;THE MICHIGAN DAILY in the interim. It is a great scheme;
and is, wholly within the letter of the
Lasteed as A class mater a: the Ass cllege conference rles, ht any othrb PsOfieerchmwolselnooseta
Reduction ublished daily (Msday exeelZed during the doesa .the se case."
collegeyea at ,I..Wshngonstreet, The asolute absrdit othSies' ran-
MAAGN EIOR Chcgocitcwottltttte'amusing wtre
BUSIESS ANAGR: Te scemewhich he atributes to
As we have too large a sROSCOE B. HUSTON Yost and the Michigans Athletic auth
- --orities is a childish rse comparet
toao aceEDITORS: with the diplomacy shows io the ei-
Nw,---- - J. S. fA5~ae tonial quotet, as a ri(f outline of the
*ASSOCIATE facts is the Rose case will demon-
, LUIO AND Ciftrd Steesos, Sly eehles strafe. As son as tls' news (f Rose's
A. A. Grer, ery P.Eri arrival in Ann Arttr eached Cicago
: ROUJS[lRIN GS A C.Casd A. H. ortmeye. the Western press gave over mchtla-
f Joseh Y. Kerr, Stoddard S. Mre. cale space to detaieti accounts o
on hand we will sell Geo. A. Osotrs. Harold C. Smith. fered to this sot it a Mtictigan alu-i
atHdcdiarry H1. Adews. Aied IS.RuoeS. nus, to cme to the only middle west-
them~T~tnta H. ltt~eeti. tytl 0.Itt''. eo institution whost' cnttinelatht-t
to0sake room for OUr BUSsNESS STAFF: ic sccess had carriet its tame to te
LA Ilsasce. tttmtt. S.Lloyd Pacific coast. Butt tese reiot s wee
Spigad is o t T htttt ots. LFekt iattuct.scarcely in print iefore theywr m
Woole.ns. e sre ast Editor Today-GEO. A. OBORN. phaticaly tenied by Rtse hims'lf anti;
_ shwn to Se aso~ltstly wtithtttlo:r:
call in before y'ou pilace a:~ t . aa daton. Now cmes the editsria wri.
your order.,A A # ~A A aeuiceftttou1i~ otCsttferyte. 1.tpattable r sd inin la :s ir::iis
3,Py u r e - . 4 4o fli e Ma 0 r 2 :0 to i130 an d s 6 30t Ia 530 w h ih o th e C h it acg t etslse r ttt it
(1 .T1 lx.f t'p. m. Daily, wer c e t tohisacctses \iciats
G. H LWL D & CO. Address-OSCOX . HRSTSMt, asinessMan- athleti c atthori ties of at faith it ftst
ager, 331 Packard Street. filling promises which ner xistet
ioB . WASNtNOTON STREET. Teephone, 41. save in the fertile itaginatiosofs
--ICia oewsp'later writews. Riettt
ly this sttrt of thig is tht' price whics
~ * - - Itsaftwin rthe Cn:fer':nc ' titet.
* 4 the geatest crime that cat e 7bdit :t
Al h3CALENDAR. str sdoor.4
All Th s eekJ Felt 24--5 C' m. 1 cttre y Mr. Get. The "sile that wo't come ff"
5. Hatmiltn ott "Journals and can't e cmared with terads lex-
ItFlllARv 15T'H TOi 20'TH Jouralism it: Franc" in Tappan pansie grin illuminating t' face of
IHlll letu'~re room. each jaitor since h' wars htiise 4
L. Wright on "''he Mision of the Iot it in gilt letters.
Plici Schols" i: Tattpan HatS (Contined from page one.)
lecture rom. ___
* P':'hb. 25--7:30 P. m. Evoltion Curse. treats of sums phase sit the liqor:
9 Lectsre Sy Professor Reighard on prolem in any way he cotose. A 4
4 "vidence from Development oS prize of $25 wll be offered t the st-
Demoenosstrationssof )founstains Animals," it: Ms'um lecture cessul contestant, who wilt also: ret-!
Penssby ass exprt front Newv Fe. 27--S p. m. rsh-Soph meet in test. If successful there, e wilt rep-4
YrCiy Aloacmae Wroses, ym.resent the Utiversity indtheStat:'nteu-
Interstate contest. If a similar for-
Sor old pens ins exchange. Tefloigeitra rm tetuna folowo him in the Interstate co
y'efloigeioilfo h tet he will then he a cntestant its
columnis of the Sunday Athletic Sole the Grand National contest in which!
plement of a Chicago Daily affords a eight representatives icketrim: theI
______ unique illtstratito of clever newsa- college orattrs of this whole lant will 1
per iplmacconutend for hnrs. Of cotrs:' in all
"Yost's methotdtof getting crack ath- these cntest there are mn::ey pries
letes frmns Caliornia for Michigan has inadditin to the honrs. Last yea
heen disclsed y the Rose case. Yost the Prohibitin Club was ahly repro-
1 tells the athlete eiedet that tbe will setted y Mr. Janes G. Wrst: xwh:o
e 'aeli cared for if he chooses Mics. won first place in the Interstate and
igan fr his alma matr' and offers will e a contetant in te Natitnal!
University Booksellers, Sta- him a lcrative pitsition on the lir- contest this year. The loca cnttest4
tiosen asd sigaves. ry staff.' Th talifornian accepts will ha held the first week in Arti 4
terms,' as they say in the eal profes- ad further informatinnn this stbi
320 South State Street. sinal field, anti asks for transport- ject can e ohtained frmtile.Wlsh.!
~ion to Ant: Arott. On arrival he It may not e known ts all that the
HOlearns, acrordi:git Mihigan dispatch-- IcaS lt: is but one of hundreds of4
es IatYst'hs oauthority to similar organizations creatdt by a
Tihe Ann Arbor Savings B sh. ake suh offer:,' that the 'lucrative trongly organized movment, natio-
Caital 51Sok $50000. Surplus170. s um f 96 ens. week,' and that the way into every university antI ctlege
- Resrces, z,,00W fraternity to which he was 'pledged' in the land. The officers tof the clb
A TNRANSBANKIGTED INS beore arrival d~es not exist By this for this year are:
TRASATEO.time the attlete is over 2000 miles, Charles ernett President.
Oreeosas: Chrles E. ilscch. res. WCD0
Harrisman. vice res.; M. J Frige Cashier. from home. Yst wn:'t give him trans- Fred P. Geb, ie-President.
- portation to return, of ceturse, and James G. Welsh, Secretary-Trea.I
FNR rather than walk, he remains until he
' ~t ' 1DIRCTR. can earn enough 9 Cent' to pay hisi (Contined from page one.)
0. M hI. MatcD i ar ara to California. That reqire __
Office 209 S. 4th Ave. Phone 98. Resi- several years and, ntutrally the ath-. The drug being used here is the
dense 302 1. 5th Ave. Phone 314. lte, being a sportsman, is willing to tincture of a common weed anti no
Ambulance on call. compete on Michigans 'Varsity teams. more poisonous than manyof theitetgsI
News andt
LA w
IFor all depasrtmtst
of' the IUnivrsi'ty'
Water's Book Stores.
i5 l ' erAtat t~ ists n al t: e int-s's ts
Maorsll nFrt a le C1 1, orptara- i
tolu cns an tnllls ae
I e it rs O t 1s ilt c;-. t 5:s.:: s
vilpe. ' Ew-Itsttt 11 d i fnitsa
mar l dd Fi lt !brtst ie:, his:1
11.11Isos. Io(,1'~~e.w1r5
32 5. ate r5rtn. SeconduFlor *
Hot faces colettacti sd
TefreI'shed. *Williamsh'
Saving Sticks.
_____________________________________DCANS lM. 5IABOLT,lMasnger
WednsdayEvening, Feb. 24.Z
Be Announced Latera.'7 OF CLVEIAN D, OHIO :Frr~ SDRA '
Season Tickets, $1.00 A ~ Singlte Admission, 50c Prices : - - 25c, 35c, 50c, 75c