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February 19, 1904 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1904-02-19

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}1g L 3
T 'he I I F_



.NU. Gb

Preliminary Meet tomorrow Nght
Promises to be a Grait Sccs-
Class Relay Races Postponed
-The Entries. '
The etries for' the '\asiy 1prelim-
nary miececlosed ii li iii ll( h
pete makes i t clv c i c cl iI mee
aurlay i ght wil Il 1 ct th
mostlicceihcicic ccliaiirs"Ne
iel tin l'w gynii i. 'T ecii
he ee Coli itii n c F . .1
Soph. meetlvichocrsi atra lHnii ,a xcti i
lure ofiill(iiiei S 'turday Iil1( i
he twio rly- rc :- b t c >cl<S
teamis. I he frsa el ci l~lr
clicoelicolfli ci i li lic i i . cci I
and oe w lcl. ,piecagains Ie
s e i d fo ci i al-I o c' i I con-
ii - of Hallr. 1arpin Ullh ci' i
Rain iy. ihe secod irale ill"i ll(
s in rs ai us ii i he ii ciliiii c naii
the fi~isttea conii l ~ c)1 i
hivexll licndc1i il i it
TI.hieiecicamI s alliiiiiiI na( l im
1he 1rc7 sl i ll I ., 1l1. I
ii t w o ha e no ,) ld liv ('
Iu cay. ' 1giv ing tir t~liI lr
of lxiw i cacth m et
001iL aw A H h , , J i:l, it
K.h al ton, i .c H tl lii ii ii ii
19i Li -C.li. nc e.P I.K(e
1404yiL. i--A. F.c il l iit. IS.c
l\' ati, t iccie X ii i .iii
1906 Ri-t X-I.X. clal . '._
No ircrss. it, iiKah le.S.ii. 1,, Xii 1 f)
Bot he i UiXXiI Law, liI l( 11r
En int s olstla i. earii 11N4" ,' icl l t
fia i rei ppe hsyar ~ o"
me i ngcc s esric, . I ,al
Samo. o ha te hace alii.liii
wilten chvw e Vui '. tca i
Theari ie s r a I ,
Htahnc. Ili I I airIc liii
Kahe. Sewrt (r:I icharid
xGrdon, iiinc ItBarl orima.
ta amXliii t, 1m . Kern
1Kilil. Ilciiard.Xiriei \cii. t ic
-io , SteitK hle . Hodgccen I. cc I
ISiot xPut ---Coliiicc. hc cii ph. 1Tei-
nliiond , C Irrlis. I l l i. PI ie.
17.le. Ral. aiw
P ie vKuttcii'c. hil l w 1c, lci~c '
Haxdry.tie d,tita ch.Itcvc ci
Ntrxriii, hPaulm. h licc , Lewis

Xi iiii foriithe iannualiiMliltAlumni Association Has Reniarkable lxi cciccic (I eoeii WX. KlxofxxiNewv
I Increaso - Official Publication iYirk,.arrici ciiveds iril i ti dlivir
cciii c iil I I ,Nit cnteinic cich Shnws High Standard of Per- ali c orl-' I 'ililic l the iii ll-
tnciinn7 ic i. 1. i1. Il ccil. cfection. c p i li cciceso hSuetC hitian lx Ac-

icc areX
. z idx . cc

ilaci I 'e, ll ( fo
'c_in c iii c ni cii cc of
with 'alll ullform l-i
Vh iwil ipek I 'lelic
Thi ito st iiiideal
cc c cc ccciii cc +( i -

,ocre Engincer Stopsas Michi-
Li xis-KVTin to Get a Pack-
c~ cl'ookito'iisFair Lady.
i _i cccrinc' iclicl
cclc iilwi i: ii,! t i lt,1 tri n

Chei 71 ic-tigcan l uni iis Ac ssouciaioni
shli vi " I cl -xl w n eii' sccess. liiii
Miy II I placedillonitheii alreadyi) lamei
taken iaicact ive iterestinii citsffirsc
ccriii i clii s n h sdal ilro
i f he IsciliixiTi e l umn t i movell -,i
jlpi t lis ciolsitantlilri ng. lli ndlii Owi
11111Micia l umnu.s,ii'tihii ofiicial
publiction ol thiisiiaiomiasi
and its Standarlldcc hi s iii eni aisedlii' ci
{iicc cl i ii'sn nhrofxtheinicc li'con
ais. eliicii lieliion vrious
top ii cccs. len e iiithe (acle o liiin

c i I I ii h m.1 11111 iiil lclcc ici .11Systcic oflal i lc ill iii
Y t -ccrIII t I uIch rit ui ii), A V ii iii c ii it , il o
>c'is 'c c ccr olI ld o"le llTax,- ciand ix"The ccNan, iiof la'Prof ic.
ii, it , liiilcix .cTie ioard co 1 thiiAlumnui i i
1 jng ladliii on th pa k iom iso o : l i'liii loy cicill s rn' iii i
ri i i 1 ci t'at' i xici 1E tr i ici,-i i di tor: . Isaai) lic i'ew hiiii m-

asxla man whoiiIiili l.iylxi toxi
ofi v ii. He xiay b dpnddapl
ccliiof is siii cii.ju Tho lise iwhii livic
ha'dldiictliiiy orfelideep ly l iintrsedi
ialoiig thioci llciesishould xiii rail ito
her im ice il ipak 1tsice ldy
,i Ni-u ii 19 al: a 1:15 ioi Wcccla
Members of Alpha Sigma Homeopath
is Fraternity Nom Being Eperi
mented Upon.
TeI., imemibeisc ofithe Alhalig-h
patmn vii ave i i com ced il, 1111i rnar
r ere i.iiy poisionix. The inatillei of
the uleci ctii is ep uaxiurl accDri. E, K
cl~wi iiicclic iili i ve ut urn
lihe 1, I1 saxi lr. Icliiciccliil
11111m of a1oitiicnl ofuliwhic litlis
souiiis 111w1 ill ;ate quanicxxiiies, tthi
froni ew is'ruiksaniiia cireprxfroihe
Niew Yiirk liessaciycIthalItheiyuing
(11111 drc givic --alxiii iilt tme
sii aciic il lionithii) a olhc
Ii.. lonzoEig'iei Astiniprelien
ill NieiiYciu Ic admiiiedi Ihaldo'x111,11,
the younglilmciclucud iietsc is An
Aibo Iwereiiii~cuix lipeiirinti ihi iaisia
dead icdugccdicoveredii icya Germaniu
s I i ciiliti wh Jichi just iow iiirct-ld
'it eaie fecy hi whichlywasi
C -ii ciq, iorcci ici siimiide-ifroml
1 cacd- ihe esut isia whit irsal-cii
hi-cu I lix- iilililcul ias isgiveiccllioff,
Scot, the ngcilishticheist, ccecpoirts
The rugcann iibxbogh , axitol
makei i iliiiitiisso1dngerus1tatiy lxxi
sie achemlistlorithe11cwidesiiexexct-
ecull woul dulessiiicceiibilled iIthi
atteicmptul. ticsi e siafarec wixuldie,
still li incalcuilablucfaxtali i,btxit.iis
nt liely tha aly nt iiiniwsixiiiii-
pioiisuch lin111annihiain111poweri.
)-. Johtll U. (ulixibclslstheIii xl-i
igiitof Nici Yiirk. hs csaii as to tic
°l xiivehiiinoixrienuceixlcswith tle
hrug as5a0medicieibutlisxoiulthinkt
thaniitsIctadiixiudiibeiilxi111, tprussic
acid, whlil 11 xic it he lxedi small qtaos
itiec allays idviioIlihart action. Ni
tro-g ycriniechas Itle oppoxisitec effect.
Icaciil yl 11119 maiyxniti lximoxie
evnin iiits acitiintanxptuxssir acidt
Of cursleu, 11hii, lcug wouixl arselto be
lti renie is usicsail. rtxccfumes iof
orinaroy prucicacid rltae six iedly
tha lxdruggictc lave belci ittlu(]Ixy it."
Sevcerua tudienxtxs ofIowiaUtixivecsiy
1105haveappuied file tlacesxxn lxe mesta
luixcieitoxgox toxhelp the. Jaasel finl
te ight.

{ z'c' I liii ii Dot11 ;'.
ci cI~ tiiiTV(ii clwas ON i i
l ccnd iitf lmlic i' liii
I t.iia'rms. hue secic-
tl ', I 'II I t i Ill I r I lls i yo1111
iii' cci cc ladyii'i i lls' cc
cc ' of the mci cI

Dr.i May c iy schicsIthat l ci l iclili isiof
lii the li g innsicltelullshiuld ibeiioniithei
floo hi Ils oifternioonxiatl 4I 'clock.
xii IWo -un'111111 iii illFiulil an
informa recepion tal fculty- C's
;ill ci tx limn lsSatr tutuFe. 711, at .I. i
iA shurt 1 il ii i lbel st i g i uxc ist-
andcla talit by Dri. Alice Liire, Deanixit
l-inlii lllii. iDr. Iii-ti ll h s ri-gx-
cii hir potcluui ll atOberli i 11111
eicie nxt ci ar1ifc:ccis1sc Willard'c
fiamousis(chooiifort ii chin.iBerulin. Dr.
Luce is aii gloitixoeufroimiWelclesley,
jiind at onei 1i1111 as head of iFhliIi:ill

..,I 11C C i
11I o ( i that I Ill
[m . t e i i i l

lii ci h
ccciiouiu 11c

_l ily lutiaxi xtlii xxat Smxithi FiCllege. Ithe
ADELPHI LITERARY SOGIETY. cwilluispeko oepasso oe
i ii u'u tliu i li -il- c ii il

ENGINEERING SOGI ETY. l (r iai hi iiitalll Is iitex tenlxioFiutisiigg rcuuiuoI leaxdes: tissecs
aio tilditheiirile i t iii i Ilidb tliiiCeluccand, l iiiy, Whtmorexu Bailexy,
ProfiesorxJohnxux tllen1sxuili lxix cc 1x Acli l cc'~ii tvSciyoili ci cii I Dllon Si Imitth andliauutlit.
the Illemhais xoi tiietiugiliii liii Soiliusexrecepiiils lie iii foi- Ithi
Feb ury 19, cut 7:10 ig cxicxixxc auxs lii a- le
II" fFiacietly thilaevenuiigl ixpiuiliii iii'yiii eauaii iesaoebt r ie
ilristiF subhjeci-t, "Pwer I Iaiis i(i 'ii i<liiii111 iiiituii ie larolo idby hl ticltoxialt unisisty womenl~i.
tic~ nxexit Decadeu." Ihic xili iii lii Xiccc - wii iill xieiit iiiclortu-u.
heatoxelin Ii iiiciuiecci auitI N Xllcblicica CONSUMERS' LEAGUE.
willlxbetelili t ii txiixiiie ~l
thi Physical 1Iaiiuiatcicy -IiIt c liiib(-1 2 XX I 'ii iiiiilildIs ColiiltciuhI-
deocidedutoxixnake ibis ua Iclocid 1111 1 II'itliianuaxcilxinti xofth Cii Isiix-
_________________________ - 11- ii lucicti o:,I liii 11111 lie) li. Fcciiix-xaiy 19,at JI1). mx xx 'taxic Hatt.
NOTIGE. V. '. !,()hiiitl>It <ti c u iiiof I'. It.' licti lioifx offihcrs [fxr uthc coixiig
Atlltappicants Fur theuChGidica Cin1 hi lice1. 3yercreports xoi tactpyea's wuch andu
miluxs Felloxwshipi asoulluanduthir ac4. iis IIccsiiuicby txhiSociy. a hallkby Miss Facitulac xofiDtrouit.
names to tho committee at ouses :,. Dtiis meetxccinxg. willifomihe atteoon' proIxxgramo

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