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October 07, 1903 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1903-10-07

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Th 'lcit- til ot .
I I hll~ ine :it
III Aim A rtiht tNvill ihe' fount
at G. ll. Wild &A ( s. 101
,},in h ve ihrntakenliti ]n
te sle iot lls ritis.
ii ottsorin(s & vot in
108 B. Wash. St.
f SI! EliHAN2' S
( 14r11)4t t eitt
Ow(it t or ll
IText- Books
Keffl A tAti
o Kufl & Esser's Drawing InI-
e Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pens
One "'rItIIt-j
OeDollar 'Fountain Pens
Students' Book Store.
32 I u~)SaoSre.

TH-Ei MICHIGAN DAILY to be added to the University caimpus.
They iiwn listh sides of the Midlway
lned ai s secondi itais.)iti- a sto lit' 'tePistance for nearly a omtle. 'Phe en-
Xt'ii s' itOffi',. lire equtipmeteoof Rush Meidical Cot-
I'stilititit laity t(iisa ayeis i'il it untlige iilegs is to be moveid to the soiuthosie
ititit intileittiictyit i oifa' thi' Miudway. A monster gymna-
MANACIINGi EDITOR : slum soilan athletic fieldl toier cutv-
s. :I0KliTtlYft 'iASOtN er is also Iplanneit for lthe eof lie
BUSINESS MANAGER: variious teams, in bad weather. The
it1,-10 i1.i UT'ttN trustees utlimately hoipe to iave a
watrrwtay connecting Washington
EDsIRiS: Jtait aclksontparks. 'The liasin is at-
-tilitu>ttes.t - - - ltuttu ci iK. IV irtnit an
N -J. S. B A. EN readlydlug anti if lie rest ofthlit'ltn
ASSOCIATES :twtre carrieid out, the tinivirsity wutld
UltolSeesonit. liiti'A 1its. have a tulle straightaway for tir use
L.. ii lil Roy.Peeitet''ttis, it rowing crews.
A. it. tiuiu'r, hlpC.D vs
A. t'. Pititit. A. If. iitmtiiyi-5 A girls' field htocety team tias re-
stiiiiitri S. Motrei. runily beorgtranizedat tGrinnell, Ila.
Eitolir tottay, Clifforid Steve'nsonu. The gatos is similar to lce'hockeby ex-
cetthIlac a rublber tail is iused
tj mie.Ittdettititrid l itt' rNov. 1. i.$.5 At Lelandl Statiftirida prize' is offer-
,iledifi' tie lust.ciilli'ge'song writtetn
Olice Hours:-12:30 Is 1:30 anti 6:30 to 7:30 Iby a stdet-n. The Irizesting. aonsig
p. . isl. ithitoergcting hoitnorabile mii-
Address--ROSCOE B. HSTION, Business Mlan-
ager, 331 Packard Street. tisonis pubiluishiedlin lt'eregular uti-
Tetephsone, 461. sversify sontg bookil.
'flu'hefreshmnen at the Un~iversity' of
"ba Califoia,:5:.acciording lto an i'sttablish-
i)i'uttIinitOatuuoss tIII'iii Itt- ifting ittregardto tohlii'same Itist ye'ar,
sitd, iEseryoneti'ltagrc''eitat te et li o' thlii'utniversity milit ary' com-s
''stiotitcuits'ido ti-t aili ii totebay u.
if the' ianiiliis but rather tgive I ts'e___
cornterlot. studtetssoinatheir ktnowsledige oitthle
Itstr 'itt iitisr t it'it 5tuu iscr ituiris islieeig aidvancedl ty Chant-
tii'iitssiiy'as it si't'mslttit to ipr 'si'ltiit tlttetrarbes, sifthe University
litace itsi'o'e'ed withItltt-s dirt. and1titi ttit somioti f the Psalmis antIalsti
swede'i dotitt. 't'eixatre~iasottiuw'ly soimei'-reli eatc'chismis. It is dtiitt
lilt' i':ititiglii'Imi'an:itsoultitaveilxt so h nvriy
with its lii tty ' T-eri' ist ttimii n H UGH WHITE TO BE MAR RIED.
GOSSIP OF THE COLLEGES. 12 atlitheititte of theliridi'. Mr. titti
Accrririitg toi Itic'usual cstoti t. it its. Wteiliwiill tie at tone' afteri'lit-

Z Your Entire Needs in z
z Law, Medical anld
S all Ulliversity
New sod Second-Hand."
" Drafting Instrunients and
: Engineering Supplies :
" A Specialty.
: The Right Prices Afways. Se o d H nIo k
Z Bonghit and Sold at
The Woadel enowned
o w eaODS P[[D 6 SON 9
GtEiO.t.GOSED 1b3 LawMr

hbus ts, -it a li'itlig titde o n b ys isiti'
sl ight intur it. cub n soe
suscc c-is in ttrco ing thei'i tiy' elt

Keep your face
f air. Use Williams'
Slkavinlg Stick.

0 -INCLt'liii
" Jamnes Whitcomb Riley, Oct. 10
* aa- Mutui (lolisLytntAbbott
0 Pe.Nurittut of Minn:esota F.i Hiopkinsont Stmitlh
WaV lter \We'llmant Hcnry VKati)Dyke
j Oratoicawl Contetst Isabls IBeecher j*
Opent Numbtler.
*Ticketl Reservzd at Gushing's Drug Store, 336 S. State Street,
® on Thursday, at 8 A. M.
f L~iberl comisst~5iton for sales offered to studen~tts. Apply to
:R. S. Dav-is, Cilalitlg's, io-ti1 a. us., stnd 4-5 p. Mn.
0fffff~~~fNi N ff~~

... A H N' & IH E5&iT R E
1DrAISlM. aCAISOLT, Manager
SWeek of Oct. 6, Return ot the Favorite .
Z3 rsntn h fllowing Well-Known Sccesses in the Order named.
* fONDAY__--Just Before Dawn----- MONDAY
f TUESDAY------Resurrection ----------TUESDAY
: THURSDAY ---A Wife's Devotion ---THURSDAY *
z FRIDAY -----The Little Minister -----FRIDAY 3
SSATURDAY----The Detaulter__--SATURDAY
2 High Class Vauideville Between the Acts.
f PRICES,. - - - - 10C, 20c and 30C.
2 eNOaT-Satsmay be secured now for anyeveinge urig e entire
eggmnatStofflet's News Stand,netdo toTharenac. .
f~fN NNOOff~ffffffffafaf'f~e4 ff 4 t e444&f

-A REtsIt 'AT h"iiAP.tt' f y t
Z Nobby Hats, Swell Shirts, and Imported Noveelties in Neck
3WAGNER & GO.,7Falpi
SD r'r*Suite Agents frrlHawes $3.00 Hats.12S.MiStAl e

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