The Michigan Daily
No. 70
Conference in Session Yesterday and
Today-Noted Specialists Here-
Gist of the Proceedings.
The objectsofo the ('oaference a re:
The presentation of fartsa and te gen-
eral comparison of viewsa by thse,
Heatths Oficers andot ther Delegates'
of Loral Boaerds of Health, among
themselves, witit the membters of the
State iBoardt of Health antd witht those
in charge of the State Lahoratory ofi
Hygiene, ani espteciatly witth refer-
ence to tihe duties oif Supereisors, and
other liresidtensts (if lestlitoardts of
:Health, tHealth IOfticers, tsnst tther elti-
viais, relative' to ttse restrietion of the
dtangerous communticable dttt t (iseases, anti
relative to otlier subtjeetsainttgrip-
tin the pittttieieattltserviee of the
The itrograit as giveetotetay cotisist-
eid oif titt'followitngtittmters.
gesti ig thSe lprevioutiaslaughter if a
itregnanut, atnimal.
As t the Ittilittgs Ituenmselves,
I tey areItearly all itld, ahantionedl
tarnsotiesitetis, unptited,sweathier-
teasteit,waeud, idecayinig; asitheluy
are withotttttnttetexcepition,filittytt
att iuspeaklte aantin ittinagiitatle
Itteery itiace I examnedistI he
knilves, saws aitt cleavers. Tisey
were always fotiui stulckirnitot itehang-
ing flat. against the crtustedi wails.
They wereinvttariabtly filthy, wiih
blottot, grime attdhalerttickly itetdted
aiot te itoaft. It is iterhaps neetdiess
tt addtht iat the htantts antticittthintg
ttf the btthers were as filtity as thire
hiltihy umetiutid.s aut siuioundtigs.
'05 Engineering Class Went to the
House in a Body-Beautiful Fiorai
L. Aditress ttf Welcoeuttuby Jams FTse futteral ttf teciltGootding was
B. Anigell, Li.. It., ttrt'sittentoftili'hr tld yest ertday mnirting ft-em the res-
University of Mticigan. i iee of lil amsily ot Fiftit avenue.
2. Iinitroducttory Atdtretsity Httt Befotre tte serets, thueumenmbers o1
Frtank Wells, Presitdeintif tteStateI te '05 Ittngitueeeitug fiass wenttt the
Bouard of hitaltit,iLansiing. lttttse ltin tuttldysitd vieweuthfle re-
bty fGty L. Kiefer,, ii sittt tilit Atmtttg tie lt'owers abttttt thte casket
cer ttf Utt-triit.t'ee titeis fttttt irixtGorodings
4..It)iscttaaitti tf tihe Stihject. classmtuates, atttlfromtim eiii 0ichigas
5t. Hotw ttt hMakeOuItrft Cotieiict .sftttst tt tisquido. 'Toefunteral waspti-
tf tausi' tf feathi, tty C.L.\V I itate.'eteinig tresentltt'sitdes the
H. D., Cfitefttf tDivision f VitaltSt-i futiuily aniti iinistate' friendisoithlii
tislit's, Deptartmuettl ttfStt', aing decei raseit, s'vt'ralmeberst'io f tt' tac-
t. iDiscuissiontu tf t Iii'Stbt* u aly inclludinugiPresidtet; Aitgll, a
Pasymnttt f Ixii'15s sfee lli I'l iiesstrs. iBairdl 'itd Fitzplatrick.
Parsons, SilktwitthiDagoturtis Co-, I'li evi. tie. TYtottg tonducltedl the
miunicahle tDiseasi's, be( Stat'e Mtr tretet'~cs.
Sat isfactorey? Getniera st tti'ivsiotii a ed tTil oy itas tattillforin~teret.
byH. Henrtyut itA. atit ~itti y oit, to(the old 'iity lit meitast. Yotr'ke.
itat -Boa y of Iat., Detroirotlit ii5tin adok utie,
. iQuiivte'ttti'roi--tiitty Stot I°stiandtttoitiitited io'afttpallainfit
Ml. P. itavci-hi, of flii t'tite-sltly oiday
Pennsylvanita. Anni Artbti, M0ich., hits. 6, 190t4.
2f. Disicitsiton of itheSubt. i Rftsolttions posedibyIty e l'Siciiigan
Bost-tiof ihitalthi, AnntiArbt.tsin ittoit Iatit'f riomitsittit'whotm
4. 'Tur'ArgumnttfirL-cil.heat i t we loveti, Ihittorietd, tnti r-e'piete'd, as
5. Sio'e Lrssons i 'It Latrned iteit.tfResolvedi, 'That. itthisdeatih
friont Sltuying iditt-ttiiititeSt, n ctihcfoal lsqu1adi ailts stilfetredl iigrist
itil, tyiProtfessore. titatlis E.isiarsit tiss. I lils tetliig aetrtt. lIlil tir'-
,Mi, Agricutuiratlf'olle'g,, itt lii ii ittanoir,ipteasantt dtspoititoi, antI tie
6i. tiscusionttof Ithi' Subtitit. e retstiltndittirtight.ittarsactr'ehad
7.qutotiloxi.--SantitaurySincet won'Ilit' tgood -wiandit 1 loveisuof till thu
''litia eveultig muuit tgws ('spe-'iatlliy o islta I
interasting. 'liii'doinuiatut t hought tBte51 i to 'lsilveI iTha~it till'xte'nii
seasthit'retin'ionutof uiseasetas wichutoii his famtuily1and11freittu ourtheuait.
muay tue conlt racteiiifriomuttheltotteritait felt sympl~athyt inithetir gretat hiss asut
imais. libitreae'meiut.
Tiso gretstal intetrest.ittnteredut Attdlbit it funrtherReiastlvadrut. hat
around M Srs. fistic's p11er tue radinig a Coliyif thiisierisotliutitus liiseittoli
flo tcaliest itinsectioni. Inin ttro--Iis fatmity, ail alsot interittdiniuour
ducting hertii thechirmtatiifturtmedl the ltutu-a pesir.
auduiesucelust site tuasa gratuitoslay IiiARifi'IS 5AiRitt
contrihutedun ittirinsg effiortsatlit hue f'itTS REDDEitN,
snuject fur tihe last twvityersans gh 'li)HAS ghItERit'S
heor talt showedt a turoiun vestigation. JfSEI'IliMADDtOC'K,
Her vividt descriputiontuof the' Ierritble SiIfNt'h'IR CUtRTIiS,
conditiionsandt texampleis if udiaeasedi 'At..JONES,
moat udisplayedlcannttbuttuaturally t'tttlitte
iecrease the meat billastuf uer listeti-
era conside'rably fur somne time to, IMPORTANT NOTICE.
come. The 19114 Michiganensian, according
In speaking ifthelbucondttitioins abuut to contract, is to be on ihe press be-
Kalamazoo which she claims are gen- fore March 1ot, 1904, consequently all
oral throughut thut'stati'. she said pictures, money, and copy must be in
in part: 'Thu slautghuterhuuses are by February 15, 1904. Michiganen-
entirety seitiouit provision ifur (ti-ain- sian sittings, at senior rates, may now
age, thus eartuheneiathi and arundt be had at Rentschler's or Randall's
is soaked with the rotted blioodi sit studios. If.
filth of manly yiears. The pens stud DAN McG UG IN,
sheds containingliie atnimuas the Manager.
slaughtered are, for the msuttt part.; ___________
apparently bottomless pits of niudI
and flith into which the liaif-devosuredi, ADELPH I PROGRAM.
iucooked offai is trampled, sehile tetur Satitrday, Jatnutary 9thu, at 7:1i5
squealing pigs carrying on, literalyanI p. to.
intestine warfare; presetuting, weben SMusic- Hopweooud.
it is remembered that, these same DeciamatiuttiSciunit.
swine are destined shortly to be eaten Debate-Resolvedi, Tiiat the Presi-
by ourselves, a sight as revisting as, dent's Action in the Panama Matter
iuman imagination could picture, In is Comumendable.
one pen we saw trampled into the Affirmative-Guest, Bouman.
mud the decomposing hody of a very Negative-Davidsonu, Burges.
smail caif, quite too young, I think, Critic-Malcom.
to hove been born, and inevitably sag. Stings.
How It Was Built, and Named-Inci-
dents Connected With Its Construc-
til-The Men Who Lire There.
Situtatedl on tle noritheasttcotusnetuf
tue camuti is a butilitug, wahich is
perhas morte intimately associiaterti
weith the actevities tof thur at ulett
thiattsaytither ouse hbuiing fiurnuing
a part ifthuetfUiversit y. Wat ertoati
Glymusasitumtisuoe oftu heheart uplaces
with wuhiuis a new stuidenst:hecomties ac-
quaint edtupotnutarrieviugat. collegi', the
sitest-hit-uta majotrity use'motsitutu
lt teatvi'at graiduatioun, said tue 1one
abuttwichitheutmuost tpleasattmulem-
orius are assoctiatedtseieti ciullege lift'
has ceasrdutoIbit' ttheri-thuan it mrim-
1894 stud the waits seere ciopitteut by1
1892. T'he conttract fee the rosofing
strtucttire anti the uipper- frame' work
was let ft the C'arnegie Steel Wotrks
at :.ittahurgit anuthasout this uatugs a
Iraengduy. Wile this wusrkr was undier
seay at ittatiargi thue great I iutsui-
asitdStrikse tubre utut. ini thiisteet
workussiantseerythuing cameito Iit aaunud
stilt. As is weellktnownuuthits strikei
was titus'of thue'nmtst puruot racte uitn
hitterintshlii'whuole hisoryruf tItndus-
filtriafuie'. 'Thestrikers opetulyre-
sistedithue trotus senttt etre rd iner
suit the proritetstutu thus'gyistusium
wats derlayedultacit years. rThs-tiuildting
was lilt comlted tl ulltil18t94. 'Thei
consltrituton f liii-framie wotrkr sup-I
pinthue iiottuf teas altlomi PittIs-
burugh suit then trtanaspotedt-ihis-ic antd
lull igetiue tilt-u- typiisce. IItuighit
bei said itt this contnectiontuthIlit thue
tolt: asas ausarv-ul fitri-tirec'tness,
as nither'bhel tuturtieamtihau t litte
atieredin uaniy pticl'ular.
'Ilu tottaltcoto f the gymnuuasiunu
amotuteto Ii$65,0itt. tOf tis atituitI
$2,000tl sas given by b1. tC. Waterman,'
if D~etritlafter swhsim thi' tbuildhing
wua sestmid.rThus' balanceui-of thus-cost
if tht-strutuars-was uaiseidby subt-
acriutionutamnt hue altun, biusiness
men otf lihe'cthy, anudifuriendstotf tut
utnivesit y Ithr-oughouut thut'statie.
Nus monuey seas givenusythyeii'State
ini the anutal appuropuriatiosfist the
btuilding, suet thur raising if tuue$d5,ooo
to c'osmpete the gymnasituntws no
asall wrkr. Wshat ans effort it was
ferue ualizeu-today, hut theur'essult.of
workel is it lit thugumuonumuint mauintg!
thei stitcessfi ulc lii itusi f thus-if-
'huiv tersity his ontly us-thuintpits.
stinsuf anuathleitic ftetu abut, fifteen
yeaurs, anuitcsuriouusly enouiigilht'egymu-
nausiutumarseth ie sot suit-ut-all athi-
ltc is'o-ntcst sformterly 1tookir llac'.
Bteforethus-cu'ru'stiuuu tf Iteties'gytutua-
Thec fotlltwitug rcommuitteshlavebeent
appouituedifrineuthe Law IDepiartmnt
ht hakei'chargi' of thu Washinlgtonu
ihdayti eebratitut.
1"uuuuu Ils' ilass if 1981:-Shiurle,
tIthairmanu, Saylour, Sanutall, Itarr,
Iu'eclser; 19113:-W. L. Fitzgerald,
chauirmanuu, But-reiyisWeadocktsFletcli-
seu, hustlue ; 1906il - Mbotgonmery,
chairauntuu, IBrtilkts, \sunuclu, Wilsner,
As yet: the cutunuit ti-cahavesut tie-
cits-ilwho itlltsluraltothislaoccasiton.
Nurt iticahtin if Ithut'suluct tutuwalthbe
Wonderful Metal is in Possession of
!Physics Department-Professor Car.
hart is Testing Its Electrical Prop.
enies-The "Freak" of Chemistry.
Pnifisor Carhuart has in his posses-
tiiontastmallut glass chat aboitut tue size
lof a lehdtuencil tutu not utter ta-s
titiul a hualf t-it-hs lonug, countaininsg a
sustuhance1th' ihu' ren-ssmsttacosmon
sat tut, whtich-Itsu-thatlii'Univiersity
-:1,;. STu' statli contasahalf grain
if itadhiueuitchtwas importued lfuromi
laths throuuughu a New Yorkr houuse.
luu thur last few mothtttts radihumn has
crrted-u a great itteu-net hecatuse if
hut manuuypeultiarlropeuusurtiesawhich
it, poseses. Mauty if thc metals
,possess these' samesqupaities b1ut1not
Iii~ auch at uarkrsudeigree.
'u' Terusuitumu is usaedt in the physical
labouratoury fort expserimenuta lpurposes
antI isotanty ipeuiarities are heing
demostuturateud. If it, is brutughut near
li lt etu'rodetuwhentichargedt it with
immedu'uiaielydushiarsge the negative
If yuu I suldi caurry-thul al," said
trs C atutart, "'Iutyur u-vest tuocir'
s-h fur a itotulieof htuours youu would
huave- a stswo uuonyuruibody which
wouuuldnttuhealuu fiura monlt.''
'Thur burnultg qtualitit-a have not been
illtust-atedt in thu labuoratoury as yet
buut somse strikitug thinugs have heent
disesiredl hutextuerimetuts iniother
citi-s. It has tutu-utfouitd that a vial
pulatedt itsr a tbtuscontaininug mice
will uctuse thut- hale to fail off the
backrs if the animtals and evenutually
caiusie death. uDe. teedman, of the
isMedicat lstuartmtut-ttalau so tuosesses a
teatIohutofus gri-un s-hit-h lue is using
fort i-xpt-rimen-utaltprpouses.
Raduuiumuu will purouabuly itt-arbh ueit
ht tractical use oni act-untt of its
scanctlie autd prouhiitive itst. At
trsesenutit may Ihe t-esteda ihemical
slum thus' O slts ofutnitiviersity satu- Archuie Hhnutthu sprntter, has an-
thisa ueu-- nutn autl et-tut.Stuuw- nttttsedhaiutthi' will nut ututet- the
u-n buatuts were hlacesuin hutIt'bass-ruts-t'tsit819tn ltt ~teana
if thueuold Mesdtical utulit luugut thts eil6 adds tteana
hai' ua tuilue it-at-l tte - uidoor nittymlutfgieunJanuary :0 iby
ed it wndos ndthewaerquik-Coumbiauuulu nisiesil y huin tMaion
-it withe whereous itu tulay un thtfioor.tSuatre tGardts-n. Arthuruttauffy, aio
Buy therze witsru'oithayitutuituws ne. -holdshthe wilu's record tfotrthi0 yards,.
ussary htuse thut'convenitences atuch illtop n teipeso a
as they wse orhe gutsitutott.. Alt of arisen lust It.ahutseth fsorfeit the naf-
- - iuuurahua wich theotnatluaumpitonutshutpa that he warn in
tile exercising theApArauttes awMilahketlas
unuiersity pousesscd consuised tof stats A a iwukels
htoruizontual luau's nuade if weoodu, sitout Septenubet'but, this is nut tile. Hahn
wooen ors an a ew prig ba s iii-heunationatlA. A. It. chamption for
wiwoetrethousnsedhuae shininhet Ihut I00iiyard anauthet'228 yard lashes
wuntc renhlayisct tnrtereesabottlteandthehutwscll houtlthese tithes at least
whitensuitrev haymat r fanctudieh utihutthur next natiuunat meet huetutnext
camps seneer ehin ou laucyiii Set-htmnber at St. I.ouiia. 'The race at
fatedl,durtuing thue small ipomtionuof ifelb Nt-a Yorkirs a atuecial event thu decide
year when it wspoissible to ite the tuationtal A. A. hU. champiounship
them.lfoi lullyardis idoars. Hahun's reasiuns
Any me'ntionuu uf Woatermnnugynuti' forinoth eompiunthgase'that the time
situm wotildutoo'viny tlckting Ilinton
essentiah, diiidt itnt mtethionutCyrstiu5toshotito htrtaitn tosei n
Perkns te !thu-re is nut 60i yard straightaway avail
hiria hrjanitore, famuiiary tiuownaht;hu'teuti-gnsasnuetg
to thus tboya as "Cy."tHe is at otuce ;abeuthei) onelsithgymien'uau cin-
-rqun th efrulat gmashiumiandufsalaseetest swithi Duffy several times this
willing to acconumodhate whenever ysa ti uttst eie to be in
help is uneeded. IDirecnstor'Ftzpatricklrthebhurst rdspossihle condition.we i
is as int imiately assocsiatedulin the muetsaheanthscapsn
student miid with alt athletic activ-
ities and his puopuulaity antd geniality SOCIAL AT NEWBERRY.
are weltlIknowuntoo alt. Mn. Fitzpat- fleee satungementos-have been
rickr came to the Uiniveraity if Michi- jttadeo at Newbserry Hail four the social
gan in 1894. In 1896 he was catted Iwilcm s-itt be given there this even-
too Harvarod hut he returned tou Michi- ruig, when rho Juniors with entertain
gan in 1898 where he has since no- the 'Freshmen. Each member will be
malted and where he will be sure of limuitedl to two tickets as it has been
otasunch and loyal friends so hung as found necessary to keep the attend.
he chooses to stay. once down.