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January 19, 1904 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1904-01-19

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Entered as seesnd-clas matter at the Ann
R eduction Arbor Post Office. A college paper at Morningside, Ia.,,
recently published an editorial saying
Published daily (.Monday excepted) daring theterwanoclgesitathen
college yearat 1Otr '. IVshington stet hr a ocleesii te in,
9 ~(basement floor, side eatrasce) Phone 002-Or Stitt tion, Just to show that they ap-
prediated thte editorial and hadl so ill
S *1eMANAGING EDITOR : feeling toward the editor, Ihe stutdents
BUSINSS MAAGER: behind his hack, blacked his lace with
As we have too 'large a OS(EB UTN liquid shoe polish and threw him over
EDITORS: the fence into a prominent citizen's
stock of fancy Athletics. - -- OERT K. WAL TON yardl where Ito was discovered the
* es ---- -- - --. J. S.aBsEY next day.
SLITIN6S AND Oliford Steven~so. o y Pels
A. Al. raver, Henry P. Erw~in William Butler Yeats, the celebrat-
T ROUSERIN (GS A.C. Pound. A. ff. Ortmeyer. ed Irish poet, author and playwright,
. t Joseph Y. Kerr. Stoddard S. More. will deliver a lecture at the, Universi-
on hand we will sell tGes. A. Osborn. Harold C. Smith. vival of Ireland."
thmat reduced prices ± _lori. A:des. ltd .lei.___
± tonEdito r today-THOSi. B. ROBERTS. The Wisconsin Daily describes the
to msake room for our 4 proposed decorations for the "J" Hop
Suhscription:-Two: Dolooreper year, payablin 0as follows:
Spring and S so m no e r adevance. If deleiqusent oafter Nov. 1. 1W)3, $2.5 "The coiling will be of solid white
Woolens. Be sure andt Office Hous's:-12:30 to 1:30 and 6:30 ts 7:30 buting, with festoons of lavender
p. m. Daily. and Alabanma smilax. The walls willj
call in before yoti place Address-ROSCOE B. HUSTOW, Business M~an- also be white with enough smilax to{
yor rdr.C t t Lager, 331 Packard Street. give it as: artistic effect. Palms and
yote ordr..s~ .,t s.~n~tTelephone, 461. ferns will be used to add to the boau:-;
- ---- ty an:d richneos of the plan. 'Thle gal-
//' /H. j er an bnd tan wll ecivees /__ l W LD (({0y/V / -pedal attention. The reception booth
____________________ will hre0:1 a slightly raised platfo.rmtj
lOS E. WASHINGTON STREET. CALENDAR. witho an elaborate canop~y supportedl
by large pillars coveredl with boont-
January 19- Class meeting of '06 Lits iog. The decorative woodwork at the
**NN*ON ONN, NN O is room G at 4:15 p. im. top of the booth will be cot andl fin.
January (-5 p. mn. Lecture on "In- (shed ino Chicago and shippedl here.
THE REATG A I;dustrial France" by Professo~rIE. The boxes will he made after the pias.
T 0 RA GAMDii. Jones, in Tappan Hall. of the reception booth with inodivid-
* (~-y--y-.74~9 4January 22-Inter Dept. Debate, Wis-.:ual canopies. The floors of the boxes
I- II' cousin-Michigan Series, Iniversi- and booth will be covered with expen-
t A y Hall. sive 'P'uckish and Persian ru:gs.
________________ The srograms will he of dark green
* No single week in the history otfor- leather with the goldl engravings
20 xc I T I N G 10U N * tory and debating at Michigano ever "Wiscoonsin, 1.905" and the seal of Wis.
PORE EVR RYO NE brought such cumulative hon:or to our cousin. A golden badger will he in-j
ttniversolv as the e 00just tast, On preosed on the reverse cover.

Outlines of the
Law o1 Bailmleilts
aild Carriers j
By Edwin C. Goddard.
atou pi one op'eCof:01ho.e subjooctin
an orderly' n.t o nooseetote form
ino re 000eV 0 oo tl' esOtooelcot omay
'aenotoj o-et 0,0: 00 tole. e ,(
1Water's Book Stores.
Law anld Medical s
I Books

I DETROIT, 160 Woodward Avenue
ANN ARBOR, 3201 So. State Street
The Ann Arbor Savings Bank.
Capital Stoch, 050,000. Surplss, $175,000.
Rtesourees, $2,000.050
Orritnnso Ciharles E. Hilscock, Pres ;IW. D.
Harriman, Vice Pres. ; M. J. Fritz. Cashier.
0. I. MartillFUNERL.
Olilce 209 S. 4th Ave. Phone 98. Reoi-
dence 302 S. 5th Ave. Phone 314.
Ambulance on call.

Monday a Michigan man won in ora-
tory over representatives from eight
other colleges, and on Friday our preo-
tige in debate is upheld against one
of our greatest rivals. Too the men
who accomplishoed these results we
ioay ou~r homage. True, it is not th~e
demonstrative praise accorded the
men of achievement in athletic fields,
bet it is equally wiodesiread, equ~ally
sincere, and likce the other emanates
from the heart. Michigan io proud ofI
these men.
It is gratifyingto have the questiton
of baseball coach settled at last. The
objections urged, against Mr. Utley,
namely, that a ma:: shou~ld not retu~rn
to coach while his old team-mates are
in college, are rather weak in floe face
of the fact that this is practiced in
many of the prominent colleges, both
East and West. with no deleterious
r'esults. At Yale, the graduating foot-
ball captain returns each year, if lis
services can he secured, and acts as
neadi coach. Mr. tUtley was one of the
most clear-headed players Michigan
ever had. Me has a thorough knoowl-
edge of the game, and has had four
years of coaching at Michigan u~nder
different coaches. There is no rea-
son why his coaching should not be
o:f the most satisfactoory sort. The
Daily extends too Br. tUtley its best
wishes and predicts thoatiis tean: will
be a su~ccessfuli one.
Michigan has noo Rockefeller, bot
we're going to be "the cheese" iin the
clu~b hou~se line jost the same.

j s-.Oo~shal'' OPrivat~e Cooopo'o-ooiooo
"MARY OF MAGDALA" INol .... ..t ..r..........$00
'The famoous storm scene on "Mary Cool..... ". ". 32
of Magdala," that Mrt. Fooke woll I1got, iooito-ol5t rtes Steel toor-
present at the Athens Thoeater on o d.ds O u~~~ tooinoos of lntsr, 000
with~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~o ll-eooiynasrl fct.''et's onscottuooolan
Monday, Jantoary 25, occurs on the plcl's I oio'o000tory or theoo' ..,0
last act of the play. It is described ev oolrie', t..orooeo't s~ool at $2.5.00
by those whoo have seen it as a re- * ioro epo'S AtoOot'° ormes of h0
maroalole example of stake realosm, 000000v0 yicog,"0 Vool... G000
simolating a battle oft(he elenoents Vol shoo~ ..ttooooo0
setting of the act isot it self deepoly I ooons4ltos .0 0e' E .00
impressive, It pictures a wild ravine pa'o'so 10.0000. 30 Vott',1'0. 800050
j itostielotItoO ooeOtooolo to Jris
or socky odefile, witohoouge bouldtoers t OL....... i0.00
towering high on either side of a Danooil' N,o"otothe ilotuens
:' 'tot'. 1'0000 ., ...i.1. 000
winooing loath ths) leadso fromu tt'e )c'tlate trot tot c-tandoo r,-
heights absove. Far in the odistasore 00.tota t-o-.'t- iaO'Papers. I'0Vot.
(others00 htoo' '0.00for hs:
tho hou:setopis otJeroosalem are see::, 0000. a
When the curtain rises alt is in tartk- Bick et oot'ot osttstlnaan
0005 oave when flashes of lightnting (teato11h 0 a 50exel
illumine it with dazzling brilliancy. S0t ootes. 0uzesot',, Dictionarieso
Betwee:n them, from the darkness etec. sere
come the crash: of thu~nder anti the' C. E. BARTHELL,
roar of wind, ando the voice of Judoas,
who "g eS in an ago sny of remorseo too LAW A SP MEDICAL BOO S
his death. As the actioon proceetts!, 6 SANNeAt ORSCon lor
the tempest roaches its greatest foury o S ROR ~E
and then passes, to be followed by r.®NNN~i le***e ®e*
the flood of moonlight thoat accono
panies the enditog ott the slay.1The
scene is grand, portentious and awe -________________
some, ando in produ~cing it manoyole- i ___________________
vices inewvto:(toe stage art'esopooyeod.
'They are thte result of ttong extoeri-
mentisogo:: the part of experts in:; Keep your f ac e
tage mechoanics asod never hoave toeen f a ir. Use WVilliamns'
duplicateodsoiccessfoolly. The storms
scene was the wonder ot New Yorko Slavinog Stick.
dturtng the Ionog rusnot "Mary ot Mag-
data" thoere, and has arou~sedt lukeen0:- _________________

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T E TU E S'L C U E A S C A L y m a n A b b o tt


DrANS M.51!A BOLT, lManager
Change of Program [[MER WA[T[RS
Owing to the many requests
of local music lovors and the Presents the Big Descriptive
fact that "iss Shay does not Charascter Play
appear in the Bohemian Girt,
hearing the part to Miss Chaon,D
BieCs astrpie[N, A THOROUGHBRED.
will he the offering at the Ath-
ens Theatre To-Night, instead of
the Bohemian Girl aso previously PLRNTY OF BFECIALTIES.
announced,. MI5SSNSAY wilt
positively appear. Several Sew Jokes of Recent Vintage!
Foil orchestra under the direc' A Gold Mine of Laughter With a
thou of Signor Cart Nicosia. Thread of Silver Sentiment.
Prices: sO~C, ESc, $1.00, $1.50. Prices: 15c, 25c, 35c, 50c.
Seat Sale, Monday 9 a, n.



~Iondaq venirj, tJan. 25j
Sin le Admission, .Oc. Season ,Tickets, - $1.00




. .

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