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March 26, 1891 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1891-03-26

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,ZC.o M aiV«soudbe surprised if they should GREAT QT'NTJCofln t2'7'Q Fit
f a ilo f ~t o s a k e a us a p p r o p r i a t i o n l a r g e e o g h tGa k u r n w g r u d sW I L L . F O R T E !N E X T F U R , W E E K
Published aily (Sundays excepted) dring te enoght olmeaetiurelest rodfW WLrFe HplXTFURWEK
ue Colege yer,sy tebs olge'taei iedseto Offer five tons of paper of ati kinus to be sold by the posnd at gla
mH .t .IDPNETASCAIN the Alteghaujes.Silt rates. 'Try oir Crown Imperial Linen at 25 cents per
-_______ tpoundo. toiiilPaper, Thess, adTu'ypewriter Paper at
ice 21 c cr sisiy Engineers' Trip. (Gre at tBargaiiis.Enseloipes to ttatci all papi~ers
oscr. bicieryir ctc xii ii "iii111( 1111111 hat11gre atly reduced rates.
of tihe t lii lsi i' lliiS Itii'rsfit will l .e ..ad
t o it Slcclcc'. a sitolli , or with ci' x*a.nyH E T T-~'
thei'rdiiie'". (Iinyi esrn'l es.T EA H -
CoIll nn ii. it tin u tonl7ii'itr xcuhT ii'li' li. 0 u i c i1 ic o
Aii'ir'c, nl cutet'neiiiIiflthree fliipsx'uiwilli L ST t'uatilrII:as771,E 81'
hrixixcic1211c. .Siini tc iicciiiiao, liliir h ftL iii . S 7ixoti i ill it'S A T T
dI t HE ' il U . i a f Hnt . ldAtI nLY, anin u~ifoiiows:vaiu uulterot5 ii'
Ann Arbor, Mints . CiagPlmani, Joliet,Mi
xl- aukc, GraiilHaxveiiaitdIGrandiYoucaniind nta 'ul Lite of
i' iciciEDITORS. t 1Z aplS. (xxxiuisxii ii) -"/ ile p p 'tig
4.sW, 1itF iit'1,xll Man uagi chiiir. { I ole 1lo11 olimbsIvtnF n 'J ( i 1.
.C.Eiseet'ltiint iuax tin eir. li -xriha1seeJleuxe le
iAPHt ONiv tiis'tsi' s , i ct.anain~isi iur. Hamlt)'andCininnai.mS'h
I e1 lti ii 1 i, i, Acxixinttcie x htxigr. alI 11 23;e5.00.t 'JD'e eta c % l b tl1rj eC$ Oo11e e, A S =8
I arnote n t ~1. I,.i. vtnat .r. he . ct t mae } idlr'scud Gloves,
H . Ii'tiin'x] l Is' iscv~u.'lx,:. this trili xxiii please notifvieataiSa i llv'XISLANTI. Perris's Kid Goves
Ixx. ,v, wtlixi cul. at1 ayH ring, Maceli28ith, froim tIalfItiose af tat
<- t e 'xc. u . sxii)-N, s ar~ ly ae, also ici h trn I )5i n the 8 to i l uio k. All IFrends f the-
r r lxyi f woul ixpefer lxi make. Clee ariculr11ial td iod-
____________________________a sirtxic ilml lsli l asanli tm' assurri. ~ B L J§
all iexw subsxicibercs fxrcxlie. iexaxier IThe enixor lawi oratoriciial i contae'stY ltliO i
otil e uacrlfor Sx .0,litaddi ll i beliil nzt Saturyicl igtI"TTFI'T IKrr 10F
T heh c ia i x ii ox le ') o at osic n i tie lde ]ar t m en t wo SuH Iu i n uuA L
to the11111gelato.e'. cxlsieti advs.cf11 ti
)icl ali- o r t i i nettsi . a eia 1 i e]erts i ln eit'ilegt'co xi . '' Made to Order adO lfl ctolia
..}eho ill xxi] xxriisli ile uin lxx. O'OGuaranted.
lHi tieths to tile isl-iiorxi)net-~' __
BgU-ucii't.li c xxii1 nSINESS LOCALS, i
t\xi auuohf cig ii uosl n Niii'ixiiciiiii i a xxi it iitlici.e a 1
cust, axdte ee ting'raiuii ag in tbe k (nt i th i' eil.JOn
ti ek. tu'ieuitteu rca' ti an t rane s t o0 ta rbder Splingingli -;
rcesxciiulc oull ti sut_%peil ain umbener aofsnttlsaTt HERS E INT1tIICE
C~inst tit uni t at Jeil;2nsSStale St.
ru-ir. 'hese int-ioor weoWe ngt New impoitrtation in faisy vestings, OFFICERS,
sloull he titaulea fixture. Whlen tt6''TAFFOt5OxS.
our nexw Gymoin built xwe xwill have Special bargis fseiatiesnterest '
to you.T heltsc 'lain msss Luisi Blitz.
eter accutniuiuiatiotis tlati te ritik (e ltilitcC f istii t'iV N.L70 ORE'~lt i, hc
aftfordls. ft is tii le htopeid tat filie Iergus( sn firnisinftg stor, :32 S.
efforts of tie ttanagemtent to miake' State strel
Sit it 'ioi ' )cIt.-Mtr. BertTinsftg
the uetiiif aisucicies xiii]be rv-Iv ofthe I itrotitt it i m eof iti cln sxl.It-
xwardlcilbly'a large ax lii ig is-t, ill bexititheC l l owi ('iuk ti'at'
([I, MN an-It 2, 189111 ilhxi (lill liui oix .
--1111 l ui an[ egligei' shirslt, (aiill iiand North
Prixshoullive undiestoothaiiitii the it(L9,oed Ann Arbor and Nr
;:(Iro ixuif thei' kv-etts. inil cx i 5h T1 -ulut , T'elii' tlor. 71 Fort St., West, - Detrnit, Miah.MihgnR lw . 0
appropIriatiuun tir'the at i c ~ )x l t l i ixi l Inecl'la~ilxi' - rioeTae goig intsiac,MoitadsO' ,.
ovr untl]the \pril tmetingdoex si' s ixc di'iiiu e il'lit ti s. We'iii ' cxi__
I f~ l thet' hu-t lieif' ix) dxius it t i F ciis t ixO -T. m
i-t tilellix that1 thev'ar' opposedc toIi ilie -Noiw forI's'hie'balanic i-I'thi _. l iin iitiu '' hiterciandiiMail .. r
y- -l ici- nues i hs Se a'e fcuscciti. m
arc fax irall-i] ix litle appi i i a11io t x xiu--gtouxxii ceiliis. Vi'W uttaiatlu-e 41 < it ii°'bi Iixurr' .
I liii'.st-iis ie ussalio aly iithItt i , Ai at0t tlYl A xia ts si
Of aL Sxii'cxie t xxxuuuux1t t iii lx 1txii l bisllt'y-- nSi Imi-lt x tutflaltlui
grvounxdsicomltely, foir lxasv hi]].Wt ,xxv 'xsI u i Srtittt:. - NO. 12 'W', 1I I t' N St'. W 11. n NNET, Iti. 5,ItE~110cct
uioit-hal, tealck athletics andiltenni1s. ttHudrveds ii of aio ' stles itt tos-nu' txrGenI I' ci tlS itxuel s ,PasAgc,Loa
Th etiats rsete t tem Lsr (In Iivisixutistret, a plad~tct~
xere nt suffiiently Siuecific, andl capec offianixovrvot J. I Illc- Gan Opera l1oupe
moulre titme is reqluircid to secure thtese rail i6 Jffersont stret.I Thrsday, April °., 1891.
estsimataesfro ui iilvders and cottraic- ITakenx:Iromti Prof. Sliere'sriot,
tors. Th'lesleay only mteanis that latst edilttton of "Cone's Key to CORZNELL UNIVERSITY
wchten the work is doiine it xwill lie Niorthi Amelrican Bitris" axing LEBI O MNOI
done thoroughly, hrfSi adi te mioney anme of A. Peters in itheliurn to GLE1BIJ u ANOI
will tie stifficient for tie turtpose. iNlintts taken inthetltevsening by - 5 n 5Cs
'hue Regents are shioswitug consisder- etict,$o adznatKl Prices,- 355an75CS
able itterest ini lhermatter, andstwe e Iy, sNo. 6Ituron stret Sels ousateat Psicce Nets' Statd, Fri-
Idayiiat 'calck A S.

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