}1g L 3 T 'he I I F_ i VOL. XIV. Vor.. XIV.AN ARBORI MICII., FRIDAY, FEB0RUARY 1(,, 1904 N.N .NU. Gb MlANY E(TRIEf. Preliminary Meet tomorrow Nght Promises to be a Grait Sccs- Class Relay Races Postponed -The Entries. ' The etries for' the '\asiy 1prelim- nary miececlosed ii li iii ll( h pete makes i t clv c i c cl iI mee aurlay i ght wil Il 1 ct th mostlicceihcicic ccliaiirs"Ne iel tin l'w gynii i. 'T ecii he ee Coli itii n c F . .1 Soph. meetlvichocrsi atra lHnii ,a xcti i lure ofiill(iiiei S 'turday Iil1( i he twio rly- rc :- b t c >clc'is 'c c ccr olI ld o"le llTax,- ciand ix"The ccNan, iiof la'Prof ic. ii, it , liiilcix .cTie ioard co 1 thiiAlumnui i i 1 jng ladliii on th pa k iom iso o : l i'liii loy cicill s rn' iii i ri i i 1 ci t'at' i xici 1E tr i ici,-i i di tor: . Isaai) lic i'ew hiiii m- TH :MCIGNDAILY DEL IVERED FOR SECOND SEMlESTER IF PAID BEFORE 10 4 L~ARCH FIRST + " MAILL IN ORDERS OR PHONE 461~ asxla man whoiiIiili l.iylxi toxi ofi v ii. He xiay b dpnddapl ccliiof is siii cii.ju Tho lise iwhii livic ha'dldiictliiiy orfelideep ly l iintrsedi ialoiig thioci llciesishould xiii rail ito her im ice il ipak 1tsice ldy ,i Ni-u ii 19 al: a 1:15 ioi Wcccla TAKING DEADLY POISON. Members of Alpha Sigma Homeopath is Fraternity Nom Being Eperi mented Upon. TeI., imemibeisc ofithe Alhalig-h patmn vii ave i i com ced il, 1111i rnar r ere i.iiy poisionix. The inatillei of the uleci ctii is ep uaxiurl accDri. E, K cl~wi iiicclic iili i ve ut urn lihe 1, I1 saxi lr. Icliiciccliil 11111m of a1oitiicnl ofuliwhic litlis souiiis 111w1 ill ;ate quanicxxiiies, tthi froni ew is'ruiksaniiia cireprxfroihe Niew Yiirk liessaciycIthalItheiyuing (11111 drc givic --alxiii iilt tme sii aciic il lionithii) a olhc Ii.. lonzoEig'iei Astiniprelien ill NieiiYciu Ic admiiiedi Ihaldo'x111,11, the younglilmciclucud iietsc is An Aibo Iwereiiii~cuix lipeiirinti ihi iaisia dead icdugccdicoveredii icya Germaniu s I i ciiliti wh Jichi just iow iiirct-ld 'it eaie fecy hi whichlywasi C -ii ciq, iorcci ici siimiide-ifroml 1 cacd- ihe esut isia whit irsal-cii hi-cu I lix- iilililcul ias isgiveiccllioff, Scot, the ngcilishticheist, ccecpoirts it. The rugcann iibxbogh , axitol makei i iliiiitiisso1dngerus1tatiy lxxi sie achemlistlorithe11cwidesiiexexct- ecull woul dulessiiicceiibilled iIthi atteicmptul. ticsi e siafarec wixuldie, still li incalcuilablucfaxtali i,btxit.iis nt liely tha aly nt iiiniwsixiiiii- pioiisuch lin111annihiain111poweri. )-. Johtll U. (ulixibclslstheIii xl-i igiitof Nici Yiirk. hs csaii as to tic °l xiivehiiinoixrienuceixlcswith tle hrug as5a0medicieibutlisxoiulthinkt thaniitsIctadiixiudiibeiilxi111, tprussic acid, whlil 11 xic it he lxedi small qtaos itiec allays idviioIlihart action. Ni tro-g ycriniechas Itle oppoxisitec effect. Icaciil yl 11119 maiyxniti lximoxie evnin iiits acitiintanxptuxssir acidt Of cursleu, 11hii, lcug wouixl arselto be alleuatedlcctoxanxinfixniesmlnxadegreeu lti renie is usicsail. rtxccfumes iof orinaroy prucicacid rltae six iedly tha lxdruggictc lave belci ittlu(]Ixy it." Sevcerua tudienxtxs ofIowiaUtixivecsiy 1105haveappuied file tlacesxxn lxe mesta luixcieitoxgox toxhelp the. Jaasel finl te ight. { z'c' I liii ii Dot11 ;'. ci cI~ tiiiTV(ii clwas ON i i l ccnd iitf lmlic i' liii I t.iia'rms. hue secic- tl ', I 'II I t i Ill I r I lls i yo1111 iii' cci cc ladyii'i i lls' cc cc ' of the mci cI 111c GYM. TEAM MEETING. Dr.i May c iy schicsIthat l ci l iclili isiof lii the li g innsicltelullshiuld ibeiioniithei floo hi Ils oifternioonxiatl 4I 'clock. WOMAN'S LEAGUE RECEPTION xii IWo -un'111111 iii illFiulil an informa recepion tal fculty- C's ;ill ci tx limn lsSatr tutuFe. 711, at .I. i iA shurt 1 il ii i lbel st i g i uxc ist- andcla talit by Dri. Alice Liire, Deanixit l-inlii lllii. iDr. Iii-ti ll h s ri-gx- cii hir potcluui ll atOberli i 11111 eicie nxt ci ar1ifc:ccis1sc Willard'c fiamousis(chooiifort ii chin.iBerulin. Dr. Luce is aii gloitixoeufroimiWelclesley, jiind at onei 1i1111 as head of iFhliIi:ill ..,I 11C C i 11I o ( i that I Ill [m . t e i i i l lii ci h 'XVlifi ccciiouiu 11c _l ily lutiaxi xtlii xxat Smxithi FiCllege. Ithe ADELPHI LITERARY SOGIETY. cwilluispeko oepasso oe i ii u'u tliu i li -il- c ii il ENGINEERING SOGI ETY. l (r iai hi iiitalll Is iitex tenlxioFiutisiigg rcuuiuoI leaxdes: tissecs aio tilditheiirile i t iii i Ilidb tliiiCeluccand, l iiiy, Whtmorexu Bailexy, ProfiesorxJohnxux tllen1sxuili lxix cc 1x Acli l cc'~ii tvSciyoili ci cii I Dllon Si Imitth andliauutlit. the Illemhais xoi tiietiugiliii liii Soiliusexrecepiiils lie iii foi- Ithi Feb ury 19, cut 7:10 ig cxicxixxc auxs lii a- le II" fFiacietly thilaevenuiigl ixpiuiliii iii'yiii eauaii iesaoebt r ie ilristiF subhjeci-t, "Pwer I Iaiis i(i 'ii iIt