The ichigan Dail
No. 79
A DECISIVE VICTORY. Minnesota debaters nor the judges. UTLEY [FOR COACI1.
The decision of the latter was accept-
Michigan Outpoints Minnesota in De- ed as eminently fair except by a few Decision Made Yesterday-New Dates
of the more fervent Gopher partisans, .
bate in Every Department-Press who contended that the speror in Schedules-Informal Tryout for
Comments - Professor True- guments advanced by the Minnesota Track Candidates Saturday.
blood Praises Team. trio should have gained the decision.
The Michigan debaters will meet Yesterday morning Jerry Utley was
John C. Bills, Clement H. Holder- the winners of the Chicago-Northwest- given the position of Baseball Coach
man, and John A. Rippel, the victori- ern debate April 8 for the champion- thus deciding a question which has
ous debaters whose creditable work ship of the league. been hanging fire for some time. Ut-
in defeating our old rival has won Too much credit cannot be given ley will be assisted by Guy M. John-
them the gratitude of every Michigan Professor Trueblood for the victory. son, who coached the All-Fresh foot-
heart, returned yesterday from their The many successes which his men ball squad last fall and by Lou Mc-
conquest, have achieved have won for him wide Allister, the Detrot Leaguer. The lat-
We print a decidedly cte-sided ac- acknowledgment as a leader in his ter will join the squad about the mid-
count of the debate from the St. Paul field of work. He said to the Daily dle of February and be with them two
Pioneer Press: yesterday in speaking of the debate: months..
"The decision of the judges is unan- "No debating team ever worked Mr. Baird returned Sunday morning
imous for Michigan." harder for the honor of Michigan. from Chicago. A meeting of the ath-
With these words spoken by Presi- (Continued on page 3.) letic managers of all the important
dent Northrop the hopes of Minnesota colleges of the West was held there
for winning the championship of the PRESIDENT JORDAN. Saturday, and some important sched-
Central Debating League for 1904tum- ules were made.
bled to the floor. Of Leland Stanford University is Vis- Manager Baird announced the fol-
Michigan won after a hard battle slowing:
of words and wisdom, and the Gopher iting Michigan-Spoke Before the Baseball-April 16, Chicago at Chi-
trio is but of the race for champion- Zoological Journal Club. cago; April 18, Wisconsin at Madison;
ship honors. April 30, Illinois at Ann Arbor; May
Judge Emil McLain of Iowa and Dean Frederick Starr Jodran, pres- 7, Chicago at Ann Arbor; May 14, It-
United States District Attorneys Miles ident of Leland Stanford University, linois at Champaign; May 16, North-
and McMilan, also of Iowa, were the was here yesterday as guest of Pro- western at Evanston; May 19, Chicago
judges. They sat in separate parts of fess'sr Newcombe. President Jordan at Ann Arbor; May 21, Wisconsin at
the chapel and at the end of the de- is making a general tour of the East Ann Arbor; May 25, Chicago at Chica-
bate each man wrote his decision up- inspecting prominent universities. go; May 30, Cornell at Ithica; June 4,j
on a ballot which was collected by the During the afternoon he addressed Northwestern at Ann Arbor.
secretary of the debating society and the Zoological Journal Club on the Indoor Track Meets-March 12th,
handed to President Northrop, who, subject of "The Samoan Islands; their First ;Regiment of Ann Arbor; March
after reading them, made the an- Flora and Fauna." These islands are 26, Cornell at Ann Arbor.
nouncement that the Wolverines had very rich in material# for the scient- Outdoor Track Meets-May 14, Var-
won. ist. There are more different speries oity field day; May 21, Chicago at Chi-
That the tGopher debaters lost an found there than in any other part of eago: May 28, Interscholastic at Ann
honorable battle was admitted by all. the world. The principal difficulty in Arbor: June 4, Conference meet.
To many they seemed to have the bet- studying them is the task in getting Football--Oct. 29, Wisconsin at
ter arguments, but it was apparent at them. The water within the reefs Madison; Nov. 12, Chicago at Ann Ar-
that they could not so well present must be poisoned or dynamite explod- bor.
them as did the men from Michigan. ed in order to obtain specimens. Mr. Baird left for the East yester-
Minnesota's trio, Phillip E. Carlson, President Jordan briefly mentioned day morning to examine the fields and
Irwin A. Churchill and Jesse G. Steen- the life and habits of the natives. He equipment of the larger universities
son delivered able and eloquent argu- said that it was hard to get a native and to make arrangements concerning
ments, but the delivery of their op- to work in his own neighborhood oe- the pastern game. While absent he
ponents was of a better order, and, cause he was compelled by custom to will visit Harvard, Yale, Columbia,
while the facts the Wolverines had at divide all he got with his relatives, Princeton and Pennsylvania, and pos-
their finger tips were not, to the aud- but if you once get him away from sibly other institutions.
ience, so convincing as those of Min- home he is a first-class workman. Track work is progressing steadily,
nesota debaters they delivered them These natives were early converted and the interest, and zeal which the
with an eloquence and conviction that
seemed to shatter the stronger logic
of the Gophers.
The chapel was comfortably well
filled and the debate began at 8 o'-
clock. President Northrop announced
the question to be debated, which was
"Resolved, That adjudication of all
disputes between employers and em-
ployes should be made a part of the
administration of justice." Michigan
argued for the affirmative.
That all the debaters had studied
the question and its possibilities and
exausted every possible source of in-
formation for facts and arguments
was apparent to the audience. The
six men talked earnestly and with
conviction, but it fell to Michigan's
lot to be represented by able speak-
ers who were more able to present
and emphasize their points, many of
which were in no way any better'
taken than those made by the Gopher
debaters, in a manner which carried
more conviction and won for theml
the day.
Enthusiasm ran high throughout the
evening and the audience was a disap-
pointed one. Before the debate every
one confidently expected a victory for
Minnesota. Even during the progress
of the debate this same confidence
was to be seen and during the inter-
im during which the votes were be-
ing collected, and "prexy" was engag-
ed in opening and reading the decis-
ion, the hope of victory was not aban-
Applause greeted the first appear-
ance of all the speakers. Throughout
their arguments they were interrupted
by spontaneous outbursts of handclap-
ping as points were made by Wolver-
ines and Gophers.
The announcement by President
Northrop of the judges' decision how-
ever fell upon a disappointed crowd.
There was some little applause after
a moment's hesitation, but it was un-
like that which had greeted the speak-
ers during the progress of the de-
bate. As the audience dispersed it
formed itself into little groups and
the debate and the decision were dis-
cussed. Regret at the loss of the bat-
\,tle was expressed upon all sides, but
'here was criticism neither for the
to Christianity by London missionar-
ies. President Jordan said that the
islands now contained many beauti-
ful churches made of coral. On one
island containing about 40 people,
there was a magnificent church seat-
ing about 500. In illustration of the
lack of clothing President Jordan told
a remark that his boy made. On one
of his visits to the island, he and his
boy met the King. In commenting up-
on it later his boy remarked, "Well,
I have seen a real King, but he didn't
have a shirt on."
To the Editor:-
An article appeared in the Michigan
Daily yesterday which requires some
explanation. The item referred to the
dress of persons attending the "J"
Hop Concert. Does the writer of the
article intend to convey the idea that
all those not wearing dress suits will
be obliged to sit in the gallery seats?
If this is the intended meaning, some
good reason should be given for such
unheard of snobbishness. There is no
aristocracy at the University of Mich-
igan but it appears from the article
in question that someone thinks there
is and assuming the role of censor is
attempting to dictate to the student
body what clothes should be worn at
a concert given by a supposedly rep-
resentative student organization.
Another case of diphtheria was re-
ported yesterday when Howard C.
Hawkins, who rooms at the home of
W. L. Dicken, 213 Thayer street north,
was pronounced ill with the disease.
He is a member of the '07 lit. class
and comes from Richmond, Mich.
The announcement occasioned a
hegira on the part of the other room-
ers and the residence is now under
strict quarantine. Among the in-
mates was Miss Carrie Dicken of the
W. S. Perry school, but as every pos-
sible precaution has been taken no
spread of the disease is feared. Dr.
Loree is in charge of the young man,
who is getting along very comfortably.
new men are showing is truly encour-
aging. Saturday afternoon an infor-
mal tryout will be held. The dis-
tances will be shortened but watches
will be held on the men. This will
give the first real line upon the new
Captan Curtis G. Reden has issued
a cal for calndidates for the 'Varsity
a call for candidates for the 'Varsity
baseball squad to meet in the trophy
room at Waterman gym. this evening
for purposes of organization,
The gist of interviews with Captain
Redden, Coach "Jerry" Utley, and As-
sistant Coach Johnson are that Mich-
igan has the best opportunity in
years to win the championship. With
six old men as a nucleus, a wealth of
promising material with which to fill
vacancies, and a competent force of
coaches, it looks as though Michigan
were already assured of victory on
the diamond.
The news of the selection of last
year's captain and pitcher, "Jerry"
Utley, for the base ball coach during
the coming season, was greeted with
the greatest enthusiasm on the cam-
pus. Utley is a competent player and
has displayed executive ability of the
right sort to make him a successful
Sunday afternon at four o'clock a
memorial service was held in the
Congregational church in memory of
Mrs. Angell. The Rev. Mr. Patton,
pastor of the church, gave the same
address that he delivered at the fu-
neral. He spoke of the beautiful life
Mbs. Angell lived, and paid her a love-
ly tribute.
Professor D'Ooge gave a biograph-
ical sketch of the wonderful life she
led, and spoke of her many gifts. The
service was a very beautiful and im-
pressive one.
Earle I. Huston, '03, who recently
resigned his position as Mr. Baird's
assistant, leaves today for Los Angel-
es, California. Mr. Houston goes west
for his health.
Professor Tucker, of Dartmouth col-
lege, spoke before a crowded aud-
ience last Su:day night in the Meth-
odist church. His subject was "Moral
Maturity." He took Christ's definition
of moral maturity as expressed in the
Golden Rule. He pointed out that
today, more righteousness In the ab-
stract is not of great meaning in the
world. It is only as that righteous-
ness is embodied in our social rela-
tions that it has any significance.
Professor Tucker said that a good
way to reach moral maturity was to
mind your own business, The Univer-
sity of Michigan, he said, has done
this, and by so doing has greatly in-
fluenced the Eastern universitiescom-
pelling them to make greater efforts
to do their own work.
Appointing Committee and Giving
Them Authority to Proceed With
Working Out of Club House
As before stated in these columns,
Michigamua has laid plans for an an-
nual banquet for securing a Michigan
club house. Following is the resolu-
tion as adopted by Michigamua Jan-
uary 7, 1904. This resolution and a
letter requesting action upon thesame
have been forwarded to the Quadran-
gle, Friars, and Toastmaster's clubs.
Resolved: Whereas this society be-
lieves there is a need in the Univer-
sity of Michigan for some organiza-
tion whereby the alumni undergrad-
uates and members of the faculty can
met on a common ground and unite
their efforts in developing and foster-
ing Michigan spirit and promoting
and securing a Michigan club house,
be it enacted that,
1. This society appoint two dele-
gates and also invite the Quadrangle
Friars, and Toastmaster's clubs each
likewise to appoint two delegates,
these delegates to constitute a com-
mittee for accomplishing the ends as-
stated in the preamble.
2. This committee shall have full
authority to organize such an asso-
ciation and do such other acts as
may in its judgment seem proper and
expedient for accomplishing said ends.
3. This committee shall have fill
authority to arrange for a general
annual banquet of the Michigan clubs
and organizations of alumni and of
members of the faculty.
4. - This committee shall have full
authority to determine what csbs, or-
ganizations, alumni and members of
the faculty shall be invited to the
first annual banquet.
Randall has been awarded the '04
Lit class work by committee. All
members report for free sittings for
class picture. Photos at senior rates.
WEEKS, Chairman.
Rentschler is the official photogra-
pher for the senior engineering class.
Sittings may be had at any time.
All candidates for 1905 Lit Relay
Team report daily at the gym. for
Signed, STONE, Mgr.
Important class meeting this after-
noon at 4:15, room C, U. H.
Nelson E. Towsley, a '04 Literary
student. has been awarded the prize
annually given by Dr. Efflinger to the
student who prepares the best trans-
lation of the French drama, "L'Exile."
A matter of great interest to all
fraternities, college clubs, organiza-
tions, and associations is to be dis-
cused Tuesday, January 19, at 7:30
p. m. at the Michigamua rooms over
the Oriental Billiard Parlors, entrance
on Liberty street. One representa-
tive of each organization is urged to
be present, as this will be a very im-
portant meeting for all concerted.