril ar tiltI . houosit i.ntins mtb cto tutahtIonary '12th-tba orsuetishtut, cl ut aohe.1 ass bhe bb' layistrutiao
niii'gutt otghthe rc n raingbufthe rou -'ur 0ime sihere'weri. hritteIcl-him itttd Itau, -bttu liiigig i' la, ts. Tha ut-au Ptaut essoruuuu I o I (MI bhe l:h siv taof
'bulge San-iuu-other alto l ouI-h s-is iu tui h tub; tiuali, 5 e lec tio ee uilt andbullintuu' Ntim-i' barit'. oits illbe'u ch M- ichiano I ortors-i s lu-it.r
humnin absutul l ii ut-nail dglut tsatjilfle plclwrs forthhcNN'lbbthatIntTo.lw t hose ii ii' wi houimg a re except- iutul I m i six tutu wlle uuoratoryhin tut ,i
eely. i-u -uwis-- nso t i O s il -asaentetoal rfli ,ln lo hs h et n ihti e ssedl e
shut utuwtas tunfoitunae i ft, 10 buffcsfpoht-a. ihusuvti d A anUE torin mlia goodbib tutu n tt- dca l jmni-iiiti ht uu ittut t at ththloiltughlii-and tompo-h
lot'rutudasell-i'all- ilntuniis- thu-Ohad__n___w --r' ac ttef~ onsfrtercass i tilnot 5 5h irt-ion halhe.e
li binu-tu tu'' e soo l'huant to e1tutugnia 'o gi lt'nd tit oif Poe' tuwetu toi sttb u atssistinglei tilhihih00111' u-hil.bhut
Oldiiwofnoni e -d nns-i 'ittugu' ttluiatusi t lii soutmpi tsh tuhu a ACCIiDtENtm hT INtC GYMouNstASI U.bum' CheMISTcs sfldIT AWORKSgh
utu te wst- Obi i ged ub smto-u t hdrag'uu 1 th e follow.ing is it it f I tbelii us s s'tb o y bu ii 1isotoratth I i o ,h v benc snasfl w :
fuac a oher ii 1mm utts' ireutu hs v-u' brt-sicettua: t u i-tl- lt uhhrlSenstui uss. 'it' Liu-las iuJ iu'uuo Ft-t tg
i' fasl, en i n one 2 o t-. ei use-sul luau l alict oria -- till i8m mu-nace it u ma lt wsnuott-i. n
lil s-il hm' otlutuhns um hu- huati 'lii luuil ssO'iu iuan h' iuttiy' dab y morbinga Wihlhat-ut Lhtitetutmtn aSop1o1motub L'it-al gums ou etuo Sten-a
nat els li tl e=.uIawotyar Ision J h ion 'tutu's. or Prbopu-t-.viidn0-Ias '51 F'dtntaoh student' frhi Stibu Oit1i01 af w ti-u .M W-Ga.ii rux
ba shoog the shuecal a it l In 'liiigunutui utndt it-Wiallbiyiuthe GE LO ICL.OCEThieiui s s Win'wilhutompete fouursthieu
tin bu' ~ietgt'a u esnit-uti umatix 0111'- I 'were' healtheimbntmldoing aof thuewa lit t-oil
'biy ee e eluerouhnuuaast'h:s ilt --iit ---- N--_-i aE--o),nitraoflieprtugenabnums-Is-hniofersuey
40ut Yardf hghHue srl ha, H eat(terbm05 itiAut B A sQ'UT." t sif o n uimdeiay ocurbedth egaorestill ut uyu
shmhN'b ii. ii t u lu shie m umanw hie.'lRtmi bt uid y- ln ut susthiern ii O rbt-u- isua n too bunt'
Kahe 'm 'tilere l caled anduthe nex m nss ''if'otu gm stilutwa s mnondft'ir t ha medica atur Iritohest t i cagou.ii uumob'utt tIbt
Nin Keele leut '11n.t t h 1 aie e itte Lawo auth 1 t0, mitt' (lass- ut abtig t-hsu hau ta tivu uy
the fres ennub o tgv p utti t he-' seamuso n lasutibnight. hatin-s- hum guuhtbeme riso-k h i h - iCHutu ISTS It SITGAS'ta WORKS-ituu.
FetdNcl inaelw rl es ue rs' nt'02 dlas.' ae. oodly'u' u m- rs, it'mtioti Wtl' suns ht hm

Nis-ol, '117, lob : ligs'u, '0il, 2nd; i teto f the('lass."'' -siriug tu visit, vaauuts mtaniuftringu-ht
Klebt'tilt It-i. 53/S seonds.muo "The tb'o iaieo''' bin 'iBill" i-s ,totpatsin 1hutroubii, Toledomiandh neigh-
Three Lap Race. lie.1iifoteilsi tc ut u ''iy5huetgul ishtsll-iuiutuua
Norcrnosslii6,lobt ;buy's-il, 'slit, 2nd:h; "Atlet i's." ll. litan. ;thu-vinui-ancehub rse mli-thut' mumai itt'-acesbeaus aliiused amd tow utiitt twiserv
Bartlet, '07,It'd, 47 set-ndts. 1'btt' Lamsyeri-n ii nubs yu>."-It-.011thci's uti semesuterintheimh ibis-pbttcliltr ationsu ti-o thicna-.
Six Lap Race.t'uufonder.
Ratunoy,'01, lou : (oodwin, 'bit. 2ub ; '''but- ltters.'' -Mn. Vi'centi.Not definmiteartingtugntbs haveusis
, ,h't ,rdnt. 1 mi. 44, out'. P'rofessorunLans- atndlAttorney Saw'- Att'- itstls (rs 'umuuyy' msmtiul'hmn-alhth-u
40 Yard Dash-Final. ysrboh' e mspounded'wttilyhit'usotel-I lbilwvas tthe mld iii'he'Trophuy roomst'ni tubr is-,bubtthety art- uxpec'editouhutorsnt-
Keeer,'117,lou:t; umnny, '117, 2ndb { hutunumus uuasu5. b'oisrnmatu gymntasisumnyestseday a. it.o iff s-hulliaftteibih'aster vaion.ut
Barclay, 3itdntl4%/ secnduts. - -- Captlainu Kellogg, It. L. Coe, '017. intlxist-hahus a arlt f inbtheclssoulllniahie
Shot Put. Minnest'sua is get'bing tutu a NWild (I. '. Hatt, '017, wtersgivenuthbu- natus a threetomefoiur lay's unitsduritng hem
lot. Rose, '07, 45 ft. 1bu.; limi. iDmun- OWstlshow' fus ex-ht-ueek andthei lshc buhy stun in the' utuos onutut tvanat ioium Howteve,It'hipatus arm'all
ap, '06, 40 ft. S.in;, 3rd. Gartrels, team utu-s inuuet'eltayall the' leni-! rntlashtfall, Speechius wets- matd'buy sill is ints' formtialitage' andthehm
'117,39 ft. S insuitssofthute plais wohiht madeuBouffa- 'ft-abner tFitzpturick, Catain Kelloigg tartiical's oftthts-ftturtrl-ios viiinti
(Contnued on page three) t11111 famous, anti severab of bbhe melt, he aninounnc'd fume some time.

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