The Michigan Daily
Exercises Held is University Hall Yes Several Candidates are is the Field for -toasmasters Club Held Its Mid-Win- Banquet Held by '06 Law Class Last
terday Afternoon-Professor Stan '5 Miciganensian Offices-Elec- tr Banquet last Friday Evening Night a Great Success-Speaking
ley Opened the Program-Ad tion to be Held Soon. at the Hawkins House. Ypsi- and Music Fine-Two Hun-
dress by Hon. J. L. Web -- lani-Enjoyable Time. dred Present.
ster -Good M usic. Iichlianeni ilxilpoxliis ae 1m(w in
full sinilg. lSever1al caidiiai-ti'li- li iiitefo - Ti(Ad-Wlii intrbntoti thei Thii fir1st so(c11ia lcionliofithelawii
"Iilxot sily ltiiat Gorge ' Washo- 1 itis oiil Ie-sillfiof 1t1e publicaionixfl xicliitig Tixixol 111115Iers' Cllubixwas hldrlla--s of .196 hhl-lst alnight at Oyter-
igtiiixhadlfi iiilm indte I li iivril of axvi- announcedii themsexlveis andilhvelastexridaxocveing atxhexlaw Ilars Ilay wis-grial siicxss asdithle (coirn-
ihiigan ixhini ieispiiie of a reat. Ial riiixiiieiiced t heix-rcamipaigins. Ipiiis(in iYsixlti . Theii- iixxii ii ifteaet o atil1ii-iilixilt i toiiigethi-
1na1tiiiial iniverlsity ini his fariexwell ai T h'lb two ixpoti-aiiofices t bi i l- il (]iii i r glu u estixi-s, iltuililipa i d xbxPro-exx i x itiee i l-i- clxss for heil
dress, lxxt, I siill say liat itihiogh hised xci-tosx- it.M ainagiing [itli aduxu sr f i (['ii IMIIs. i'. A. i'x-ulxy -lili ciss ofti - ini iitialta lixiit
influencie le uiveircisiy xwas m111511- Biusines, Manalol~ger, "Phs115ent.' tiiiAt...txtrbor- onsthe motor axvni ter.t a- lAiiom twoi iiiiidreidilmembttis oithllt
ible ytiy eiiiorxg-ntio n of111t11 e North11-xInlitaging dit or ii'is toieilexs-tc-t[Iroml'c i ne tuoiiiiirI lit tts i xiiittoxxexoloig- Ils 11were iprisi-illandiiitieievcnillg
westv Tetory ( piepaator y toitsx- iheiilideendentis outhe111 55 ixixoclass toass: 5wasiliost lpliatltily senxinotxolsy
(-clixiillintoiit111-onioinxi.SoOthis a !-1P rsason--1,a iiiess IllllllitI t 5 lt- cioixiifrom.1 1 un iiphy-sicxxxxlibilliyoxi alut oslos 11111thei
sexily, as xxxii as miany oxihirs a-re xxhosenifli-tnho lxxxpIIiixxxl xmxxi-ibetis thiiVlitnitArttioflPoesy il-tichard illtxi 11111(1l iew.111
eseniailly iin thatii lillyar liti of xitht- '057 litracy rlass. Sox tox Ines . ii li. IThelocix xlored orchiexsi-trs i arxish-
still iixils adaixwil xstdetxs frolxxi x laxxs haveinot111Ilxxii xy annudaniiixi-lily liti llilysi-Lui- isxA ere. imicil durIing;sxyItle 1four iicors iii
c-iy slate illIthe Uionix."canidalutelis Ptxxedxitxoi, buliii is littril' Cfixia ictigltit nitt it ichi-ltt.x-itI hi chi ix iwas providea tilt-ar<W t tee odsionloh.e abl. eodexunxyth i i ans
eblste-r it Oixxxha, NebrxsklaIxiopeedt bur t lupsitin.TheLwx-lx Sani' dtxixxiiI iiit - s seriii ilend sietlitotirixs,-
the WashtiionxirthdaIlxiy addrexss in i-tic tioiess mixan-lrxIwo axni- he ix 'icxi-xsixi it ilti- xxiii xttx Al',iit tx- inneurixx-iwxa dispxosediloi
lieitxOiy Hlxiithis after-noonix. The;.lxdates lxxiiibeeniin thxfietxl fori-st-I--iss lIiixxixSix xarl. iitx[ Hlx ilas werex ixassed1 ax xixixih
ex i-s s-s xxi- e iiiixlstliI u dnt ;,'.ii 'rit]xx ilis ..1 -1-i i xxx Li-xx's. aixxl1. (I -xxxiii t Ixit ldexcix Ifwitty-15'very ile-lsin01 ' i iaslos
ar uiider-itlxx axspiies ithi'oix tii io J- yne.i Bolsi me111-iale exer- rholxox-xxt ixtster wxaxs Edward l .x I x -. were xxvxxtxlmxmxe s o I lxxFacn-.
ifth Lxx Ivxx 11115tllilit. It is noai e cixl o thi i harexxiiixx t rong IsIxxixxsupporixt xxixl. ixro ssxiri li-itti is tltlxxonoary x y, ll'.l ii i ofxxiDetroiit."rl 1e il--
ut-l sablishexdlcustoinx tox prxovidt-in Il l axxx- txs. I t ll(, ily lit-icxx-xx i< m m fte iitii c x xix l tit ste s' t(x'i]a l) si rIhe t l-i-i l oc lxxi xx xui'ix
Soumexxspexaker it natixonai l-rominencelxtwo lxiienxI,;x lithecue ailr u xxxsiellxxtxxli xxi s Aleix xisx- - lxxlxxxt xxtt'anxx I lix xxx xxof the la-ss xxwhihiwer
fori thesioccaxxsioxns.Tlxxxiears5115gxxintltx x-stiixinc lt r etlrw h sstthe ax-i-xxxii lxxxxssx xxxxuxxxxxy-xxixtingliroughtto xa lii- by
lionix. lliamxixx .1.Bryanix a xdirisse-dlxxxie ixm -iixxers xor xix- lite-iyi pr t etxxxx. tixixixC. -ii xxix ilti Wal -lxx irMa .-ashoxipeeh il teI tite(]il lxts
ofxthelargetxaudxix-xcxs ecx icsein Sev1ral ssitistantxis soill lxx-xchoxsnblexxxr IaeBieLlinadIeOin:~b o.Jh "
I-ivexrxsity' Hailuionthui is for ttu' itorxxialx andxixxiiinixexss safiis. iodsixix.BlancheiuxI' iattIw.iia ixixx - Iuof OmaNibraxsa, wshox
iStudets5haxve- alxxays xtikxn-ax teg t ii Theix aixuxixuxo tisti s xil xill xxe iledux itii ixsix . illxix ,,x - l-si s , xto s pix 511151 thei' iii lii
iit11r1est ixoh xxeiaddresss anxdiyller-+xxatlxhe reguxlar lecxtion in xeachutdlpart- xxi ioiii iutiin', loe c iE. iixxxxo. !lxix 'oixPakerladiirxof the'lef,1-
lay' irovxxdI iii excet-io i f) (hex ule . MOxix. xxxIi'tir s-i ti' ix. i u tx-tx fainx't, r -xx-- I luxi, sillgxaxcouxlexiofxxi x lii'iiiandu
lTxhe ixe-imbexsofxi lihe ax o Ileili uuii Thue xlec xinftiui lxx l irigxilt-isx lx (xi xi x I;:' nd lix I xK.iT hompson ','irei I lxxxiii aen hi-i'01 thex cls
axttendix-x biy-class xx in a body xxxii xxxi-,xiiili eIx liii i iiiine lxxiuture buti xlhe nx'xixihirs ofi lhe ixxxil x itx-v -Csl rn eedapan oo
iri iu liiin o ximall xximountxx Ini the5ielexiti l(lat xs xxxtiyt lb xin si-I. at i:Ixhxmaxx A.ii msxx, llttRiich r ('nfso u lxxxx i 11wa (s utuxto x
Itisllis i alxxwxys soilprevalenti aitiuil __________oll. Thomas i. Stlt xx tl t I xe-ated o 2cn i of lhixsus txxtheii
tiimes. PROHIBITION CLUB. Schein.iEdwar-Si x'x-Ilxuuiin'iixifi Wi'lli xacultyiwx e ly it 'ilxI'xstii i y' Dluxan
The xerixsesx tilenediiprompxtlyti H.' 1 ii. toiuxi-tEdxwaiildS. CIxtiIluxl, itli iHutcinst-andxiirofetssoxr wih'oxlxuis
twoxio'clxxx i thix Profetxssorx Stxiiley alt Thexproxxin of x thexi li i verilxxsii vofxI xxxi I tlistcr-'J1 -Aliet: Ril e Sani - a grat xl'o i i thxiil x l - .-i
this orgian. Thxe-(tley-Clxiiifollowedx'ichlin Prxoiition(i11liiifxxx-Sunda~xy 1xiford tritpt I tiu-ixxx'xiIt. Niixi,. i' xxxi liiito ixpiogram xxand mien-uwasixinsthe
and lwas forice-d toxrespoxxxdi1lxxsixveial lxeix21txoswts-ivteot he lxI -gen-xx-ai A. lixgnxxxi'.Clxxmixnti M. Jlxi xxxxlderrnan xx xxii xxx:iii 'xast x:lx- as o iiis-
enlcorles. Thu rcetionxxxaxcctrdxdxhutle sil le iinsistr, isteaxI ittaisimpl
MandoiiiliniClub Wasvos iiless crdial contracx a s ioiwasiorigixixlly sixppioxsti
ittc r xxx - 'xx xx i",- lx lxhaxi si 'h-' ' i- "" - -- - - ''th"e ' ' ' ''cass.
cxxi ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h x-xx1xx-c-clI-1s-0, xv- t1111",I i ixexy isix -t x
of' thexfooluxill seasotnl . j- ay IhtLihI tol'iii suetcx-it x icos
iir. Webserxchiixox-e iis his stblct : whxixh l i r lxx irsxi't roanisocuil a itempt
'iW'shxingto1111nxxxiii lxx- iUsh1111 xxsills i waget .
le sad lhau it Wxs lhaix-to say ixy DELIVERED FOR SECOND SEMESTER-______
1irlngnewxx'uxpxxo uhi a sxxljxx- xas Ni'sPROFESSOR KNOX SPEAKS
iconsidered-ilupohi lauriotici ix xlii ax xis IF PAID BEFORE --
howeve 11 lx ih-c at pae yGah t;xPIsi ®x.117$ . 0 xxx i Nix'Turt
lin11c.xi-ha xx"xx x i suxgMARCH FIRST ®i! [roseiottKnot of hUnionuxTheii-
xxas aInotabx l xi ulo l~l5et ii 'x-' il(an e rv ;geaplt-it (hotilt' xxu f'sx let tuilres he has
Mr ese poea eghcon- ~ - MAIL IN ORDERS OR PHON'E 464 jiltnixiC hrisltian Asciaion., iby a
ixrinl itlhell:ventsliculinit ngsinul I Ii t st l~ xlxixx-s xs l xxi
co i uti on:ix of l ixil,m s ty rokexix ac- x xi lixlxx- lx ix1xx'lxhhx hxxixxixt hixxuxsxx i xxx x ixxhii ix lxxxi xx ' xx's d rssy wasxii eSlns
ioanRuuKigoNe Yok nn dxxuxik hixna~~fr Ixiaxtiorshi,5itIls atItendi1 tutsu xhe lecxxtxtrxcxndishela
islxiIxhsy-ulnilxsui'iixus x x ~iis Thits-teimxiaxs Iux. - iu'xxrxxuu' 19th ENG IN ESDANCE xi x'iil xx -ixcua sucah
Ing ix-hexinstruimextxthut clxifchixuxrac- I- i A.l 1Cra~wrd go-st-u-xeri-six:,xopenedxiby ani or-
txisi'ix- of h xich-i iis aionxit iy;'theiii . IoldthelxSy sI),lt Wistly Al- The.lasxs of 111 190 xxixx 5 x ss wi 'xFnxprlxiue- by' lxofiessruStalesy Te
Arilef r hicWshi inxton 1toid,'iplied tioxCitiis oxxxurtCoxi t ry-P lx ixetixcy'lts dac nFitiiht nhm Sn ll liluix 'Forthi" iit
IUanixacco'mpishedxi axiAixixxixhush us .Situ-utralitIscuission.Thsis her ist x'xxu of Scipuc'Leso, itarttuonisin
h _- _- Teemeig aehl vr l.adit s oos hu o'dlst uixtx xi'lix- a'theIiI B ii i xStimson, isuh usilNra
DRUG NOT CACO DYL ix-cuxuxi Sudxtay'at xi.i t), xxinith uCis- miusic' xwilxxty hxy lAcademii iy' unit i i x I -Hun, r.CC.iterx'yxxxiiiPloxiiW
__________ i AlMemxialxx-hurch. xxii.1 uxay lbexii traianxxiii tiox-tsxxil sixxxiatxi ::111p.AI HowxlxiiiSanuxxS'dkixY'InhexiLoriu,"
Alpha igmaixa txrn-uixy's n' illpro xxiiizitiiill xxiiiits plan or I-helii'yearii'coiixx' lihardhxx'xson, ii h -Mxi-ead-a-sn illhoxxii ixuxixiaixiistx"Getly
gut-ss auxdlsonic itrtinghllsymptom biThe lb ighltiugihy lbe alile xx x' laixf rd. hliltlyueiad Isaul To hin-muvi
ire being xeienui-uced by he ifferent uI xrestearc' hltas i0,is endeixaring'tolxii xthexi chlixr(xxxddedxxmunicx toithx or-
huxiviusswhichx whenu iprpely' ai- oh dtih liqxiurxpriblemin xxallis asi- 1- tot-ce lxxiiiesoolandvisng 5ai bass
ixaied ext ar r u-anigedi cilpurxs-uexiof il et-ssxialy thiicaxlly tndiul ItlilI STU DENT BURNED OUT xxiii i"xheILird is Ciy hepherd,"xiand
estimaibleiivaxixo thiexmcdical punits-s ially'.lThuoe- xhoxarci-mnmbescslieve"usi Liss Simnsn 'xxixompaid iby Ithe,
Sioux dexventexex persons ri-taking this eviixlxxxbe o uchigrcat ilxxtic- hoixrxxinats. sxng the sptrano oo
part istbe inteesig(exprimntil ance- bull i desevescareful anxdlexxix ict rlxxx e xiiout liiiiin tutuom ec - xeruslemxx."
feariixlf xhxomiasixyoxuglixO-Stu- 1luissiulconusideion ixxandtihiixus~txxhhidiby'Edlxiii tucti xCixixlx lie huxs- Pxrofessr Kox's addrehcss uas a str-
ieixus is the Homxneopitathic hdepax-Iment Abey' six's xixxadhebens-fsomexi oxix x yxxviixlty MAlto lx xxcii Ix l-c, 721 cle o xxmxany' peep[xxxwlxx execedxia
-xx'hiuyoga' +'.xc xroxing class upon 1 ox sn naiclial schebenasxt(5thexlsutuionxiiii tiiiitstrt-eIas-I Thursda~y' night MCr iarrcwltihe logicaxuxluidiscorxxs.The
ivitaltinotheii-frxaecnithy uiniies xifhils proubem ut xiihluy aice anxiosMAjlahiwas owix (161xeiroom ' atxthexi hoaduxt trixcipleis ofi lhx'stixih:.y as
A groat-al i a Humisinfoain an d . uxlolxthixro511Steliiit, ixile n u ne'1111 anlxxxxthelii 'xxxx'c xx-ars isx'x'c x I xtby efct1oxxix'socil y todaxy n us liii
distionofnfsit is is beingv sentlo(lullthixs pushtxin.They-raietihat ilhelit by' a istiuudt inxxhxlxt 1151rcnttwhoxlithemeuxxofxiProifessorc Stixxleture.i
u'egacilinig the tessall ornioarly all itch-aleatertexdixersii t oiiionlilil0tili{il l lestthi lixsnittlt i.he door of Mr. he ixi- titns ofithiiaxnity ad- rh-
ofi whichris withixiut any iiixnuiatiiuuitiis lprobihliii-the huxoreiteesting sili}Ciixch huiu's morniiitx-s lthit xxxui inx Isuaboit xihxxxuuux he lxx tl cersail,
whnlatever, andisixgxeraly-evioivid-it ' henI xdiscustsiomns andl Ihi-moeutuc xxh it xx'asx foiid I1lx1Iiilc i- vi c(x- s()I iii-hby' su noxxidemsandis whix-icxxxiuui-
lu-sm tieiertile brain xxi sous elulxioI ii lxe --leanedl.hencexxxoh-iaislly xvii- f xhiredpaetih werel xxcxiv xi' x ily it nc-t-cIer to liii-etx-untofhiscienmcxpiiloso-
jouhirnal corr'espbondhentth lt sthisbnx-unu! ' lxime iinto niixxx'olip sex-cyonex essuicy' iThxeideucaruineptlxxxi1110catthe jlihy,-act, r oc iu ial-ism. A man
story is to the client that the lcig beyxswhetherc he bh strlict. Proibioixh st b llaze itxxx theii-auhidttfub 'xn'xxhs al- uxumhy lbe' aigohhod xhiiish uic a Hoodiiiact
lug takenusuixcysitine iii canixuyl, a xc xi 5a151taunchisxuppiorhterxof thei''tissue lixuxusJiit. wsneitcuss-icy- xxto hopea ish iii xea lit-tt-rChrluistianx forcthat,
deadly loisson anxdlit isa atushru-uii faire"xxpoliy. hh-leii he lo n e hxuuctsuixxi 1;1x- xi t'1iii- I u-igsxxofxxtChrisht xvwere thx
wonder that reputable jihirsals wo-iuilxI llringlthe iyeacritis thi-ic luuxhuse wxxiui't lxxdiistartd to x ixxxxulithit-n xcixhxxxs iioi a licoadl huxaulaiansus
lbe caught by such a yarn xas it hears 3lo invite afxx speaitecs (hifixnotIltixad- 1tesails auxdlflooru xxi i rg. ~.Macinain It, lsitis itIhxx.shriistianity suirpass-
its own evidenice of untrixhb tysuulixo dross thexi tihyAs has been cusom- lxxxiisevxeral sitls ofcloithes, which ra xxtxeu-crOligihons. The Moihaomm-
of cacodyl is a inineral poison llah5 s ty in past. years alilhoratical coil- wxxi rxinedx aniiihis otherucipersnal 'I 'xis bxliein warx xcsnd goi io uh ii at-
factured in the laboratolryanid n1t1one l est will ho hxld iuixter the ausicueso belonginxgs i hehhrooni xereca clxx-' fle withia iprayer ontheiir tills; manyli
grain of illis to be hod in ibis counotry of the cb. Anyone is entitled to en- pitIt-loss. Jlx is inureicd ifxr $41111 who profess Christianity dii likelwise,
today. her whix pays the membership lee snd The daageot helxx hoSiusxeis atu 1)111 huhrxists riligiiin was niireligixon
(Continued on Page Two) x (Continued onoPage Two) $21111 lixxacvi covers this. (Coinuedhiolnipasge tirex.)