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March 25, 1891 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1891-03-25

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obn.According to our siew of t~1 Q~
yr.o' lenmatter the orators were ttnfortit- L
Hate in the selection of their themes,I WE WILL FOR THll.NEXET FOUR WEEKS
i ttihe l (i 0leiclpti is yehtthirteanlt ftbtiytiwI Offer fisve tons of paler of ill kinds to be sold hy the boiund at reg
., muh toug t ad lieray sill 1Ii11rates. Trv ur C Iwn iI periatl inen at 2j enits leer
SI. m, M. INDEPENDENT A SOCIATIO N. tiilttiittt aii tte rs kll itll Ie or r
IWe canitibe tter uiiti-ei 11)011 pound. tond P atper, 'Thesis, andIlTpewri ter Paper at
ni e-me ee 171 ic i i psi o issititc, if ie e ethe list < i'liGreat ha rpains. iii elotles tofma~tc lt l pamiers
Ialane Si leon eticet". 5 "011 l'l 1ii' stiiijects were as fill u>«ssat ,priat lyreduced rates.
0 1 gatti CI-k. i - -1ij io t ytc Iae C Cl1i liii I i-I l i ' (i"eiieral Q "x O O -
Weck, iat Siii-iil tituii c ilii'--, u-lNNii h W
(it'i tileiii' ii i-i
ii .."i. if he lv to iii liiliili~rtt li li liii.
Adlii sia IIiiitattiiii-iiiiie(I fmi- pIilio I )lt)
11it(- iMiiail Eitor.liiHiliii-iiis cii im-I
tlicc ci li andliilrildei''Ike
striclions onIm iiiiiratiiiii" aiwell-
ir ,uhiijiict. \llif (lie otlier ora-
tions treaiteditfithli iitg sfewichlithe
t 1 [ NE Stu 1E
-ire''ut ii on iit he av~ecrage aiudieniie is ini almiiist t oal 2ica.
inslreslill Ii i thestllleitscc ililealic e. It is such oratiiins that___ -
ceiveid sith respect to the coiiiiitioii cresswirthi listeingi to, anid the coil-
oif II . Bloiith iipon the esveningi testanlt furi oratoiclal hiiiiors of thle T~W' H E B EST"F.6---
li th tuinfoiirtuniatcaf1fiir.IIWe stiteit presenlay ili, swhsoselects a siitject Sev5nte51tealers. ii iiiiiisFurSnished i
inI our rrc1111ttihIt "Ic is siiitoIiwhichi requiires soriginat research aiiilRisiitii.25 primet;.iirculrs51 on111h
tave beenudiningnot on aniS 'ait a irtuas tvoiin al treatmilent, is slice ti e-cca.151
ceiv spcialconideatio atthe P.R. CLEARY, President._
strinoc i illc tost ic Ihanids if thlejudges oni thualu t and
polsitivlyI)thai t Mr.liBoothi Ils not lill1 1 '
the slightest idegree' enderlc helin-ii
that lie nos hut, his friendiis maie
tile' salve assertioni. 1nd1 1 tililil 11)
lice aiiut\luuiuueiuan _0i ci
'ii.jiiiclawis aretoh ngr-
tionii ti (lit a lase bill team in tile
fieldt. It liiikei t onle time is
thoughlitherestvas a IhostileIc ajit1y
ofleii 0-li iiper ii-e. Spe-1cu ialae '-- l ni
tattloctie at '. 0. IBaiherAtiopi.
"teil rat-s foret'ciiirs at. tillildatt i.
Neloal ll liol iat iiitame ist(liS.
at-v imora ionil sitt -oto's.
tipecial1 Tii' 'liensautseciaiiiltilleIC
(let that little U. of M. ltttiiii at
Fer Ysou'sfrlrislli : 'o a''32S.
" V U.n
in ttie class tthat wouldl prevcent this, Stati' street. . ,
hu eseiaeteyeetetai fl ar-Descmritptive Geiometry. Finil- TRC AR RE INTRDUCED
buleterday te estea i 'I-ewilcnitavr bhy i retilig to TO SCHOOL -
ntiaper Iitepro f1 . 1) iisioin. I.1. .PA iiE"i. =OFFICERS,
Mairstllt, silt1as they Isase sioine ex-S HSi'T sO ttnsm.-Mr. IBert trvin
celleit tise hll niterlut, t oey te Ing trw i tiermthofiskhllline, Su Ir-
bletiardl rro ini thla tls contests. slay,Marceli s,18 11, with Ia fl litis' of Nc. DEAnBORtN s8'. chica o.
It 1islfoirtunsate Iithtte tsrgiest 1 esIs' ssnsteplgesits (l
class iin the Un itsirsityi stiiouil1beso iAtwayts a le'adesr in styess.
hatlcin ittsletic enithiisiaism.TihleyI 5 .11 isiIl, Theislottr.I
tailedh utttcl 'toI' is Gis e thle lit 1111 Ii t rad ests in' m'sitisii . 'sr s' htiss
i howNis ii'ttis' talasnss if thi
the tire senlt inicationtts ire tliitat . ithy olye at- we-sfor5witles'ivesisi a beneist-,
.\larshlu inptellint tis Ii 151forlls'hiics' is blilillillst htis. Se'e' ii ii71 Fort St.,West. - Detroit,ioh.
sitoc , Etiltolits' Ill'es. EVEi' plil tie s'- --
tl i eld wil'av til i ctn is t i'l 0c. strings ' 5ip5 to yitn5' Ii i t y-i,
aisttit tonieiirab 501 elentopsiin ts at rc.'i o.totI vne
NV Ps's 'u I 'IC'iii 'itii.
but hat dtih isin mny espets undsiu'o- f noitd sI lssin trouiser's 4
w.orse' tiitpsath ,idifte rence, iiiilalik ntis, at 'Irs c oitls'.
ofilla sssenithuitsasm.thBsfiire'ssdeintg- a stirintp sit Iii 5)1515- ; F {)T 0 v ( A t
. .cass's'the is' eIis'fferedl bl' the'G(ldelnI
'T'iim. orationis inithe ijuir r t :ig 'Cltitinsg Co.. (s'10s'sWoodswardI ise., Nt). 12 W IV' iMtN S'I'.
,Detroit. Yoin sutiall sit issly sassve tsn__-- _
toeieal contest at 'Iate sere stInk- dlshi )iti a stithtit ps'rt this' hset'it ssf t'ortiellI I'elI,'selIt, \elIC'srsiell
ugly (ifs c-ccnt ini character frssom s 'ssss Itteri td ut't tt
ttsos iiiour iltiest.res'ien'statissivof theis'rttitwsill Ofse isit Grand (Opnera Rouse
ths norcnet 1 ae ihrtI 1~reey.u~~ c tone' excepltion, the subt)eets seere Goossyear andshSt. Ittinse' 1rccGsoohs Tird
Store. Any eommuntnicatissn heft at the Thrsay, April 2', 1M)31.
somiething nese. 'hiey swere time 'Taken: F'rotn lrof. Steere's roonm, CORNELL UNIVERSITY
suhjects, if sie tmay sise thseswordh. latest edition of ''Cone's Key t
At thse cotitest last Fridaywehlearned North American Btirtds," haeing GLEE, BANJO MANDOLIN
niothingisesw with the tpossible ex name of A. Peters in it. Retturn to 7':-S
g ~~~~~Prof. Steere, Room iS$.tiyao'ocA.M
cepton f Mr Keley' ortionon ineths taken in thie evening by prices, - 35, 50 and 75 Ms.
-Enmilo Castelar" Thsis is meant as electricity, $t.oo a dozen, at Kel- ?
nio disparagensent of the other ora- ley's, No. 6 Huron street.,dayats i n ate t s toflio Nes Stand, Fri-
Xa 'o idea't u iltliime of
Fine Fprji1hing$
Adler's Kid Gloves,
Perrin's Kid Gloves,
Made to Order and Satsfflfh'011
.>?S.mTA'Tii ST., ANN.sti~i
Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
Michigan Railway. .0
Tame' rale goinig into etoet, tuItlutkithi
ItIN NORH. i-aisteeiExpressi mi M ll........iO -
Mit. Pleaisait Paisse gere..... .."
55t. itlesats Ex s s -........ it i.. l l 1i
Manitistee malt .............
W5. 11. -BENNErr, It. S. GOIl 51 Ages
Gen. Piss. Agent. Cocol ~e

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