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October 07, 1903 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1903-10-07

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* he Michi~a a*y
IS NOW YOST'S xz z mf bg bg bg b Baseball and Track Managers to be C. C. Adams O-es Cures in Field, Will Continue as Stdent Organiza-
Is now Yost's First Aim-Much m Elected Satrday at One 0'Clck Ecology and Elementary Eto- tion-Papular Pliticians will Ad-
provement Shown in this Work- at University Hall mology. dress the Club.
Albion here Tomorrow___
foolacost fall election othe1w11th- 1 . '. Adams, <carol or of thr mss- lay (plesluls hass eels askd
'tomorrow aftern'uon at 421:1 ItheAlatic' asscaio will tbe toh(ld 'iit.rhill' iiim dinstruct10'or i Ioloyy.las bs.ILl by siudentls of te Uniersity as 1o
p111n Colisgi'emude h ~ncacverifsy lll, Shi 111005aleon a(1101Insiur ii in poidingis hIii'ar-l wat. heIpise1n11.tadinistralltiol if
o1 -lmiue' (11 ~ller a Unitt e m o'loki. At Ithis time a ltak Ic ot uwih ourss in 'eld .isi)gy liot' Good G illovernment'1.5(1t11), i toitg
Ie I'visitor'l s m ine t his lnot. ct or h elecled. Iof his Cseislro 11111 11 iiiii t \ii - lec ils diirig te peet yar.
ried, it is tknllon 1that ioatiltNurcrl rte lil tieli ssseitioni elii t'or nls' 11'ii l iiiad -r, ilacl tratd Ibil Ma tiii - c1' 't 111, aii, 111d 1111111 (111
1111 111 1' 11 iIls . ivo5ling iiiiiihile ni ersity 11111wIlo1l1)11,-in11he1countryi de'Ino regirditoi publc11111
mtic" ino rh V 11111il band olo ll I 1111beslc11aauso'utIna-i usmll acre111no11doubtiiifir h ~r[ta ik cothealr.i 111Il tti iil
ti1e11 nd it i' llla ittingI na 5 lh one s a prmse or1being1a1ders l dio i- l ' t II '5t 1 i lw1that, 1'it 11111111nt olrllisinter-2111
icly alciwd11o1be 1n1hind. iNow teieas l haye 111111111iill11 ti liii for 0son i l tile"~Adams iniilel I 1- ilti i11ervie11:landifs w r:.A d w illa tlt
itofutug staited, it llis l i titte or lilt .ini-forivotes-l ll he m n are 'i o 0many garsi he0 toliii iii 1 n1 ter1s1nt hingi 1111111 1111 ini liel la olc.
cry s'tude111 sllnt 111it tllilt 0' iii iiii 001111dA(h isl'l 1e1mr 1add 1to liijell ii 111 i /1110 Ii hiin u l, c o ln r i , l .! ' e1105 l olt11111 1 f111 e111 g11 b11 toI
ticaliti rai c ooi) I andsi ii tiii iii ei n 111oilil it1111 1111111 sci ll iihiol Indilll i 110111it's haslbeeil l lii-' lii-) toi' the1 'studeinit body s iore clio'
Ic' il1utth1su ens1n ote 1lO ly iii Ill of thl liii' I iii h j10111111 siil' lly' o rll ii'i 10 111 k.i I i ''isi hc m st p 1 i icu illlnIl puba icii
th11a e atri I( ea. lto a, h o igtollsayi 1111r11111m ii) 111 i I oiil i 0111 Iiiiis oso l eh d m o u p r rn l stu11 iiit li'ody.u
01111111 i i 8'l'ith ige'eral -aintingl ini ac 1111an1 associa Aci ve wentl;importantear11 11111 huh (hip- 'itt ih 11r 1assoiati i th111 heI O resull t ti hac
Ith ii lrve sowdIoniderable, I ' liii' lhll il ude members o allloflte'ai lltalif)its nlii 1 0 hTtk i dclb rii" 0 11 o 101the 11wittis fmey
i1psotvemet..i Noc' oss 116111lan-l'lt a lhii ii 10n hi"llte U fil facllty5111 i i f lil nhfiis not oli ofi iii 111 the;1' 111 11111' anti 111romoting151 ii lii
nrto1d11alst re eln te i mi hutitt'nderltt'''1001' 1111w1o 1h501 1111110iii~ih. I lneti ioo 1o o cl'l iw5a graeran11oe1c
the "efecti s'tei'aed byo1 s il,.1110ty'l 151ss il I m111' b11rs1h tisall 11on nhit I ll lleii olh t s i upon 11 hfiel r. ,Ii 1olites, it Ieelllen stil sirr
c1iie biii 110' ('11111url iis 11n1)10811m- iiallbu ss 111111 o io is11111118ttii paill'oloi' ant1i ti ldm ,tl' i s ot o Ie 1111 hd-I . is rl1ho ai lti'o the prsi ent1111
nron i'tiid i t)tesienceI o goal'ii ii Ian a i l cn es. i fee.iof$;. 11151 hi ill inor ho Iit 1111.11soh,!! dministrtionito i'lba it irflu
l ci Ii i' , 'u go tl'attiiir ogoal h is liii.iiit 5115ement ciiihe aff irso t m lrriii 1111i tiiimpIlda o in ll i'hodieiin s r its ci XX stefrt,
liii" 11115is 11oa 111'agai'hatcquste rlil ndsi t . hits ii lill I Ihisshiiiii i-i t 8118- iu is oif 11aboraitor s I i- ili us uc o i s t-is l''yIpr s-hrl-
p~lyid ithis acc' ut mediii sa tiiii bei iii Oh i f I iii iib sti li'1sihll ioi-Is- t oh. it,;11 his- liii' iiiii' an cilehielm" i 111n Xliiiith 'sputrposIe iiii
iseieI.le Xw i beinlot'hte i ii i i 111 1liii itt Iii' 'iiiom the i 'el 1111cpay - e 011'oien ii i'he li 1111101oe sludy of i i 01111111 ~aer no las Aofth .
a-gla inst "Alb 'i uhi' s 11 ylii Ci'pii 1 111 iii111 of hidules toithe cllise 11111theiisame111-tfiiiiiliii tofoanimals-hnd l o eol -irs 01 ~ t ithwichl ' ctilub i iern-
lied lteniw ill n t ein the8 i rti 'is-snt Iil tl 1 e l ii'lyiear. i 51 I li o ii I t i -so r hi''- hit- 'ltte. ti-hitned,
Fidayu 1o1w ii mii i i ing tii asne at h it s e al l~ tvip Il i'u'15,to i h -huret,us t i r -u o r i lt 11- isiii' n 11111' ''iii to lthis oik ai -
ilsil"11111 liii'ie1itheiemolt.i' Xh111y11c'hiestedi r 'oiii t alt ii 111 1110 i--11111 hi 111 iinoil 5a pat f it sthat XIIblcspIk r
lxiii tii s .ii iii C i, Ii(,iiroti iii of'i any s i ilio riiiiiiih s t is oh r.it- uci.in fitiims a ;t bfr:yvl ebo g tt teu iest n
ae ti iaicott' is iigpt- I'ly liim I rin -Iii 5' lii Rinuhf tXhe 1PhiiDeltahis' t 1hrey cain cop 1111to r itd11111ogicalson81111 h Iii 'CII' proinenOTashres
l ieionyTIes' ay byi lIboisses yii ocitti 1)1t11 iy, ti lls o 1111101 laii i tii esi i n10111 ofI i siitat lillMonl 1111 1111 i X i ii 'of heiNtion-1101
t fi uiiiiivo'lkt'18helly lilhiiedale"i i 111 s If(, servedl onhutle lihast, 11all ii .e ti ad I ucy Iloitt au 5 a11115 -uoo I~tat ie, i ch iii ei'
ofi-Iototvi' Vali'rsuolitc1w111by1itiser ieso hni i 'g'tac ii'ic 8101and hs ii irisuiot i, aiowiiistu uuusiu u mtic 1 dis cbtis''' iiit m liii' I livori W.'5(8 1 ii
Thn e 'a o i elull' l 1 steadhil ltt xtcoli ith si in e-lasri base thi ris .'uii inc1511 huau eu I I h tll yallii i i te ]ln~i c:tllne i- liii
Iacd dw h il o o e+ Tetie'iiiiu'ii lti willhe T ia'i'i'tar o'oi i byith111c1 nstantly0iiui grss - I tl i Al-en-co i thsi- Ho'ni
tow.-Te laitity nw wntIn 'this ch1e,'i hmttltiiliousvs i n 'it iihp Nohi'lrw n'rt hd or cuiithosl wholit1'l~mJ ~yn m o.A
deen iv, The.pa igof a crb rIilililO i as als1pt1i11s1la, lii ' hitiort ie0111111 y. I'b i 1,11111 1110,cif ch 11thav l id exh
wa' ttrc'g o res tcuar teil i rh il atleis. hvi g s erveidi' ii' 111111 11111 h c01 i is la 101 011 ao g 'e In ll iled a i il lfi it' to oneisi1, )1 hil
gi s bething ae1mstyo11nd 1n 0 h b s al o n t i iiaidliii c nclc rIcosm 111thIacicofs i ct-ros utry 11111 1 ,,tfr; o clilul-iPo i'r'o hi 5e-h
b ti lgt backs rho s 111111l iit o h i t erclsihs e oc ttu 'tihu'l'ie this ih c olee po sr t iios of icilu .7i1b el n a
ti st . a ayfoL g icogfo nthi 111 ultucon ini' ioiIbhi'elalyit recuiogiel ta 1 ut.ttlm11111e pa s x
to I y ais.'en. ro.- es o 'in he oficohfr ackamhis nagi r lii1110 a 1 l ialulifica15 tiotill(' sui I iicii ii' il 1111rngoledIty
1tiedu t lhyra dhesion.ity s pobly notiieiii onia s htedaV e n sit i his tructorlisi liiiit 11now 11e11g t 111111nt Ilil iI i' 115 'IP i 80-hil' I ni
fiteyaI i net- r hvere hy ee id aio in aeus tieKapoco 'Mc i 1 ltiiimts ill 11151 11' c t ni l turl otolil i 1111reishi ttt
a1brod smle. to brghtn te 0e1111 n, ast, the ses'iiua.oo Softi he Phrii esuyo oosaoe u, eut C it hishiNT 11S), ui'i
Moouar I " Yoasrt.wiHo'weversiinitnr rmo ts hi ta enierefisIamit I.lii' tar i-s eir '-i itp oalh tuiafng t h liii--i-u-r '-)e 'hite tueba aulr
*thI ihr homes tuiy mioow sti t oim ftsi1e11last ts iingiauty le dt o t ei t iehi .1110ii 10111 te'i dll-ly i it ry ipor ost oh nuii i ali ormeri ii' proii ssMr.
getvertheaf __neurthsocolu le thsy.Thosule 1v110fitan 1111ct 101fit b iinga otit tisii'here, 10wiliiithe iviia iyavit-o a
FTeowiarsith'linil)st sfthe losvn (s theisd swit11hraidits i hein l ytiy an aIuch angl h ai lii hasi be1r1111 heiis ailt is lic i i I' huty. otu lst o ahir-
L.iTmMen dds ous.ck, h trtmua They 1111' titu to eletaIyc in unfe o or o tw,~ c istiiiitan iv hiao ii tev idet 11,ta rt e
Ces-areower s., artEaschyie 's crui ti n -ermact mscull t ishnoi- rIo111011ai c hiitii ea rkbetotuu I.lgou tng hihhd a
11'I lcyuuLun adimotgmmliii to stdensttlsilne.h e CH RAeUIO
lee.FClyongmo0anV, acsrandno moeci. Oeo h msInottuis
Iarry voIt . .-Gr a rl. I nto h ow e aisfo om nehupttil tyr iii'op iiriaihy iwe mu t il 1111 iii hutiigu'(le a l ti 1111111 hliti sh urstw
ro.iuBar' -Bigl A. 5asihusoo t- Lu a t ti' he ersiileciii' Suth urdassurci a rnSu fil 15iin h tw y ttichimap hic hant- watriugd uloler sig head oraroh-.
Mangett s B iu r w i. ile i inu vs 11onceae t e ol, I Sweetvid. Thras t- es ' ffctoi h ab111 iat bi lening.oSByu liis I eoiein-uh its-d as t-ille c ti'ed 'hufhadg

TIhri'shur,'VXrhelssvs. 14.I.tharI-IRalpuhiW.ii sc llti icial 1s10 er Ilefuol a' ctri liiis ,";icri i it art. Oil f hut 11171011 hll-s whicih
m15an iCumigs vs.tHaiidiacdIt.IIKauf- u etul y- Trhiuiso11.IfRuherts F'ootball 01. lii ii!i -tiill lhe ru'uutr c--t uithus'conicert of Oil-
1m1n15vs.iDay.'IThe treliminairy' 'uroudXthiiuuitiagr IT.F Da'nftihTroactkiuiand iu"5 , i-ittiliili lii11110115iiI wa is ireiharsedi.
hushtubefiniishucdtlivTuiesdtay uzi ti 'i'iis MStaer;o arc Islt' Phitteillasell a'i ii Si 1i150hhl li ulihtaiii i ientertins thut'highest
burst ru undt lvy'Thuuriday 1night, se cn Itil hauuuur-Isi' itlrt-ht' ai 11i iie aetoi ot ii li hut uuutiiuli usIhoutuuus 11 ihctla
troudticy Friday nighht asuiem ii-fhilhot i u'hluuticu' taiuage.1moeu'u at ta rbfr
hyhiatiurudoy niht. 'heeintruancrut fe oyiadisno.:;en t It lush iili-hui al uu 55 ul~
tuhst he 1011pa id tufre thu firsti uoatch '1heiofficers oftIhie'Boardi litCon- l~ull luls. Ihis suuuuuuuuc 18 is hirs i haeKthu-h 111 uus-'111--ciii uscnlthut nover befo'irel
is played Eaohima'huuitilufeifi-ilu'ol'iire5t , washu-ri' iuhi-t i aeantity of got
usi phavuof ah matchhisshut thocfnststrutht
uounis10to bh eiduedtty the best ProfitA.It. flaI ' "ill,('Ciairmau;suutheliii'11111 rsity ofSlit i;.u m u mteriual.'the rehealrsals with occur
twoout oitth1)e st.Turnament h111118fudgeXV.11. 1ane1'D1. N.IE.I loll ODr. 'Theipima-rs ail is oi I a-'r a's iusiuailiiiToilday teveniinugat 7 o'clock.
may1 te load otf,7W. C. Lee. 11. C. SadleurIPriii I. \V.:Dot', C(sa s.o'fi hiri ion1111 hb utopscita-
Dvo___-lltlrak, irbeS. iTrarer. Choas.'' tpoint hutfsitwiand sheit ehu odus huh TheiiY.Xt. C.:X.recepiotuuSafturiday
ATTENTION!I hiurgecoin Alliert1E.lHernotein. wstuns18'huldid utoure ilsi ihilsi a n t "u t'-ais'r'ut suceess. An elab-
Businesso men are u'equestedulnuttho (Anru tutu' Director, Charles 1F. Bairdt. hloal fauoa.iT'Ituu' htrhips 18art'deout- iiy ty iii t lu hallhuhle miusic andl
maze any echarge 0aga1ns.1 the Inlanuder Captains o hufle teauis-Cuurtis G. 'ito tohut surtyiofthis hanuioal, the' amply -,u' cui iuts aidedh ht makeilthe
withoitt written onter tignedt hy thelReddenuufootihall catin; ba itse balt conittiunssideri I iht-l heiy ticvtutu'ccaion a memuiiorabitleone. The swel-
treasurer. captain, Curtis tG.fRedduen; NelsontiA. etofoibu 180 iseurvatuiuuotainhig inio tou'hianud wats ixtiendeidito tallt'w
C. B. ttOlfILL, Kellcggh track captain; Walter C. Leeand still)ct1g.1 Te laboratoury huscotuntrswhouugratefiully ack'uuowle-dged
-Treasurer. foentis cptain.Lofntned on poge Ithree. thueur enjoynment ofthfle orening.

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