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March 26, 1891 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1891-03-26

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Ill lSlDkY, 4 R(II 26, 1ix1)1. Picc,, Tue FE Cixir
TeAthletic Appropriation will be
Made at the Next Meeting.
Tilie ieeting iof the Regeiits ail-
loirlietI yesterdlay evening, subjectj
to all, Cwlich i ll iroliably he imadle
'etthe tiiiversi ty app~ropriationi
li asses the Seisate aiii becomes
liay Te followviig is what Illsi-
te 5 is ransactedl after tile )_I IA
i~et to p~ress'yesteriday:
NoVacaniees ini the last depart-
Cit ter stevilleid. Itr. Carrowe was
ratttdl*3o fist the purchase of
ctOdes for use iii the hospital.
Tepetition of the city o n Ar-
brfrtwo beds ntehsia a
(erred until the next meeting.
The following degrees were coin-
trred: Mliss Marietta Kies, Master
of Philosophy; Joseph Michael
Crits, Pharmaceutical Chemist.
by." Breakey seas continued as
Itharer on D~eriiatology for tie see-
1)"f.I)Denison wsas granated $300
frtepurchase of imodels aind illiis-
traios for use iii his classes iii
A guranee undof 5oofor the
ThnrencmR cocetwasgranted.
The Regeiits authorized the pur-
its of the geological msaps, which
elosged tothe late Dr. Winchell,
or the university.
lhr" Nancrede seas granted $82 for
Oh purchseof instrunments.
prof. Hinsdale swas granted lease
of asente in order to go to Europe
tiet Year for study.
The question of foreigna fees was
rought before the board by a mu-
tonicrease the tuition of "for-
students by $10. The matter
.'a deferred until the next mseeting.
ih'o.Reighard, at the last meet-
of the Regents before their
tm5orial was sent to tie legislature,
ased them to incorporate in their
memiorial a request for $2,000 to be
epenlded in the stork of the state
OfS onussionunderthdieio
tIePish Comssisonnsu ggested that
tt of th e expense be borne by
e universlty and that the Univer-
lb0y rcivee collections made, for
ace This request was not
upo0n at the last meeting, but
Wsedy anappropriationof$0
hieade $200 of which is for the
iof a student assistant to go into
the fieldl duriing the sunmiier aiid to
stork at the collectioiis sdirin the
followiiig acadlemic year. Priof.
Reigihardl isill oiindertake theyirec-
Iisn of this wsork wsithoust compensa-
'Time plition if the Atltic s
soc~iations, iiadle through th d-s
ory hoardsifwsichliProf. sde Ifsut
is clsairusain, foi aii aliirsilsriatisisi of
S ,0 to fiti11)the fnessgrosimiss,
seas dleferredl iiitil inext iiie-tisig,
whlens miuie acirate plaiisamid esti -
iiiates caii be obtainedl. 'leIe -
gents are ini favor of iiiakillg ani ap-
President of Leland Stanford, Jr.,I
Dr. David S. Jordain, presidenit of
the Indiana University for the last
sevens years, has been offered thsey
prsdnyo h aosLlnStanford, jr., University, oif Palo
Alto, Cal., and has accepted. The
salary is $io,ooo per year stll resi-
dence. Last Suiadayniorning Sena-
tor Stainford sent for D~r. Jordan,
and aia hour later nmet himiii ni the
parlor of the National hotel, Chilca-
go, whlen, swithiout ansy explaniatioin,
lie offered hsimi the psresidlency. The
dloctor took the matter snider coin-
sideration unstil yestertday niorning,
svhen lie inotified im of liii accept-
ance. The term of offices still
begin next September.
School of Political Science at Cor-
Onue of the conditions uinder which
ex-President White, of Corinell, gave
Isis extensive library to the Univer-
sity was that a School of History
aind Political Science should be
founded. The Executive Conmnit-
lee of thse University has beens en-
gaged for several months on the or-
ganization of this school, and expect
to have the stork completed in June.
No effort still be spared to strength-
en the departmseint in every stay pos-
sible as it is intended that the courses
offered shall he the msost comsplete
given in this country. It is ain-
nsounced that toonest fellowships of
$5oo each still be established. At a
meeting of thme Executive Conmnittee
this week Professor Moses Coil
Tyler, formerly professor of English
Literature in the University of
Michigan, was elected Deain of the
new school-The Crimsson.
H. W. Eooth's Hearing. AVINiG tie expserienlce of Collee
M)ieii shio kiioss-aiiid appreciate
The relminryrhearng f I. te careful serutiniy of College Stus-
WC. tooth, swas hield this nii isis at deiits, has-mg a large torpsi of skilled
9: to o'click, iii justicev Iond's 5of1DesignersmiiidlJesweler-s siecially
ice. The witiiesses for tliv 15se- ti-ained fist badge snoiitsiler jesselledh
caition iPatroilmiansTice, Asa AIlensi-urk,iiortinig, as sit ho, idirectly
(t II. Stol.,I bert I-all andh john fom ais, Ltndoniand Aiiiustersdaim
our Dliamos and hetlstpri-eos
C'lliii-, smeve examuined.l livir tvs- Stoiiveste mitteii a posiitiinlto pro-
hinin duii evelopihedh stilmi itio e huce lt hiiiest plains aidsjewselled
thsaii has ah tresi v lie-i hihlieil.Society Ilmuigis tf sill kindss whicls are
Else hiearisngseas adljourinsesd ustsiiusifaltur-sI sthis counsitry5.
nevxt Tli srsilas- iuriga :0- -
o'clock whlein theswitnssevs will su-mu W right,}(Kay & G1o.
scribme to their testimony. It is hPOll Eift~S, .1EWELEIIS
thouimght that the sdefense isill sot '
cvnsiine imiuch tiii iecx-amiingMANUtFACTURItNGi-JIEWELEIIS.
sitinesses. Detroit, Michigan.
Dr. Martin Serenaded. Chap. Speller & .
-Last evening at 7:30 the msedical University Outfitters,
studenits assemsbledh in fronst of the
H-ospit-a1, forimed into liiie andw tlls 0llSOUTHalSrAi it Si.
thse CGerman baud at their ivath,
marchedh dowistos Dr. Martin' s resi- E N G L I S H
dence, ona North State street. After
giving the doctor a rousing svrvnadveIVLO~INTOHES
in honor of hisi proniotions, Mr.____
Shsarr, miedhic 'c i, Iizlle;a isort
seechlini behtalf of the naedical stn- TCPDI$ GQOD$
densts. To this Dr. Mhartins retalied ___
stith a swellstorded little spieech. Dr.
Carrow also made a short spaeechi, ENGLISH SERGE
after which all stenst house feeling -F01R-
that the Regents had dhone the rightCO i AID IO SR
--- + -----IJUT ARIVEDR.
Resolutions of the S. C. A. on the
Death of Herbert M. Frost.
We the members of the Students'
Christian Association of thie Univer-
sity of Michigan, are filled with heart-
felt sorrow at the death of our be-
loved Christian brother, Herbert M.
Itis modest, unlassuminsg manner,
anud his sterling Christian virtues com-
manded the respect and esteem of all
swho knew him. Itis fidelity toi truth,
his faithfulness in every dut,slid lisi
purity of character made his infhuencee
ever felt on the side of right. We de-
sire to express oar appreciation of his
true life and of his active work in the
To the mother, brothers anid rela-
tives sse extend our sincere synmpathiy
in this hour of bereavement. We can
onsly commend them andi all friends to
IHim who doethi all things swell and
who has left us the blessed assurance
that "All things work together for
good to them who are called according!
to his purpose."
E. E. Je-NNiNas,
CflflL$ BAT$ I2D BALL$
Finest and Largast
Agenst for Ann Arbor Steams Lauisdry,
quick delisvery and best wsork.

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