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January 08, 1904 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1904-01-08

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i _

Pneed asstn o xdx'l claassmatter attrhe Ass
R ofluction vb tt r orsuet n n lmu from the University f Wisconsin
fof el: ..ry:ar t OIt, EVWahigtteescreet, perished in the Iroquois fire at Chi-
MANAijNti EDITOR: All the Elecedl candidates for the
f JG S. MOllY 1l'lt)ASON debating team at Wisconsin have re
* LIf USINESS MANAGER: signed and a new team has been ap-
As xxhe loave too large a tsOt t13 HUIi.I~iSf) pointed. In speaking of the Michigan- a
EDITORS: Wisconsin deate lbselDaily Cardinal
* stotk tof fancy S~ite:- - -Bf It scar K. AiveOASays:
f feu-, - - I3. 8BIAI.5Y "The qesticn which Michigan sub-'
SUI~SADi~i:: sASSOCIATEus: mited sometime ago and which Wi- ByI
f*UTI6 ND f Cifod :tvou, Ro t:y Peebes, cosin sent back with the request for
A 31 0:Grave, Ie:iry P. Erets an explanation or interpretatioii be-
f IROIJS[RINGS * A: C.:::ouxd. A. . Orfleyer. cause of its exreme ambiguity lisnol
Joep Y.xo: : iir. iStoddad S. Mre. 'been changexd or interpreed in the
f 5 1Ix:::i.. I tot'Iye slightest degree. If we are to debate The
lxi haH ex l el I.arry Ax. A[deSC e ~ Mcian, we must idebate them n atonpix
them: at retlucetl prices the question as it suitedl them to word an ord
**Edtor Today-ARTHUR C. POUND. it. At a meeting this evening the mat- n o'xl
* to make roovmnifor ouir *tr will be discussed thrugly hoxe ea:
f fpii ni~o:i sex:.::: xxxi:::: 'xue::Sx:::xxeer yxc<, i xcxxae ix: whether we can afford to accet a s:tjl
f f ud vptxxfe:. i :xtlxqxxxxxx fx e. 1. fiA9, $2.U qestion which is as general and asi
4 ol'nl l i e sure ace nxl6:3HIn ambg:os4a2tht0sbmitedby:ich
* ffceSCe:B230in. aOasin i3gan. Some of the faculty members
f ca. m.beDaily. plaexofthe ctmmittee regard it as higi11y
*f calf altex: 11C *Ad essr, 331acB.dStrN uesst an-inexpedent lx: accet thue queti~o #4":xf}otrode-.
f Telephone, 461. neieo"ablition :of lbs peronal prp-j
f _*- __ _.__ety tax." In their opinion schicai
f G. .WIL CO. tebate can prve nothing better than
H. W LD a Cfarcex in which each sidowill wanter
__________________________________ by itel con its own interrettion
10 f WSIGONSRt'.--of the uestion."a
fwwffafalfw:txxw anuay 9--03 p.i.fl. e by Mr. Harry Gill, who has been coachiig
"afaf6 e ffo Andrle Xiel on "NotesDme odthlBleloit track team for the lt two
I lIx:: in: Sarah Caswell Angell years will be track coach at Illinoie
Stewart Edward White Ilxxii this Year. Many candixates are ou~t
* A:: :i ix:: ~ J:aay 8 4:15 p. no.llstrated lee- wrking uinder him every day. Early
lix lii .xtI I by Professor: Stanley oni "The spring training in baseball will begin,
THE(FOREST Applxe" in Miseum ~ee' on in the gymnasium.
111r~raydqt Isfuf-ay dm'ley lu ry8-Spi. iJ..unixior it Social "Faernity ay" will be heldI at te
«eef0,11 dcoaio, y r n c blerry ]hal. ' St. LoiisExocsition, Sept. :0.
Then~.n sHeaty * lth xOafice.s' onfern2eix.m A Japan Club has been recently or-
____________________ A x hele)illxxi"g ganized at arvard University. The
.lex w MxoeySSa:.Bildgieing Sx object of the club is to further the
* ttlrt e'iyMr .CMg interests of the Japanese in Harvard
thx'nd teuyy]ctcure yantinL. tlox'dthe::xvrdoenxniJxxn
th mser ndtewndrofxLeo"i':xodiuctin Engiuxering _____
th tx'great wxoods. It hsba x iex' Phyis Lctxure Rtoom.
Wsaixi o Mr. Whiote tha~t h lit. *s Janxxaxy 1tComedxxy Cib play. A Pa-Hellenic Whit Toxriamuen
04 theyIoer to m xie xxxuxl[cxl tio ______i___ s announced at the Univeriy of
wod x~~~tas thxx maaso f sxialt wit trxeat xrexi:soubexil.'given the Iowa to take place soon.
* xSi iettttr x x.ix:er flction make youfxlxithe sia" Sb ioe. to Cetrxalo xifo itoeexcelleni
O n the hapityexihs :ofxt'kxboxxxoxk0010e:affoxixedlsxxdett eneiroute to Nebraska is mxaking great ffxrto
p o i e t thi o ever xx'lr c, iti varioxxs ooes xxn the occasion to secure a football gam e with Mn -j
Phee ae toreso experienceee ofxxie hlxiay vacation. Soreis nesota next fall since they heard that1
00 detue o the lxxxi thea it xrlsy xieayedI te regular Michigan would have no game wih
tri, n th1,5wildso xCaad'h alt x x. ,xxnlt:'maatgxeint xof that Minnesoa in 104.
*it lxoofxwoo:deraitt.oiketesxo tf t x:t xmpanotrealingte:'axixy xf otr____
*of bt toe n tSn otile x oxxpie- i iixxv tt ixi esx't: Conell 'won the tni-collegiate chees
tooeo xi he.0 v lxixotloxito: onxithoxlas litl' tixayas iossile tornameit for the fourth uccessive
00 uxoxl ixr siexxd ixsixhemlouxoiltralos t ieotetime Pennsylvania anti Brown are T
f t-------~-----*. xxxtx x:I -xaexx'os he oher two colleges represented.
*e l~s iheta oceaffording
* *~~~~ spx leid accomm::xxodati:os xxi' very-
lxxxixSxch actin:totxxxi:tails onothe Thxe Engineering department of Cr- WxNV(Ii
" 001r xxri'a .rvltlrailrxxxd oximpany isnell has received 120 worth ifI Lathn
alay apprecxx::'iax'ediI by:heuixc; and equipiment from the SWetinghousee oxcLeo
ANN ARBOR, DETROIT, f*h iii: Ox: xx'xi: Itirl petopIlv artolxble (xxmlan. It coniscf a cxmplxetc leatl
320 oState St. 10 Wsdward Av. " i l'l:aeaxaau o'ai~~mxix
f*cngatuatd: o te rgxressivxness r baeaprtsfo oooie
xx~NffN~f~~ o ir p alngfre.tr andrtwenty-ix cars.
OHIO CENTRAL LINES grdate sys~t,em ofcacinfg Iar"en'Sotsf h
" ur ifJerr Utey i enagedto artmnt:will lecture at Potlic tItl
Dre:t Li:eix:txween oldo a - ud e xixesx olixs ox t cxgag:'lv toevenig upxn request(of hs local --
bus, Aben allipois, CarlextneiBardi f Eulcaion.
booa.,adte ot. Ask iouragntoril( dA nxpelxrts. T1h:'studixxntxs
applyo Li. P. ItJ wiS. IP.A., 7 "xxor tt, hrI:::'I :xtinloxUIlexy 's xxxiliy 1:o pro-
Detrxoit Alit',itMvIL'xN I ot-xe. x d c:'resulxvtsadthe tuit:':~ied'l baking ENGINEERING LECTU RE.
(. 1. A.. ''xToloI. ofthex studeinxxx odylxxxii: etxslx0ales tir. xW. L. Migge, Superitnxdent K
-- ,.. KS'xintoxconsixevirat xix: oenthei ch'boicx' is Shxp, will sieak 1:o te'Engineering
C.".l* N C .,mae Society on "Producion Enginering," f a1.
Those wishina leo have their ros papered - Friday, January 8th, at S p. in. in thoer
tinled, or decraed) NOTICE -DAILY BOARD. Phyoics Lecture Room. This is a Sk,
Durn heChrstasVactin 'Siiiiig for xMictigaiicisiai: picture closed meeting and all new members
1r txriay, Januxary 19x11 at 11taa.i. at mot be accompanied by member,
shold leave orders early. Rettscleir's sudio. 69-71. Election of officers will follow this lee-

Outijues of the
and Carriers
Bdwiu C. Goddard,
Oxutlines state the found-
iuxiples of the subjct in
::'iy and conseexitive form
lec thait the otudient may
,n oxportunity tou see the
a. a axhole.
ir's Book Stores.

ave' 0 loixo oxadeof Sole
ccr, Steel F'rams, Linen
orbs:' lined acnd imuitations
ie', fia::: $3.00 to $12.00
Toggjery 1 17 S. lain
co°p your face
r. Usc Williams'
wing Stick.

203 E. Washington St. 'Phoene, 2375


Lymashn Abbott
"1Reto jgoblcm,
"1oDdaLJ [vening, Jan. 251
Single Admission, 50c,. Season Ticikets, - $1.00j

DIIAN MI.. 5fABOLT, lManager

Friday Evening, Jan. 8 Two Big Nights
Return of the favorite artiste, Monday and Tuesday
MR.JAUR 11had1t
V-Presenting Lieutenant THodoea'
Big Burletsque Company
K(IJNG~ 30- People fMostly Girls -30
Prices : 75c, 50c, 35c and 25e
Prices: 25c35ca tWfs $1.00 Seat Sale Tomorrow

IM A-'


" m r


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