~1e '.of
Al. Wailjj.
VOL. 129.
The Attendance Complete. COLLEGE EDITORS TO MEET.
ph A Western Inter-Collegiate Press
The suinmary of the attecndance of Association to be Formed.
t stdnta__nly ei, ld
athet calsndai 1)eSo- 1. iisiii e U. of \I. IIa ii his issiied a
t~~~~ antl tho isenve ii n9i isnty collegie jouinials in
Vinn to pre~ss. TIhe folloing tahble the staites of \lim liigan. Illinois,
are taken froni1 the inuscipt ot .lhio Ida, 11icsi,
tenwclnaadcnTed-;n Ioa fon ai iei1 to b
Innlell hildtonor ii i liiforithe( lii lose o
{r 1 ii i c
iilnall y inereistini b ecaiuse oftheto SC1 ascai)s i
colario mmadec ietween this vea ai e iiin:e thle \ciii ImEiii- iin aniitile
and lat tiwlnese ha h etaad hi-sceshs ledi
litee tsille~ ti tii heit to atelp the foration
it ill tile inicreaseit n- -lers 1e flilo inii letter was
trenn being i65 Ainotheii i r- adiliressied to eac on he if tli se sev enty
ise the small idifference beliee i ornals:
th jnor andi senior laws, the di- Reliesvimg that ith priiesent is in op-.
heec eing onyip ettlIortuine tiiie to fain ig thie colleges
gin Cnl r. h toa west of the Alleghitnies iiitii clo~ser
1tdial attendance has fallen oi~c, commu iion aniiil l mo)rine inim~ate
but ths i xlid ttie increase relaioiis switli each otlier, aiid heliev-
tforyears. ing that this caiib effectiially brought
ITiERARYiDEPATMiENT. about by mieaiis of the co-operaitioni of
150 t 18 f pf the college jouirnals, anil believing
se'lio5szi111 _----5 1 thiat the ciiliege journials of the WVent
5ldn tGrmduates---------- 4 4: shioulil enjoy the beniefits of assiociation
addtee o Adv-acediege
Enoslled Dptse-___ anid personal , cqiil1111iceshili amonolg
is etier _ ____- -- 3: 4 the editors, the "U. of M. Dxkii - hits
taaasforBachelr's ;De- asiumed the responilbility of callig a
No Fre.-_---_----- 91' 5 meeting iof the college journals of the
Olaiiiid tiiiorDge- 14 ii stastes of Illiiiois, 1In1dinli, lIssa, f4ilch-
1,o s ,1i E icali Ohiii and1 Wiscusinii fur thie ilmr-
OtPnoTieneV lie MEICINE o AND SURiiRY pis iose of fomig a Western-In mter-Col-
P (' legiate Press :Associatioii. The coin-
-utt year siiiilens---- t3 1o plete success of the Ness1" Elalnh
SeldYar Student s.-__---- i li39 1 I iter-Collegiate Press Associatioii andl
ci1Year Sucin. ____ ._ hIe Cenitrl In iter-Collegiamte IPress As-
___ siCitioti lead is li to believes that a
2 31similar asia~ltion cant he succeessfully
It - DEPAROJIiiT OF Lw. omgaiizeid amiong the colleges of the
West. t~iralsr I West. The advantages if such a
more )7 1 i uion areaparnt
St ti enroled i i Dcli1)' 11 N1 nothlig il l comm~lonl. Aitassociation
_-would brinlg 11s nearer together. Col-
5M 57lege editors are suppiosed to be the hest
CiisiOPATeic NiEiiicAi COLLEGEi informed is to the management of thle
f i11r5d rduy of the college itself and especlilly of
Year Stuidents.......
endYer Stodenal ------ :3 x the stuident organizations. An inter-
Il s ti iiltueats__ ------ .: change of informationl andi opiionsS
-- concerinig the condilct of college
j1ournals wtouldi, of couirse, be the m1ain
lioi. S 0ue~LCSEY object of such ail assiociatioii.
o~ira-----------_________ 41 f3 W ill you kindly call a mleetlig of
ii in- - - - --~ ~ yooi biiard at 011ce andii decide:
-- 1. Whethier yourt jouirnall faivors the
1031:3"it formation of a Westernl Iiiter-Collegi-
~~~~~~t OFru~Ct. .cassociation, antd
8e5oad radluates-_ ------ 3i 1 lWethler you will promise to scnd
F, YearrStudecnts.--..- 1: or5t
Nt~er~tuents------- 47 6 aiepresentative orrepresntlativesnt
Cilid oh the 11sf nieetinig, whiich we swoulcd sug-
s3 ,1 gent sholdli be heldiu Chicago, tieing
as near ai central location as possible.
Li SMIIARY. Ili oider thiat the ist mseetiiig may
k,,rr beartmcut------ 1'175 not heea iuprofitable onle,w wesuggest
La45ODepartment a---- thtseea journals beriietdt
t rbestit- - - - -587 prepare papers upou subjects to be
I) t4ipathic College_.--- _ 1 selected by themiselves.
hE ollege- - - - -t 1n a reply at once, makiiig any
seOiumcyS stigsinta ua curt you, so
that a date can be net and all the jour-
R_:,,a, n ials be notified of the time -and place
cI names coasted twice_... at of meeting,
Total -- Very Truly Yours,
------------- 2,416 U. of M. DAILY.
Columtias Athletic GroundsI
samlle tprotleml whicihliur11A1 A.is
hai-tg tciiiile wsiti, i. <%the ittingor
tillo iti newt-i-athletic riiiiiiiillI
Iitcesti n ldec-ipt17 ofthe1 iel
ap'nintlastSil tatr. he
has areaybe ladd fc
itrrigidics thetie ttlIciles a
hief dIcsipItionill ermnth C -
strnitio, s tiol lows
"ThmctliciitelfII55ill lie o' site
cindercs,11a11 sell-gaedlel t tlicurvmme5
It still be f the sti-l ligth, ilua--
tcr of amldoal111.1 in10 1mshapile. The
220-yards straigtssassill le at the
iiorthi oflie LIrack IBetwoentlio n hd
the carlrige cocouse an obseration
walk will be laidl 0111 Withiiiitlie
track is the lootbiiall adiibase-ball eld.
This is to he cireflilie leellel, anid all
stones, roots, etcicreiovei, oly the
bet of clayi andiearthi being utsei in
the fillig i. It is theii to be sell
seededi ail eaisviysodded, as it will
he expectedi to stanit severe tet from
foot-ball in raiitvsweattier. Foom both
tie leachk1and11fieldi tie wate is to be
carriedi oiftiy almist perfect systemmoit
artificiall liitbie - tLi'nergroimlli
diidies, twoi feet broad anmi a foot ammi
a haltideep, with walls of stone, are to
umiiderlie tie entire fieli. These itilcies,
airranigeuliniategmhr net-wok, wtill
carry tie drainigs tinstie (Gu111Hill
toad sewers, andmlthuis tihe fieldl will le-
exceptionallly iiryeselI im vercsvtc
Twvo acres are reserved for tennis.
'Pie grand stand is to be 2404,
with a eatiog capacity of uf6oo. In
tie lower part of tie gratnd stand
will be lockers for nmen im traininic
visiting teams and tennis players.
Here, too, will be waiing roonms
and a snmall gymnasium. Columbia,
like tie U. of M., has long desired
an athletic ground of its osn aid is
notwa1ou111toiae lier swish realized.
The College Man.
The above is tie title of amm iter-
collegiate magazine for unterirad-
ales, whiicim is published at Nws
Haven, Conn. J. I.. needy, of
Yale, is tie managing editor. 'There
is anm assistant editor at sone tirty
-of our leading colleges. J. R. Efi-
-get is the associate editor frons the
U. of M. It is a monthly paper,
and is an excellent means of putting
the different colleges of the country
in tendshtwith each other. Mr. Eff
inger has an article in the last nunm-
her on "Th College Man of the
Poitcu, TARE. CENTS.
ti WING thme expieriecec of Csllcge
M)len wihio knmows-andl apipreclite
the i car-eful scruitinmyut Ciillege-Stml-
idemts, hu~itiug am1-e iiitpsof skilled
i~esiginers and IJeielers sitecially
trainedi-ifolr badge anii othir jcewelledl
wot nipot~ r 111 a mgs tie do1. irimectlv
frmmim Pammis, Lonidoniaid ulnimsti-Iltn
illStes. we are hu ipoitionitoepro-
ducei heiit. iii pli d and ili .ttili ll 150
Iiiililitillturi-i ll ithis (1-11111 N-
Wright, Kay & Ca.
f: ON 117 O)CT 1711 fIGtJ.11 WI EIt-.
Detr c t;Michigan.
Chas. ,Speller & .
Uiversity Outfitters,
_Ult'i'll ST ~ATE 4T.
110 1-
TilL A